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Show <t tt In Europe. A Hair function. The great War in Europe still drags ESDA Y nJ SATURDAY, -- i.ii.hl .wrv W ED-skirmish.recon-noissanc- e Commkt. along with an occasional bytlieOoDEN Publibhino to sortie Business or Manager, keep it moving, but JAMES McGA W, President &d b to whom all Business communications snould does not furnish items sufficiently senaddressed. the public.upon whom sational to FRANKLIN D. KTCHARDS, C. W. PENROSE, Asbociatb Editor. Editor. 04.0I.V, UTAH. ITeihrestfay Morning Oct 19, 1870 satisfy two or three thousand dead and wounded, the burning of ft eity or the sacking of a town makes but little impression after the great events of a few weeks t: . Soissons on the ago. north-wes- By telegram from Beaver, we learn (Bat Associate Judge ITawrcy has been holding Court in the District assigned to him. For this the Judge is entitled to commendation', particularly as it is rather unusual for Judges pent to Utah to honor the laws which they are sent The Organic Act to adminirtrate. tHat "the Judges nhn.ll, after proTides theip appointments, respectively reside in the diotricts which shall be assigned them." We are not aware whether Judge ITawlcy intends to carry out this pro vision of the law or not, but as he professes to lw very anxious that the "Mormons" shall obey the laws of the United States, it is to be presumed that he will be consistent enough to set them an example in this particular. If he does, his course will form another brilliant exception to tho general coarse f the judiciary assigned to conutry districts. Our admiration for the Judge's course in holding Court at Heaver, is however completely swamped by his ruling, referred to in the telegram, that a would-b- e murderer, named Peden, who was sentenced to thirty month's imprison ment and fined by tho Probate Court of Beaver County, must bo set at liberty because Probate Courts, in the Territo ries, hare jurisdiction only in proof of wills, and administration of estates," and that all appeals from Justices Courts, must be to the District, and not to the Probate Courts. This ruling, in violation of the Organic Act, and the laws of the Territory enacted in pursuance of powers granted by it, turns loose upon the people a criminal of the worst character without punishment or further trial. The Organic Act provides in Sec. 0 that "The jurisdiction of tho several iolh eourts herein provided for, appellate and original, and that of the Probate Courts, and or Justices ol the Peaoe shall be as limited by law." Certain restrictions are made in the tame section concerning the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, but not in Tegard to the Trobate Courts; their powers are to be defined by law. In an Act of the Legislature, approved Jan. 19th, 1855, Sec 29, provides that "The several Probate Courts in their respective Counties have power to exercise original jurisdiction both civil and criminal and as well in Chancery as at Common law, when not prohibited by legislative enactment; and they shall be governed in all respects by the came general rules and regulations as regards practice as the District Courts." In an Act approved Feb. 4, 1852, Sec. 11, provides for appeals from the Justice's Court to the Probate Court These Acts as well as all others passed hj the Territorial Legislature have been submitted to Congress according to the provisions of the Organio Act, Sec 6, and as they have not been disapproved, they are of full force and effect, and no Judge in this Territory has legal power to set them aside. The magnate of the Scoond Judicial District is acting in imitation of tho presiding genius of the First, and they both Sold themselves above the Territorial Statutes. The Chief Justice considers bis a United States and not a Territorial Court. If a caso comes bofore him, and tie laws of the Territory happen to conflict with his notions of jurisprudence, he spreads himself on Federal