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Show . - 7 rano II 160 ' . iti.foda , By Swen Teresed . , : (Sicen today preseritran other letter- from Fielding K. "Swat" Smith, vacatiOntng in - - , - . roultilDie uon .:0:00.-:st-0,,-r-- HUNTSVILLECompletion next spring in this Weber County community of the first Catholic monastery ever constructed in the state of Utah will reveal a structure of. four quonset huts in a 170 foot square, with a bell tower and cross extending 71 feet into the air. It will be the first monastery in the world constructed of quonset huts, said Ashton, Evans and Brazier, architects and engineers. However, it is only intended as a temporary structure. Eventually a more elaborate monastery is planned. It will take ten to construct the final monastery, to be erected years 1, stone. , '1 - Cal , 4 M . SO 110' Of - Site of the building, to be known as the of the Holy Trinity,-wi- ll farm. be a 1640-acr- e . ,, east of Huntsville. plot The monastery is being tonstructed by the Catholic order, of Cistercians,,c9mmonly called Trappist Fathers. The Huntsville monastery will be one of five maintained by the Trappist Life ,order in the United States. The other four are located in Georgia and Kentucky, Rhode Island and Iowa. - The front wing of the structure will d to house guests or those coming for spiritual retreat. The left wing will be a chapel. The other two wings astery ay. - be-use- --- New Car ol, , - - :' 79.''.1.-i,,,- . ' t fl V ,", i 4'' -6- r - -- 7 1- :,- - - p-- '' .;.,, 1-- - ' --- ,' r .. N ( WW1. ; tfikol .., :'''A , Il ' '":; ., 4., L -- -the ''',.'ii "Tz''''''''''Y I -- ' country. atk; vpsIte..., -- t , surrounding It much too.be all - . -- - lit I,t ,i,.- . ,t , .,,,, ii,..,,LA, iga-- . 21!' ..... .... "46' :, - .,,it ' w4"A'..,t -I 1 4,, ,, tpraig.:740.4k ,li IIPe - .,, , '., " -- 1404,t7Ac?&;41410,146 , ,,... '' , Dardets grandchil-- was a rousing beginning ' 01 happy reunion in a garden spot. My brother's jobor ,rather job s (in addition to , some farming), are primarily those of beautification, genial r host and missionary. The few years prior to 146 saw some deterioration here. - , .. ,i,;.."?.,..6....-4.....,.0.--- ,..i. : ' 4 1r reit': Ou tt ', ;ryl,"----(''-- :. , ,. r,.. It: me... - : ,-.., ,,or Mi tr.ti NI ,,, 1 14V 14'; t; , -- ' ,... - rrY1 .77. .7- - - --- FIRST UTAH MONASTERYHere is an architect's draw- ing of the Monastery of the Holy Trinity at Huntsville Section TwoLocal New Buses ht Dt, To be Added to L City Lines new buses will the ..rmAva,,,,. ', ..,,f,,,,,,,, , lk,.. , ,, 4 ,.,. 42,i, , !.; .. . ,.:4 -- ::: , , , t , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,--.41i- :' ,,,,-- - : ',' ::., ...,, ., ,,,,,. :, - , ---- .- , ' s , - :I,; :4 , 1, '4"ti , ,i0,,,,, ',' ii:i 1 : : , ,..::.,, ' :,:, 3 )1' PLANE RUSHES CHILD TO S. L. FOR OPERATION 4 t. .. .t. .," ,, 1, t .3--- ', :'. ; :: , Vt'!'-'..4- An emergency operation was Cooler Mghts Will Continue, Says Weatherman , t L.....,...4...... growing Cadillac-- 20 -- months or longer. Deliveries have slowed up in recent months. ChrystertiAbout" eight to 12 months. Chevrolet-- 18 months behind "and getting worse." orders, DeSoto"Quite some time." to 12 months. DodgeEight Ford-- 20 months. Maybe longer unless production resumes full scale. Frazer--30 days. Highest factory production in history may cut that. HudsonNot taking orders beyond 90 days. "Can't get anything this' year." own members," Elder Marlon C. Romney, assistant