Show 0Go 10 S F BALL TEMPLE CAFETlFiJAff STREET For Cakes Candle Dread etc Tourlsu 1lIneh1 and Sandwiches 1101 Lunch u till J Chas W Slayner LAWYER MoCornlcknioliarde Dulldlna First South Street Salt Lake City ESTATES Heir and others hiving an estate to settle should consult Chas W Sla nero He has had an experience of ever lwenlflv ears as attorney for rabies Willi dratted and estates settled Office McCornlckKlclurdllulldlngSalt Like City LAND CASES Tenons Ironing land l contracts or whole patrnu are delayed should consult con-sult Chas W Signer lie has Just returned from Whl lon where he hues Ion conducting a successful practice In the General Land l Oilier Congressional work attended to Office McCornlckUlchard llulldingSalt Lake City Correspondence solicited l Send impel envelope lor reply SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES nibA THE UNION PACIFIC To Salt Lake City for the Territorial Fair and Slxtyllith SemlAnnual Conferonce Oc lobo 2nl to 7lli For above occasion the UNION PACIFIC I Mil sell Excursion Ticket It the allowing rates lo Salt take City sari return Prom Rat From Rill wrornw 100UO aINNae tarwN Sew ill srseeet I rHoita La 11xpl a1 slaa I ra I Nn M RsewI Yrle d ti Y il Oa = war trs tra1aaWe uroes H 1H i 1rmtnu I ins P t TSSMM Or tVT aJwho t Army ass rte111m iJJ I IIUII friu IhIh ale nithoiij tee Cull track an e niittiiffiu ape l 5r5 b cal HeVwn tfl Kit = I neo anaetlea JS Ii ebne n o ssir = S H a 1 w r 1M J LM irTNlS1 7M Irrr tie Hi > ea 1e MliltM II yra pas JUDU Ilespeiaar rue ifi lb e aeam i Wlirr1 Hi amtns > Ksneb aM ll Yens l1 lilit noel aw tnlntle N rNit w nods twee M Ussl > ebe inn lemtMsi ibm 1 t r fenlaN hoe Hose toe IS Ilaartoy IlanIali0e I writ iii L i take t nat Inesarale ii s tea J Jk at ii fslUIJJ ra in r 1 1 rase no Ira J nlsn SI Alt I IT 1as w rualna amerra Pork Ia C h aeo t el tea I t iSr t Lhr Jseellvn 1 tl II rr IS 111 Okllll tan rl H auo IQeaLt i su llantellr fan rarrmala l rr axes i rrnkl a p Irerera 1 Cm sue am AnorWii rslll KM tmunn an HoWnl JO eneerYte LJ klosms 10 1 M llmmotn oil tehN IHI In era uoo rialy ono lirsirrCinjoo teas YanaNe Ohl Ury Cmll 11M lNr Port Lw SIIUNG DATESProm all points October < l 10711 Inclusive good 1 lor return until October Ijth D E EURLEY Genl Anent Imo cr Department Salt Lake I City I Make I i Your OYLY 5c A LtCIL Ii i I Wants jIT j IIj j II Known n 0 N n aarNu Nina nr IY tit It WILL PIT YOU TO DO IT ROBERT SOrJN R Superintending the thoting of Sunol with the Putnam Nail rn IIILI s Para laaw 1nteA1t ralfxtn r1L Vrraaii W Nep tK1 ll Y tiI > nm 5 rsa r > a sm Ih 1 nam al oilasa I wt 1 Lae Yaw sea WII see own WI t M = aorta erae rIW ov wl t viruses oa n o taf MII Co n Year them Ih tYteuY neN n 1eryI NII lel an ral It wLINWr ms 5 it M0 J am aaaavtm its anVrlnNn yraq rYtyeUYtly yowl Vila Putnam Nail It the only ci clutlvoly KotForcod and Plum morPolnted nail Look In your omllha shoolne to If tho nalt have emootii udyae for the whole length they ore the PUTNAM for they are HanmierPolntod nnJ uro not ehonroJ Th shore plaaro from nLeq r epl In AlrlanumrlnrhrNOf6nM1aA mnn a Puiniin Lilloklb mpelnt me aDe siren Lof urolni lesser lultrstorm era Wlr tt mfr h fe an 1 I tr vIW wil urrlu OY I 1 eal ataaap Ior I usu act PUTNAM NAIL 001 Kriionict t IJoalca Mass Ior S ie ty 7 c M I I and Ilranch Houics THEY DUILD UP UTAH and are entitled IJ the suppose 