wings and mounts above them. We invito him to fold his flapping pinions, and come down to the regions of common sense whilo W9 offer him a little nut to crack. As Judge of a District Court he grants appeals to the Supreme Court of this Territory. If the District Courts are Federal, and not Territorial Courts, then the Supreme Court of which he is the Presiding Judgo is not a Territorial Court, but the Supreme Court of the United States. Wo were under the impression that that Court should be held at Washington, and that a distinguished and honorable gentleman, named Chase, was its Chief Justice. ' Aro we mistaken and is Judge McRean, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States ? Or are the District Cour's, Territorial Courts after all, whose Constitutional jurisdiction is "as limited by law? Crack that if you please, your Honor ! and Or- of Paris have leans on the south-webeen captured and invested by the Prussians, and several small successes near the walls of Paris have been achieved by But the grand movement the French of the war the attack on the capital, is in these startling times, rather a slow affair. It was supposed that the bombardment of Paris would take place on the of the 17th inat., the anniversary to in 1813, at battle of nations Leipsic, inet. 18lh Tvium the of London which the calls attention. It is understood that all the Prussian batteries are to open fire simultaneously when the bombardment commences, but while the French keep possession of the forts and man them as they do now, it is almost impos-bl- e for the Germans to approach near enough for their purpose. The French fire is said to be incessant and of tremendous force, and is kept up by some of the best gunners in the world. Bourbaki, who escaped from Mcli, is commanding a French detachment. Bazai tic is reported as having cut his way from durance vile and beating the Germans completely, and at the same time sending one of hig. Generals to arrange for capitulation. A discriminating public can read both reports and take their choice. Intelligence from Paris by balloon and from persons who have lately been in the French capital, shows that the Parisians are calm, determined and The German armies are desperate. and the being constantly is field estimated the now force in total at 000,000. A new pebble cast into the troubled waters of Europe is the attitude of Holland and Belgium, who are supposed to be on the eve of plunging into the war, taking sides against Prussia. In this case we may look for a general The European powers are commotion. like little boys who go to swim when the water is rather cold; and Bit on the bank stripped and ready to pitch in, but wait hesitating, till some adven turous urchin makes a plunge; then and floundering what a splashing ensues ! Austria and Russia are represented to be forming an alliance in favor of peace, which is a very ominous union, and looks more like an extension and continuation of the war. Spain has enough to do with her own internal troubles, and Italy is occupied with affairs at Rome. Winter will soon add its rigors to the horrors of bloody battle-field- s, and white victims the over a of pall spread the demon of war, but it will take some s and chill thing more than to cool blasts the of hostile fever ing nations and quench the thirst of struggling armies for each other's blood. The end of the war no man knoweth. st Federal FUgM. t, parts, the upper closing over the lower, like a parrot's bill. The jaws appear to be of extraordinary power." Those who have wives or daughters who will wear those hideoud deformities, called jute sa itches" or "chignons," should send them to the Museum to see the "borer" which makes its home in those lumps of ugliness, and at the same lime inform the ladies that many "women in the States have been brought to the door of death through the ravages of But when these "vile little insects. woman delights in the unnatural, who or what can bring her to her