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Show Friday, November 4, 1927 THE TIMES-NEW- NEPIII. UTAH S. PAGE THREE Local Notes Sir. and Mrs. Geo. E. Howard mid daughter Mabel, returned home from Salt Lake Saturday, ufter a few 25" dayr. vif.it. The S. O. D. H. club surprised Miss Nina Chappell at her home Monday evening, Oct. 31 in honor of her birthday. Delicious refreshments were served to the following: Mildred Ord, Lorna Kendall, Ruby Sadie Howard, Belliston, Gladys Golden, Georgia Francom, Nellie Carter, Uert Powell, Elvin Vickers, David Austin, James Smith, Herman Wilkey, Earl Warner, Ronald Belliston and the guest of honor, Mis3 Nina Chappell. TRADE 'ETROLEUKl The arranged Hallowe'en party. rooms were decorated in the season's colois. .fter playing games, were served to the following members: Ruth Parkins, Geneva Garrett, Maida Starr, Delia .McPhetson, Inez Jenkins, Mabel Wilson, Mae Garrett, Lucille Parkins, Ruth McPherson, DeLoise Leavitt, Stella Harris, Thora MacFarlance Ruby Olsen, lone Garrett, Ethel McPherson, Jesye Salisbury, and the TOPS Well Known! Recognized as a symbol of excellence and courteous service, the PARCO sign is your invitation to enjoy the best. PARCO gas is a marvel for producing smooth power and econcmy, aided and abetted by PARCO and VEE-DO- L oils in protecting your motor from faulty lubrication. JudcFs Garage G. R. Judd. journalistic Intereolle-fraternit- Gomes UU Dresses,. Millinery, Shoesi Accessories Coats, Inexpensive Frocks for Many Need Tailored with lines new t r i ,' FA Silk and Wool Fabrics ..I tv I', r M!f i STwill tweed More women crepes me very type of frock you need! Women, Misses y; and Juniors $9.90 Cars- - the Scout Executive, A. A. Anderson, Pres. O. K. Hansen and Lee R. Taylor to participate in their big meeting which set off the torch for SCOUT DRIVE Postage, $100.0n; Rent, light, heat their drive. Carbon and Emery are and phone $3'.imi ; Publicity and also in full swing getting their drive (Continued from page one) Transportation, '.veil into hand. Millard printing. $150. $400.00 against $624.00; $378.00 agaainst $430.00; Deserot, $900.00; Contingency fund. $350 00; Wednesday night the Palmyra $420.00 against $500.00; Caruon, Camps and hikes. $ 1ST. 50; Leader- stake holds their annual Fathers' and Badges training, $.'00.00; $614.00 against and Sons' banquet at which time $850.00 ; Emery. ship $294.00 against $330.00; Wasatch, supplies. J30O.0O; National fee an! they expect to fire their big guns to 8672.00 start the attack. against $800. oil; Juab, quota, $:!tj.oo. This new budget excludes the Scout Executive A. A. Anderson $275.00 against $300.00 A budget committee consist ing of practice used last, year of issuing came down from Provo Tuesday It was de- evening and niet with the local a representative from each district badges to all Scouts. in the Council, the Scout Executive, cided that the districts would pay relative to the Scout Drive Secretary and Treasurer and prtsi-de- for (he badges if they thought it im- mentioned above and a number of of the Council met and drew up portant enough to do so. Over six other matters. Although the Juab a budget which was placed before hundred dollrrs was spent last year District is the "baby" district of the The Council the local officials are very the Executive Board for approval. for badges earned by boys. The recommendations were iidoptedj small amount for badges and sup- much encouraged and enthused over and the following budget for the! plies is in cover cost of Eagle Bad- prospects here. The drive will start was approved: ges and Scout supplies to lie used by as soon as local conditions are aryear 1027-2- 3 Executive and field men's salaries the Council. ranged and by Nov. 20 the Juab have already I'itriet t'oes not expect any trouble Several districts $4062.00; Office help salary. $'!'";! Office equipment and supplies, $150; their drive, Peserct district invited in going over the top'. 25thAnniversary Smart Steps Kid In Brown 0; more and are wearing these handsome coats fashioned of materials in animal and fur effects and trimmed with contrasting furs. The prices are so very low. tfwm i. jerseys tins a n ti silk Inexpensive Fur Fabric Coats m-- details a r oi that distinctive. So smart under win- ter coats, f Smart Flattering ming Pi Delta Epsilon, national social fraternity. Nephi, Utah Hudson and Essex fraternity; m ENNEYIO. Brisk Autumn Days Suggest the Need of hostess, Mrs. Gideon Sidwell. Daken Broad- LOGAN, Oct. 28. head of Nephi, a senior at the Utah. Agricultural College has been appointed exchange editor of Student Life, the college weekly publication. Mr. Broadhead was business manager of the paper last year. Mr. Broadhead is registered in the School of Comerce and is majoring in marketing. He is a member of the following organizations: executive council of the student body; Alpha Kappa Psi, national business CJJ.U, INSTITUTION- - "where savings are greatest Mrs. Gideon Sidwell entertained the Junior Girls of the North ward M. 1. A. Saturday evening at a well iARCo D OUR A NATION-WID- E ! $19.75 to $39.75 'Get Acquainted 25th Anniversary Ties Are Newr! Set of Our Own Jaciel Toiletries A handy set to familiarize our friends with a new line of fine toilet preparations. A regular In AH Patent size box of 'ail i The Oxford is taking new steps forward into smart circles this Fall. Brown kid with Snake trim. nt $5.90 powder and a jar of cold and vanishing cream. ' 98c The "Onanof f " The new note in Fait hoes is the Oxford Tie withj ts graceful Spanish heel ind silky bows. Modestly1 Ladies' fancy tan., and white mixed Russian Root, warm and weather resisting. See our windows. Reasonably priced ( triced. $5.90 $3.98 We H ave Purchased A Very eautiful Assortment of Christmas Cards ( MISERY CHRISTMAS"' to all Your Friends. Our display is com- plete and we have a card to please you, at the price you want to pay. This year's selections of the latest cards were purchased direct from the manufacturers, which ive the people of East Juab County the w opportunity of sending the latest tiling in The Greeting Cards to CARD County. Times-New- s SALESLADY" make a complete canvass of Cast Juab I Realiinir that the Women Eolks purchase approximately Ninety Five I'cr Cent of the Christmas Cards, and for their convenience vc will have the sales lady call on you at your own home, and "he their friends. . We have made arrangements to have OUR "CikEETIN( iREETIXG CARDS that say in a manner most pleasing, "A you the opportunity of selecting the cards you desire. Publishing Company |