Show Forest Chief POLICE OFFICER ON LIST OF INJURED Due Thursday CATTLE AGAIN BEING BOUGHT COfflilTTEE BY Operations Are Resumed After New Veterinarian !! ' is Named 1 f "Weber county's cattle slaughter appraisal committee resumed operations today following appointment of Dr Joseph Beus as veterinarian of the committee to succeed Dr A J Webb who was recently trans-ferre- d to Beaver county Other members of the 'appraisal committee are Charles F Felt Huntsville and A Lee Fowers Hooper They were completing appraisal-work in Plain City todfiy and are ""to work at West Weber tomorrow said A L Christiansen county agent Two carloads of cattle ere driven today from West Weber Plain City and Warren to the Union: stockyards for slaughter under the federal- pro gram : ! r - mitut WVNlKft " Jl IT Y 2S 1934 ttrr-TMMrcnA- i' DEPUTIES TflKE SLOTDEVICES County Officers! Seize Next Step Machines Indefinite! Deputy Sheriffs Jaclc jHarbertson and Erastus Bingham seized two slot machines at the Hermitage in Ogden canyon Tuesday Sheriff A-I - M Ham mon said today Hammon said he had not had an opportunity to confer wilth the of ficers concerning the case He de clared he would talk with the county attorney today beidre reaching a decision as to whether prose follow cution court In city today Hyrhan- Smith Joe Adanjis forfeited Miller end Ray $25 bail each when they failed to appear on a state charge of running a gambling game with marbles Bench warrants for their were Issued upon request! of County Attorney John A Hendricks - re-arr- est — J A minimum of accidents occurred riurihe Ogden's three day Pioneer days celebration which closed Tuesday night and only two occurred in connection with performances Hugh Ridley Red Rock Okla cowboy is recovery frim injuries reA steer ceived Tuesday morning stadium at the was he bulldogging pinned his hand to the' ground when it fell on a horn FRACTURE OCCURS H Humphries 30 of 101 street rodeo performTwenty-fift- h er was brought to the Dee hospital Tuesdav for treatment of a deep cut on his right leg suffered when he was bucked from a horse against a fence Police Detective d Everett Noble About 10 is in the Dee hosriital celebration before the opened days he was trying out a horse on a farm west of Layton for use in the celebration The saddle cinch broke and Noble fell' striking his head on a concrete curbing He received a C j ji fractured skull and injuries about the legs Noble continued to work on celebration details and was directly in charge of the livestock division of the parade! until Tuesday morning when he was removed to the hospital Miss Goldy Blake 22 of No 35 F street Salt Lake! City suffered bruises on the left leg in an accident involving three cars which occurred Tuesday evening on the Riverdale viaduct during a heavy movement of traffic Miss Blake was a passenger in a car driven by R C Johnson of Fort Douglas Deputy Sheriff Jack said an unidentified car struck a machine driven by L T Sims 311 Fourth South street Salt Lake City and bumped it into the ji Johnson machine INJURED ON FACE Emma Nelson 2437 Monroe avenue Tuesday afternoon suffered a cut on the nose and minor cuts about the face The idriver of the car in which she was! riding John ' Har-berts- on i CITY jJuly 25General (AP)— Attorney Joseph CULL FOR Chez volunteered today to make his office a! clearing house for conduct ing a campaign to rid the state of slot machines Following up his recent declara tion that operation of the machines waa possible only through a "corLine-Wil- l Extend To rupt understanding" between oper- Long ators arid law enforcement officers Spring In Bprch he said Creek Canyon T believe if the people will get behind the law In this j problem it Bids were asked today by the will not be long before the state Weber county drouth Relief com'will be free of such gambling de mittee on supplying 12000 feet of vices" metal pipe for the Biirch Creek culinary water project The pipe will be used to connect ia spring in Creek canyon with the disON Biirch tributing system of the Burch Creek Canyon Water company! is more The cost of the ORDERED than $5000 This isprojdet said to be one of the most urgent drouth relief projects in Weber county because a BISMARCK N D July 25 — (AP) large residential district is practi—North Dakota's new dirt farmer cally' deprived of culinary water rovernor iOle H Olson today pro owing to the drouth claimed aimoratorium on every form It is said that the additional waof debt where the debtor shows in ter from