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Show HE DAILY HERALD txjv flFRALD MM JXto Uuul 4tt thing U seu. THE WEATHER I TAH and I'. 4v fair tonight Gm-rally Ydiirsdaj . tempera! ur N First in news, first in circulation, first in advertising, and first delivered in the home. THIRTY' fO io ,05 lot last, L3 37 37tf 27 25 0 toe H? IT FS1TT a "fail won faheby attack SUCCESSFUL IN NEED OF NEW TENEMENT IS WALSH OIL PROBE CONDUCT SET AFIRE BY TYPICAL OFWHOLE CAREER HERE TUESDAY (By International News Service.) The force and skill with which Senator Thomas James Walsh (!.), of Montana, uncovered one of the greatest national scandals in hisof the tory in his investigation mi ill oil reserve lauds to private interests, has been characteristic of his entire life, both private and political. If there s one word that typifes Walsh that word is "work" fearless, unceasing, relentless. A brilliant an aide and logical speaker. Walsh never for a moment vanes or deviates in any work that he sets out to do. That is not shown alone in the oil investigation, but also in his political career and in his education. Tu light School. Walsh was born iii Two Rivers, Wis., June 12, ls59. After graduating from- the public schools he taught as principal of several high schools In Wisconsin. But the fact that he was forced to teach and postpone his going to college did not deter him from contaluuing his He taught himself, read education. law and finally, after pnssing au v Small Gymnasium Now Used Famous Female Hobo Takes Cannot Accommodate Rest in Provo on Coast IJasketball Crowd. Trip. returns are APPEAL MADE TO UTAH'S SCENERY IS ALUMNI FOR HALL INSPIRING, SAYS NELL Fastest Growing University Gives Her Philosophy to Inin the West Has High terested Audience at School Gymnasium. Police Station. X va- - r i By E. L. ROBERTS. Will some good alumnus kindly give the Brigham Young university a gymnasium or will some group of loyal supporters provide Ihe institution with a hall sufficiently large so that basketball competition mid other indoor sports may be carried on in true Rocky Mountain conference style? If there ever was a school in need of a gymnasium It is the Brigham Young university. the recent basketball During tames between the University of Utah and the Brigham Young university, held in the small "Y" more people were turned away than were permitted to take seats on the sidelines and both the couriering teams were handicapped wad cramped on account of the small floor. If there had been seating capacity a thousand more fans e would have witnessed the classic, since the entire county was intensely, interested in the outcome of the contests. Visiting teams always complain of a "smothered" feeling when they begin playing in the small gymnasium of the Provo school and their complaints are justified. Visiting teams, however, have one advantage ovr the. heme of the "Y" floor. They are less tired at the end of the contests than the B. Y. U. players, because they have accustomed themselves to larger playing space. They also find it easier to make loug shots for the baskets. After practicing all season on the small floor at the church school the B. Y. U. men find themselves lost when they engage in competition on court They also wear a themselves out traveling up and down the larger playing space and usually finish the game in poor form. This has been shown of late years in both the Desorct gymnasium of Salt Lake City and the Smart gymnasium of Logan. In the gymnasium of the University of Utah, on the other hand, the B. Y. U. basketball teams have always had the best of luck. The Cougars have lost but two or three contests in that gymnasium in the history of the hoop sport. For the interest of athletic sports as well as for the welfare of thou sands of Brigham Young university students, an effort should be put forth to build the fast growing uniThe versity a new gymnasium. nresent room which is in the third story of the training school building is entirely inadequate to meet any of the needs of the department of physical education of the Provo in- Modern society with its and fox trots holds no attraction for "Society Nell." the famous female hobo who is visiting Provo on her way to California. Nell has been wintering in the cold eastern states and longs for the warmer climate. With a "home made" cigarette poised between her fingers in a characteristic style, nell gave out a little tif her philosophy and recounted some of her experiences to a small group