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Show H NEWS SUMMARY. H A Uwaty of Arbitration between H ivJr ad tb rolled mates hu ben HH The report that Nnaal boa nont ft BM sow m petition In math I'ersla In HBj denied. 1191 Tha Japanese) o( Xal Island, Ha- ftVjj ll. are drilling, preparatory to Ko- BESj Inr; home lo partlelpntai In the war. BBBM IUbbet blew open the safe In thn BBBB bank at Mirt. Minn , ami Mctirol H 00 Id rush and llHOOfl In ngntlabl H rIr BBBJj Merlin bu iwuntl the two million H taark In pnpnlnlkm of the city proper. j The poller register shows I.Ml.tOO BBBB Inhabitants BBBj Twn firemen lost thHr Uvea, several BBBJj (xirMHia wen Injured and property HH valued at Iblft.QflO was datro)ed by j Ore in Minneapolis, Minn BBBtj The cuotract lor the mI nf tho prop- HH orty owned by Mia World's Pair com- BJ rany In a ('hlcaan wrecking company Hj for 45,0) Iim lieen signed. BBj A Jury of alateen mm h awurn In KVAW at nWtiE Hun, lnl. lo try James (111- j llsple, ufiml of the murder of his H twin Hitler, Itllsaheth tllllnple Hj Tlin ItltsabethgrAd. Iltinln, town HH council hu rejected Die petition of AfgV llnbbl Trtkln In favor of lho juaim- BBBB catkin of Jewa Id participate, In munlcl- H pal election H Htatlatlrs Just published show Hint BBBJ during tbo period between January 1, H ISO, and Juno SO, 0fl(, them wero M kUlotl In strike His, Injured 10CC and H arrested 14. H J. I), HIcbardaon nf Mlnnonpolta, B shot and Jilll.il Mlaa NHIIn Christian. BBBj iion, a dressmaker, on 0110 of lbs prin- H clpal business streets, and then shot BBBj and killed hlmKlf. BBj Go. Iltoosscl, thn ItuMlan military BBBj commandrr nt I'ort Arthur, aconnllnR H dispatch from Clicfoo lo lho Dally BBB Telegraph, haa ngaln been wounded, M thla tlmo by n rifle bullet H John McClure. a nno-lecKed minor, H ahot and killed Julliia O'HImi, both em- B Dloym of a livery itabln In lo H Ancnloa, Tbci men quarreled about a H halter worth ahoul ten trntt, H Chief Cenm bereft of Moicow haa H fluuod a warnlne to lho edltora of tho V ) Jocal papora to Innert iiottilur In tlirtr H (Won In ronnnctlou with tho dolnga F ot lomattoa and town couuclla. H All tho brick layera unlnna of New M Tork City wero nlnel from atrlk- 1 lag on a building at Madlaon aronuo M and Ninety n'Tintli itrL by ordor of fc " 3tle6,BC6U ft,lho-BuprtnTi'eiurt.''f H Henry Mltrhell. mi Inventor, was H frorfully mangled at lleynolda, whllo H axpartmcntlnf with a amokeloai H powder which ho Intended to aubmlt H for Iim uio of lho Itnlteil Rtatoa army, H IlAlibcra enlcrcsl tho poatofllcti at H Itnlnbock, ln durliiR tho night and j Cot away with !500. An etcbango H of ihoU took plaro between a posaa H Dt cJtlicni. but tho mbbura mads their H taeaiH). H A lono robber held up thn bank H Of Chliholm, Mlrh , during bualnoaa A houn, lecured K500 and oacaped. Ho forced Catbler (Irlealer Into tho vault Bt the muulo of a revolver and locked 10 door. H Xor tko Dflh Unto within two montha H tha Nowport Iron Foundry and Ma- m chine rompony'a building, Now(ort m Kr- haa been dynamited. No Uvea B wero loit and tho workmen In tha J plico all caraped Injury HHj Tbo American Hheet Tin I'lato com- H paay aUrlnl thlrlyxivcn tin plats 1 tallli In I'lllahurg on lho 12th, Of tbo H tl tnllta all but aeven are now run 1 Bine, and It la luppoard they will bo H tlne before tho end of tbo week. H Tho bill providing for tho repeal of B tie Umber nnd atono act, which has BH pAJeod the rrnato, will not ba rr H rortod to tho tionio. Tho public land Jl onmmltteo, by a voto of 10 to 4, de- BH pldlnit to Indefinitely poatrano tho BBj naiure. Ei That tho ventnllonal death of Mr. BH Cyvoton, tho Natlunalltl leader, of VAw' rarla, wa a rano of aulclde, aa aa. BB irted by thn nuthurltlea, and not duo j either tq accident or naalnatlnn, la BV pow admitted by tha family of tho BBV Aa4 man, B It It tald that Mr Wilfrid I-aurlnr, BB tho Canadian Premier, cut short hla BB Vlult to California by reiuon of a hugs H polltloal acaudnl alleged to bo brewing BBB In Ottawa, and which hat for fu aup- BBB rosed object the defeat of tho Govoro- HBB went party K Charlea H. Hhlovloy of Itlcumond. BBB nd aupreme thnneniior of tho Knlghta H o t)tbloa of tho world haa ruled BB that Aaayrlaiia do not belong to tho D9H pegro race and are eligible to tnom- T-WM lurthlp In Ihn order The oueitlon- JAW roi at Uarlliigton, H. C. HB lluaata haa aubmltted to lira govern BW tnent a new furm of arbitration treaty Bff trlileh that country la willing to nego. B tlato. Aa the Huilan draft dlffsra BM radloolly from (but auggaatad by Eecreury Hay It U eipoeted tho negr atloni will roqulru aomo time. BKV Maddened at iwrental objection to 1 jbla courtahlp, John Swank, It yra H )f,i, a huh at tool pupil of North Man- H . cheetar, Ind., ahot Mlaa Uuiinls Albar, j JC -raara old, In tho left atda. and when BKV sunued by Infuriated relatives of the Bh girl, kaot a bullet Into bla own brain. |