the spring in Burch creek canyon together with the supply ability to pay from the present system will assure a fair supply of culinary j water for of Burch Creek' many of residents Moves Fish whom are now without ater the of each day greater part Rivers SALT- - LAKE 1' M Johnson Wilson lane fell asleep at the wheel it was said and his car crashed into a parked car belonging to Alvin Payne 2660 Liberty avenue The accident happened on Washington avenue near Thirty-fir- st street Miss Nelson was taken to the Dee sutures "were hospital where three ' taken in her nose The condition of Raymond and Leonard Keller brothers and Owen Baird who were struck by an automobile at Fortieth street and Washington avenue Sunday during the rush was reportair circus traffic ' ed from the Dee hospital today as improved Both of the Keller boys received fractured skulls and have been unconscious but Raymond five years old has had several periods of consciousness Leonard is nine years old and Owen is 12 YOUNcfDRIVER SOUGHT Police were today seeking a young man in a green coupe for possible explanation of injuries to Miss Carrie Owens' 28 of 540 Thirty-asixt- h street who ws found unconscious in the street at Washington avenue street ' Tuesday and Thirty-fourt- h o'clock at morning The young man was standing be side the injured woman when approached by Charles Emmett and Mrs Melba Dee Witnesses said he kept asking the woman if she was hurt but got no answer He accompanied her when she was taken to the Dee hospital but left when police arrived it was said Police said the man was reported to be driving a green coupe with a license plate listed under the name of a resident of Clearfield! two-thir- ty A n F Ferdinand j j MORATORIUM DEBTS - — H State From Drying i f - BOISE July 25— (AB)— Drouth stricken wild life in Idaho today was receiving the attention of state fish and game department officials Claude Drake fish commissioner has started moving fish from rapidly drying streams to streams and lakes in which water i£ plentiful He- is also providing food for underj fed fish Amos Hi Eckert state 'game war den today was making f survey to determine the condition and needs of upland game birds His will determine findings whether curtailment of shooting sea sons will be necessary and if they need be eliminated entirely in other j instances i : Must Pay Damages Or Serve Jail Term ' 1 Edward Norris 22 of! 54 South Third West street Brigham City was found guilty of reckless driving in city 'court this morning and sentenced to serve 15 days in' jail with stay of execution until Wednesday morning at ten o'clock f Norris an employe of a state nursery was driving a state truck Sunday night when he crashed into two parked cars City Judge Hyrum Belnap ordered that the sentence be suspended provided Norris makes good the damage to the two cars and the truck by Wednesday morning 3 1 — 4-- i Film Cleaners Urged Trial Ordered In To Continue Battle Idaho Attach Case - r - ' CINCINNATI July 25— (AP)— Warning that "the struggle is not ovcr" the committee on motion pictures appointed last November by Cathoflc bishops of the United States recommended today that ef forts to purge the silver screen of salaciousness be continued and at the same time expressed skepticism that r promises made by' producers at a conference in Cincinnati last month would be kept I o'clock her skull will R H Rutledge regional forester suffering from lacerations rewhen she was either thrown from an auto or HELD struck by one ay SERVICE JOY OF LIVES THREE REPORT jSpeaker Urges Club To Aid In Developing Plans of Community Another Citizen Says Home Looted During Show At Stadium " Three men reported to police their pockets were picked Tuesday and another reported his house was ransacked while he was attending the rodeo ' at Ogden stadium Tuesday night Lsuke Thomas 234 Twenty-sevent- h street said his pocket was picked of a purse containing $150 in change a driver's license and other papers and James M Sharp LeRoy Wyo said his billfold containing a $68 railroad pay check a one dollar bill a railroad pass and other papers was stolen at Lorin Farr park Tuesday afternoon A M Ravenburg North Ogden reported he lost his leather billfold containing $150 and a railroad pass at Twenty-fift- h street and Washington avenue While Sam Peterson 1323 Twenty-sixt- h street was at the stadium Tuesday night his house was entered Three women's watches $6 in money and two gold necklaces were stolen usTtTpays2 each ifor ewes Drouth Relief