611EY people lly dealing with the merchant who give preference J lo the tale ol Home Made goods you help the Home Industry SUpp RT llhItIIi I IN IITISIItYtto You help lo give employment to worthy people you I help 15 keep money at home which circulates our midst and you gel back a part of that money again In your business or profession Keep r fr 1 r rU thlkl r this In mind every dollar expended for Ulah I made goods means wore employment for home labor every dollar expended for goods manufactured manu-factured elsewhere means employment lor somebody living elsewhere and whole Interests are generally not with us Charity begins at home4 THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO SELL HOME MADE GOODS This When Is I a lime you for wish both to common buy anything sense I and be sure patriotism to look over the following list Irefrre making your purehwet = = JOHN IIlG iAN SON P Merchant Tailors The Latest and Most Fashionable Styles 173 So State St S rwH DODGE I FerMot ARBOGAST CONFECTIONERY COMPANY 100 S Mnn Gtraot Homo Mado Confectionery and Boston Ico Cream ICE rniuM von riiTifN itornw ANn ntNTAUiuxn AT UK > IIULKl HUM UANIIIIM AND KK CIIUAM FIIU1U LVKIir UAY Ttlcphon lit I SALT LAKE COSTUMING HOUSE Mnsquorndo and Theatrical Costumes for flont Sand for Catalogues Mnnu an urors and Importers of nil kinds of Hair Goods Wholosalo and llutall Hair fought or E FIRST SOUIfI Deseret Woolen Mills Company horns laDSlry 1 d U Ertrj DiprtmEl FRANK JENNINGS President 7 J C MURPHY St CO fj Mnulaelur ofRub bee Slam a Stenclll Steel r ff S4mps Key Check Itdlt 1IIet Datei s IIC 1 Wood anKrulnE In III I I lis hrneh s J I Seoad lJ South Street Salllke Clly UIh t l rW Ire manulaeturara mid eEnl OGDEN BROOM FACTORY 5I a SCOVILLE Prop Manucturo sod wholes de dealer In all kinds of Am IJrOOtnl Warranted Gina BlO moasn antd 13ROOliS ad Cluei lInd hd FACTORY AT 2441 GRANT AVENUE OGDEN UTAH JH KNICKERBOCKER OPTICIAN > 107 W 2nd l South W Uooly Block Cpl C I eOt lrinc It A N lasetf a r Bo B toll p Tailor Uho will give jou TIN MK CPNT Discount on all A1 derlisement nllIM J Cleaning Dyeing Repairing and Altering High 1 Class l work at Loisest Irlces x270 STATE STREET LITTLE ROUNDY CO 54 MAIN STKCCT STOM IATIS riowiu POTS ETC onooKintY CHINA AXDhAair noons WATSON BROS Marathon Cratos Tllo Monuments Marblo and Stono work of nil doscrlptlons Manufacturars and doiiora In tho Celebrated Utah Ovx Utah Op1cal I Co 49 Yr 2ud South IwNrllTs tIlos i crrf II wlili lllsiies 17 PROF MITCHELL Ne eAary fa Ltmne tits Leyrrrer and Hmufwlurla SlontlflO OntOlAn CARLSON BROTHERS Manufacturers ol LEADER and other brands of OEGrAIESJS Factory jtd l floor Walker Urns llank lluildmg Salt lAke Clly ALL OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED Call and soo our Crayons wo can EOVO you GO per oont ELMS GOODWIN IllOTOIiRA I Ill BUS 04 Wn + t Second South Strnnt = Snit Lain Cltv I Utal GOLD and SJILVER PLA TJJSrGr H M LLOYD Manufacturing Jeweler 248 W South Temple Street 11 JOHN CAMENCINT FirstClass Custom Shoe Maker and Repairer Perfect Fit Guaranteod = = o BASEMENT UTAH NAT BANK BALL G GROCERY COj e1 ° 212 State Street a J C Soil IAal3Qer I r Dealers In Himo M nufacturor and Grown Goods Wu carry n Full Lno of Staple and Fancy Grooerlos Oivo us a Cull Telephone RICHARD E EVANS FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN > Order by mall