Show SHORT STORIES teacher teachers contract contracts to teach I 1 k pt in tock stock and for ale side at the A ITO ik cate cats office mr ant MM mrs U 0 W gentry hove move dont ont to their ranc h ID in whilmore where tho they jr it not a t wide reside mr ant nl mr mrs arthur J I 1 L are re now c 0 in their new home h ome to the wet wot wo t of the mathis houe sheep buyer tire re quite plentiful in ibis this dion of f the state these day days but they are caution cautious As a to the be prices offered tn th new lunch counter munter nt helper I 1 Is now ow in de use an I 1 11 to I 1 17 y fur far t taic jo neatest anu sou beet t arranged of any aloria 1 the hue line of the road dr fisk will get into life bt new I 1 ft t t helper now in a few dive days the bull ling li to routh of the depot an I 1 there are three rooms room there ws wis a well arranged 1 an I 1 inter sting toting ir ro Krain at the sunday 1 night iti i bow how iver wag was very small dr field performed a very tery delicate delac te operation on the eidet eon son of lion rolan 0 miller the other day the tho little fellow ii is cether bolong nicely 0 T olon ol 01 on of emery thin week bought of A keiter of alt lake city about fire thousand thon nand head of stock sheep the cash con wag was ia the infant rit child i f mr sir and mrs C 11 joanon la to rapidly UP or ler the cats of ur dr fl id it ba bits been suffering bivin sit a bisulc of district court meets second men mon lay in october judge johndon la Is ad sit ping for a court stenographer fred bating baying resigned his position HOT allied allred bad bia his left arm badly the other tiny by iivo bt idof thrown into a barb atre lence fence the team be lie wits iriving at the time away with bim him the county munty c 3 apet the third mon monlay lay la in october in rf regular gular fe eve diun toe matter of bonding the county III at that be finally di 11 posed of it ie Is aid said the acuto laurie sale baa has fallen th through rough ex st sanator in ifor cannon being unable to raise me wherewithal to make the purcharee pur chaee others are now figuring on the ill tit al several indians were ere in from the ree res er erv va lion atlon the latter part of the do ing some shopping among the toree stores nud with I 1 he saloons ahen ben they could do business basi nees with the latter the carbon county tea her herR institute I 1 concluded at se cid last friday oven even iniz after which the visitors were taken through the aitu a at winter quarter quarters a AL trip that was vry very v ry much by all lonia louis lowenstein will give a big dance in his now new bul but ing when it is completed and before be he moves hin his stock in che be music wl wi I 1 be from castle gate and slid everybody in the county will be extended an invitation air R 31 barety has aten suffering I 1 lor or a or tea da das a from a very sore finger caused by from a light tight ring the finger has swollen to ach size that she was unable to filu the nug off it it I 1 artry painful pain tul the brick walla walls ut of the new lowenstein building bave been given give n a coat of red ed paint I 1 hie lie bouse house will be rea ly for uc about the tle first of oltorf r mr lowenstein Is now in salt lake city buyink a big line liue of new goods the rhe span ailing buggy people have old id out their ml orty forty five bug bag kies thip tripped ped lu in few weeks ago and anti have ifft i ta anres nw n w six ot of them diapered of hie here h ie and the balance in uintah an I 1 emry counties I 1 hey go from bera hero to fairview F beeve chipman bae has just returned turned ir from nephi where he l 4 WO 00 head ut of ewes irom from on an ani 1 11 bit more I 1 may be will leave for price nd from inere be he will go to niue mile to in hia his herds he will receive n chiv the h jast bought ou thi the of this month dw rut ret N karf rs esth pete nielson Nie laon who wa w ax a arrested coille iiii ane eg 89 on oil th MS its iwine one on i tf f the roost ro and stud for whose car cal lure bli preer r of a only got tuo r war I 1 iff red by the wa hrc ili the haslof lat of th thi weik week 0 on his wy w y to acce davne county where hf ho will stand rial trial on the harge charge of grand 1 larceny larmay ilia his friends are bare that ho lid will come dear clear the directors of ibe the west ern rn railway company 1 d a dividend ot of I 1 per cent pay oble ber mili it arf furred stock of the corn com I 1 ana an at pur pir to the common stock bold tra ol 01 r record ard of september 15 the first dividend on the common ok k i per c cut ut tit in preferred rrt d stock at pr pir was as pai pal I 1 r tf arthur J L ident manager for the who leode implement bouse house of Georga A lowe Inform tm that be he will oon soon twain the of a big war barhouse house and nd office ou on the corner west of FAtz filiger ger aid co tin the structure will be itter feyt with wilb KI atti the be depot it t will be of r frame fraine construction and the building cow now occupied by mr lee wv will be torn avay away and nd inch such of tae tac wood mai aerial as can ie be utilized pat put I 1 into 11 t 0 the now building jak jalk egan went out to bu his ranch in nine mile canyon tuesday morning when where he will remain for several day days looking after bin buy bay crop te to dan dance ce at imper monday was very inego ly attend 1 an ani I 1 a gf theral g bd 11 faliu wn wits hal ha I 1 by all there were several couples op up from arice the big I 1 anch of wl to 10 the west of fitzg r old co s till still remain it hut boos bern that ibe the piece place wilt will mako a good bear ranch if allowed to go much longer th first of honey boney from thoa the alief lile valley arrived 11 here mou lay for 11 II of 1111 it will be still pad oat out thi this apex to chicago about two more care cars are doe to arrive oon soon the clomp dra Urn matli I 1 Is ree bear plug I 1 be dom 1 7 y r il emrany old 01 J kentucky to be riven given in tb tuiner ar future I 1 for the benfit ben fit of the utility ron lay school tb the will bayl abarge of the af which insures iu its success the preliminary hearing beana of john W lloyd who shot ernest while tt bt turrill croul bit lot at wa wax finished friday last I 1 be he heathie was beld held bogoje justice af the peace jone jones Atturo attorney ey looked after the judge harketes appe arati for the defend the cum pluitt chanced lloyd with 4 aging using a dead ly weapon with lutent intent to commit mar der thy the justice decided should be hanged changed to read osing losing a wes weapon pon with intent to do bodily it lloyd was bid beld to the di court wort to a OLK buu beads W ebli 1110 h were giten given let last tuesday began the new now year rh fla sonah it lucre more bun than the ginning ix ug of the religious year it is a day of memorial mm orial aa as well wel I 1 it calla calls the jew forth to examine bs his conduct and lue life daring during the past year and requires airee ot of him to repent according tu to th ibe old jewish legend it ii is the day ot of j nag ment on oa the day ot of rueh hadon ithe ah it ia is beli believed tved that god aits sits on hie his throne beare him hid hits two beoka of uie lite and death that H ili j scans the record of every human soul throughout the past year that evil action therein can be blotted out not in tence in to worda words or feeling only but by the commission comm luion of e good deed h ahall balance it the day was appropriately observed by the jewish population of this part of utah |