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Show ''''''''saasaajj THE EVENING NEWS. -- c abator;, . (JEOnOE xoiroa and rcBtxaafiiC Jam itaraay. 3. 1S7. inoroa piear.naTinK--u- u w- . Cerreetsd WeeW " . donation, especially -Dt - now over the division ana mansion , A the tpoIU wtung in the shape of la- - at ne And hoW. tI baaaax lor tnrtn tha Franth. Th. Mrnm "'"""V dlvldlag the ipoiu: e"tu. mind the .n.m.nt v..i ---- -- iL.jl .v.. y.rrT. h. ai InH.mnHT 1?mii I Lt MMntlT UOUewuu, I :::r,:.:r.r... t '"::.7roK.", u-c- non-acceptan- -- 1- . ' -- im T nnla T1((1 Wheat --- -- of the ce j " It V I 1 ..J A I Saale-ons- i, '"'. . 65, 07 & " Oats.,, GO . """fatt and 250 1 JO -" j 5 Corn (SLale) Corn Mea- t- . f , - PATEtl' f desire to aid the work, and theDaan's NOV 30- -' Bran:: WITH " pnoru.. after deducting the declination 01 tneix vu" w , I'M nomination of Henry Wilson, fre- DepntlM at Berlin, . could be while their' nurses, f of vu STANDARD GQqqJ 15 to 25 ts ... . ,uw far the Potatoes will quently called the Natlck Cobbler, as ilLfieeu.UUMi. a t 11 I " .At I fl Al- airk DlDBi LUaatU".vt Batter (freah) eeaybuu in riiiwtTi Aiuni ajui is candidate for baring JCggs I deed. tn "affect to, drair Attention to the nine, the Girmini hare about of 1.350 thalera. AT TIH FOS shoemaking trade. A newt paper cor- .klAmillions of ..14 A nnrrefloondent Of the Vannh h... k... v .i . II m.AMj.A respondent recently visited Natlck, are strlvineWilli j- FlllST earnest! to nastsn tn Washington oar, wnuug Haas.; to learn all ha ooald about Wilor none Z. C. M. I. ago, three-fifththree years last his ainoe ment trip, of the remaining GROCERY AND H1RDW1RE ton at bit home. - The 8entor waa ab- pay OX MO Villages .nw nlK.f Af thilnrT few 7Vth. Tr...t. "ll. B. CLAWS OX, Supt sent, and he therefore confined him. .1.11. -- v nransrno f -i - arouna tne . u, Jr. dU9 .10 3me o waves uu nj puuuo u vi i wiv- i -self to A relation of what other people utiiain an w moat of the.. -noils are de- - I .UUont 111 SALT aald about him. The chief characteris- moment, Inrmssftfl site, dui lnn or to war purpoeee past, prwent, rioaa'i1 iMno4rtd .noiher. Carbon ex tic which hs dwell upon If that Mr. Toted w of contingencies Tuture. which three nn Cheyenne., tHe Wllsoi.when a yoang man, was a very In Tie mllllona .f ralt bare been expended In mmm m busuing, tbriring plsoe, Forty hard worker. '.I much be to PreaiJcnU - At ITatlck ahoemakln it the founda- compositions for loeaee, pensions and JwbSh exptwted " I- GROCERY DEPART! Warren IInsT M. Pie'U Vloe ' donatio cbsrltiee, tion of everything. The correspondent crease DahWr C. lu 1 .Caabler. of rolllngatock .on the Alsace-I UUUVS wnetherits . h ATI. Til as a wpopulaUonisnow.nore . gives the namea of men of tome local tsaasiAa Anthony Oodbe-.tmuar otner tban .ana rail way twoira. Irralne to the trained who .were prominence UOltS BOQT & Si The BUI rererrea vo suiou TLTi.- - .ni oni which Eave bualness of stitching uppers and pegging Durposes. . tnr tha fnrtl fl tIon of Alsace and I kiaa and vrosoerity. In fnnrfi nffntnr . . these Is -- v. 1 tola. BqolreHam, who hat been clerk -Liirraina. keeps - w . snlth!northat .... .ftirv.ai $soo,ooo ueiraTiuir isuriw auu ihi aw ior on tne roaai ATrriIOR!Zfc'J wnm"i one of the DEPAUTMENX, pointa of moat two Important ot the cooita Middlesex, the war, 1 nr UP entirety is expense, daring kt.rmatinir arviDK departmental of the most eminent liwjers region, for enLarcinsr tha central or MUCaUTe I ,v. the for- of Fort Jilasselt to r- nn ibi ur. In Mrl llf- - a shoemaker. Col. a..aiAH on ouua ana r