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Show Religion1 for Everyone S . ., 1 - "v - - "' ' v, 4 : .7 i ,;. .: ;; f ' Prbyo Pastor Chooses Text on Salvation ..... ,; - SUNDAY HERALD ed Jr. High PTA I ' j .;. ." j .... ': r " f Newly-Organiz- ft The first AMERICAN FORK ii ims 7-- A Hew Springville Junior High School to be Ready For Use by Fall of '57 t Holds First Mee 8TOPA?S1gLfa' meeting of he By REV. R. G. GUNDERSON junior hjgn school PTA was held Pastor, Provo Bible Church Thursday night at the school, cen- "How shall we escape' if we ed around the subject "Knbw neglect so great salvation, which west front with the campus in tht By EVELYN M. BOYER Your School." School policies were at the first began to be spoken rear to to SPRINGVILLE by the Lord, and was confirmed discussed by Principal Don OverAwarding of The north extend will Eighth East. house most unto us by them that heard Him" wing Two faculty members, Lowell the contract for construction of a ly. classrooms with 4 the gymour i This (Hebrews 2:3). verse, new Junior High School building fon talked and Jean Bennett nasium at rear. Fugal the The one of musie. as wonderful is it is, in Springville is imminent and text,? nd the subject of mathematics rooms will sec the front the seven warnings found in this occupy the building is expected to be science. A question period foltion of south the with the Epistle to the Hebrews. The r wing ready for use by the fall of 1957. lowed. Fred rGarrett, music and arts homemaking warning is neglect not "so great i departments This was the announcement in the rear. The salvation." The destiny of man's arranged special musifcal made auditorium and this week Nebo School by soul depends upon his respons numbers. entrance constitute a connection WIN HIGH AWARDS M Man Award and Golden Gleaner Awards were presented to (left to right) to meeta officials District following s God betweed the two wings and locker this, warning. Lietus Th" officers heading the orgc with Dell of the rooms will connect Ashworth Eleroy H. West, Beth Gillman West, Georgia Lee Bulluck, Elma Widdison Fugal, Gloria Wadley note ing the classroom this year are: Mrs. A. P. Claude S. Ashworth Carter and Carol Smith Butler at a recent MIA conference of Timpanogos Stake, Pleasant Grove. architectural section of the north The Origin of Mrs. Clyde wing to the Hoelscher, president: firm of Provo, which has drawn The words "whichat the first" The kitchen and lunch vice first Ion gymnasium. Adamson, president: in our text giveus the clue. The second vice president; up the plans for the new building. room and heating system are in Overly, n Deadline for submission of bids the basement of the our with connection beginning-iMrs. Don Overly, secretary-treasurebuilding in is Monday, Nov. 28. Lordblends into eternity past. the north are: chairmen wing. Department To be located in the section east yie" cannot mark His beginning Mrs. G. W. Schaumburg, proOther Items for He always was, and in the of Memorial Park and south of Also Mrs. Leo and health Bowen, gram; included in the plans ar heart of God in eternity past building PLEASANT GROVE Golden wife of Byron Carter ofManila very safety; Mrs. Frederick L. Fish, the new armory, the will was born His plan of salvation PASTOR a woodwork and metal shop, some Gunder-soR. G. Rev. have a Gleaner Awards and a Master M and daughter of Mrrand Mrs. for man. "In the determinate historian; Mrs. Jarold Sunder- brick, construction) classrooms for scispecialized pastor of Provo Bible land, project; Mrs. Marvin Teiich-er- , Man's award were presented to Glen W. Wadley of Pleasant counsel and foreknowledge of ence studies, a library room, a five young women and one young Grove; andCarol Smith Butler, God," Jesus Christ His "only be- Church and author of today's publicity; Mrs. Leland Priday, health unit, councfling rooms, man of Pleasant Grove at a re wife ofKarl Butler of Pleasant gotten Son" would some day bring Religion for Everyone. room representative; Mrs. Walprincipal's office, and a faculty cent MIA Conference. This brings Grpveand daughter of Mr. and to pass the Father's plan. lace Beck, magazine; Mrs. ! Al suite including work and meeting C. 31 Golden Gleaners Mrs. William the total to Smith; of Pleas the believer by the Holy Larsen, adult education: Mrs. Seen powering Comparison rooms. in Timpanogos Stake, 18 of whom ant Grove. To go through the Old Testa Spirit to live for Him. In a very Wilbur Harding, hospitality; Airs. Of fireproof construction throughare members of the Grove LDS Each of the Golden Gleaner ment and not see the rsense there is no culmina- Lloyd G, Transtrum, memberthe building floors will b out, Ward Gleaner classlel by Mrs. award winners have been and are nate Christ in type and in prophe- real to ship. tion His salvation