to the Council of of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, told members oft the Union of International Mine, Mill a n d Smelter Workers' auxiliary at Temple, Square, today.. He spoke at the morning session of the concluding day of the conventhe-Twel- Kaiser-- 30 two-year-o- ld UtilT GAS; OIL; COAL y... s an-Laoy-Da- , 110QtjjRS , ' , , ' E. Automatic VIASIIER : lks! e ; Apartment Hensel ASHER $36.90 ,7; d- . nut of furnaces At oomplotio an kInda - t , Heating Survey' end Estimate ' - I. MIMS: - Medicines ,10NONII 74977 Salt Lake City. I I - - FeOrL first South ; FIDINACE CLEANING,- and UMA-Sponso- 110GELERS 32 West !ILN' I 11 Si 95 P oes - -- 2205 HIGHLAND DRIVE ;LUNT Clothes! Sonri---Lo- wi FREE. , CURTIS BUILDERS - "SUPPLY. CO- , - em Water Heaters - with-Han- - Conversion 'Units Floorfincl Vicd1 yak Circulating Heaters - $349.75 St. - I Buffet rs Itto Triondly St'ort- - oti tie Corn.r WE DELIVER '. ' ' - I Sugarhouss . , - ' . ..... . ' -4 , i k k -- . ; - 4, ' ' , t 1 ' 1 - 0,. i ' . 1 ;' 1. - - ' .. ' ''''',), , , - - -- . 1 ,.T,; -- ' .- ..I , xiii -- . ' ' -- -- for the Support --bar between the -tennis:-; courts Liberty Parkwhere John E. McAuliffe Jr., 20, was fatally injured while playing' tennis those at bottom of order lista now taken. No one has been addett10 the order list for a year and a half. TuckerIndefinite. First carsi will be available for delivery in Salt Lake after the first of year. 1Till ot ' 7- - iitn . s. .... yr ng 'APLICEINASTEll welds ilia tor - Mountain zDrron. Lam 1014i. CANS, Piiiiii , . , L Electrically r, A to doh c4 AND IA 1 ss ' , ROOFING Composed r . - Convonlont - IS East 1st . ,...,..,,,, - "hone ko.4, per Sq. iC - ; Litt boiov p j Credit Tomo IPA ,'' - 0, - ,4 ?' ' ' FELT -- roll, 214. - 1' , - ,7,,, , .., 10, III rintzt4 .! . ''..."1. 1111t - , 3424S a 110440,r,e410,t - - " Priced. pot toll.ms. e, ' ' -, of - EIDVCC1CDE1s, numbens cappL;1 7WIST I2I4 144 cbsourt , - , I , , ' 1 - - spookilly . .,.. I made. Mt, Imaiod with era- -asphaltic waterproof maw tam. This Fill I lit li with lirentardent ski. 41.45 meat and is dorsi 9 ned to ra Dist tearing., .4..4 imam totiposisoly mood fat built. up roofs as a water sitetit., odor shingle. aost si ds Sry:.. lop loq. N IS lb.. pet 100 sq. ft. Am. pros wt. pst roll. SO lb - - - ', Width. 34 bi Lougth. 144 ft.'s., gq ft, pot roll. 321. Sat 111, Priced. per Roll 30 lb. pot 100 sq. ft. ap, 66 MCI wt, roll, pros, pm . -- --ttr-'..Width, IS tn.; kagth , o Photograp-hIcStudi- s - SO CC :t , " . clean, , on . S a AMA AND Span SOO. -- CANS,''eark-Wm --AtISC.C; FILM toot - - Fuel Company todaywas granted a ten-dextension of its deadline for filing reply brief in connection with- a of natural gas rates conducted by the Utah ,Public Service .Com. ; ; mission. -- , ,.. 4 5" DeOdlinel Extended Rcité , , $ewn CRAIG PROJECTO., EDITOR. Sam BELL A NOWELL . Iii-Fil- - - - .: -- - ,,,, ,, cal aa ... EQUIPMENT meanCouncil operations, while, are virtually at a stand. still because of the. controversy between the director and board members, over respective pow- - il ,, - ' MOMS - "meaningless and useless under - - at - SOUAIIITAS for sew istosinactimswit-oves- -sktnales. Made with oztra tahe lot added protectioa and sloop itch color linos. tout nails pet, shinttim tirinch roofing nails roceentoodad for new- - took, 112. loch nails tor xpieure, 24ach hood lam Altai. Loch; 3 tabs per shingle, 01 shingles pr square (THREE BUNDLES). 