or mer tiso.ooo asd Insplrtns; departments ine army. FDRHISlr. are each PAID-UCAPITAL. the fact that they both with coupled Watt, another eminent lawyer, and east tafT schools, office, etc, engineering trains for going stations was also mimbtf of the legislature, aud for diTldlog the .surplus among eatlog lliIAUTME3fx and west." shoemaker. W. N. Maon, another those Bute, con the shared in which w. evidently same I correspondent The The lawver. learned the same trade. ' 136,000 ' VatS ak Lake Salt of view " first Jiaak' his quest. BA.KNINV sstonlshed several and by trial JmUm, ths aber Iff, 1 1, France is learning the shall never forcet and I feel sure no I other notables, were also graduates Thus, while Li. lesson of adrersity, Oarmany one can who has ever enjoyed It the first i's bench. Shoe- eala'axy from the of the Great Salt Llte wun 11s orowu la DEPlRTHESr. her experience la the fas Tlew enlarging makers are the leaders In society there. Islands rlsios; oat orontbe utenaeiy diuo field of cinating one prosper yet dangerooa sot which r; mounting to waters slowly considerable , apace It would take summit of the mountain spur that di enumerate the shoemakers outside of lty, but at the same time pay log shrewd the vides valley of the Weber river rrom Institution in Utah. to sedulous and attention the probabll that ofthe the lake proper. In splendor of ex- Oldest B inking IT stick and Massachusetts who have ' - '' ltiea and possibilities of future convul tensive scenic effect. In strength and bril V . TIXWABE, distinguished thamselves. We are u In absolute and of sive oolor, oeauiy national in In liancy disturbances, abort, this in of the Bay of with gentleman city, time of all my conceptions llAXItlXO BUSI and prosperity Drsparlnjr an passedana uspru- ha lsarned the business of boot clos- - more peaoe spies DEPARTMENJ, NESS TB1S8AOTED energetically and thoroughly lnr.and who now as a phonographlo re than erer for war. Samuel P.a Tarn Nxw R. R. Brake. . porter, It probably not excelled In the tne inventor oi Clouser. Esq., of this city, United States. In Colorado l XVXontana, Wo do not throw out Baits by Advertising a ten .A FURNISH A Methodist clergyman visited a the new railway brake, notloed in our col- - ilgenclea TO. ATTENDED PROMPrLT OOIA.KCTION8 a few days ago, leaves for Washington , Bostox rtjolces In the Idea that at its widow in Cincinnati, and bestowed ca nJca heading Articles department; on Monday, to secure a patent for his IaterMl Allowed oa Time Deposits. D. X, as which to Jubilee "the greatest aoprano singer rets and klssee upon her, uioaly that ever hat visited America" In the excited the Ire of her lover that be pro- - Invention. This new brake la a Utah Invention, and CWcsst.SloctiifMrtail person of Madame P.schkaLeutner, la cored a bright, new hatchet, and tried we all, of course, are Interested In Its suc E LT: LAK A of head. gloher it upon the clergyman's beard, and that ths chances cess, and this feeling has been Increased by rious voioe resounding in any other Washington Evening Star, la alluding the very favorable expressions It has recei and mlisiug toxvn will tlnti II settlements In the Dearcrs front our lead lug; railroad men at home, American city than Boston are "dis- to. the occurrence, does not pour the ved well ss from prominent gentlemen conShe it tald to be a balm of GHead Into the wouhdtof the as feeble." gustingly nected with railroad Interests in other parts " interest to call and Departments have been nfiiied. to 1 . of the country, who have examined' It Doors open at half post 7. lady of