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Show THE Page Eight TIMES-NEW- Birthday Party Enjoyed NEPHI, UTAH OJPJTAL .News Briefs of Nephi 1 Annette Johnson at a birtliday party at her homo for a number of her After the birthday lunch friends the tollonn guests enjoyed a The following is the list of patskating party at the Nephi Rol- ients admitted to the Juai) County ler Kink Carol Ostler, Terry Tunin recent weeks, since Hospital Kathie Mary Worthington, bridge, the Dust list by The IvOU I Iinte, Flora Mackey, Joan publication of On Frida r ilo&i. Vickie Ann VV'orwood, Barton, Georgina Park, Barbara HoughVerona Marie ton, Susan Itutler, Linda Draper, Totjimy Jolinsort, Steven Wilson, Gordon I'.txman, Kathie Greenhalgh, Ann Gaiter, Gleada Blackett, Sherrie Ostli r, Dennis Iaxman, Becky Stuart, Muurine Docherty, Terry SjM-nand the hostess, Annette Johnson. Ifei-slie- UTAH Timos-Now- i s: On Friday of last week, Wilma Tolley had as her guest, Kathie Booth, a graduate of a beauty school in .salt Lake City and a room mate of Wilma's at the Beeline house. Wilma was Kathie's model throughout her beauty course. They attend d the wedding reception for Nan Christen-- , sen and vnsted with Mrs. Shirley Frampton and her new baby. On Thursday of last week, MrJ and Mrs. Dan O. Johnson enter-- j tained at a birthday dinner for Richard Gi on, Fountain Gref ti Michael Carter, son of Mr and Mrs. Jack G .tier, Nephi Earl Taylor, son of Mr. and their daughter Annette on the oc-- 1 Mrs. Blaine Taylor, Lowell C. Oldroyd, Fountain) ca.sion of her 11th birthday an-- 1 Guests were Mr. and nhersary. Green S. Johnson and Merle Kathryn Ann Drajier, daughter i Mrs. James of Mr. and .Mrs. Richard Draper, Iory of Fountain Green Fountain Green. Explorer post 2132 memliors and Steven R. Draper, son of Mr. en toyed a skating partv partners and Mrs. Rkhard Draper, Foun- on Octolier 7th at the Nephi Roller tain Green. rink. Explorers were accompan-- ' Mrs. Rex Goble, Nephi ied by their to the Connie Fue and Jerry Beard, exorcises of the Second fIemng son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward M. I. A., and later were disDoyle Beard, Nephi missed to the rink. Following ,11 s of Mr. Gary Greathouse, the party transferred to and Mrs. Ronald Greatnouse, of skatingCale .where Kay's dancing, hamLynndyl. burgers and malts were enjoyed Bradey Booth, son of Mr. and by all. Mrs. Frank Booth, Nephi Jack Carter, Nephi Marsha Hall, daughter of Mr. GAS-TOO- NS and Mrs. George Hall, Nephi James Kelson, Nephi BY Carol aJms, daughter of Mrs. Ruth Jarvis, Mona Kathy' and Earldcne Hansen, "SLIM" WHITTINGTON daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hansen, Fountain Green. Bevan son ol Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Orme, Nephi. vHCue smith Mrs. Glen Jackson, Santaquin. STWION SERVICE Mrs. Frank Tolley, Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dettman, Omaha, Nebraska. Mrs. Jesse Bailey, Nephi Leonard Relliston, Nephi (expired Juanita Goble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ah in J! Goble, Nephi. Mrs. Paul Broadhead, Nephi Its sort of a SILENT Patricia Hintze, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Hintze, Nephi1 PARTNER arrangement Maria Berry, Mammoth. Even with taxes . . our prices Sheila Gross, daughter of Mr. are RIGHT! and Mra. Frank Gross, Lynndyl. j VITH WATKINS 'I with original, exclusive, patented t 1959 It J , SSy.jf Xi ''ZTzy" w M V IN THE SENATE sts ZENITH ANNIVERSARY VALUE PRICE ONLY per 540 EXTRA VALUE FEATURE New has done a magnificant job for Utah in the United States Senate. With the prestige and respect he has gained, Watkins can do more for Utah than any other man in the Senate. wirei, no cord. Change channels and it ihuti off sound of long annoying corn-hir- e mercials ihilc picture