11 Dow, blo Coveraps. - Woight 210 lb.. Pot Pricdsquare. el PER i u SQUMtE...,.. . . ....I.. ' , ,, t '',- - t SUM PASCO wcotlean - Ile 0S , - - , -- - . ' gee - - INISIO01111111116- , ,, - ' .. - I ers- -4 - - - - ipi3O41- - d t' J, - Afternoon. Duty-Outline- today.-Followi- . -- -- , -- dov. Herbert B. Maw agrees to meet with the State Department of Veterans Affairs council and director to iron out the duties of each will there be any department meet' ings, council members said to- . day. The announcement followed cancellation of -- a --Ineetingbe tween the council and A. O. Ellett, department director, scheduled for a ses-- lion yesterday, the council said, any meeting with Mr. Ellett before talking over the situation tg-- 0'. . --- at' Vet Council Refuses i"." , To Meet Director , ... - SPON- . . , , , - . '., . 7 t .' 1 , . , , ,:: , - , ,' ... - 3 ; 7 1,,.., - days. 'general-investigati- CALL17-6262,-- -' go ' :: ......"'-- ' '; ay The first annual Utah Products Buffet sponsored by the Utah Association,' will be held at 7 p.m. today in the , Lafayette - ballroom of the Hotel .. . - ,' '. ht r $169.95 . , -- on;--wa- , , ,' ck, I -- , - eve-flin- gs , . , LincolnEight , Church,Opens Mission for -- to 12 months, I 1 and growing longer. Now has more unfilled orders than ever , before. ,, AtercuryEight to 12 months. ''''I' 1 Almost .no production for last ' '; t,,4 , 4 ,,,,k,'.. 45 days Is . -.4..,2. $1,, lengthening iI -- Waled,- od. t 1' a,;,,' '',-- ' ,' , t Nash"We've quit guessing.. No waiting list Is used- When ,.., cars come in, they are sold. . , ) - t,k ,,-- --- ,,:,, I' Oldsmobile--Eig, to ten , '1,. I ;I, Ittio's , ' , ' " . ,, t , , months, and growing longer. , PackardOne year. The numbet of queries is growing, but ., dealer is keeping pace with new ) names added to his order list. Pontiac"Long time." Pro- - , duction-to- o erratic to determine. TT ,-k IIMM6010611W- Plymouth Eight to ten months, maybe Anyway, "quite WHERE YOUTH WAS some time , HURTDetective- - H. W. - ...., ;. eral-degree- s , 0,,I, 14,,,,,i, rte. - ! - 1 months, longer. s "Since the beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints it hal been the goal lot its officers to sustain their 1,4, Buick-- 18 ,,.: r. expected to be performed toElder Romney stated that the Wilder. welfare day on a plan of the Church was Ida., child who was flown to designed to supply every memN:,,, ber with means of living withSa11 Jake early this morning ,, , out public relief. This was acfor treatment of an undiagcomplished by establishing - nosed illness. Church projects to pr.ovide proA v:',..,? , The Patricia little girl, .....;,'4a,40.1.111 , , distributing it accordHobbs, daughter of Mr. and duce toand the needs of the people. ing Mrs. I. E. Hobbs of Wilder. TO REOPEN MISSION "We produce 70 per cent of was brought fb Salt Lake in an Badwagan Piranian h a s the material that we distribute Idaho National Guard plane reto been named president and was immediately taken to with voluntary labor," Elder MisHe added Romney explained. open Palestine-Syria- n the Salt Lake General Hosthat as high as 55,000 persons sion. pital. have been helped in one year She was accompanied on the 75 flight by Mrs. Eva Maxon, re- - - and that and carloads of food, clothing beddinghave been St. lief superintendent--at -to the needy in Europe, Lukes Hospital where the shipped George-Haycointernational child was received last Sunrepresentative of United Steel day. Workers, was featured speaker Although the child's illness at afternoon sesilons of the.con., has not- a Palestine--Alethe four-da-y nosed, the father reported that vention. Concluding' was believed suffering .