of interested listeners in the police station Tuesday morning. During the past 25 years Nell has been tramping all over the United State but likes Utah best of alL "Man, I do like to be a tramp," said Nell looking out of the corner of her eyes, her head tilted to one side. "There is always something This is entertaining happening. such a great big world. I like south-- ! ern Utah best of alL That Is the finest pountry. I have ever seen. You know, man, I can just sit and look and look at those pretty mountains down here. They seem to have such a wonderful story to tell. And the Mormon people down there, you know1 the Mormons live ' all over Mah-Jong- g PYRfANIAC - Seven Little Children Die in Fire; Four Women, Two Men. TENEMENT 15LAZING FURNACE OF FLAME Fire Was Started in Baby Carriage by ryro-mania- c. International News Service. NEW Y IKK, Feb. r.). Thirteen persons, seven of them children, were burned to death early today in a fire which swept a tene- moot on the lower east side. five-stor- jne nrc was caused y liv a pyro-mania- c, police believe. Puliee 'immediately began mi investigation. The tenement was a furnace of flame when the first, fireman arrived. The blaze which started in a baby carriage in a lower hall, spread through the building w'tn great rapidity. Rescuers who sought to enter the blazing building found the stairways destroyed and the examination covering' the usual pillars of flame. college course, was able to go to .the fireine Wisconsin to take u law degree no imuwayB. xne other victim .Armed with a diploma, little jumped 10 UOfitli. money, hut with high hojH?, young the thirteen deadfour wem I Walsh went to Redfield B. D., mid women and two men. Three boys became associated with his brother aged 11, 12 and 14 and four years, ... ... . in a law firm. iril'lM. CHIP nil Inftinf U m The call of the west became too aBd 10 yGars f ZZ "XTji utuw . in and strong, however, he, victims. Two persona were Injured. (Continued-- on Page Two.) v young girl and aw aged man. 9 net mn TirenitaT made Mi heroic nwnsa. t tu i.u. many com , , unnna ...,. , ni'HRi'p uuviu tnmurvT "Why don't you join the Moruuuer rue spray of the freez- .v mons?'' inquired one of the officers. ling water, they fought their wav to The Sutton-ChasDrug company lower windows of the house carry-toda- y "Say, man, you can't tell me noth' received a delayed shipment ing people to safety. ing," retorted the woman quick as of rubber goods, a shipment whicn a flash. "You can't tell me. Do you found most of the dead should have arrived in Provo last on the two upper floors. All had want me to believe that any man from Missouri went to heaven? Not fall, setting a new high record in tried to reach the ramshackle much. I'm a Missourian myself and 'stairs, which was a mass of flaires The uianv friends of Prof. Elmer shipping delays.- ' "Rather than carry the stock over Cut off here, the victims turned those Missourians are fierce. Miller of the School of Commerce at "Man, I am mean, just as mean as the Young university will be not a until next fall," Mr. Chase ex- - down a long hall to the windows I can be," and the dark eyes rolled little surprised to learn thnt the plained, "we will give our customers facing the street. None reached ors in beets. by around to emphasize the fact. "I teai'her of economics has decided to rue nenent ami lei me pumic prom mom, me cnarred bodies indicated, To this Police believe the blaze was would just as soon kill you as look make practical application of his by the delay. That Is why and how t Utah Kotarians will celebrate the many will reply that It ould be impossible to get the neces- - International News Service. store now is Mag by the same iimu who, during the don't treat me right science by launching into the busi the Sutton-Chas- e at of the foundIf nineteenth they you. anniversary 19. Feb. iiu-ena; one of the largest sales of rub- l'itsi m supply of fertilizer for such a COLUMBUS, Ohio, weeks lias set fire to I get mean. I never killed anybody ness of manufacturing, ing of Rotary at a dinner at the Holive oilier tenements iu tho lower "Great Britain has suffered extreme tel Utah at 7 o'clock this evening. TO area of beet land. yet and I don't think I will. month Professor Miller, who Jber goods ever put on in Provo." I will Last breakof the -- 6 0- section of the city. In each in to show the way this can be humiliation because Members from the Salt Lake, "Say, man, why don't some one go is an active momlier of the Kiwanis If her stance, itio lire was started in a down caused by the war. down on the deseret just before you club formed a partnership with one FRANCK INCREASES TAXES. ooniplished. Brighani, Provo, SpanLogan, remedied economic situation is not baby carriage in U lower liall. come to Price from the east ? There of his s In my who has inish Fork and Price clubs will be in opinion Utah farmers she must indusThe dead : change her whole is ail kind.