or telephone promptly attended to Floral n slenl end Immortelle a specialty Kesldence and Greenhousetoy West hill South tit Popular Grove JO Main Street t under Cutler beat store 1861 READING SEED AND FLORAL CO 1893 More I motor i Ullh National nank Offlrr 314 IX Boo Foolb HreelSnH take c 11 S1 I D8 1 > L N rS nULBS P O Box jUj bed turn C at rvlh JOHN 0 CUTLER BRO AGENTS PROVO WOOLEN MILLS 3G Males Street Salt Like City 1Ve have a full line of all kinds ofWoolen Goods and are making Clothing In both ready made and made to order and l uniforms ofall kinds F PLATT COMPANY Established Mannhelariisol Interiors 11I11 HARNKSS SADDLES COLLARS We make arfllT of blook Si M 1 ti HMD Rtslx H reel Silt Iss City Suits Mado to Ordor In thoLatost Sylas First Class Pit and Work Quarantood or no Pay THE UTAH TAILOR in Cast lllul osth Slrrr cirur Hlaie Nlrrrt hsll Isle cltr FISHER BREWING CO = = = = = = Cntors Espooally to Family Trade Ordora by Tuiuphono Promptly Attondod to Ilre ery Phone Ko ae3 Down I Town lleidquirttrs rsenry Na tea JAKE ALTS 109 Main St THE CRAGER IRON WORKS M Market Sued Salt Lake City Minufacluren ol nil kind of Iron and l Steel Tenets link Oflice and Countet Rallag This Is a home Industry that will duplicate any pr lets made by eaueri firms 0 Electric Turning manufacturing Co r3t31 WI a II H011111 il Jlt1fIC < M1 r = = = = = = = = William WUmar do Sons Manufacturers of tha Colo bratod Monarch Wiistilnu Maohlno tho nowost and bost labor saving machlnu In tho markou TROY STEAM LAUNDRY Elegant work Prompt service Homo labor employed 142 Main Street W L PICKARD COMPANY ilsnufaetursr and Importer ot Harness Saddles SaddleryHardwaro and Leather M West Scenes Strsot Salt Lake City Utah Salt Lake GoopBrativB Iron Works I nCO I ° d Miniibrlurcrs rl all kinds of IRON and BRASS CASTINGS MACHINERY and l IIUILIK WOltK ILDING MINING and l MILL WOUK Ollice and Work IJJ and IJ5S Third West SI m PRACTitAl MfR WORK mmm G HIGSOn ANDERSON ROSSITER COMPANY PLUMBERS GAS STEAM AND HOT WATER FITTERS Jobbtnr promptly altsnilsj lo All work nusrsnl J 123 U lent South HI American Biscuit Mailactiiriii Co UMiiser Ii Crab Crtiti h Manufacturers of fine Crackers and Cakes Cream and Snowflake bodas In I 2 and 5 pound bones gal South Second West Slrcit Henry Wallace Manager THE STAR BAKERY II AND LUNCH ROOM This la tho Placo to llnvo Your Daokot Lunchos put up I EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS AND PRICES REASONABLE 230 MAIN STPEBT I HULBERT BROS TRUNK AND BAG MANUFACTURERS KEPAmNGm 1 St Ol 1iTiUNKS r TAKPNIiNhEXCIIANGIL 5IECIAIT 011I TIWNI5 T r FN IN RXCII NGIt 0 THEGIESY FOUNDRY MACHINE CO Tho Now Hard Iron Combination a Spoclnlty Crusher Jaw J bhoe and Dig I furnimhcvi on short notice also all kinds of Iron and flaw 1 work attended lu with promphreta and dispatch and at rea tonill price Oho us a call at No 101 S Fifth West SI Salt Lako City CAR LOAD OF omes r prait Bottles And Extra Rubbors Jlht Arrival lit SALT LAKE EQUITABLE COOP CORNER RICHARDS ST Wo hall Lead In Prim Cot our Ouotatton Arbucklos Coffee per packej Rae IUII CCIII Leese I IX I Java per pound Canine per paekso t 210 Old < l hut 10IlrKoala Knl oack boa l liT par pnekage I ai gnldlareack I Ito I u a large liars lloo > 0 1 Ih I ll gNoipfor 110 < I no young Jlyson JapsiT Ii t per pk Ie I pound sack < o i1lnemukluglobecoJu ALL OTHER CnOCERICS JUST AS CHEAP I |