noble presence and handsome gospeller. Itaaya: ; JNewuoodaarrlvlng everyday. tferformanoe to oomxence at I while temporarily staying in this city: A'l orders filled with ewe. face) and figure, and from her throat, 7 (before purchasing. ecan nrsc 1. In view of all the iaea 01 Mr. Clouzer states that tne when aha sings pours forth a volume of dal'Itthatstranre has come upon the cloth his brake came to him, In a moment, last and he bas alnoe worked It out, had SATURDAY melody fuller than Pare pa's, more true through auch occurrences that clergy winter, EVEIIIIIG, demonstrated, and has succeeded utility In lta training thanCaxlotU Pattl'a and men should not be more guarded hi Its IT D- - CLAWSON, Sup't. C0MBI5ED a for a manufacture. its In II circ company are iva. forming and flesh, Hi their 2. deportment... dlUlm They octave above the range almost an entire m nts secured patent Alter, no having and uke there it other men, blood, water most Mr. the a C will erotl of mitton. Bbe hat profitable reason whv they, mould permit mem Washington, .Urt-acare atlCLllon uiveo to 'contract rai the" famous Leipzig opera elves ireetiotus . that would be consider- and ether uropean csplUls, In order to PoSltlVelV LilSt ' ilPPearailC8 improper la other men' OTet it Is house, and the only way In which she ed - of waa coaxed across the ocean was that not an un frequent thing to see, a minis tbe several 00 nn tries. cares ter Is equal to inauiciDK in ji mtie of this brake The simplicity at to .come Jnbllee the just hsppensdr ssionisn-Insof the females of hit ' flock. its uuiiiy, ana DOtn are saia 10 ue 8A1ISFACU0N QUAtiAml Mr. Clouzer says that it can be ap LIB. the time of ber summer vacation. It la, what he doubtless considers, ' CHIS WIIEATLIIEH 'JJelentifla A.merienn, Jone 10,1871. a for WafKE to the train of TE4B. eieht carriaces WITHfH SOLO THSJPA9T w plied vua , or on au returns ' in is nndantood that she luuuvcii mj ;.(vuw of 1150. but a way to which fathers, husbands, sum about the 15th of July to Europe. We wish the gentleman success on his enpported by brothers and lover, sometimes seriously QwJs snd Parcel 8 dnllverM t,i k. to return safe a and and 01 tae City and speedy journey, not en do Ballwaji r'HlK. object, though they always nome in the mountains. as natea.ee, as his force) tnat witn fond anl objection of are) SCnglish fasaoosly did tno you or man of Cincinnati. As of the consequent other thing, in view of the Huston af ; BfXCIaX. TO AND TIIK.FJJLTj BBaSfATIQ COMPANY fc Co;. TBS DESERET HEWS. exercise, and of races, field tports, fairs. fair aud similar scandals, minister. ' ; EAGLE UOl'SK U and animal snows. Horse, moic, or should under no circumstances- allow R. bird fanolers most EngllshhU are, to themselves to hold private interviews Co nce rt Room Scene, introdnclng Harry Lor- we are not surprised to hear of the with women or girls." Constituted by theShomes of the people. ralne.in his Uatea modes an 1 aano-s- . wiuis ajuaMfjcijuiix.llvvl ' In bis Ci Dnce, and Bong by Miss Ciswson 1GLE HOUSE hi . t' XTNIOIf WESTXRN KB TELEQRAf il IJNR Hasie Hpencr. behind all far left rivals end ales have Award third British Grand National Exhibi sf Csi.SIIsbeat Great a tne Ived la Grand Sparrins Matoi. Mesare. Maoe between Jem and Pooiey Mac, f them, .for ;they TEASDEL cV CO., ; tion of Sporting and other Doge, on Sous people are never happy unless uaraie ana uranam. ' EAOLK ltOCEI. the 4th of this month at the Crystal they are miserable, and others are ! , . , chronically lq.fayor of barlngo their EASTERN; DISPATCHES. parrormanoe will nonsUtof