senses! John Cordon, was brought before Alderman Shupe, yesterday, on a charge of soiling liquor without a license, and was convicted and fined $10 and coEts. Aldf.bmas's Court. "Who is this Dan. Wood who is selling wino so cheop and of the very best quality." "Why, don't you know ? It is that chop who used to keep the peanut stand in front of the Ogden House. His wine is as good again, and twice as cheap as any other in town. Call and try it. He has the best candies that you 84-- 1 ever tasted." pig" No mistake Williams & Co. will sell lumber, cheaper than any house in Ogden, at their yard near the Junction Otlice. - Office of Ogden Junction, Ogden City, Utah Territory, Oct. V.), 3870. I'MCE LIST. WHOLESALE 80c. POTATOES 50c. " " " " I)i:iMTJIILT, 12. per bushel. APPLES, $1. BEEF oa foot, 8c. pr !b. HAY $8. to $10. per too. 9. per yard. " " " " " " " " 85c. 11.15 to $1.40 IX Mil ER KHI.NULE3,-4.(NJto$5;- A Fine Stock of " PALL GOODS, " Consisting in part of " " Irish Poplins, Scotch Plaids, Merino and J22.no to &15.UO per thousand fei't. Hosiery and (.'loves. Hoods, uhia A Hreahfast Shawls, California ISlan- oictii oc; oi: n atki k kcts, Hoots and Shoes. DKAMAT1C 'ASSOC IATIOX. Hats, Clothing, Theatre ogden ON THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBERA "ILL BE PRESENTED THE ROMANTIC Sensational Drama, in two acts, entitled .... the Maniac Lover, or the Fuyre Muyde of Mil haol Erie, the Maniac Lover, 11. C. Wardluiirh. T. W. Kirbv Phillip D'Arvillo E. W. Wmlc. Miles Melville - J. .lone. Andrew Adze T. It. llellu. David tiillitlower IKa?" The Drugs and Medicines at Stephen (iii aril F. Dudiiiiin. A. Chudw k:k. Paten the Pioneer Drug Store, Main St., Ogden, Jackson F. William. are of the finest quality, tho Wines mid Mary Woodward, the Favre Mavdi of Lichfield, M is M. A. Ellis. Liquors of (ho purest brands. Miss Viola Oi.ier. Julia Spring 70-t- f Mrs. Dame gtiiplctoii Mary Cnimlall. Villagers, ele A Ancli.no for Flats. gentleman of Duet, ,;Swcet spirit, hear inv praver," Misees M. A. and .1. A. Ellis." this city has lately received one of those Comic Song, "Corporal Schnapps." H. C. Waulloigh I'.ast-er- n Bkks. I have a few hives of I will sell at twenty dollars which bees, for hive cash, grain or potatoes. per Jambs McGaw, Ogden City. 82tf Lii hlii Id. farce of To conclude with the ... Patrick McNoirerty, with songs, II. Major T. P"iTjacket Chariot Li vingstone - Nancy Laura - - - - - C. Wardleij;li. R. O. Itenctt. E. W. Wade. Mr. Mary Crandall. Miss E. S. Mcchaui. W ILLnext,REat 0 OPEN a.m., - OX MONDAY in the Seventies Preparatory " Commercial " " " " " 7.00 10.00 Payment in Advance. Win. T. BURTON, Principal. LUMBE IT AR 1. JAJIKN R HOME Iron and snow-storm- STOYES, d. DRUGS MEDICINES IViiies and Liquors. 78-- tf HOTELS. OGDEN HOUSE, MAIN STREET m sup-pU- EXCEPTED, ticket at Passengers will please purchase tlu-ithe otti' . Fifty cents additional will lie charged when the fare is collected on the train. FARKS: to Kaysville Ogden " Fiirininlou " (Vlltleville WimiiI's Cross Suit City " " $1.35 tl. lino For all information concerning Freight or sage, apply to D. 0. CALHER, Ticket and Freight Agent. Pt. JOSEPH A. YOUNC, SLTEKINTENDEST Coal Sl Lime Constantly on liand, at the Y.irJ, On llu Corner XVvst of Hit Ogricn Then (rev COAL! COAL! liUlSJXIIVO COAL! OWN SOX & CO. ARE NOW PREPARED furnish the Lest quality of Coal, at TO $4.00 per Ton, Titliin? Offlce Stroet, on the Cars, at Echo. All orders addressed to ROBINSON t e. Co, Summit County, Utah, will meet with prumpl attention. 4:Mm Ki:i:i YOI7IB HOUSES TOIIN HARNETT, W1UTKWASHER, COLC J er and Plasterer, One and a Half Blocks Wtrt of Weler House. Work done with promptitude and dispatch. 60-t- f X.II.IYaiitcd Twenty Logging Teams, to Stock the Miil T. II. WI5KSTKK, on Shares. Hoot mid Shoe Maker, FASHIONABLE Cricket, Base Ball and Race Shoes made toordtt. Repairs neatly executed. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF THE WHITE HOCK. W-3- TR. WARREN MA- O. CHILD'S FLAMNII chin will run on TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. HtMr. Wheeler's Lumber Yard, Main Street, Oden, for the accommodation of nil persons wishing lumber planed. Terms, 17.60 per tU-- tf tlioutaud. 1J Live Stock & Bees. C. WOOVMAKSEE, Main Street, Ogden, DEALER IK GENERAL MERCHANDISE, . DRY GOODS, GROCERIES Wm. D. ROBERTS ITRrOSES to purchase on commisAGRICULTURAL IMPLEMNTS,ETC. sion and import Live Stock of all kinds; A Good Supply of MECHANICS' he also guarantees to deliver Italian Mm Bees in patent movable frame hives, at TOOLS on hnuil. $25. per colony. For further particulars upply to James McGaw, at this office, (J. II. Basset t, at Kimball & Lawrence's Store, Salt Lake City, or IS NOW PREPARED TO himself, at Provo City. 8l!.tf JOHN Sl'RIOC.S furnish tlo lies ipiality Coal pRO. 1) going East COAL! COAL! WILL ARRIVE THIS DRUCS&MEDICINES WEEK re-op- THAIS Leaving Oplen City 9 a.ni. and Salt Lika City 4.4o p.m. on which full fare will cMiiUi t!i pur' chaser of a ticket to return on the fame day and train free, and will slup liy arraniug wiin jn Conductor, at any sint on the lim to tuku on or let otl passengers. 1I PLANING MACHINE. and p.n Quantities to suit purchasers will lie sold chftp, fur Cash or tlrain. For particulars appljontli J. M. THOMAS, Vruurietor. premises. LUMBER YARD MANUFACTURE, CHARLES PEARCE, SUNDAYS DAILY, Having located their Slwun Mill on the Middle Fork of the Ogden Hiver. 1'.' ni'lc Ogden City are now prepared to til! lill.l.S UF 1,1 MKKK mi In a lew short notice, at cm cot market pri-e- s. days wo slis.ll open a On 2.15 WILL RUN to. ..V leave Otrien daily at 8 a.m, mj Arrive at Salt Lake City at 10 a.m. auj ncill In addition to the ahove an f 84-- 1 MAIN STREET, OUUKS, The Dtterei Ctlli tlit attention of the Public to hit New Splendid Assortment of Evening Newt of Monday last gives the Tin particulars of a fire which occurred at Copper, First and Third iuaiji J sTii,i-n;T- , COMPLETE A APSOKT-men- t ol PKl'tiS AX1 MEDICINES. Also, a Pnlendid Stock of DRY GOODS, nil i v. CERIKS and NEWS! NEWS! NEWS! . IE. JIciaKF.diOfU TO BROOM'S CORNER, MAGAZINES, NEWS- HAS street, Oplen, where he is prepared to furnish the LATEST NEWS OF TUB DAY i'ROM EVERY PA lit ijtf T11K WORLD. Subscriptions received for all Kinds of DOOKS, PAPERS, Both American and See. European, Prices. ic,at Publishers' Tins is the onlv KIRST-CLASSTATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT in Ogden. A largo Assortment constantly on hand. Call and Examine, for yourselves. "Mm c. B. McCRECOU. YOU WOULD BE WELL FORTIFIED, TRT LEATHER. 1 ....... ir..nnu xu. If n. will not soil vnn lilM!ll f.KATIIEK as the llMlt. and M clW ilk the cheapest in the market. 11 YDE8 and BARK WANTED. JONATHAN BROWNING. 4C3ki PUKE LI QUO US. Prescription., carefully prepared, All Ordors promptly filled. ltf REMOVED Coa- OCDEN TANNERY. IF OGDEN. RKCKIVKD, PER TON ards' STOKE . 1ST W AT $4.00 on the Cars at Echo. All orders to lie addressed John Pprippi, lville, Summit county, Utah Territory. & BOESSEL PARPE jIki turret, Ogdm City, Watchmakers, Jewelers &(iinsinitlis. Watches. Apents for 'American and Elgin Keep constantly on hnnd a lnrise assortment "J tine Jewelry, Fi"ireign Watches, Ouns, 1'istoU, W Ammunition of all kinds. Purchasers will do well to examine our Stoca before purchasiDK elsewhere. , carefully done and all work warrant. Retiring Tim - TT. BREWERY . BEST BEER IN WEBER LUt.y-manufactured and for sale in quantities oi from Three OallonJ and upward at Mcndelsonn. t, Brewery, East of the White Honse Hotel, , Ogden. ' Ordort SW.wns and Families Btipplied. Joeeive prompt attention. rnilB I aMt FOR S ALE. TOWNSEND HOUSE, rOH KVEUYHODY! 