Plan Also Sets $140 a Head For Goats SALT LAKE CITY July 25— (AP) — An agreement was reached today between the federal government and sheep men from twelve western states by which the drouth relief administration will pay oper ators $2 a head for ewes one year old or older and $140 a head for angora goats The agreement was reached at a meeting of the sheepmen and Dr E W Sheets national director of drouth relief Sheets explained that the government intended to buy up enough sheep to relieve drouth conditions and conserve feed supplies He asserted all "red tape" would be eliminated from the program with a view to making federal money quickly available to needy sheep men OP Skaggs ar- Stratosphere Flight Another Day Procures j s - Montaan Bank But Pay '—-Ti- - VERA DALEBOUT Promotions For BEAUTY PARLOR Dil-linge- FISHER BEER t f r's - A granite marker and bronze tablet beside the Miles Goodyear cabin believed to be the first white man's home erected in Utah was unveiled Sunday in Tabernacle park at a program that was one of the most significant features of the Pioneer da3's celebration The cabin was built by Goodyear aHrapper in 1841 at the junction of the Ogden and Weber rivers It was sold in 1848 to Captain James Brown of --the Mormon Battalion who purchased Goodyear's cabiri livestock and land embracing all of j Weber county for $3000 ERECTED NEAR CABIN Minerva Stone Shaw 83 whose father purchased the cabin from Captain Brown and who has preserved the cabin from pioneer days was present at the ceremonies as were several descendants of the persons who at one time lived in the cabin The slab and marker were erected beside the cabin which has been moved to the Tabernacle park by the Weber county chapter Daughters of Utah Pioneers and the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association The ceremonies were opened with prayer by John G Ellis with Dora P Holther past president of the Weber County Daughters of Utah Pioneers presiding George Albert Smith president of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association and a grandson of Lorin Farr Ogden's first mayor acted as master of ceremonies Recalling his boyhood days in Ogden he said that to him the site of the tabernacle was "holy ground - sacred to" my first recollections" Elizabeth Shaw granddaughter of Minerva Stone Shaw unveiled the stone marker and Rosella P Larkin read a brief history of the cabin and paid a tribute to "'Irs Shaw for her work ' in preseh- ': the structure FRf t'DED WITH HOME Forme uyor Frank Francis delivering the dedicatory address declared that the history of the Goodyear cabin is closely connected with the development of the west as he showed by recalling that the Goodchildren were proyear half-bree- d vided with a home by Brigham Young until a brother of the original trapper took them to Boston Paying tribute to the faith and of early pioneers he said courage that ' "We "are keeping them alive with memories" A dedicatory prayer by Joseph Ri!-r- ie closed the ceremonies test of life is living and the can only be real if peo of life joy pie look upon their life as a serv ice and have a definite object out side themselves and their personal - "The Tiny Girl Appears In Pioneer Attire happiness" declared Superintendent W Karl Hopkins of Ogden city S u s a n n e Porter schools in an address this noon at daughter of Mr and Mrs S C Porthe weekly meeting of the Rotary ter was about the youngest enterclub in the Hotel Ben Lomond who entered the July 24th tainer Mr Hopkins who spoke on "Ser celebration She modeled at a fashvice Clubs and Community Service revue ion and Saturday Friday said "to keep clean to do good work and was the object of much to earn friends to be happy and nights attention in her quaint little"' yellow bestow happiness to develop oppor and black dress and sunbonnet tunity to serve where possible to The dress was an exact copy of learn not to whine and to play the one of the pioneer baby dresses and game of life according to the rules — was cut basque fashion to the waistthis is success" line and almost touched the floor in SERVICE CLUB DUTY length which gave the effect of a "doll running The speaker said that the place little of a service club in community ser around She is a granddaughter of Samvice is largely to develop the in clination of successful business and uel Porter a pioneer and Indian professional men to participate in war veteran one-year-o- ld old-fashion- ed the greatest game of life by con sidering themselves