tha Great DraThe entries ,.j numbered one thousand feelings harrowed op erer and andnlt New York. 29. A special Mexican The matic Satire, upon the vices, follies and and thirty-fiv- e . and comprised blood- - la better than medicine and almost as oooflrma the, occupation 'of of tbe present time, entitled dispatch ' . Ikoande, deerboands, greyhounds, mas-- good as daily bread to them. , National Sal til lo by Trevlno. He announces that THE ' i. r r tlffs. yarddogs, 8t. .Bernard's, New- ly the Frenchman Is given to bloody he will move toward Monterey on MonCELEBRATED 8KWI1IG mcniXE S1LES FOB 1S70. day. foundlands, pointer.; setters, spaniels, (evolutions, the Irishman to very pretty A call has been issued for a conventhe mannfaetare of Hewlnit Machines ba strained is shown by the nl!ada tJ?J?f tOhleh retnrns (to which any one can naveaooeas) of the manufacturers for the year 1870 COOLS il OF ae 1 .w mo t AND INVIGORaTEJ oUerhema&j, barriers, beagles, fox-tew ui ivwtiuic uwuw, on wnion iaoy py a ro7iiy. A.ocordin to these reuirns tion of the Irish American League at rows, lanuiora suoowng, anu ogij. vuci wo eaca as ui uuuiuor luacuiues maanraotarer soia roiiows: is isiv in oj rlen, eheepdogs, Dalmatian, ball' the Scotchman to dry, etrlogy Baltimore, In Julj.to complete the work BUT- NEVER .UT.8S3 17,6(30 in Florences at Cincinnati, for perfecting mea- Terry, the Swell, a scampish character, on dogs, terriers of all eorta Dandle Din discussions, Brother Jonathan .to con begun A Wilson. wheeler Gold 91J MedaL 8 sures for the systematic eupport of Mr. Cbas. Wheatleiffh tbecbancea. DEXCE ITS TALFE IN B OltUISU Howe. 7S.I6S JEmm. inonts, pugs,. Maltese, 5.806 Blenheim, and stantly and recurringJohn Brown. and G rover A Baker. sensations, Greeley 57.402 an excitable character, ,, I mnc sm a a Sir Wjriton 8,53 narieaxwissr Empire.. weed. speniais, ataiian grey - ox xuit io perioaicai invasion scares. Horatio Seymour, was, last night, in. Klnkilfc Lyon. 2.4'iO Jost the Thing lor lb Sir. lame a M. XIardie Oibbe. 28.8HO hounds, and sporting and other pup- The Saturday Review In a recent art! stalled as Sachem of Tammany. His l,7f Amerlean Bnttouhole Oi Wtlaon. 600 . Ana several omer companies wbo sold a lew ataebines.. Will Shortly be Produced, plea. t Tha Judget r wererfot grey tie, t&ui Impose upon the latter old address endorced the Cincinnati platlorm. Will be seen br, this table tbatthenrmnlsrltvnf tha r It Mr. a aa Loid and s) Lort, houndj, ' -than eyea EARLY CALIFORNIA, !" Lurgan, uanvuisiQ a vjavumis C entleman'a feelisgf ,the occasion being The boss oeinst eae-na- u fifty rs, A of charge Xiie Cheapest and U that "Wheeler (nsirsais the famous greater Mr. Walksr, of Halifax, England; for a review of the lecture of Vernon Har cents extra for shoeing, to meet the dew xnis is owi at to the let that the Slairer Company nave lately cot mncnine. BOX 09F1CR open for the aul 0 Tickets on meneed making, besides their old and all sporting classes exoept harriers and court faanafactnrine mac what of their journeymen. as t heir of the London mands raasll r SCsetatee, (Ulatoricus" la 5D"n which tht day of performance, at 11 o'clock. at the DRINK aelltac to LIAR EE! have A hundred makers packing-boor last and the three Aneir voisi sales ror 1864 were 81,71 ratenlai beagles, classes, 7Tmc)at the United Service Ins Itu Aim. ' mohtne tbe against struck Mr. Lort and Mr. J. Walker, of Wrex tlon on the HE 8 JELLS IT CHEAP, ' t of an invasion Tom Scott has secured the control of possibilities while the ham; One-ha- lf the Perth and Albany line, from