- of oil. I'd like to go vented and patented a new pill said International News Service. according to W. E. Nld raise only two main crops, h attendance, William Barrett. 35. asserted PARIS, Feb. 10. Premier Kay-- : down there and settle. Man. I know to the most astounding wondervice president of the Salt first and lKcts. There should be a trial career or decline," Mrs. Nellie Barrett, 40. Simeon u. Lake club. It is anticipated that at I'd get rich. You can't tell, man, working medicine since the days of mond I'oiueare won a victory in the wal dairy herd on each farm. United States Senator an address here. least 150 persons will be present. chamber of deputies early today; Margaret Barren, 10. be I'll be rich some day." Pale for may Pills Pink m can lie made very profitable. Fess, Ohio, in faces People. Katherine Barrett. 5. the most stu"Were you ever married?" one of E. Bristol, former director of The professor and his partner, when his fiscal reform measure, im-- : ever, the most profitable animal "Great Britain William Barrett, Jr., one your old. of the ages and lalph International and past presia 20 per cent increase upon asked. audience the posing problem for be must pendous withheld name the farm is the whose Rotary fimish sheep, even Felix Harkowy, 11. and I ought to be deeply con- dent of the Ogden Rotary club, will "Man, married? I should say I business reasons until certain con- all taxes was passed by a vote of only a few heads be kept at you Mrs. Alexander Harkowy, 35. cerned. was. Hint s wnnt mane a tramp our tracts for royalties are closed, are 315 to 245. chairman of the meeting. Frank Harkowy, Ki. For a fortnight, the premier lias is not a matter of sentiment, of me " answered Nell in a dis- having some difficulty in securing "It Tho T'nitcd states A message from Paul Harris. only produces continued Senator Fess. "The conHarkowy", 12, Tony been seven tone. bitter for of on "Married agaynst oppo the idea of located struggling founder and gusted of Rotary, I the woo used in the nntion. suitably large enough Julius Reiser, J!.). the were left in but obtain by succeeded sition has me He will ditions everyloat world up prevailing and lnotherhood, the which years. service for just 'itton, too. i,s in a very eood de- they factory quarters Mrs. Julius Berger, 30. war. So much of the capital of the e rend by Elislm Warner of the ing a vote of confidence nearly every day, until I left. him. That was 25 propose establishing in Trovo. md, Mrs. Bessie Smith, 40. our to driven been amendments 25 was old. World has I when through Old club. day proposed years close 'n Older to arrivfi nt a cnnplnslnn year ago, It appears from conversation Spanish Fork Rotary we more than Berger, a boy, 14, have enemies. we his a been have I time since Ever that that by political ot tne W. Collins us call to our to the inside that the pill factory salt iase James . assistance a few country ti i 0- -0 no economic stability lub will give an address on the hobo and I have sure enjoyed my'Ures. SlllllVlSffl that thu formor need. There is DENY BRYAN CHARGE OF on onto life from married Two.) self. (Continued over there. Page STRIKERS WARN GOVERNMENT of the Rotary organization, fne fall Going buys 100 head of old r UNIVERSITY IMMORALITY and C e the road is like stepping from hell to "If the separation of Britain race showing the growth of the idea of MJrtt vol. unit caused News 8ervlc. were International by religion, heaven." devel PROVO BOY the "7 France as FORMER DIES. in 're than five service exemplified stitution. dollars per head. It Seic the difLONDON, Feb. 19. The striking Nellie Cruise was born more than -remembered that all shopn hprrls or even chiefly by politics, confer- opment of Rotary in the nineteen services were held SunFuneral 18. Charges of ieh. in dock the workers warned govbe composed 50 years ago in northern Missouri. e culled could today ference existence. of vear its iii the Windsor ward, eminent not to afternoon each year for the old illiam Jennings Bryan that Amerl-ma- il FOR to handle