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Show V I A THE WEEKLY REFLEX, KAYSYILLE. UTAH 5 ? Cljc lllrrltlif mA mm ilrflrx rMu.hi hr THE INLAND PRINTING CO. ,1f THE tn-EUSO- rvtl-c1- 111. at Kaysville, March .1 u matuw Erbruary It, nW the art et Utah, . 1879. A4rrlUinf ratra aa epplicatUa I I i lfrir4 H lit , f i A3-- Cun suit tyf &IILLEK FLORAL CJTTK8 ASsccuiM DIKiXTORATE (Continued from page 1.) and versatile men on the staff of the institution. Iie is one of the employees who does not watch the clock and never refuses work of any description, he is called upon to do. He is in civic affairs, and enjoys taking a part in anythin that may be a benefit to the community; and when he goes into anything, he goes into it in no way, but plunges into the question with full force. He is a good example to other young men in his continuous and rapid promotion to the high pffice he now n holds, aiid it is a fact that no man can obtain such responsibility with the Miller Floral company, unless he Is well qualified, competent, and loyal. ' Mr. Barton has been a stockholder of the Miller Floral company for some time. , He ia a member of the jL. D. S. church. Aa yet ha has not affiliated himself to any extent -- with any political party. He ia interested in baseball affairs, beingvone of the directors, as well as secretary and treasurer of the local baseball club of the Davis County league. He Is no mean sportsman, enjoys fishing and hunting, and ia a very enthusiastic hall pUyer, it k S half-heart- t st out-of-to- A r ( t s ? i r ed one-ye- tr , J DAVIS COUNTV CHERRY DAY Yesterday a meeting was held at the Lagoon by representatives of the Davis County Farm Bureau, Farm ington City, Farmington Farm Bureau, Bamberger and Lagoon resort for the esteblisment of a cherry day in Davis county. Detailed plans were made for a very elaborate program for Wednesday afternoon, July 19, to be held at Lagoon. It was shown at the meeting that Davis county is the center of the best and largest cherry production area of the state and that this year there had been an extra large crop and that this crop had been successfully moved through the efforts i t ,, I 4 of the market committee in inducing buyers to come into the county.. An effort will be made to increase the cherry acreage of Davis county, following the establishment of cherry day. W. R. Tarvin who has shipped out most of the cherries of the county uses an extra fancy pack and will demonstrate his method of packing and shipping at Lagoon. Mr. Parvin is shipping out a lot of cherries packed in strawberry cups and under this fancy pack he is getting big money for the cherries handled by him. Every grower and shipper of the state should see this pack-an- d learn the difference in price Miuiiuiuiimnuiuiuuiuituuiuaiiuuimmiiuiumiuiuiiiuiiiuiuiimjinijjj LET US HELP YOU 1 figure your building wants for this summer Labor Is Down Building Material Is Reasonable Nothing Too Large or Too Small 5 1 Plans Furnished ' Estimates Free Phone 30 F 12 LAYTON UTAH nmninimnnimimuiiiniiiiiinnininiiniuminutimmiiiiinnunnininm.j UiliilS i Walsh News Co., Inc. BAMBERGER STATION Students, we have your School Supplies. We also take orders for any periodical. And don't forget that box of candy you promised her. , KAYSVILLE, UTAH; 7 Wiring, Fixtures, Lamps, Appliances Ranges, Washing Machines General Repair Work 2 PHONE LAYTON, UTAH 28-N- Optician Manufacturing Street Utah Ogden, 332-24t- h We are prepared to give you any information you may wish, on plumbing fixtures and Private Utility pumping units. J. B. GALBRAITH -- Phone 1 26, Kaysville, Utah Your Rug FREE! How many pounds of dirt are there in your rug? Even after a thorough sweeping, your carpets are full of dirt imbedded grit and dust that is full of germs. Every footstep grinds the dirt down into the nap where it cuts the fibres of your rug, wearing it out. C We will be pleased to call and clean a rug for you with the famous 4 I 4 t 4 I 4 ? fl I? SILAGE HOOVER Treub Occurs Only Whers Air It Present, Generally Caused by Lack Of Water. The usual number of complaints are coming In regarding the presence of mold In silage. Mold can grow only a hen air Is present. Air generally gets In as the result of the silage being too dry when put into the alia If water was added, not enough was used. Poor packing rosy cause the same trouble. Mold around the doors and against the wall Is the result of poor construction of the alio which allows air to enter. Nothing cajp he received. The committee plans on making the done now to renasly the condition. At Uionext time special care should day educational, profitable, and en- lie taken filling to se that the corn contain in unsold cherries are What joyable. moisture and that It Is well Davis county should be sold to the enough It is always safest to reject tramped. many people coming to Davis county. moldy silage especially for horses and Mr. Tarvin is instructed to put up sheep, although for cattle there seems free samples of cherriea for distribu- to be little danger. C IL Eckles, tion to 7,000 people who are expected thief of the dhl-to- n of dairy husbandon in Farm. Davis ry, county cherry day. Unherity li