New gentleman of our Oigaullc Salet uov nearly 7 WHOLESALE AND RETA1 decided-otb a merits of the harriers of Great Britali York to Philadelphia- .:i e As far as we can Judge, the Gar- A ueneva special say that Count and beaglet. In the clasBand In yonr tirdcrs for j mans or French could, with proper pre Sclople, In his opening speech, thanked LADIES' BAZAR U THHJEL-.li.B. Mr. Handle Mr. and A ses, A OF J.Barrow, paration, transport iuu.000 flebtincr men the court for the honor of being called zee"' a&TJD'iEL'jao bi war tha Judges; bat the Dandle to our shores for the main em upon to preside, and said' that the attack, Dlnmontt w re Judged by Mr. Nlsbett, ploying neir tnat number on as demon tribunal , had evidence that a Dep'artm new direction bad been given of Edinburgh. stratioo, to be converted. If expedient. to 4 BUTTiR-MAKER- S, 71 ideas governing nations reality. Liet nsv however, have mostthe The weather on the day of opening Into AND AIXIN XTBK. .PBaCriOAO tnese WB3K advanced in civilization, in which sfADS WfTSUM TUB PA9T TURKS YE La numbers, and suppose 60.000 men was cool, pleasant, and ail that could employed . GEORGE GOD D ABC j ear .... Bat he Kreatast I nnrsaftasa Af An 4ala. mvass Ail on the main and 25 000 on an elevated sphere of politics prevails A SFLESHD STOCK cf Ihc I1TEST NOVELTIES. This 7 wimtn me past yeai stnebntasublenroof thal be desired. The exhibition appears to tbe false attack; could we, wltboutlong over the tendencies of' tbe ancient rout. wlsbes to contract for ja Wetkly $w ' and Ineof the of Interest Trimmed and war, ; Dntrlmmed places 7 in have been the beet ever held In London previous notice 01. as contemplated " . on anv humanity above those of policy. Such a Oar Hftclilnes are the Best in the World!. vision, promptly concentrate B13 TIEf' or Tlcinlty. ChampJont most have one nATS AND 230Z7Z723TS, :J aa a toroe eqeai m numoers and work la nauea oy every generous heart spot been previous winners of three prises. efflolency? This is tbe real question of as the ful llment of the wishes ex and an endless variety of the Choicest Selectlos of Choice Qoallty, put op In 14 lb, -- ; ot ... a soiawon muss te eoasbt. To pressed In the congress of Paris in 1865 ; The Tho fox terriers were Terr numerous. wnion Family . Sewing Machine, to rerer points of difference between tne masUS, pointers, snd set ns it appears perfectly feasible, with nations to Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, to to powers. Thanka gooa men 60.000 land friendly msnsgement, ter, were an unusually fine assortment, on our shore, and we see nothing it. I the initiative of the statesmen of Knr, i With Attachments for All Hinds of Woi ki V". ' the toy dogs, puis, etc, were of uncom travagant in tbe. supposition that na u. tne tnie fa idea a., bears fast snoreme favnr in tha ti fruit.. v,v v;v: each I Ina ..." at J an eioerwinning U L. 1.4. hoid, aaahowaby the rapidly tnoreaslng sales, over JK XHK CHOICEST ERAD Sit l.ll t mon merit, wnlle the Beddlngton ter a iorce mign scze and retain, for marnines ten now, amid recti some anu uisiory win j WHOLESALE AND new RETAIL, iinm naeniaa la nn paols of nnmand vtrlef.v nf vn-- v ..h.1' rsnuir riers wer the best oatUetUn ever ex days at least, possession of a lare-- and I minstion on both aides, a wsv mav alJ 7 i7'XTv' VAU,,":: ; - v mw noniin i DrOrm oy maehinery. e elalmandcansnoVjaai tract eonntrv. 