because it of Teinforced Lucille H. Walkerr concrete, and steel . :t XT outstanding leaders of the stake cy is to miss the meaning and I. t with masonry wails insldt The MasterM man award was and wards. Mrs. West has serv message of its pages. For in it i cbciudi. x ci xruui wis Hies The teachers and room reprejoist of view we look forward to sentatives of the three grades afre: U1 be of and out. The ceilingsAnnual Brigham Young presentecTto Eleroy H. West, ed as ward Junior Gleaner two we see Christ the Son of God point a of things. For "If in Ninth Grade Emil Jones, rs. number tile and of worker. He is at the years; stake Gleaner leader 18 marching toward earth, Bethle roof the Christmas Drive light weight charity life only we have hope in Lowell Bennett; Wanda Jorgen; on, insulating-typ- e an week with this deck on concrete present . time a member, of the months; Primary teacher one hem, and finally Calvary, and this appeal Fifth Ward bishopric; has serv- year; counselor of First ward there because of His death we Christ, we are of all men most Mrs. Ralph Smith; Moyle Parl er, by Chairman Reed Blake, St. steel joist. miserable." Our eternal hope is Mrs. Alma Hansen; A. B. Allen, George, to students to ed as a priesthood ward leader; MIA one year; and she and ,Mr. read in Hebrews 9:14 in compari- in begin Oq the sides where the sun hits His coming again. ". . . unto Mrs. LaMar Boren; Douglas Jchn-soas ward MIA dance director; West organized a square dance son to earthly rituals and reli them and about thinking preparing the building will be aluminum that look for Him shall He Mrs. Wilson Cunningham. ward M Men basketball coach; group in order to complete their gious ordinances, "How much their contributions. PROVO COED HONORED windows of light directional-tyframed the time second without appear Stake M Men leader. assignments for the awards. They more shall the , blood of Christ, sin unto Lowell Bennett, The drive is sponsored by the pe Eighth Grade blocks. Floor coverAnn TofeUerwho was rnamed Timpanogos salvation." glass He is a graduate of the Pleasant are the parents of three children. who through the eternal Spirit of Mrs. Niles Wing; Harvard Jensen, Associated Men and Associated ing except in the gymnasium and to the Word of the Sigma Grove High School, LDS Semin She attended the BYU and LDS fered Himself without spot to According God, Mrs. Don Limb; Evan Nelson, Women students of BYU. Each MissStg Derby; by on will the be of vinyl tile. stage, the of child God Bible, Every conscience from ,CM members of USAC at their ary, and is a graduate of the Business College. Mrs. Alton Storrs; Elwood Fpte, year BYU receives a list of fam, God, purge your faith of will Steam Heated age ilies to help at Christmastime annual Sig Derby. University of" Utah, with a major Georgia Lee Bullock has serv- dead works, to serve the living through to the call every of His trumpet Mrs. Ersal Fagan; Jean Fu ?al, from the Provo Welfare Board. respond God." The building will be steam-heate- d in mechanical engineering. He is ed as a ; Sunday School teacher for Today we look back to Jesus when He comes for His own, for Mrs. Dean Smith.- this Blake the son of Mr, .and Mrs. Eleroy two and each room will be proanticipated year's years; a member of the the Lamb of God who bore our His is the power of resurrection Seventh Grade Vejma Siel-le- drive to be the largest ever vided with ventilator heater unit R. West. one year; sec Mrs. Alma Madsen; cark staged at BYU. Golden- Gleaner awards were Grove Ward choir sins on Calvary and say there's unto eternal life. "So shall we in as much as natural gas is not the of School, ever be with Sunday the Lord." The life Brown, Mrs Leo Angell; ElwDod Articles students will include in available where salvation yet, True, began. presented to Beth Gillman West, retary for large buildings at stake representative of M it was God the Son in and with Christ begins the Foote, Mrs. Ira Taylor; Ramon the gifts will be toys, clothing, the wife of Master M Man Eleroy three; fulfilling present. one Men and Gleaners for moment we acknowledge that we Dean, Mrs. Junius Gray; Jjean canned and bottled gockis, and year; plan of God the are sinners before West and daughter of the has An incandescent Jighting system an outstanding Treas Father in made Him, and con Fugal, Mrs. Ralph Chipman candy. Late J. W. Gillman and Mrs. ures of Truth Book, her life his bringing salvation to fess that to fixwith "slim-line- " is Him, and receive Him Gifts and toys for smaller chil- turesplanned man. Neglect not "so great sal,, Gillman of" Orem; Georgia Lee tory in accord-infor the class rooms, She as and is Lord and Saviour by faith be throughout all ages of eternity to dren are especially needed, Blake story. picture vation." of and Bullock, daughter Bishop