- meeting, members of the auxshe col thePalestint Reopening iliary held business sessions late from a suspected brain abcessSyhan Mission of the Church today to consider resolutions A Salt Lake physician will Wool Meet Called drawn up by the resolution perform the operation. The Utah Wool Marketing As- - of Jesus Christ of Latter-day sociation will hold its annual Saints and the reappointment of on Badwagan Pirarfian of Zurich, meeting in- - Salt- - Lake-Ci- ty Jan. 21, .Sylvester- - Broadbent, SWitzerland,, to preside with president of the association, an- - nake-Viashd- ay nounced today. Plans for the headquarters in Beirut, Lebanannounced today by the meeting were discussed ,t a I ' board of directors' meeting last I First Presidency. President Piranian presided nightt MrBroadbent said, over the mission from .. April 11933 to September 1937 and dur- his presidency moved the mg. .., automatic timor mission 4 Extra largo tubs , from headquarters largo Balmy wringor 111810, Palestine to Beirut His hone--sinc1937 has been in Zurich where he was active in ' HOLLAND BULBS G. Church affairs during the war. or II Line Mission The Palestine-Syria- n TULIPS HYACINTHS has been under local leadership no lines.t au;omatic wusbor o o minket IMMEDIATE' DUNElit DAFFODIL. CROCUS since the start of World WarII While Prices Are tow and President Piranian will re-- I Crops Are Short open the mission for missionary . Prices Will Advance. - Lactivity. lite Wringei All members of the Church in MADONNA LILT BULBS this are mission Armenian of --"Y".11""". 5 Un. P1nt New nationality .' and there are 4 two 1 I . ...CaPalcill branches, in Aleppo and Beirut Et II that CRAB GRASS with Dawith scattered members in ZOTOX -....,. ; mascus lust Spray It 15111 1001 With his wife, 'Bertha Pira- Smoe' No. 1, it. us nian, the new rnission head has BEST TIME TO PLANT LAWNS kir Poles cement Clothesline in We will Install and deliver been visiting in Utah since June a $S charge. - New Crop Prices 27 andy will leave immediately October after Conference going SPECIAL CLEAN VP SALE Wo will WWII now a complete G. E. KITCHEN. Including ant or direct to Beirut. This is his third Gnuin Rubber Garden Nose all of-- the following: DISHWASHER..- REFRIGERATOR, HOME LAIllt to anct visit the secondfor Utah, 11. Lenaths.-Inch. , $275 Mrs. NEATERELECTRIC SINK and CABINET DRY, 11ANGLWATER Piranian. en- have They ftInch ..$4.90 10 - Lseuthe, NO WAITHIGI ' ' UNIT. loyed the events ofVtah's Cenbic tennial and have been activedotNeadassarints ger Poultry, WE DELIVIII NO WAITING EDIATELY work while here. temple ing Pet and a, Cowry. Deg I Ala CONDITICIIMG er new-buye- Church Leader Tells Mine-Auxiliary-of-Alm- .,,. y If ,' WINTER -- .4- :,,,.- utilities-customers. - j I -- -- . . dealer-by-deal- Salt Lake City, Utah, Thursday Evening, September 11, 1947 - ARLISTRONG - -- 10,-rdled ewsSportsComics ..., ,t ,,, I N 4 '- are-gain- ing m , , -- " - - The structure is now under construction and will be ready for use in the spring. Four Quonset huts form the building. I : , 7--,- , s' P auto-delive- ry ,:4 , L.