D. A. SULLIVAN i A and-metho- ds IN SULLIVAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY Let Us Clean the Omaha market under the system of dairy management found In the section studied, and probably approximate the requirements In similar localities, It Is pointed out by the department that they, of course, do not apply to dairying Id aertton where dl.Terent condition of management prevail. Additional detail of the record and work are contained In department Bulletin 972, "Unit Requirement for Producing Market Milk In Eastern Nebraska," recently lsud by the United States Deportment of Agriculture. ople of the bulletin may be had by addressing a request to the department at Washington, D. C. REPORTED . Pres, and Genl. Mjr. John W. Walsh 3 Althmtgh the figures obtained show ahat'was required to produce milk for MOLD :: I Heywood &Wiggill 1 drug store. Ray Steed and Miss Louie Bennett Layton of Kaysville, were married last SaturPlasterers have now got their day by Justice L. II. Oviatt A good on the new Ernest Layton resi- sized piece of wedding cake will (perdence. There are eight rooms in the haps) be sent to the Reflex office. ceipt. , UTAH ar joys a large and lucrative practice. He is a graduate of Rush Medical college Chicago, class of 1910. Soon after his graduation Doctor Tanner located In Farmington, where he remained three years before removing to Layton, his present home. He ia a native of Utah having been born in Tooele county in 1881. On November 12, 1908, he was married to Miss Vera Noall, whose birthplace is Honolulu, but at tha1; time a resident of Salt Lake. To them have been born five children, four sons and a daughter, all of whom are alive. The Tanners are active In the ecclesiastical and social life of Layton and Davis county and enjoy the close friendship of a host of friends and neighbors. Doctor Tanner is a direo tor in the State Bank of Clearfield and has substantial interests in many other Institutions and enterprises. He Is wedded to his profession, but finds time to devote to other interests. He Feed for Dairy Cows Should Bo Caro is that type of man who ia steadily fully Wtlghtd. taking his place among that body of men who are doing the things worth by a greater percentage than the winter rwelpta exceeded the summer rewhile In his community. - KAYSVILLE lf DOCTOR A. Z. TANNER Doctor A. Z. Tanner, of Layton, be came Identified with the Miller Floral company as a director about four years ago and U now the second largest shareholder of that prosperous institution. Doctor Tanner is a prac -- i CONFECTIONERY r well-know- ' The matter for this department this house and it will be equipped with all week was taken from the Reflex of the modern conveniences. MAKING MILK IN NEBRASKA John Sandall, the barber, has had July 18, 1912. his shop remodeled and decorated in 'gurta Detained procioiy Approximanner. When s neat and Kaysville mate Requirements in Other Secthe paperhanger put in his appeartions of West Miss Agneswan, with the claim ance Monday, John skipped to Salt of the Oregon Short Line Lake and remained department away till the job by (he ,l'ntl4 Slat I.prtm.l Railroad at Salt Lake City, left yes- was finished. of Atrlcuitur ) Here. Is. a bat It ousts, Iq labor and terday for a two weeks visit to CaliLayton is making progress along fml, to produce 100 pounds of market fornia. the building line. The first story of uill k lu eastern Nebraska: Winter, Joseph Jolly of Emmett, Idaho, brother-in-- the Adams building is receiving the six mouths coiceiit rates, 41.2 pounds; law of F. A. Sheffield, who has second story floor joists. Work ia dry roughage, 93.3 pounds; silage been visiting with relatives and progressing rapidly on the reinforced and other succulent roughage, 9.16 in Ksysville, has returned to concrete elevator for the friends 11.1 Layton Millpounds; bedding, pounds; human and Ernest the labor, 2 hours; horse labor, 0.00 j his home. Layton ing Company Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Shelby are the is completion. hour; hauling .and grinding concennearing cottage trates, $0,010; pasture, $0,108; total proud parents of another baby girl. Miss Marion Ellison gave- her costs, except depredation on coax, This piece of news was handed in for brother a surprise party in honor of $0,788; depreciation on cows, $0,018. publication last week but was mis- his twenty-firbirthday last SaturSummer six months Concentrates, laid, much to our regret. About forty guests were day evening. 