partners with every other citizen in making the community a nicer place in which to live a safer place in which to bring up children to lives of use fulness and honor Mr Hopkins pointed out that "if a 'service club ever gets the idea that it succeeds accordnig to the sum of its achievements in the mass rather than through" individual accomplishments then a cancer has already developed in the vitals of that club which will assure its early demise" If you have not tasted of the real delights of life he said there is an unlimited joy in store Service clubs are today knocking at the outer gate bidding you heed the outstretched arms-othe crippled the wistful longing of the growing boy for ii man's companionship the earnest inquiry of the under-pri- v ileged lad the sincere demand of the delinquent youth for help and guid ance and countless other opportuni ties which exist in your own com iriunity i -- f TWIN FALLS Ida July 25— (AP) — Thomas J Bradv j oia restaurant cook was held in lail here today awaiting trial ori a charge oi attacking a Twin Falls girl last Wednesday night urady who came here from Poca- tello was arraigned before Judge Guy L Kinnev in' nrobate court yesterday and held to the district court Brady unable to furnish bail of $3000 was turned over to the f sheriff The nolice to girl reported that Wife of Brady enticed her to a dark spot near the city limits and she escaped Divorce only when Brady attempted to hide Delayed i from lights from a nassintf altomn- — bile — He 25 was DENVER arrested after the child (AP) Mrs July RAPID CITY S D July 25— (DP) Katherine floto Skaggs was granted miormed her parents — Start of the National Geographic-- U -an interlocutory decree of divorce S Army stratosphere balloon today from O P Skaggs grocery flight was postponed today for at" Fails store operator and rancher Mrs least another 24 hours when the Skaggs charged cruelty :She is the weather maps continued to" show Will widow of the late Otto Floto former In Full unfavorable conditions sports writer and editor Skaggs WASHINGTON Julv — operates a chain of grocery stores in The Federal Deposit Insurance corwestern states j -poration annmincpH stensbon wvvii KWajF VAJ take over the First National Bank of Lima Mont with insured deposits Dillincfer Case Mean of $40000 and to make full payment Formerly With" to depositors Cinderella Beauty Shop Two Aitatnttttivca vi me xf'uiu nave been sent to Lima I HAVE NOW OPENED WASHINGTON July 23 — (UP) — A NEW Federal Agents Mclvin II Purvis and Samuel P Cowley who directed the A Beer of Quality raiding party that cndM-JohAt 253 Patterson Ave career in Cluci's'o have DOKOTIIY CODE Asst been rewarrlr-r- vifh nrnnvitinnq Btirl Phone 20C3-- J for Appointment salary increases Dirrttotf J Edgar All Prices Reduced! Utah Favorite Hoover of th justie- d?p:sitment division of investigation revealed to- 71-ve- SILCOX A Silcox of Washing ton D C chief forester will arrive in Ogden Thursday morning for a five-da- y inspection of region No 4 and conferences with regional officials He will be guest of honor Thursday afternoon at a picnic party on top of Monte Cristo that will be attended by city county and forest service officials and about 30 members of the chamber of commerce The picnic party will leave at three -- I A i the hospital but somewhat improved forest Ion Tuesday --July 31 whence over Tuesday It was believed that he will inspect region No 3 said PURSES TAKEN BESIDE CABIN I f PIPE PROPOSALS I 'rf ffi-- - MADE V j On Friday Mr Silcox will begin APPEARS IMPROVED an inspection-oregion No 4 workMeanwhile Miss Owens was said ing southward and arriving at Jac to be still in a dazed condition at 6b's lake in the Kiabab national no X-rpicture of be necessary She is severe scalp and face ceived it is thought Lurriber Price Cuts Made By Local Dealers SLAB UNVEILED Ceremonies In Tabernacle Park Pay Tribute To Pioneers' Detective Noble Suffers Broken Skull In Fall Several Hurt in Traffic Mishaps I CONGRATULATIONS (D Pirate Players To Assemble Thursday ' The Pirate Players will hold their eight o'clock Thursday evening in the Third ward hall at which time the trial in which the club is defended against the charges of "heinous crimes" will be continued A program was enjoyed at the weekly'meeting last Thursday night Lydia Teuscher played a jiano solo and a vocal selection was given by Irene' and Helen Chugg Helen Ritchie gave two Interesting readings and the program was completed with a violin solo by Marion Ensign