--M- 0 - ' , uhl , t- , ,.. , . takert-ta-the-ho- a 4. , -- - A ie otnj L ..,: ......!! , .: half feet above . ,. ,,o, -,,- ,,- z ,, - , ',.. ' 4.1r'1i r7,4 t4tt;ItP,,:';:k Thirty join Salt Lake City Lines fleet this month and 15 more will be added the early part of next year. it was announced today by P Glen L. Stanley, general manager of the transportation firm. Mr Stanley said delivery of '1 Man-mad- e the the 45 vehicles will complete the beauty requires :: constant attention of man. program of providing approxiWhen it is carelessly tossed mately 92,250,000 worth of new stock for the 'back into the lap of Mother rolling ., a, Nature, she takes over im He said the company now has and does things her 91 new buses in operation and i mediately that includes no that two of the 30 own way-an- d attention to those things built buses to be delivered this month are now en route. He said the by human endeavor. 15 new buses to come early in on 1 was happily astonished, 1948 are vehicles. to see and wonCost of the 30 buses arriving ,Ithis occasion, I der at the extent to which he this month is estimated at $550,- had restored this 000. He said they are of the (H.C.S.) proud showplace to its former same hydraulic transmission type as the 91 now in service and add- beauty.1 making this refer ed that all old equipment will be if toweresomeone other than replaced when the total of 136 ence brother 1 tvould probably new buses is on hand., my - do it with greater flourish. 1 be criticised for mention- le irstay relativesbut -- you must -- understand that a Smith can't 7 avoid relatives. This is the birthplace of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and as such, deserves reverent attenAlthough it Was slightly warmer today, Salt Lakers were tion. I warned by weather forecasters to "The people who. do not refrill for continued cooler vere the deeds of their an- prepareand mornings. cestors will never do anything Today's high was near 71. sev,,, to he remembeftcl by their above the maximum. but tomoriow morndestendants."Macaulay SMAT ings low temperature is expected to be about 43 degrees, while yesterday's minimum WEI$ 50, -Clear skies were forecast for tomorrow. -- y , ...:, '''",'',"."' ' ,,," ,:i, , ,,, k , ' ;1,,2 a. ,,, I , .;,.,.411:.747-.441:,- .P.OLY ''' ' -;- 1- - - -.: ,;':;:,,- - One- - , ' ' 3tahnd bplo. - - r" 30 ..,, :'''''''1:$ :"1-t'It usi. ...; 721. z 12,... - 410.4$:90oF.7.,..,'N ::? ',, PI ,,i 10.1.7.: .., , , , yr. ' ' s ':".,'''' lkil'A-- 4 courts. is about four and - . :::: .4, pl.1,..,.4 14 r- , yivi?! , ,, re':40.;:..,, ::,,,, , ,vr Ao,,,..e,,,t, It. l' '''.,.:A. ' ., .,'' ' ;:.: ,?' K, ....."1. , ' "1, , 1 ,,.......r:., - - 1: - , .... ,..; tpli 44.4'414'14.4,t,- ' '''''''4'.. -- .' et - The youth, John Eugene McAuliffe Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. McAuliffe, Long Beach, Calif., was playing on the No. 3 court when he ran into the support bar between the posts on No. 'k. A- sA ' ' ,"'"-- 1 '',' '' ''',, .1!, , Oki:L..4 s. t ir .0., '''' A. .: ', ..'rV.'-----1- 4,: Lte, 4.., 4"' ov,:,;. tam ' , - ' - ,:.,---.,N.;.- , tennis half-inc- - ---.. ,..: after running into a h thick support bar courts in Liberty. Park yesterday afternoon death has' not-ywhkle playing tennis- .- Cause-o- f I - ::: 4 at -- ' .0;:' t 'kilt, r ) , . vi:i.. !,...:..,i,i,,.,,,,r,sa-4,,,.,- c this 104 - it Ii - " &en. - t7 : 111 ,, ' ,e.s,C, -- , C. Smith, i Her who has charge -- d.,,-,-"- r ,f,7 brother, my , - , e mo r a his wife, Farm, Smith "Smat" . Lileth, who has . always been one of my favorite misters, their two daughters, wives of my traveling com- 'tl'o '41-.