20 ACRES OF lA? STUART, SAir naJ city. of Pumps aud Piping FARMING LAM) ForDM. Cash. Sale Cheap for LOST. semi-opaqu- e, .. nc-Ti- 82-t- Hall. of Mr. Barnard White, who At tho Itesidi-ucThe School Room is better furnished our Acnt in 4den City. will act than any iu Utah, north of Salt Lake AM Orders addressed to hiin will be promptly filled. City.and general facilities are vastly suXYc will take Grain, Stock perior. Arrangements have been made to and Cash in payment. receive small pupils and to ojen a priwill also sell and fill Bills of Lumber We mary class. on reasonable terms for Utah Central TERMS. R. It. Taper and Londs. !?5.00 Primary Course per term Ware, Springville on Saturday last at 2 p.m. whlca bt keept constantly on hand. Also, a good Mr, S. C Dolton's stacks and Mr. Win. variety of Smith's stacks, adjoining, together with Mr. S,s' granary, filled with grain, of superior quality; all of which he offers Cor salo as low figures at any that are imported from were destroyed in spite of the efforts of at the East N.H. Job Work punctually anil neatly exacntod the citizens to quench the flames. Several implements of husbandry were also Very Interesting. Second District Zion's seriously damaged. The loss is estimafire is supposed to COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE ted The at $1,500. The Dcserct Museum and Menagerie INSTITUTION has become one of the chief attractions have been kindled by children, playing Mr. Doltons stack-yarMAIN in STREET, OGDEN, of Salt Lake City. Those who bare not AND ENLAROED STOCK OF DRY VNKW visited it for a few months past will be (Jroceries, Notiitis, etc, etc., are On Monday next Prouow offered for sule at low rates. his very much surprised at the progress fessor W. W. Burton will which has been made, if they were to Academy in tho room over tho Junction call and take a walk through the grounds. office, and will take pupils for a primary, An extensive assortment of the het The curiosities in the Museum have preparatory or commercial course. For & received many valuable additions, both terms see advertisement in this No. of And a choice stock of from different parts of our own Territory the Junction. Prof. Burton's abilities and from many foreign lands, and in- as a teacher are too well known to need Our business has heen considerably extended, aud wo invite the attention of the imldic to the creased interest attaches to them from comment. quality and price of oar goods. the able expositions of Frofessor Barfoot, AH kinds of produce, received in exchange for market rates. Wagons. A large number of Schut-tlc- r merchandise, at the highest VVM. who conducts visitors through the rooms P11XJOCK, for near are sale, exposed wagons and points out the chief specimens. Superintendent. All themselves to he indebted knowing person The menagerie has been enlarged and the U. P. 11. Pv. depot and aro going off to the Institution are positively required to settle forthwith. a great number and variety of animals very fast. whom the occupy cages, among Signor Lively. Business, has been quite Sangio is quite at home. lively in town during the last few days, The diorama contains many views of aad wo noticed sevoral wagons heavily celebrated cities and sea ports, and the loaded for Montana. That's right, keep whole exhibition, though still but in its doing so. No better place in the Counrudimentary state, is well worth seeing. try than Ogden, for outfitting and general OGDEN1, U.T. favokttb nor?:, hatino pekn During the past few days another trade. rpms L recently renovated, and furnished throughout object of interest has been added to the with patent Sprinc? Iteds, the Proprietor feels conServicks. Sunday School fident Episcopal in being able to give entire satisfaction to collection, being no less and no more is held ot half past nine o'clock in the Pay Boarders, Families, and the Traveling comthan an insect of the kind which inhabit at a reasonable price. The taldo is services at half past munity,from both the California and Home markets. those articles in which ladies delight, morning, religious A Hack will run to and from the Track to carry ten and at half past six in the evening, passenpers to the Horse fre ofeharire. and which they