accompanied by Lois Ensign ' BY President David Romney announc ed that it is intended to have the members of the club contribute to the program He asked Commission er Fred E Williams to extend to Mayor Harman W Peery congratu lations on the recent Pioneer days celebration Mr Williams replying said that the celebration was a great success in every way and "we gave a real show" He declared that we will have about $10000 profit from the celebration June Clark gave a brief talk on his impressions of the recent in ternational convention of Rotary at Detroit He found the convention very interesting and profitable Vocal solos were by W D Hirsch of Salt Lake City who was accompanied on the piano by Lester G Hinchcliff M m IT p H - lineplaSg FASTEBSERVICE Moulton Home With Word On Rio Grande Western Schedule - Plans to speed up the Denver &: Rio Grande Western schedule between Salt Lake City and Denver by way of the Dotsero cutoff were announced today by C F Moulton general agent - who returned this morning after attending a meeting of traffic and operating officials in Glenwood Springs Colo "The D & R G W" said Moulton "is negotiating to purchase the Moffatt road and tunnel east of Colo Bond This road includes about 50 miles of slow track over which we now have to "use smaller engines- - This track would be improved so that large high speed engines can be used" Moulton said the Denver & Rio Grande Western Panoramic train makes the run from Green-riv- er Utah to Grand Junction Colo in 103 minutes It requires 18 minutes to pass through the Moffatt tunnel said Moulton in - j and has done very much work in medical care-iChicago and other: cities where she has worked with the laboring class of people "It is indeed' a privilege for this ' community tr iron tart Tir TTprfsrpr and we urge that everyone who is Interested in this subject attend the meeting tonight" said a home and community department statements — - j Forfeitures Bring $407 In City Court I : 3 o: i j j j Plans For Tax officFSTs HIKERSTNAMES V ir 3 r BOl 'LES I s Former News Men of i Coast Now With KLO Wj l4 Peirce and E T Sauter y Jr O &C - " " - i' - - - - - ' ' -J ' I Us4 or H arpingi But We Can Give You Rumania's wheat: crop has been cut in half by the recent drouth ui ' in Bar don : 4-- " r former Los Angeles newspapermen and more recently associated with several Hollywood motion picture studios arrived in Ogden yesterday Peirce and Sauter will be connected with KLO serving In the commercial and continuity departments -- 'V L - 1f0UR CHOICE TfOZLD'B FINEST ELECrniC REFRIGERATORS Vcstinzhonsc "S" LEOHARD r I 1 f ' k i hi ijHwiipi' K4 i —and whites $68$ v- - i health education and its problems six-mi- le $v705 u cons and Redeem : ' 106-mi- le CL I! Q u u O u firm u u u w w ufo We Issue ! j "i Green Stamps ' r H'liilft Chrordun Hard- ware Ilandj Latch Door Opener Electric Light Economic Defroster AH Steel An ironing cord that cuts ironing time in half is a big seller at Wright's Store A patented construction prevents the cord from kinking twisting or bending No matter in what position the iron is held the cord is always out of the wav Because of these features time is cut in half and ironing the cord outlasts several ordinary cords A complete outfit selling regularly at 175 iS nOW KpllinST at nnlu 1 tQ See it demonstrated at wkiuhts (Downstairs) farm bureau : cart still find just the shoes you want — with Florsheim aristocratic styling and qualityat these low sale prices They're the smartest values you've seen in many a day—for wear flow and later! SETS The f jwith the extension service of Utah j State Agricultural college has arranged to have Dr Caroline B pledger a practicing physician ot Chicago and medical advisor of the :McCormic memorial fund address jthe people of Weber county tonight at eight o'clock in the Weber County High school Dr Hedger will treat the subject' i'The Cost of Medical Care" She is nationally known as authority on Bails totaling $407 were forfeited in city court this morning as Judge Hyrum Belnap held the first session in three days Forfeitures in j eluded: $2500 — Adams $80 Liquor possession J "That the state build and mainE G $80 $80 Smith Green tain marketing and Gambling— R Goosma$ $20 p purchasing agencies throughout the Lund $20 G Jones $110 state Trespass — John Baker J$2 "The acquisition of idle industrial Disturbance of peace— J( Doe $10 plants mines etc by the state to Reckless drivjing — G W Child $5 furnish employment for idle citizens and that the