- t :...:.,..,..,,,,-,,,....,,- t,,"';':.sr4'1!.,,l,,g; ,,,,m4,6,i, We- - naturally. received a royal welcome from panionsand Dick. Doug, and 4Bonnie - Jeanne McKay. ande' r I 4'; , I, I , 7 a.m. today . , California youth visiting in Salt Lake, died - ,..., , , . r,- , ,.. t , , , ., . ennis Courts r ' - .. - , tijill,t l'..- I ' - : eady 1Y'--,- "TIP . , . '.- - ! : a I , - - , . , I- , :',' - .. k '', , S , ' ' rr ,,,,,,y, - . ; . 1- C t0 r . .. ' ,, ,,. ,.. . , A Picture , Still Dark '''' 1 , , into-Da- - . taken to a Salt Lake physician. t. At first, it was believed his tgfrbaoet hat 1 inbgo rstribu;lcacctohrde yt , injuries were serious and be wits . , T Mrs. of impact caused him to -- bounce I 1 I COulain, 28 South Ninth Eastit... and fall on his back. I I I 4tIthough there were no ex- - where he and his parents were i ,, ,- the boy was visiting.. ternal , injuriesA Salt Laker who orders a new the that The parents reported car todayprovided the dealer ,.:youth had trouble breathing bewill take his ordershould pre- to,' ,, , ,,,,,,,, , , ,$ pare himself for a wait of from i fore his death at7 a.m. today,, 30 days to 20 months for deliv' ,7s,,,,. , .,..,,,': The, mishap occurred between t ... , ery, a Deseret News survey . re 4.4ind..SALme-leesterda-o ,,.t...,,,, i 7- , The, iuppoi bars are used The length of the waiting pe- - 1 , : : to hold -- the tennis posts erect to Hod car 7 prevent the pets from sagging. ! but some dealers con- - ,: - The bars -- on- the- - LibertyPark sider the delivery situation so Courts are painted hopeless they liave stopped Ask- - I , ; Examination, Made--ing Orders until they MI up the k. , .. backlog on hand. The physician - said the boy Lose Gromod on Orders - wagi brought - to his officeby his : ''''.: 7 7',, Maim's,- Ford, parents and- that he remained - -let, Studebaker and :-' hour dur- --dealers report that ,,. ....; itnhegrewhfiuchr ntiemarelyti'laend '.. gave----l' " 7",,,: losing ground on orders ' ...,:, him a thorough examination and than-theit--- - cdule---flilapparently nothing, '.Factory material ong . are- - bliuncd Idaeballer strikes :'.:. , Cvirey..s,.. The youth then said he felt all--..,. , r for the increasing , ' was to able out and right walk , log of orders. - ' Of the 7' , ''' ., thegetting wors.e insteagd ' arents to if 1. ' anything appeared motit Salt Lake dealer& -Only bright crust ,,,,'' him immediately. Lake if XaisarZrazessLialivery is called tellilltg"laathis "hat ised within 30 days on new Kaisers and Frazer& A swelling - - - -- inanniagdhatsnabdiudtatahresebktoeiynngedhaptdehcissuliFimpatrlyornaff; production line reportedly ,. has enabled this-firto keep pace 1, By the time the doctor arrived!' r within 30 days of its order list. VICTIMJohn E. McAuliffe at the home the boy was dead, - Lone Waiting Listhe- - said-.One idealeriot higher- - priced ITT Jr., today atter that he has requested a post , cars, however, eyed a waiting ' I tennis accident. mortem, list of 1150. Many.of them had already left a deposit. "We're now getting ten orders for each 1 one we can fill," he said. I A survey reI,' ' vealed the following facts about waiting lists for a new car. All estimates were made on the basis rs ' of the time are wait-- - ------ - ing today. Maybe if the strike '''S and material shortage picture It , 4 r ' , ,.. ,, improves,' dealers predicted, much time can be sliced off these 1 estimates. , Picture Still Black 05 , -' f Alik ' - n- Auer. Running ' will serve as living "accommodation k of the monastery, n Which the. Much of the-16- 40 acres of land-oto bp rulti- is