the architects. a violinist, a member of lieving, and it continues forever. come. Such is the "so great said. Articles of clothing are A tonumber Ann Tueller, datfghter of Dr. Mrs. Harold Salvation Confirmed H. Bullock; Mrs. thegifted of local people toBYU Orchestra Symphony God's plan of salvation for man found in our text. also hard to secure for smaller The Confirmation of His Salvaand Mrs. W.'D.i Tueller, of Provo, Elma Widdison Fugal, wife of asp with members of the state is a senior student ma tion: Death on was recently crowned as Miss John Fugal of Pleasant Grove where she Calvary in itself, began in His heart in eternity Such is the life and hope of the children, he aid. He invited gether buildinz committee have worked in Education. Elementary for many had died in like man past, and has been fulfilled by the believer as based upon the truths everyone with a contribution to Sig Derby by Sigma Chi fraterni- and daughter of the late Mr. and joring was Valedic School She with the worx High of Jesus Christ His Son on of God's infallible Word. Reader, contact the Student Coordinators designers in working out ner. But the resurrection of our ty members of the Utah State Ag Mrs. Robert E. Widdison of Hoop torian., ' for the new building. , salvati&n." BYU. not at office plans "so great Lord confirms His Sonship with Calvary's cross, and continues neglect ricultural College at their annual er; Mrs. Gloria Wadley Carter, Mrs. has served Elma His Confirms the Father. Fugal, atoning Sig Derby. Miss Tueller, a Kappa Delta pledge, competed with rority Rush Week when the fra as drama director for fivea ward work on Calvary. Confirms the wrote and produced ward fact that God the Father was pledges from five sororities for ternity acts as host lo the pledges. plays, 0'' road is a Social Science satisfied with the "finished" work show; the honor. Miss Tueller was one of the class j on Calvary. But ward Grove Son the God of of leader the In former years, Sigma Chi has seven finalists in the: Miss Liberty Relief Society. She is an excel how do we know today, more traditionally named their Sigma Belle contest in Provo at the 1955 lent seamstress making clothing than 1900 years later that all this , July Fourth celebration when she for her four children. She is a took place? "It was confirmed darling, as the highlight of So- - was named Miss Bathing Beauty. graduate of the BYU. She served unto us by them that heard Him." as general chairman of the More than that "He showed HimLambda Delta Sigma annual self alive after His passion- - by Trousseau Tea in 1948. many infallable proofs, being seen of them 40 days, and speak a now Mrs. Gloria Carter is ing of the things pertaining to member of the Manil-O-Ettof God." the I Singing group, and has served as ButKingdom MISIlIISaS GSS&S&jt SPECIAL BUYS FOR THANKSGIVING! we must have a present their president. She has served so we ; ; begin the group. By the year's end each as chorister and Primary teach day confirmation, By SHIRLEY CHATWIN Word the from a with promise new will had the a have student oppor er for seven years, as Manila HEBER It is hoped of God. "If thou shalt confess emphasis on "greater participation tunity to appear on an assembly MIA sports director for two with thy mouth the Lord will stimulate better social rela program. years,, and was recently elected and shalt believe in thine Jesus, heart tionships within the junior high The planning of class parties in to serve as vice president of the that God hath raised Him from school group this year. Assem- terms of small groups permits Grovecrest school. Her hobby is the thou shalt be saved." blies to date have featured par-- more individual .attention and bet sewing and she is an excellent The dead, experience and testimony of ENAMEL "ticipation by every student within ter supervision activity. Many seamstress for herself and for her every born again Christian is recorded in Colossians 1:13, 14. He parents have and will be invited four children. Carol Butler has served as a "hath delivered us from roast-Ke- eps Holds 154b. fowl or 18-lto attend these parties. the powMIA teacher for 18 months; as er of darkness, and hath transPhysical education instructors secretary of the Second ward Resavory uices In for top flaus into the kingdom of His lated are cooperating with the program lief 18 for months; organ Society, we have revor Deep oval shape provide by including in their classroom ist of almost every organization dear Son: in whom even His blood, more room for high breasted fowl. activities coeducational games and at one time or another; has demption through of sins." That is activities wherein boys and girls served as stake organist two the forgiveness Built-i-n gravy weH for easier bast in a years; does leathercraft, sewing, the 20th century