tay;. Hand-mon- d some console design in grained wal-th- e nut, mahogany or blond oak color. Model B3004 with 21 ovorall diag. 262 sq. in. rectangular pic- area. Has "200" Space Com- Remote TV Tuning. Just hold tiny control unit in your hand. No I ARTHUR V. WATKINS IT. VC THE DANBURY V V KEEP WATKINS CHANGES CHANNELS! SHUTS OFF SOUND! YOU'RE RIGHT... WHEN YOU VOTE REPUBLICAN! week TOUCH TUNING NEPIII ROLLER RINK ; 2PM AFTERNOON SESSIONS for children under 12 Start Sat. October 18 Saturday Night Sessions will be for those oyer 1 2 years of age after the 18th -- ft j7jprv Slijajptpi mf? STEAM CLEAN your car, truck, tractor, farm implements. efficiency of any engine. do it yourself Mayes jobs a Most modem eqqip-- 1 pleasure. 740 ment. Chapman Chevrolet North Main, Phone 433. NEW 1958 PHONE 532 POCKET RADIO In Ebony color. Green or Maroon. (95 (Iess batteries. CHAPMAN FURNITURE SERVICE 309 South Main Aa'TRA.N Outstanding Performance! New Design t New Colors! R & W TEXACO Nephi Phone 300 Nephi, Utah For GIFTS to treasure for WEDDINGS BIRTHDAY or ANY OCCASION it's NEPHI JEWELRY Telephone 341 for oi? the Active daVs .n 1 MILKS PROPORTIONED HEALTH Here are the introduced by Hi-Lan- d Milks Health-Proportione- d Hi-Lan- so that you and your d of family can enjoy the natural goodness need. s quality whatever your dietary extra rich For those who need to gain, and for the youngsters, Extra Rich . . extra Hi-Lan- ppiiim d rich in butterfat with the full flavor of selected milks. skim SKIAWMILK immi Skim helps keep you trim low in calories, with the full value of proteins and minerals and each delicious quart enriched with Hi-Lan- d . 400 units of aUE,ki K Vitamin D. Navy landing ship converted oil search. A is poised over circular from deck through bottom. off-sho- regular Hi-Lan- d "Live TV show 40 fathoms down guides Regular for the Just Rights . perfect blend of Jersey, Guernsey and Holstein milks from the marvelous dairy farms in Utahs high mountain valleys. 55-fo- by Standard for drilling mast opening our search for future oil reserves A Hi-Lan- d ft-- icsrSej1 homosenizid ClADf A tASTEutiyjo With new oil becoming harder to find, our search widens. Now and new techniques are the rule. were exploring the ocean floor In one such venture we lowered a TV camera 250 feet below the waves to help guide the drilling of test holes from shipboard. This is typical of the novel techniques used in our quest that last year took us to 21 states, Canada, Alaska and ten Latin American and Caribbean countries. In all, we drilled 120 exploratory wells. Although the cost ran to many millions, the successful ones helped us locate more new oil than we withdrew from the ground. Actually, this benefits you as well as Standard. It means an adequate to I e drawn on in reserve of our most valuable national recoup ' r ' nm so thousands ahead to the provide days needs. for essential your daily , 04 UNU$ Of VITAMIN 0 msmisi DaO-OoiCaC- E) L'MJjJfa liMJhP (jjudkfcj am . STANDARD Cl. plans ahead, to serve you - 1958 TURKEY PIE SALE Fourth Ward church, Saturday, October 18, 1958 from 11 a.m. until piea are sold. The Fourth Ward Relief Society member are baking turkey pies Saturday Price 35c or 3 for 1.00 You can phone your FOR RENT 5 room apart- order inadvance to Carol Stuart, ment partially furnished or un 235W, Ada Sperry, 243W, Ethel furnished. Close to schools and Gadd, 173W, Ida Beck at 199 or church See W, Lee Bailey or on Saturday, at the Fourth Ward phone 71. chapel phone 37. Paid Political Adv. by Tom Judd for quick chon- -, el chancing! 5, Oi-m- ' REMOTE TV TUNING I GIFT LIST! I I Wo have a large selection of gift items. Come in or phone to have your name placed on a gift list. Chapman Furniture Co, Phone 300. girl-frien- ,;INS. October Thursday, FA NY OF better CALIFORNIA |