attempt She claims to le in perfect health day ence. But the difference is economic Her-lieDevelopment of the Rotary Idea William in Salt Lake City, for from the United States. Mails can universities are bringing t' 'r is as certain of Service," will be the subject of If Such ewes wants to like for many years nra faA nlnc, v.nn and the economic law BUILDING and Taylor, 17 year old son of Mr. destined for America were loaded NEW cannot an It law. makes IS. Young of the An in her R. as the speech students rn "moral rtr,iHnn impediment by gravitation address Mrs. W. H. Taylor, who died in P"P they should be good for and it difficult for anyone to understand a Salt Lake hospital last Tuesday, upon outgoing ships at Plymouth flluIs no Fm two to changed by entering into agree- Salt; Lake Kiwanis club. an, the member3 three years. Thev be but those received at Plymouth are (lf t,P fnonUv Af Brick for the new office building her. Pouid vielil n,vht ; ments" Preston G. Peterson of the Provo an of appendifollowing operation unis docks untouched. still declared the it with a upon lying Fess on "What After street will Senator club pair At supplied being speak rn. gjtr 4a noni-- n ......1 i. to be constructed on Center i citis. Interment took place in the as "a Rotary Has Done for Utah." fim a herd nf 10ft "The modern student is essential between the Columbia theater and of men's shoes from the Community Salt Lake cemetery. ronn fair to charge Great Britain Rotary AND GAME MEETING as FISn or purely was France Nell Phnspr." club hauled of Welfare organization, the Ogden a herd Un the public library are being ly an idealist," said Louis Mitchell, t.T Harry Sherman Ger at Madsen David Commissioner what on her back andIs to Com her sack doing militaristic dean of the colloge of sciense. "He will have as his subject, "The put onto the ground and preparations ready CUBAN SUGAR CROP oiiwuiu in; and game department of the may seem to balk at Wteted tn e4. construction are and continue her journey west. many did before the Ytorid var. lie ing District Conference," and the ad for beginning i REACHES 3,600 000 TONS the fish religion, but I concerned be state the of Utah will are statesmen cntri British principal am convinced he is sincerely religdress given by tne late president being made. The building is being International News Service. .pounds each and 10. at selling to oi 19. MADRID, Feb. Feb. 19. The speaker at the special meeting fINS.) Ow With the perpetuity of the nie ious." a pound the lambs WASHINGTON, Warren G. Harding at the Rotary erected by Robert Bee, Jr., as told would bring International convention held in St. first more than a month ago in ing to heavy rnsh of state duties. Cuban cane sugar production for the be held by the Utah County Fish WETTEST IRISH SEASON their country. -association! General Primo Rivera, head of the and Game Protective season will reach approxi 66WAS YEAR JUST ENDED Louis last June will be read by W. the Daily Herald. Won,d y ute loss of audiThe old home of the Provo Motor directory, today suspended J. Lowe of the Brigham City Ro mately 3,600,000 tons, according to Wednesday evening. The meeting CLAMS NEW OIL FIELD l News Service. estimates received by the depart- will be held In the eountj court International News Service. company, at 135 West Center street, ences for two weeks. tary club. . fat- DUBLIN, Feb. 19. Ireland had L u 0 6 ment of commerce and made public house at 7 :30 o'clock. is being remodeled and will be fixed SHANGHAI, Feb. 19. Claiming or uana puip. Commissioner Madsen will outline its wettes year in a century In 1923 I" aref on full neet discovered the world's great up for a new barber shop and pool today. fm sheep feed thev to have BURY ELECTRIC CHAIR as regards to rainfall Meteorhall. It is understood that the That is abou he est oil fields in Chinese xurKesmu. NEGRESS GETS LIFE crop, de. the plans of the department for the VICTIMS ALIVE THEORY nnckrav sailed for Eng FOB MINOR ROBBERY management of the new concern will MoAii s scribed as "ample alhough no of present year and will also make Jre- - ologists estimate the aggregate rain Kacner muen be under the direction of Edward t frora lnweeds' record breaking proportions." Prices paration for the showing at the fall at 56,000 tons, or 56.11 Inches, today to negotiate with Britishbrusn nd land Feb. 19. (INS) of the Bullock 4 BERLIN, Ml vwimnanlpn for ClCantiC COnCeSwhich took a spectacular rise in the Strand theater . Friday and Satur- according