confirmation of to learn together participate Thanks Annual of the resurrected the giving assembly ing. Sleek design designed to promote nor handicraft, knitting, and the re- Christpower at Brigham Young University will manner and life of in the 'heart social mal out filled for her relationships. makes for easier quired reports be given Nov. 22 during the weektrusting soul. Remember book every in were award first the presented not devotional high will. junior whosover Following Its for Program period. Neglect ly cleaning will include a special Indian dance on Halloween, a student form complete, according to Mrs "so great salvation." BYU the z for She attended Walker. Soul Cleansed - -z r , dance, musical numbers, and Questionnaire was distributed to two , years, and one year at the The Culmination of His Salvatalks. "Assembly will be in the revaal the students feelings conGeorge Albert Smith Fieldhouse cerning the success of the event. USAC, maporing in Business and tion: Salvation brings to an end ALUMINUM ROASTER at 9:55 a.m. With 93 per cent of the Seventh Home Economics. She is the moth a life of sin by cleansing the c 3 1 cf RYU Indian students will per emof three children. from and soul sin, seeking reporting, 113 or 78.5 per kr In graders form a ritual Thanksgiving Rosstlns rack rent for oven browning, attended had indicated cent they i dian dance. Music will - be pro the dance. Of those attending, 88 b. fowl or lS-l- b. rot ft vided by BYU Opera Workshop cent danced more than half Just right sise for small famillec. Choir, Madriguys quartet, and a per the time, only one student report solo by Sam Thompson, Malta, Quick even heat lifting handle on ed not dancing at all. Asked their Ida. of the dance 75 reported Special talks will be given by opinion tray for easier was it very good, 31 good, and and Dra Lynn McKinley, Speech I. KanHHng . matic Arts instructor. Annual seven fair. None felt it was poor Thanksgiving . message will be or very poor. per cent given by a member of the BYU In the Eighth grade 91 cent had reported. Seventy , per presidency. JUMBO Muscial numbers will include attended; 64 "per cent danced more "The Lord's Prayer" by Malotte than half the time, two students ROASTER and "For the Beauty of the reported not dancing at all. Sixty-fiv-e Earth" bv Shaw, sune by the felt It was very good; 20, Holds fowl Opera Workshop: "Give Me Your good; four, fair; one, poor; one, 25 lb. roast. or Tired, Your Poor" from the in very poor. , Satin finish botac 0 scription on the Statue of Liber Junior John high Carlile, tom for. ty by Emily -- Lazarus, sung by tivity director, has reason to feel quick the Madriguys; and "If With Ail oDtimistic about the success of heating Your Heart You Truly Love Me," the program.. There is concern M from "Elij a", by Mendelssohn, about those children who failed 0 sung by Thompson. to see to attend. Parents are urged their children are in . attendance at all social events. Of special interest to parents will be the. report on dating. 'Ac cording to the results of the ques mi I W'i nuimuni iihijuiihuim. mm t , lllWW UH.IIII.JII ; y tionnaire, only four couples dated for this dance. School authorities o Includes urn as this practice discourage strongly Richard L. Pope, English teachhigh school and hope er and student newspaper ad- in the junior frco homo will support them in this viser at Brigham Young High parents The shows above figure 1 School, will attend the 45th annual policy. ! I y. i 4 1 111 0 is not the week it Counpopular thing to do of National the per convention instruction to cil of Teachers of English in New and should serve as a guide Traditional AA parents and students. York City Nov. 21 to 26. SILVERPLATE newly-organize- d of-th- e r - y' Jdi-rect- or I- ... ni-zati- on on: this-"salvati- Six Gain Coveted Master M r. Man, Golden Gleaner Awards , n, - University Plans Annual Christmas pre-inca- 1 Charity Campaign 1 - -- rch n, 1 , Provo Coed Wins USAC Q ueen Honors y, - pre-determi- ned pal-vatio- n" -- -- More Student Participation Planned at Wasatch Jr. High , LP es H1 1 JUST , m TIME FOR THANKSGIVING ROASTERS b. Thanksgiving Assembly Planned At 'Y' v v lib J . 12-I- . NO MORE ....... ........... 4.44 ... ROWING DAY DRUDGERY! NOW mm . -- ; YnV 12-I- b.' 4.99 j5 . AUTOMATIC IRONER English Teacher Will Attend Confab in East ' , $ ' m I. hi hf ' 1 PHONE FR 3-30- with our truck-stodelivery SERVICE RIGHT re AT YOUR DOOB op to $25 TRADE-I- N 'or yoor old mattress on a SMOOTH TUFTLESS r"""'W L V2 . V. OVERMAN'S MATTRESS UNIVERSITY AVE. Ilollywood and Bunk Beds Springs 1 -- Rne Peggy KeBooo Quality 4 5-I- b. AUTOMATIC IRONER a LJ Kkfc box Bght Villi iJimI.Iv Most mattresses look alike bat OVERMAN'S have that extra Quality built In! 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