Show obituary the funeral services services over ever the remains of elder david Russell 11 were held in fit alio a riverdale Ri verdal meeting i limme on oil wednesday jan 1883 the building wag was filled with nith friends of the deceased and family fily the t ervi were conducted by bishop sanford bingham the I choir eang efing I mal scenes of confusion and creatures crea turea complaint ae c prayer was offered by elder 11 william illiam stimpson Sti the choir gang sang unveil aby bosom faithful tomb take this new treasure to thy trust addresses suitable to the occa aion were delivered by elder Elde joseph rJoseph hall bishops david cook S BID bingham and president L J ferrii herrick setting a forth some of the purposes of god in relation to the human family showing that lie he had d decreed c that death pass pam upon all the children of adam but that he baa has prepared away of life bere hereafter after for all who will embrace the gospel and comply with the will odthe of the almighty he had ordained a resurrection by which all mankind will be redeemed from the grave but the dead in christ will vill rise first firt and among them will bo be found elder david russell he ile lived an honest upright kept the faith he preserved his integrity he dio m n the lord and wilt come forth in the morning odthe of the first resurrection to enjoy tho the society of his family kindred and the redeemed of god of all ages and dispensations at the conclusion ortho of the addresses the choir sang farewell all earthly honors the benediction was pronounced bl by bishop david coo cook the funeral a cortege was wu very large the remains ina ins were taken to ogden cemetery and deposited in their silent home david russell rumell was the son of william and catherine russell he ile was born june juhe 1811 at kin kill car cardine dinc county of perth scotland ho he was married in october 1833 to miss mary strung strong he ile was baptized into the church of jesus christ of latter day saints in the fill fall of 1847 and presided over the clackmannan Clack mannan branch oft of the he church for four years ho ile emigrated to utah 1868 ho he went to I ti vr dale in this county where ho lie resided with his family until his demise he ile lea leaves vesa ft wife e two sons ons and three daughters laug liters and nineteen grandchildren to build up his bome h and perpetuate I las name in israel |