household products produced by such action be distributed at "cost to the needy citizens League ' of the state "The establishment of state clin-ic- s VI omen Division to adequately provide medical and dental care for those unable to The Utah Tax Reform league will secure it "That adequate Insurance laws hold a meeting in the Weber county including unemployment maternity court house Thursday evening July and dd age pension be operated 26 at e sht o'clock Tho public is invited to attend by the state without profit A special invitation is extend LIMIT ON SALARIES women of Weber county who are to "The restoration of unearned interested in taxfreform as wealth to the community and state ments will be made for Ihearrangesetting by steeply graduated taxes on gifts of a women's division of i the up and the higher brackets Council Handling Details of inheritances league of income The repeal of criminal syndicalTrip To Grand ism laws salaries fixed by the state cons ' Canyon It "That the salaries of state offi- tutoon safes abolition of state case no in cials shall the exceed $2500 The members going on the Carson mdn's hike to Grand canyon next a year with the exception of those tax month will be larger than on the ' s-- — 3 Carson hke tti Yellowstone last year according to a report received at Boy Scout headquarters today The boys will leave Ogden August 1 21 and will return August 30 Many of the troops are planning to take care of their own transportation which should cost in the neighborhood of $5 per boy There are a large number of boys who will be These boys going as ' individuals are asked to report to scout headquarters immediately leaving their-nameand word whether they want the council to supply transportation Therejisa considerable amount of information regarding equipment and helps for this trip which makes it all the mofe necessary for boys to report early Every boy or man in Ogden who figures on taking this hike should promptly phone headquarters and indicate how he expects to go said Executive S D j Young ' It you hurry you hew mon cord Public Address Will Be Delivered In County High School The list of nominees follows: United States senator John A Watters Duchesne First district congress- man William J McConnell Cedar City Second district congressman A L Porter Springville state supreme court justice Bert Westover Duchesne state treasurer Mrs Isabella Adamson Salt Lake City DUTIES ASS SIGNED Mr Watters was chairman of the convention which was attended by 40 party leaders William C Sumner of Ogden was vice chairman O A Kennedy Ogden secretary and E P Evans Duchesne assistant secretary Campaign committeea were selected by the convention as follows: State: E M Weber Ogden chairman Mrs Adamson Mr Evans Mr McConnell and Mr Porter First congressional: Darwin Condie Cedar City chairman Emil Munz Duchesne and Vern Bullough Ogden Second congressional: Robert Er-wSunset J E Butter Salt Lake City and Mrs Adamson HOME EXEMPTION The platform adopted demands: "That homesteads on the farms and homes in the cities be exempted from taxation' up to the sum of I Sale Ends Saturday! IVniGilT'S SELL Speak tonight i The home alnd community derjart-- 'i partial state ticket was named ment CD of the Utah State Farm Buby the Socialist party of Utah at its real on federation a is working annual state convention held in plan the Ogden city hah Tuesday after- to give its members "medical care at a cost they can afford to pay" noon y cj h t Y© u r- SENT SOCIALISTS A - ' DR IIEDGEIt TO Utah Urged To Pay Pensions Run Mines and Factories Ogden lumber dealers today re- duced the price of lumber in conformance to the wish of the national administration to cut the cost of building materials in a housing and renovation campaign The reductions follow: 2x4— $4 per thousand feet Common boards $400 per thousand feet ' Flooring $600 per thousand feet Rustic siding $500 per thousand feet rThese reductions follow an average reduction of $200 on common items and $3 on finishing items made by lumber mills last Friday f-- weekly meeting at TICKET FORCED The 0 The Len-A-D- Chill-Ora-Ef- or er Steadj-KoId- v Iefroster Scientifically Food PJan-ne- d Com-partme- nt J Super-Seal-ed Cabinet 0 Hermetically Sealed Unit Acid Resisting Porcelain Interior Improved Convenient Shelf Spacing FOR LIFETBIE ENJOYMENT 0 Beauty in Design Cool0 ing Unit Electric Light AH-Porcela- O ih 4 W4 Vegetable Crisper Cold Chest XHE COMPLETE KEFKIGEKATOR i JVrhmmM XffssEKagr teats muumnto Hxcluslve Dealers y |