being erected will monastery a.Te d as farmland. The Trappist insoCatholic, faith believes in' being far as possible, when it comes to food and clothing. The Trappist Life order of Catholic fathers that will staff the monastery At Huntsville is most charac- -' terized by its observance of complete silence. If they have anything useful to communicate, they do it by certain conventional signs determined by the usages of the order. - t Vermont.) DEAR SWEN: And so we arrived in drousy . little South Royalton', Vermont; I - , , , , , ., nestled on the comfortably i White River (The only thing '''' ' ' South in moves that perceptibly 's ? Royalton is the river), and then, '', ' ,', ,' ' 411;''. '. ,tAL: ''' ' ?, ',i , t , '' ''. -- A . ' t e,',...t; 7; ' .'":"' '.:4 ;'',1,1.;-4proceeded up the four miles til ' . 'S : ''.1 ' '' .1' '.f." '. ' ' .' ' ''',A to FM 7, the i road rustic : , ,, ,:. .,, winding N., , . zt t v at , , , ,,,,.... -1.. ., , 4,,, ,), .5. tr';,'1 ,..-- . c 4 ,,,,,Lti-.,:.,,,I, : L rt ' Joseph Smith Memorial Co- ,..; ' , ;'i.. r- 3. ;4;,. ' t',1,,'' ,..., iw.,01,, ?It' : : :' ' :,..1'.1' '44: 1 'A , ' : , '',4 ., Hill ,,' r.!,,.."1... ': '' ',.., 1.:.,s ' ,,,,,1 it i, .",' r fo;, ttageon the top of Dairy ..,41 ',', ., 4 .,...-'. ...''' , 1.,, 4,44,,, , , , : i I where they milk the trees ,i . v,i',1,-..lii.;, F.v 2 ;,:iii,..!,,,..4V;;;: Y ''';'''' ,t'' s.:,'',74.1k ' '' , Ili,"''.1 :' V'''' p' and the cows give maple syrup. ti'''''. :I ;;;,,,.t.".., 1,;-, ,. :: i. f ;:: ;4..:,:'2,7i, ,7.,!::73'.1:;', .....1Z;;;:i''7,..'-16':'...:,,i ': 4;':(..,,,'N.'11.,.., '';',:t;:" ri Actually 1 know little about p'" .4 ' 'A',1 "s - .- - , --4. '',4'4,2.,,,,101114,7; ,,.4 1,..: re ,,i ' 9:7. ,,,,,,:r ,...:.,' : sok,: i '; j ,,,,t:::-,- cs ,...,1 -., farming. Before leaving home, I1;::. ;;,, .4 .4,!, ' &ku ssil,Vomr7 7 Taylor tried .14 ' t4'" 2 tis id! , , some enchilada: seeds, Fred e. to, , evit; 4 r. , A, 7.7. 4't convinced me Rose almost had ' ,g 4. 4,1E- L, LEt. Vita tt,, - ;:,: that shoestring potatoes,- - can , ' 9 4 t-' 1 s L t .'' now he dug from the ground k s 4414 r -, tOrt.4 F. cooked,- and ., ...- 1 - . "7" '' . r.',-s";- :. '''''' al Ir. ,' " .4, 4 , . .4,--,, 44.0, - , Dooley was enthusiastic about ' ' -,,, S..0,, , , 0 ,.. , ii, I ,, 1 44ita neW seed ilia would Produce 't IL, ,--; l.,Tre,;..,,':,-:""-' ( -:, .7,:;;,',.,77- - r..r,iii,,-;-,....... ..,.. , ;74.7: aa..,,,,--l' :, ,.. s carrot that or a threaded 1 ., , , 1 .,....,,..,, spiral x I :II ',4t tsrerk;,, . ti:.,:,!,,.,,-,,,,tri,;,.. ,,ti,,. ,.,41;;;:2,ii:i.,;:,.7::,v,:,:.....,..1,.,470.,,,.... .., ,'s 0 I ::,::,; ; had to be removed from the ' tottlr t.,,, j.,,.., 1, :J. ., ts, ' .: ',,:g, ,, ! 4- ,iwklf ,' , i 4 t 'ground with a stillson wrench. A 0 ,,,.,,;1,1:..... A,.., ,,,,;.,.,,,..:. , m,, ,., ,:,v:......,...,,, " .,., '..'''.' One thing among many that I '1 '' '410t1r 1 , '. ...,,,,e!: 7 ,r:ssoi ;It''., i -- !, ..., Attc-'i'; ,, ,', - would never attempta de- ,, t...,,:,::,,,4.,:.2.::,,:,,,:::::,, 4- ,,,k, ,114,,,r r .,,, :5 .,,..: :: , "7,., .., ,,:;,. ,,,,,.:. si. , ,,i; 7' f i ; ilt ...4.' - ' '''''' , ''''11,t Allosdi ,.,., 0.("0, v , . of ,. this ,o4,, ,,,,,..,.., , 4,, ,,,,' 4r, z, , , scription , ' ..,., ,, Vt ' . . ,:., !rt''' .',,,:,t'.7, ' :0, ,..iVL 10'''' ..,,,,' .' 4' ' r spot and the Pi f :. 1,4 ..:.,,,,, ..,,, ,,,..,.,,..,,,..L,...,..:,.,,, :,,,...,,,..,.......,:,,,,:,.,:...:,::4:1,1-- ,4,01');11:1.4.0 ;III ' . A LL for the fathers ' - Mon- . . - |