11 s thenrrsiir most .We ways s jerc open for tne settlement nt a X.aIlcs Varnishing Diptrtrneat ...... of mm led. aa tbat if Old England la nen delica' beanilmt eas ly operated, speeay GRAIN, BRAN, - 8H0BH and sm cheapest, uiuDkM j KmTr H annibiiale tbe uispute peacefully. on hand and Made to Ord-r- . . ' n.t reeJly In her decline, it Is certainly not uiigu " wnen of onoe I rang, 001 s T'f Jll'ir-minister be of 'ine had England-hapemy,our fleet we could ladles Walking and Evening Ccs'umer. will wnion il wivi eonal laellltv and oafunn l""lr rr.ir in tne matter of dogs, albeit all (dog- - eluded of the treaty aa an example to XrfMlleN not arrest his spokenprime "? . er ! mafetn Ilnea a Snltt. uie thred. Walking fIs at all adaDtel to tebrla fine latrl' i'iiMiif ' as. rinciimin. mi. La fee Rwlss Walkingsewn? wu.wMKa.wu. utTiAaiuiaminri. wkuir aiuoni. '7 i Soiu. xancyingj fciogland did go to the dogs awseu or w Vk... T... " K approved, G SlrstlaNB woat the laimiiiTfs cratniate ourselves on assisting this X.ataa White twn nntts. "u or ,e' r T e sewn - . wr one day at Sydenham. wth 5'.;;7 ... anl o strength nnUormitv gret awans . . an mm aneh of w ...,. wearvln . , w inttra neat mr wura 'Sl '.7 ": !' Ac. ; ' wwtW Wt work, and hope thtt the lovfnl antlAi.l Ladles Undcrclothlnz lo treat variety, or u discs as. rteirate and nniMH. -i- AnSy m JESS! -- hirSi.Ur.l&2 laola of tllao. or rnflllnT. or almost aV, toe? ne ruinuea. tnat tne old ''. 4 . Wight Dresses, Chemt es.sklrta may ' paion .... . . Lewes and X7aw maxim might oenqaers right will Eo."7- - o i) n i , rosaua UtOUSnueeS naVO IlLUa nr nn t r. rvl. Brighton, ;..,,7 w Ktq,tr. k 8horeham, THi Bsnatorlal . contest in Hei uaveu ransoms: '"m Do C. Linen ererr SreMes not " ueavy llZrea's we becanse disappear. despair, ' i - . . Ham pa hire ha excited considerable In hoaee Inpsjius tboee plaoes ' bial ed.handsomely fllleJ with hostile I are oallea to ennslder m nnullnn ff.. Descriptive, and Price Circulars.' i , Chtldresie le. a Uadero'othlng. mock avsnt I".V. knt . h f. terest la Republican clrelee. UIUlUf I auMiran, isrmn- l rnuiiMiiv piMoniaa . .1 nesroiiauuui T m ia SPECIAL fJOTICE. w ten obtained thrunzhoar .r pnaacea, the Patterson:s whose Urm .Tnir.. Wn or Branen Offices. or AsencleaT ,M4 Always on hand a 8pl nd d L'neof wae wsat PrlnolpaJ Til sirr din vsarirra ixi svusiicj n sinn lAnivae irHiiufuivui lairuuininjuinrnnwi. tlhbt ifarcband who. was defeated In I loopholes, tha trees in their parks felled tl ration, form safe solution: and 1st ns Dress (JootN Itinera 0ther SewiaS Machines Eepairad op ' Reasonable Terms SaUIngi - I rr. abattis; the mayors and chief in- - I Jadf with profound equity, and JTZZZZ ? -the canons, . hat - the credit of belnr honInt. Imn.KI.IO. W- otrHI STAPLE Ve Guarantee everv eat, bonorabls and of.1eminent ability, habitants of lha lAm Hachine weiell loaivaaniirA 11 way were not I ery assisutnee irom tne on uwiacca, Ha Is a seholarly, gentlemanly man, of shot aa a juituuiM reward of patriotism; cities I both aides, and tha counsel,agents who are retnrns his thsntt lokwwf KtAanztiBapwrvmiSD j Respeeuelly whom New Hampshire ought to be ana viusgre given so toe names Decanse eminsnc juruts and casnlsts. and tat customers for the ueerai the local Tolunteers hauflred a few dls known all oyer the world. Wa ara an Htowed npon blw, sn4 trnsti V proud; hat the party has pronounced tant NOTIONS, HAIR G00D3, ETCV il' a In a at nsaoe. shou work gaffed of aftwtinr csvalry trade; ta hnslneaa to merit S eonin""" , patrol; th. tentl.n Its YsrdJct upon him, and he retires commerce, auu ddoiio . DUSlnesa as a Interests of T." n, r .,. FarUenlar attenuon nai.i ia favors at my their humanity You. everywhere. from the Be a ate which he has so ably