11 pounds; hsullug and grinding conThe Kaysville W. C. T. U. will give all and thoroughly enjoyed the centrates, $0,004; dry roughage, 51.2 a dues social at the home of Mrs. present occasion. Among the pounds; silage and, other succu'ent Sumner Gleason, tomorrow afternoon. Miss Alta and Raymond were guests roughage, 29.3 pounds ; pasture, $0,653 ; Mrs. Shepherd, the state president, Rich, Raymond Pearson, Lillian Long, human labor, 1J hours; horse labor, 6,08 hours; total costs except depre- will be present and will address those Myron Fhreeves, Cleo Rich and Artell " dation on cwws, $0,805 depredation present. - Refreshments will be served Rich," all of Ogden. and a pleasant social time is promised. on cows, $0,084, The work of determining the cost The board of director of the KaysClearfield of producing milk In this section ville Brick company are holding a Mrs. Fred G. Marston had the coven two periods. It was meeting In Salt Lake this afternoon Industwo and one-habureau of animal begun by the at which time orders will be given good luck to land a a fishing trip try, United State Department of Agwhile on pound trout with the de- that Superintendent F. J. Smith put to Weber canyon, with her husband riculture, In partment of dairy husbandry of tl) the plant in operation. Several large last week. University of Nebraska, In September, orders have been received for a qualE. S. Wright, the enterprising bar1917, discontinued at the end of ths ity of brick that are not on hand, pnd first year, and resumed In September, the plant wil b started at once on ber and confectioner, has had a lamp placed in front of 1919. The figures reported were based these orders. on actual records obtained by regular John W. Thomley and family are his place pf business. This light, monthly visits of 24 houn each to at their Weber canyon ranch on a placed as it is at the bend of the state road will light the highway for coneight farms for two yean, and to 22 fishing and camping expedition,1' one farms for , year. distance both ways, pther Mr. anl Mrs. Jed Sessions gave a siderable . .The requirements for keeping th SesIn Miss Amelia honor' of avenge cow one year were; Concen- party ' Hooper on Friday evenof Bountiful, sions, and grindtrates, 1,529 pounds, hauling Feeling that the holding of services ing concentrates, $0.60; dry roughage, ing. The home was tastefully decor4,275 pounds; allnge and other aurcu ated in pink and white and it was a in the open air will prove a pleasant lent roughage, 3,593 pounds; pasture, very enjoyable social affair. Ice Innovation as well as serve to recall $22.01; bedding, 310 pounds; human cream and cake were served. Among times when all services of the church labor, 113.6 hours; horse labor, 8.2 those present were; , Verna Robins, were held under the canopy of heaven, houn; other costs except depreciation Viola Graham, Berthe Smith, Leona Weber stake has arranged to bold its on cows, $16.33; depredation on cows, Love, Gladys Odd, Amelia Sessions, next quarterly conference at Hooper $479. Corene Blamires, Verna Chipman, on the ward square. The conference During the first winter and aummer the average Income from milk were Muriel Reeves, Ocea Lewis, Norma will be held Sunday, July 21, and alnot sufficient to meet the average Thompson, Eugenia Blamires, Hubert ready arrangements are being made to costa. In the second year the Incomes Smith, Base Morton, Golden Barton, accommodate a large crowd. were above the average costs In both Mac Swan, Kenneth Sheffield, Gilbert The grandstand, which will be seasons. The greater percentage of Armstrong, Vernon Mansell, Ervin pressed into service has a seating the year Income was received In the Phillips, Elliot Barton, Iruel Simmons, of 1290 and the Hooper people t lmcrrhunhc rced, pasture and bedShirley Barnes and LeRoy Sessions. believe that this will be sufficient to ding costs exceeded the summer costs The comer stone of the Kaysville accommodate all who attend. A speTabernacle will be laid on Wednes- cial rate has been secured from the day, July 24, Pioneer day. It is ap- Denver & Rio Grande and it is expropriate and fitting that the exer- pected that the attendance will be cises should be held on that day, which just as large as if the conference was commemorates the entrance of the held in the tabernacle. The train will Latter-da- y Saints into Salt Lake City. leave Ogden at 9 a. m. and return at Owing to the general celebration of 6 p. m. Pioneer day at Layton it baa been decided that there will be no attempt at Farmington a general celebration this year, as The silver cup which was won by many residents of the ward will doubtless want to participate in the Lay-to- n Farmingtons undefeated basketball team, is on exhibition in the Rampton celebration. up-to-d- Subscription $2.00 per year in advance TELEPHONES W. JoEpfwaw.Jia C. A. Epparaoa, Na. Office, Na. 1 Leave your orders for ice cream ' M. W. PHILLIPS ten years ago will be of fn m The Reflex interest to our readers of today. Tlie following items MmillK W. P. F.PPKU30N, Miter C. A. AmcUu Editor m Ten Years Ago Today of n w SPECIAL I Vacuum Cleaner The Hoover cleans quickly and easily. It lifts the rug from the floor, flutters it gently on a cushion of air to beat out the dirt, and draws out every particle of grit and dust by strong suction. A revolving brush picks up threads and all surface litter. Phone for us to clean your rug no obligation to buy! today ' Utah Power & Light Co. Efficient Public Service In the- Good II me f .o the ideal time to paint the outside and inside. The wo f I absorb the paint and thus !'lleadyl0mpletely on Period- - S0 inat a bnckf preser Theres a common sayi house never needs painting. But take e coniJce and window frames S and porch ceilirj a ?oat of today Call Brigance a Pn h! caa do ttre work- - Tfce pk number is sI-w-Y ed J. P. Brigance KAYSYILLE, UTAH L Is - |