Show i a ca SP typewriter ball long bon wearing 0 no typewriter joil houf a speed limit the escapement of the L C smith permits the carriage to get away from the last printing the point i nt so instantaneously that stat no speed of opera J J tion don is too rapid the hair trier touch lern of the ball bearing bearin 5 pe J bars a carriage that is p us never shifted for capitals W a capital cc shift k key e y requiring rew only one third ordinary pressure a combined one motion carriage return and line fine space which spaces one two or three lines with the same sweep and the lightest possible carriage 0 tension give an 0 case of operation de that makes all day speed easy for the operator op the alway always nid carriage carriar leonary nary brindus P the arran ent ed ot of ribbon hift shift and hack pace beys and the fact that no necess vy r operation pe ration re lake lakes the hand hands from frota writing pontoon pont pos rion lon combinas combi oci peed speed with accuracy inthe in the L C smith ch mall a pos postal for literature today ve L C SMI BROS typewriter LO sua W osee for Dom estla NY u s A aa foreign business deaver branch 1647 champa street denver cdo colo SCALES ON HEAD east washington st SL portland oro ore ali when e n lay my brother was ono month old P v layer of scales or began to form on the top of his bead head the trouble began as a rash tho the increased until daveral layers thick tho the crust was thick and yellow and looked to bo all in one piece but came off in largo scalea ills hair came out in bunches and baby became almost bald his ills scalp 1 itched and burned so badly as to make mako ao 10 win cross aad and fretful wo used every remedy recommend bd ta by ou fri ondi without success then wo we started with the sample of Cuti curs saip and ointment washing his head good with tho Cuti curn soap and then applying we Cuti cura ointment before they were used up wo we could see seo an improvement in bla his condition and bought some more the scales loosened and came oft off easily in about two months after we started to uso use curcura Cuti Cut cura soap and ointment the scales had entirely disappeared and his hair started to como come in thick ly Cuti cura soap and ointment effected s complete cure signed miss ella ehrlich mar 11 1912 soap and ointment sold throughout tho world sample of eleb free with 32 p skin dook book address postcard post pool card Cuti cura dept 14 L boston t aft pailey A U zdan T Q arc are richest in curative BACKACHE rheumatism KIDNEYS AND BLADDER to care cure costiveness the we medicine dicine w boit jet ha he nore thoi it mu it contain torje ait Ite rathe erath a and tuff pu llis possess these quant lest end and speedily restore to the bowel bowels their natural altic so engol ol to regularity bat cooch ugh tades good use C J la tewo bold gold by to rose COUGHS co U effs AND ii tolda I 1 r W N U salt lake city no 52 62 1812 1912 |