Show THE PROPOSED biunno BILL I 1 tribune I 1 since the publication of tile llie pro posed amed mining low law now pending be luro fore tile utah ulah Jegi legislature slature 1 hive been requested by nany of my f in who ho are interested in raises to write up op my fleri on tile mibS jt cn in 11 compi kince with wih their jimb es I 1 will airet that no man in utah is id more zealously in favor of territorial it legislation upon tile of mine ininee and mining then than I 1 am yet I 1 ler it far better belter to have no a legio legislation lation at all than to litre have such a law its ii proposed in said aid bill now pend pending ng and in this thi behalf I 1 will try to point out he objectionable features to nio to in said luli bill sections I 1 and 2 or said bill su so fir far ai they a gree agree Is with till the act of congress congram of r j july ac lire are all 11 ll right so far a they hey conflict inflict will that law alloy are T all dull call ind void the act of congress condri d 20 grants the right liht of exploration and occupation of tha ilia public domain either surveyed or and grants to tho the discoverers cover ers and locators of any rein bovein or lode or of quartz or other too kocl in ill place tile the right to hold and nd anin an in tain said voin rein or lode as aa their properly and eventually to obtain fro from abe 11 coifed stati staten a 2 patent when and nd not till ill then llan it becomes real etto e tto tate in tho the hands of tho the patentee etS now this thi law proposes to parcel out the area of mining dettrict to locators or claimants in tracts of feet in length ly by fret feet in width this will be virtually R of tho the public domain by the abo territorial legislature blaich they do not dot pos poa sees tile the legal capacity to ill do it it is one of those strain inge after sovereignty that abat his has made utah legisla ties sofa 0 o camoni mong the legislature may orize fach claims to be made aa often M the pioneer yet for all that tile tho discoverer of ft a vein or lode of juarz luartis lu arti or other rock in place having metals in tho the ore will be en entitled to his hia discovery vaid caid act of congress no matter if it is ib within the limits of prior claims laten aken by virtue of territorial ctr acts A mining claim to bo be valid can call only embrace tile llie actual width of the hi vein lode or deposit of the OTC ore yell upon application for united states patents sufficient arcs of surface is I 1 given to enable the mine not the surface aar faco to be worked much mach of sections 3 and oi 4 I 1 would prove inciter inoperative a live with the mines as for instance ingance in tance 10 see sec 3 where it pro video for mall making i ll 11 out the claim and putting up stakes at the corners of the by feet lots lola this me may y do well enough in placer mines where where abar bar diggings diggin z are to be staica off 00 but will rill prove an utter atter maduro quartz and tho the theory of requiring claim to be segregated is repugnant to the present notions of miners angwill and will prove detrimental to the best beat interests of the miner especially in a country like this thia whole the lineal course of mines is ii MO me difu cult to trace there tire lire many distinct interests t C u b se r e a by tile tho adoption of a miner and i ec condly t tho ho ca capitalists the prospector and miner go before aad with zealand ical and perc ve enduring every haid hip anti and privation oo will find fiad their vidy dy into every canyon and mountain vally ill scale every mountain peak nod anil examine every mountain moun taia gorge and precipice in cearcy of precious and when they aro are rewarded wilh MI heir claims should be properly I 1 g guird cd and protected by judicious I 1 lawa ihly I 1 C Y should have the lege or of inc cling together of organizing their own districts and of making their own rules and regulations concerning the location and claiming of mining property properly anil and of the manner of preserving the evidence thereof subject only to the laws lawi of the united states the cap who invest their money with a lavish bond band in of mines need ample protection by the laws lawi of tho cho laoj land I 1 he licit best mannor manner of accomplishing halim th these se two objects I 1 shall consider con in afis anis article the closing part of section 4 pro for working claims and registering the evidence of such work and thereby milking making or declaring the claim to bo be real estate As I 1 said before this in my opie opia ion cannot bo be done it will still be on only ly a claim and cannot become ft reality until the patent is obtained from the united states see sec 5 provides that all claims shall bo be recorded in the he county re cor car dort dors office section on 6 again declares deon the claim to be real estado and working too the manner of working section 7 provides 1 that conveyances of quartz or min aiu ing mg claims shall lill require the same saino for malit ican as the ac transfers of cf real estate and here I 1 will remark of the transfer of real estate by the laws of utah chip chap ca page age 93 and see 9 2 n to le be valid a transfer must he be anil and recorded ill ia the county ollice office I 1 and by laws lairs of utah chip VI 47 page 81 sec 1 I the county