sianasuii; tne rands dawn to 40 or lees like myself, desire by this means to CtTSTOMWOBK lk i Aica THBMIIXIKKHT ins ; sp arrayed. Tbe reasons for his defeat are uuiuiuui, lauiers, Droujers, sons torn prevent future warden d In the words of ior DR1Stt-- AXTitin T rDi dtu rrom nomee serve to ee4 forth by the Waahlngton ueorre tneir Kreas f la tne anxll we all JRcpubli- i osi First aeaifci Sttee.t. vyasningon, . . . " be on. forces; their carta, carriages, and believe that. "If there vwi ana szsnuce onr ttock mil t a Weextetd lavltatlfMi eonllal in oafs, wmoa ctaima to be tbe organ of lary ' uursea everywnere preeeea into tne ser- - firmly esUbllshed. it Is that there i. . MiHlns rst Daor West of or not See all others. net do not bn mi th,-"- .' l?e Macnin. whethar thev inh t Net door to Mrs. Stenholse's the AdsalnlstraUon. It ssys. Visitors al waa potltety attended by eomneiint rr.:i?e. ' OT 00 t rll.t'LO rice er the contendlnr armies: Ihon relationship between the pure maxima & C. H. X. TTho'esals Dry Gosda D(n laUlihn.iit vh.M """Ul insiraouon free. All Machine penecu adjosted tefnr deJlvery at4be or Englishmen 1 jin dead, X ,r. of an honest, magnanimous policy, and ;dI571fr :; . w. , 'i OTITPtfa 'J ' dylnr, s." ww u Rjpubllcsnlsm sands ! . rnTJDtlTfl" TT i fmriTn ntr aanatUTa Is ana v-- rr. . . rrrf . . .T 7 --" u,..we?p"uff rr" prosperity ot w . 2 ouiujifl ssHinir uautiiiifi UfiFAKTilfiNTi Z C IV I represeaUUves svlUbls oonseqosnoe, not of asuocessfnl I a! - A Cbuloe Htocr B AILRO AD when the WATCH. laiuptayeni jaarjatai CAW or the mere tammrenrl E PURE, Su woa CTBcwM w n Ka . Administration invasion, not . onr 11"' I wrRTrnu v . w l . a sm.1l nf 7.. . . 1 .. iUily. 1 know tbe caucus was misled MVnmttAn oi sm Bait FBAircisca. 29. A lex. nwt. rsTeiersDy uaurot-- rreqaeatly da t their ALSO, fir. Kate. BXalsies,OJSiejj xjo we lies tne proeDeetr Are la this matter, axid ytt I can .nnder- - uiAua. waienes eompietely demoralized by the eon- we dm arrired from Bard lees, Hmlrnf. enough J Patet safely to ' if atana now taej xaignTje, tor there let nVah. whl dawtif -i the train. To overcome tills dlf. Sound, la a diah.Ded'bo;tri?d.. Oroc.; v . .and ware certainly some strong facts nsed to Taney , m Staple I runnlnr time. inouitynas long been a problem with wateh aa shall render preparations show how Senator Patterson stood at alon I I makers, and it Is now siccesafnliy aeoom. . ma nttarlv an The Lake Is Tahoa nmlwl ana mat selection was an affair that it shall not vraanington, annel rna through the Ptlahed la the new crade made by the enter into the Tiv, "d. et iDeouDf desired bvniathtPM.i.i.n WAGONS! AMJEBICAN.WATCa CO. OF ,W AtTHAatJ rsTIRsF tttn ii n our I i uituua evsn to think The committee 100 ueicnoors lIoweTer erroneooa and unjust the in- UASH PRICK PAID FOR pUSEUn-- & BELLE LlEfiAGERIE LA X a of nail will lb. This Watch Is male in the most substantia! a its snect, and was the V( ...tl PPOKio the entrance, to th BIDES & WOOL action on-- the 35th oa the most approved prlnc ples, and vmvi liupwiaDi cause or his defeat.'1 manner, 7,us FACTORY KSTABL1S1IED R. R. propoalUon. combines all the recent improvements, it has ' by 7 J. Q; COLTRIW A ro. abernacle, ThJa will be anothsr strong reatoa In JAC WISCOSVv vutsw is aa exoeealnffiv I0 a new mlcrometrleal reznlator, by which the at W: 1. yoD Proprleter, n.,- onjr-XZ. ? ."'wmmerciw Rt ana Toraro; themlads of those who object to the cocsctenuous genueman. He mar or slightest variation can be easily eorreoted. It Pnaslev mtX. dllZSi Uu Werk wirraatsl lot Cut Tef bs be fond sot of Isearefally