to American standards of Service. formerly Hunter, News iielr International farmthe They will dnna In Turkestan. The new oil "Electric shocks do not kill men. barber shop. There were Hunter United States last spring are about day of the film, "Outdoor Life in measuring ralnfalL A hold 19. Feb. up ST. LOUIS, any kind of weeds that "Numerous persons 'executed' 271 rainy days during the year, 17 i 5.75 cents a pound at the beginning Utah." 0t,.i.oQ from Urumshi to ln which $23 was obtained netted Va tup form T I ln the electric chair have not acmore than in any year since 1823. of the Cuban sugar grinding sea LOSES CHIEF INDUSTRY nppordine to Major Dockray im- ISLfenced they need but little AVn The results of the dampness have nil is several thousand miles in ex- one of the participators life tually been killed, but only BUT TOWN DOUBLES SIZE son, comiiared to an average of BRITISH CRUSADERS NOT UNLIKE AMERICAN K. K. K. been, it is said, an increased death, brought into a state of death5.102 cents for the seven months tmf He helfeves it to be an exten nTtannmpTlt ! s like stiffness, wtlh all the rate and lowered vitality. SOFIA." This is was conceded oy conn International New Service. sion of the famous Baku ou deposits. ending November, 1923, the depart7?Z'. vk of death. Thus it has been International News Service. DCBOISTOWN, Pa., Feb. 19. was the most severe punment of commerce learned. attaches, 18. On the Feb. theory SAYS TOKIO UNABLE TO assumed that several hundreds LONDON, nirarnnv-- GREATEST V. 8, ishment for robbery ever inflicted, This town was started forty years ft6 that "everybody likes a little niys of criminals and other accidentWITHSTAND AIR ATTACK V.1Knt t0(,ay when a Wsp PREACHER ASSERTS in the state of Missouri. BRING DEAD GIRL TO ago during a lumber boom and at NEED, . eetin,.lhv'b. a ,se?ret 'anarchist International newi wrryiv-oHUNT MEN tery and dressing up," the Most ally 'killed' by an electric shock The prisoner who was crashed that time was the site of many sawHOSPITAL; 'Amen 19. Noble Order of Crusaders, in some International News Service. have been burled alive." International News Service. was Maggie mills emnlorine 6cores of men. To tL tlng nela- - was attack- - rT.rcvF.T.AXD. Feb. a by the judicial storm e BALTIMORE.-Feb19. A city- - resiiects similar to the Ku Klux TOKIO, Feb. 19. The latest This is the declaration of Propirns fodnv need most to develop 30, a negress. day, although the mills are gone and j Macon, lost have us to move of the was the is wide search here of Eng fessor campaign director no the Klan, Is throughout other U'gun today found was spreading employing there Jellinik, sprine. Too many of woman industry The guilty by for two men who early today land. Although the Crusaders do capital from Tokio to Kobe or l the inner standards of right and a jury in Circuit Judge Ittner's more than half a dozen men, the Vienna songs. "urj-: Marion Dr. who asserts he proved l. hold town is nearly twice as large as it brought a dead girl to University not admit Jews to memliership, Sir Kyoto, the ancient capital, Is the a wrong." iiAnnrtrof negro court helped . . having Mich the University of it by restoring the life of several was then. hospital and fled in an automobile. Edward Bethune. Keeper of Rec claim or Dr. Sainklchl Uyssugt, a Ramspott. George up at iBmbet ""Il.'f, fIofded .cutting off igan. told the Michigan alumni The body was identified as that of ords, denies the order has anything professor at the Imperial University, 0 persons decreed dead by other The Missouri statute fixes no that Toklo cannot be defended from unices. a banquet here. doctors. Josephine Fox, 2;i, a theater usher. in common with the Klan. for robbery. sentence TWELVE. EXPLOSION KILLS maximum no longer ask What member must be of British an air attack. He also declares that She was about to become a mother, Vienna experts, professors of on International News Service. "People was Every imposed Life imprisonment KAOOSSA, Spain, Fob. hut "Whiit is irood fuvm. Feb. IS. 49. Vienne university, are at preshospital authorities said. Ittner when parentage and the purpose of the Tokio is too far from the geogrAphi- England, ER1TH, "The stand- the woman by Judge fine of the men exclaimed as he Crusaders, according to Sir Edward. en I center of Japan and" backs sufsensational women and a man were killthe ent L. ,iK ot bandits who Dr. Burton continued. Eleven that disclosed record investigating woman's the in h"di" the country side ard of too many is merely not to Is "to bring a little sentiment and ficient historical and spiritual fled : theory. a habitual crimnal, hav- ed in an explosion in a munitions We need to develop a she was several never catch me alive." I'P h rn0t. tJerror' was rounded ho fnnn.l here terms. "They'll feeling into everyday life." today. served factory prison ing i moral and mental backbone." gyni-uasiui- lotarys inteeht " ' j two-gam- warn ' 66 British Defended Senator Fess air-shaf- ts ... W lever if !Kmed t im -- rRm-rrsTOKfcr.