recorder shall not record any land to any person on application or by transfer until a certificate of the has hafl aen been produced that such fluch laud land haq hag been sur voyed and uch such C of survey harvey has haj wen loco approved and by one or more of the select men odthe co county I 1 anty go Grac gracious I 1 what wha t a time lime the miner would havo have hooting up county chanty surveyors curve yora al aej ad select men mca is ia order to effect tile llo ale le of a wining mining 0 laim claim I 1 alere ucro still exists ciulo epou t alio h a books of utah one OBO of t the L e fossil to r mains of a re wis drisdom dona put into the forin ferm of law by the legisla liture lature of the ho stats state of rot reen men re M en acted by the governor B Y and of utah an ad a law of the ho was intended to keep all and every gentile front from ti obtaining b toy oy claim whatever to lauds lamia in ia utah and now dow by tho the liw law it is tt at to lo fabler the lb same res lestric eions upon tho the mines maw section 10 that a locator to r of ofa to a bici claim ahall be entitled to 4 reel feet each way vay from his bis loca it aioo 1 aal an a of course loo feet to in width and feil feet square equate for bui buil laiD din purposes provisions proTia iong are subject lo 10 tome some flight alight objection lot let us see cc soo feet ech each way 1000 feet ly by feet wido wide ai acres of land for a tunnel claim and aad by pet f ct term acres of land for building pur poa seq tow 2051 A pretty good ranch all or of which require a survey by tile the county surveyor and to lo be approved sod and countersigned counter signed by one or more selectmen of the county to bo be costs valid va lill I 1 I 1 only add dd tint that the a claimant must mul mu l lie bo baptized anil go through the house and ill the claim will then become perfectly ecaire care its as real in let fee with tic the I 1 livery benj of ci ta under such auch a law at al I 1 owing such tunnel claims to be taken there would be lul but little eting or mining jono in Aboul About Tour four such ouch tunnel claims would all of ilia lie mines in littlon cottonwood diarist four foar tuch such claims would calitr up p big cottonwood Cotton Tood four boull wind up american ore oce BULL built claim emild cover all tho the on mountain lion ion hill 1101 one all or of ophir leill ili 1 l one chloride Cli lorMe dilill one ond and shoo fly hill dilill odethe nabob hill ono hill slid ind leave just of nf ophir pis die fikiet in tho the foothills for ono one moro more cli iiii on which to enter the red jacket mine and thus verve the pur fowl of the authar or the bill the other oilier features of the kill bill are unimportant save a ai to ta the ho provision proTia ion about working ilia lie mines and recording claims in the courtly county office and of thew these I 1 hall treat fullest scilly lit the alie clou close of nf this thia article before dibi doieg which I 1 debiro to matters upon which the bill is u silent first I 1 imbt ii the subject of a miners lien upon the mine for work ork done JP in justice to the honest miner ho he who does docs tho the work tho the laborer who sinks inka tho the shafts and to rudi the drifts and tunnels who develops the mine aud and knows its ia value and worth and the man who furnishes the material makr ail each should lave have a lien upon ilia mine for their pay and this I 1 lien an le established by I 1 law aw sit aa defaite definitely ly awl aul positively ID an that of a mechanic s m or tiny nay other lien with tho the manner of iii forcing it and thereby afford tin ilik p i lection tec tion of law to the laboring claa cla cai a in tho the mines next there should be in tho the law for compelling joint tenants and joint owners owner 0 of I 1 a 3 mine to contribute their fall share hare and proportion of the ex pongee of working mad aad developing tho the mine there then should be some bome speedy and ready way provided for arbitrating conflicting c claim n aims to mines minea in the first instance mud and generally of settling minor di an als to locations lines boundaries and rights to diso discor criM cries there bo be a law lair declaring a limitation to the bifia life 0 of f dormant claims and protecting innocent and bona fide purchasers from imposition and block black 1 mailing from springing ancient claims and raising raining clouds upon the title in short I 1 of providing laws law so 0 o that when a stranger comes here and Us lis money in mines minea lie he cn can have some bobie as a luiere ignot is not a lotof lot of sharps and pirates lying back with state claims or pretended relocations to involve lian in lawsuits and expense for the pur purpose of phlebotomizing his bid pocket bouk bok amplo ample protection to the is JA what is ia groa greatly dy needed in the wisdom of th chiq pren cal ass a bly let this bo be done don C there should bould be laws providing for BV B V dij 1 apil 11 1 il withheld providing pro riding for the issuance of injunction so ao a as a to t make them available and other writs writa for tile protection of personal rights to provide fur the proper disposition of llie ilia assets of mines and mining oper iper atiles declaring that anal I 1 he into e ar or lona fide cdo scra of f mine s oll not be subject to