adjnstedand may doctrine that to dlHer with Gsn. Grant may entirely re monej,bat he won't wear lied on to ran accurately, well, and EN wrJissioa, soo.: chiloreh. ioo. FARMERS A rBIO.UiJiW atte-TowKsaaro IIoitsx, June 28 and 29. U to dUT.r with ths Republican parly, tonon what he considers Is filthst lucre. DURE THE HABDE3T without anv Joe -. TVs ewe t. u ' The rt tt in derangemens whatever. venerable cathedral of thatcltria SMIrmr. Tun. whyA they . ahould Tote for Greeley; e Aroxa luxiu to C k.AWD laXX QTTTV vmr. ,,' ..nnl. ffallMtlyW nnwMMI TIDI tne process or restoration, J 8 omaend this watch to the trade and the J p.r VV SaTerior aey wUi uuax thai it amaeks consid uoaergoiDs; sad mJtMw Farm and are In order. Itnk .n nr. donations, T. A Vrrn v'.'n.n. dku nrAfikhtn ua ooijo aessoa erably of lmperialiim, , If true, far a sburt." " -a 54Ir5 SHARPENED .Th. k.nrnnl a in . - re -- uu wuantiamnn. ; r r, -, Mrt ' the past Th.. :rtiA faithful ofilecr.aa nn exceptionable geni uvaawue i mt uut skuceDtania. . r Wjim t tehin " between GtoveM lZcpetir U MOUiare I - 7Z wijrmi on the nlate nt aware Cnrloslltes ,eeJ ana ?Z n Xt cnn " - OonamereJal thev , each watch Is ; tiernaa, to be repudiated a( a hint from Z7't Bt , i the Chief Executive Uxai his selection "AMEaiCAN WATC CarcaE W A; H In whioh he percelTea any vice, real or JCENrtj and . wife. Worcester. ' &o4 specially dealred : ..Managsr. ; euss? sirs lu, Ulssl. V, and Jdaster Frank. and n 1 dl.tlneuvelyl by him.' "",iai N- -i supposed. He was reoentl offered, the i anninnon. Sdasa;; Mra D:FAn known as the CBECEt-ST- . Watch. I 5 proceed! of a clrtus cerformanee in tha Du3. J. tlvfi F. D. BEfiEDICT." Wagons, ., u: ? ror k sals by all leadlaz Js fig o TZ3 ttctori belocz ' the ipoIIj I aid of tha rcstoatloa ' ill T?i.- - n"fr"UMmui numspaD: kef aIlHIdl',,". wart- Dry . cr of be bar Enquire niaiiiy wronifnllj. Girtuay Ulplle, Biooki South Ofios."-1 TT PORCELAIN LINED CAP! .-- w- Vlce-Prealde- nt, ..Jtk. ..... two-fift- . - hs IliTIOIUL mm-v- e. a..., l- in-th- , - a -vii rtj e r.: STAPLES! OF UTAH, i. . -- j - saw 1. 5. el DEPARTMENT, Z. C. - Wholesale a n b betail a . MM-7- il EO QD Cr? ICE IB A(t mit try m HEN'S Groceries, Hardware, plows, '.. mi mi fSM ! aboe-make- " ... caocicEiir, . BLEES SEVniG'rimisi ao-Qusi- nrvrnil. I DIES' aiy at lKw.lfpes. ALI, OUR GOODS ARE CHEAP! rni!fpM imw . enqairrice their , ill ; M t 1 . - Price SEWING MACHINES EjOW SINGER ; r. an-- l -- , f . j (' The out-of-do- 'S FAIR T HE - , Company Manufacturing WO I D Singer : ,tf,asik:ij .', Afternoon Dispatches. :yalac,,, Sold in 1870 j- son-satio- . Iflacliincs 127,833 GODDW na 1 v- Ci LIFE!! LOTTERY a 1 - r- ; : JNlte - - a ; a a -- - - WU-o- x Sl. M " , horae-sboer- e MSUU-- " v. - est csj ST HOLIDAY ,, well-establish- I x S III. to-da-y. MRS. WILKINSON'S last-nam-ed n con-sporti- ng MIL LID N RTERS . ent. Millinery - . Ui : kjiw( v 1 e v. . - s a.. pAlWY - a ; , Eaa-liab- M . B Iacc, Etc, 'a a S - 1 New ' Singer : FO I a lmn-SMIA'- i - iii conse-oaene- sa - ! lV" r r. . ' '. t D R Y G O O D S,' vvms i - i. ttK a. ?..;.:?? - irr.. - f - i . w" "rIfaB. ! , r' suit Tto at " ' nua arnnononons sna'giTi ' r. ,. p- - ' ia.. bb F "pblre IE 7--- m-- , -- o 'ev 7Senafor .' S ROC E 1 fc L ff Jfy. lry fUwl' -- -- .. . -- i ? 1 s q T " . V c nionATur r -- y- HOME-MAD- l -- I "7. VSlVli J- wep , """o ' :' f 1 f A. i tu Tlrw-.- - ... M. w SaSaMassejss TT-- an. -- w . 1 1 m n - u',,uJ!Wn a at a wh -- ' nciUl Biiinrn. 4T -- Al Ja a. v w, u- j u. : WJUrJiass.; I V Bon4-- st ;T. 1 COTTON j 'diaosm Wat Sai!!.. . i Depot IX - 5 |