Show FEELING STRONG IN KOREA AGAINST JAPAN NEW V YORK Au AUK Aug 26 The Tho Tho belief is general in Korea that the United States will be bo drawn into war with Japan within the next Dext five live years ears according according ac ac- ac cording to Dr S. S H. H Kimra Kimm formerly an of the Korean delegation delo at Washington and now the representative tive thc in this country of Korean It insurgents insurgents in n- n who t are waging wagin a guerrilla warfare in Korea against Japanese an an- It The The pa patriotic biotic uprising in Korea Bays says Dr Kimm Kimsa in n a statement issued from him here beret is kept alive alivo largely by the tho convictions that in the near future futuro Japan w will ll find herself with a amore amore amore more powerful enemy anem on her hands when Korea can re regain in her year year- old independence and throw off the tho yoke of annexation It is probably not generally generall known that Korea Koren is making a bitter struggle lo against the Japanese plans of f annex annex- atlon Tho The true truo state of affairs is kept concealed largely by the strict Japan Japan- Japanese ese censorship over the telegraph and mails It is impossible to get Jet a letter hotter from Korea that has not been opened and duly censored We are compelled to rely for our advices upon letters carried by spies and members of the revolutionary party or messa messages es transmitted transmitted trans trans- by br runners by word of bf mouth to to the watchers outside the frontier II As As a matter mutter of fact tho the twenty I million Korean people are aro resting Uneasy Un tin- easy under the yoke and it will take but a spark to set them thorn off into a war of liberation We Ve believe that the spark will be struck when the United States and Japan engage in war war and that the war will come within the next five years J |