relocation pir pill ill ing a upon 0 a mine mines who I 1 I 1 k ie and carry away I 1 the F a ores or other pr irp p erty erly and convert it to their offo ate and pua severely verely ic all aud and fraudulent practices all C boale I 1 coo con and bione tione in in relation to the sale bale transfer locations or working of mines mines there then should bo be laws lam and regula regul tiong lov dea whereby dormant claims can E be declared abandoned a and ad 11 be a con condemned downed and made to relocation a tion and ana in this behalf the law abound bo be ample in ita id profir relating to both the original location an and 4 the coode condemnation thereof so that when a claim is ie once properly r ac fly located ind and recorded and u I 1 C 1 publicity flud ana certainly of titillation tit dalion and extent given thereto and said claim being developed by a limited quantity quint ity of weir work k thereon that said claim shall not be subject to role colin cation a in whole or in part until tuch such C claim has been declared forfeited by proper authority upon duo dao notice given to the original locators loca tori or their ae sigo aal aol od thus put an n eod end to all jumping juto of mines and fictitious titles laws law providing fur the establishment of new ts and adia disputes concerning boundaries bound ariM to district also provi providing Jing for ilia else election of officers aul and the establishment of roads in ia the districts in relation to the protection of cap call balias tn io the purchase or mines there be laws law punishing the jumping of mints and nd declaring til all dormant or ancient claims ss as barrel by state ales of limitation if not properly re corded and nutice notice given by record BO 80 31 I 1 to apprise all persons of the io in tended claim ind and also barring larrin sid said claim cl aini unless suit anit be brought thereon within the timo time provided by bj law and also aloo that the wn anil ana development vehip ment or of a mine shall be a evidence of title unless the ho ad verso claimant shall give iet notice and publicity to his claim by recording ling the required require a notices so as af to aparis all persons of such euch dormant or ancient claim As to mining districts andl and Mil mining lillig recorders I 1 ani am on the side hiie of its a aa a they now are arc let the legislature enact that all districts as DOW oran izod shall con to exist dial sod aad that their laws shall have haro full force and effect when not in conflict with wilh tho the laws law of the united states or of the territory that the 11 I 1 net recorders Re cordera shall hall give bonds of oali e and that their corti sah lo 10 entitled to ev evidence eno as an legal acal document that the election 1 of district recorders corden Be shall be pro hided vided for by general law red ard ai all I 1 to take place oa the same fiame day providing how the records of at the district shall be kept and penalties for wrongful or fraudulent sets give auth authority eray validity and effect t to th the tl ilis is and their of ficara nod and not take it from them there are arc many for this and good ones too in the lint first place alco many of the counties of utah tire very urge large rod ini the miners and nd pros are very poor for instance to record in the recorders office in county tho the miners of deep crek di distrait laust ami to go miles camp aloyd mines 25 miles lake side m mines me 42 miles mile from arom the cotton woodi to salt liili city cily 2 25 to 30 nales from cintio 50 mile toiler 4 and ad these dota iners are it fair criterion cr itchon tn judge the entire territory by blinders are not able to travel these great distances to get gel to the recorder recorders ers offices office it ii would cost coit too tanch cinch money and time tho the miners went frequent opportunities to examine the book spee about locations locati oni and nd claim cl imaM sL to other ant antkers sea to re move less in ii books far away to a county seat drat will be a hardship upon the ibe miners bod and proprietors that will mil be illy able to bear then again it oftentimes occurs that they desiro desire to lo record clams lin when they hiyo havo no and iid can obtain credit from the district recorder con can pay it in 10 work or trade and can get gel many favors and accommodations at home with ft a friend and nil neighbor that they could not from a stranger ranger far away at the county teat seat to chingo change the present resent system ami u pro proposed proponed by the b bill F would put all the I 1 into the ol 01 the peo aaton mid and sharps the he pirates M nil jumpers who would always alaby have time and money modey to run rua away off to the county seat and record claims that the lona bona jhc fule and ana ow owner no r would tc be unable to 10 lo do for th the we want t or of funds stich ft a bill would be an enormous outrage upon tile tho miners and pr tore ara that would crash hem is in try every quarter cause caune them to rebel against such bach a law and raise up ap to the memory of 0 any governor gover Dor who would approve or of any uch such bill a monument of ever no a no it will not do to require claims to be in in the office copies of the district record sea erab books way te be f filed there cepica of locations sent BODI thero |