fix on to their back hair, Attached to the House is a FINE BAR and at the School room, near Sunday every SODA FOUNTAIN. like an enlarged and distorted bump of the Utah Central R. R. Depot, Ogden. JOHN MAIION. Tho Editor of the philoprogcnitiveness. Ouden, Utah, May 28, 1S70. Klm Ihttret Xetci has seen the "animilo" and Religious. Preaching every Sabbath 3 to the in relation at the in the m., copies by following p. Ogden Theatre, Rev. A. M. Dauely of the M. E. Church. insect, from the Portland Presr. "It is smaller than the body of a flea, Sabbath school at 2 p. m. All are inIjAki; but put under an ordinary microscope, vited. LARGEST AND FKPT APPOINTED was magnified to a length of nearly three THE Hotel in the Citv. Jcst Arrived, .V largo stock quarters of an inch. It is of a brown with nearly as many of Liquors of the very best brands, at color, $3.00 the First and Third Ward Drug Store. legs as a centipede. Projecting from the EVENING LAST, BETWEEN MONDAY . head are two horns, half as long as the OH Main in Kiln Lime tho and Oed.n. street. Fasscngcrf conveyed bv Omnibus from tht 15?" If you want a cheap lot of lum- creature, curved like the horns of an Ocdcn kanvun, a POCKET HOOK containing $.'.00 Kail Road Depot to tho TOWNSEND IlOll-.. ber, apply to Mr. H. 15. Scovillo, at ibex, corrugated like the feelers of a in .,L. a. Urrem y. " 'lnoever Inun oiiomI i. it and hack t 25 cents each. leave it at the Oin.i Junction OmYo, Opiden, Williams & Co' . yard, scar the Ji lolwtcr. Attached to the rear tart of please f rmt.ni and Office. t .ilARLES N.ANT. JAM!"!? TOWNS' VNI. the liHly are two pairs uf tl.nvs, in two , 'loves, Heavers, i me Cass res, Hoesliins, am! Jeaiss. THE OSDEN HIGH SCHOOL T Firi at Sprihovillk. Cloth THAT RASCAL PAT. develope! Bkks liiiek. Kid and I the First, k Third Ward for Store your Drugs, Paints, Drug Groceries. and Goods Dry swindling circulars, referred to in papers, offering to 6ell bogus greenbacks at "an alarming sacrifice." We have seen the precious document, with a letter enclosed, offering extra special baits or rates it's all the same to the individual addressed. $5,000 are tendered for the ridiculously low sum of $5h prepaid. There's the rub. Prepayment is required of any dishonest "flat," green enough to send for any of this "Queer" paper, which the pretended vendors warrant undetectable. If any one is foolish and knavish enough to be caught by such a flimsy trick, ho need not expect to sec his "prepaid" real greenbacks again, nor the bogus paper by which he expects to make a fortune; he will be simply swindled, os he deserves to be. What singular modes of getting a living does modern civilization Children' " " ' 1870, Trains ACCOMM0DAT1OX Alpaca dress goods, Indies', Misses' mid " UO LATH, $5.00 to $7.50 PICKETS, fctS.Ou SATURDAY, OCT. I Loavo Salt Lake City daily at 5 a.m. and Arriv. at Ogilen at 7 a.m. and 1.45 p.m. " SUNDRIES. ON AND AFTER 5.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. OPENING NOW ARE DRY GOODS. D0K3KINS PIONEER LI3TE OF UTAH. that Beg to announce to their patrons they Lave received and BROWN SHEETINGS 13e. to BLEACHED 15c. to 21c. PRINTS, 9c. to uyj: TICKINGS, 25c. to 3.5c. STRIPES, UYf. to DENIMS 25c. to 35c. DELAINES l"JJc. to 21c " All Wool 3Sc. to 50c. FLANNELS, IZjc. to 7;. JEANS-45c.to- RAILROAD. AND FLOUR $3.50 per sack. WHEAT, $1.10 per bushel. " BARLCY, $1.00 " OATS, UTAH CENTRAL DRY GOODS GROCERY PRODUCE. Go to y- Z. C. M. I. RETAIL COJUIKJUIAI,. Board, n-- l f per Day. OGDEN, Acres of Meadow, well with Red Top Crass, situated on EOCR MILE CREEK. The nhove to ?e sold on reasons), In Tnriim fur U. 1. R. R. Paper. Apply to WILLIAM r,lDKS. Plain Ci'v. Sown A Pnmps lilted up on Reasonable Terms. IN TLAIN CITY RIG FIELD, and 12 HAS Id-t- t oi-i- y IMPORTANT TO HUNTERS. CASH PKICS Will' the J undersipued, near Wild paid hy U . i, J1"(MO, C'iiOt'll, or Bears, Wolves, Foxes, an1 !l kinch, rWild, Mountain "in;aj!:,.rK - riliir. liiunr.tthe X A. TENS- J |