- " ' ikviu , E ui-i.- ' - e . full-size- d en-av- Og-de- l, al-tl- j 1 his-or- v m-'- fellow-Kiwani- j - I : i . . 66 PREPARE rt ' c lots 'hat ,l,l nr ' 66 66 aeet een ays. l sast lain LOO. can 1923-192- hu Tntm-.otinnn- "LUJ ,r Jr. irTd 4 66 1922-192- t 3 - 66 sym-tom- 66 Jni- - re. uVr . Electro-Pathologica- Igr. - 3 nts i o o a '-";- By International News Service.) - Too Albert Bacon Full, former Landtah Irrigated retary of the Interior in the Harding cabinet, who leased the rich Lb. Valuable for Wheat ProHills, California, and TeaMt Dome, duction, Says Neilson. Wyoming, naval oil reserve lands to E. F. Domeuy and Harry F. SinLarger clair, respectively, first gained naGAINED FKUM EKE I S tional prominence when, as a senator from New Mexico, he led the Wall Sheep and Dairy Herd bitter assault in the senate upon the Should Be on Every . s late Woodrow Wilson's - Mexhan policy. Farm. 7 ' In one of the most ' dramatic speeches ever delivered in the senBj SWEN O. NEILSON. ate, Fall, who had valuable mine Much has been said and written and oil holdings in the southern re- tiring the past three years concernubliCi dllinuU(led ou M;m,n y 1911 farmers. armed invasion ,e the hardships of the by the United he price of the farm product Is not States into Mexico to protect Amer-i- c The present price Is be trouble. an interests. to was as same the hunt it prior Asked Armed Invasion. he war. Then senate sitf enthralled The farmer's main trouble Is that throughout his nassionntp nleii imr- hrerrtbiiig that he now buys is fraying a reign of terror in Mexno but 80 per cent higher than it used that had resulted In the destruction be. For tins reason flis Misnei oil of milllous of dollars of American heat only has a purchasing power (property, he eiL f 60 per cent of what ft had In I "The administration owes It to PIS. ; the .people, the world and to Mex- . Many remedies have been suggest- - ico to act forcefully and siieedily to p. Uppermost of the many cures , restore order and tranuuility In the lentioued has been that the govern- - Mexican republic," Fall shouted. bent should make the - farmer t.f Urging the immediate use of the liiarantee of a definite price for bl army and navy to assist in wiping Lveutuniiy..sucna jprocess out..' outrages upon Amencun lives ould bankrupt the government and and properties," Fall said: lie farmer alike. A guarantee of j "I realize, and no one more fully lis kind would stimulate wheat than I, the consequences which poduction to such an extent that might ensue from taking the neces-p- e government could not stand the sary gteps to discharge the duties train. When the guarantee; was to which I have referred. But to Undrawn the farmer would be in defer that action is to aggravate worse predicament than ever be- -' conditions and invite more serious pre, ? : , consequences. The only feasible way to help the ; Fall's speech raised a storm in farm-.thsenate. A committee was dele-- k e inner is through diversified Statistics show that we Import gated to investigate Mexican condi- i billion pounds or sugar annually 'tions. i aii was- maae cuairman.- 1 cost of $295,000,000. Praised by Doheny. If suf- - j Went wheat land was nlnnted Into! His work as chairman of that ten to produce the sugar we now committee elicited from Doheny, in fcport, the wheat surplus would testimony in the oil investigation. dm we nothing but a memory. the statement tnat rau nan per- K seems to me that it Is absolute-' (Continued on Page Two.l financial suicide for the farmers Utah to raise wheat on valuable rigated land, when' the same land ill produce ten times as many dol 1 n ILL MAKES VISIT GYM BUILDING - nd SOCIETY UNIVERSITY IS on wilsonmexican policy GOOD ADVICE . f ... TTn)ITinmv FA? MERS ARE URGED TO RAISE MORE BEETS 75 65 ices TP IT II ID) FARMER GIVES IB PRICE TWO CENTS. I.' 75 ?ER. PROVO, UTAH, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1021. 0 0 0 35 65 NO. 182. EIGHTH YEAR. fea-tur- lit |