Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING 1 Water Plan Spurred - By Engineer of AIDES NAMED C03LMITTEE WILL ACT Cooperation of Salt Lake Sought on i ! Officials Both Units on Warrants Face Drivers Failing To Settle Tags Warrants for the arrest of more 4 ho were than 100 motorists given tags for traffic violations and then failed to report at polic headquarters will be "issued Mom day pollce xnnounced Sunday Captain O B Record head of the traffic department said the number of motorists who apparently have been ifpiorlng taps has increased in the past ten days The warrants he said will be issued and arrests made to show that the police “mean business" The offenses range from over time perking to speeding Tha captain pointed out if an offender signs a promise to appear at the police station and then falls to do so the new state motor vehicle law makes the nonappearance a misdemeanor HEAD TO VISIT in ' j ! L BOY SCOUT CITY STATE COASTTRIP HONOR DEAD Exhibit at Deerret Gym rWillBe Feature William 31 Scot! Stricken by of Campaign r“ Writer From Rome y Mar-ghari- a Modernization Exhibit Cains may-deman- Interest New Harvey Ross And Wife Return From World Tour ’ as -- - -- Motorist Faces Charge in Freak Mishap k ’ - 4 n - - - We-sat- h ' "K Church Groups Make Arrangements for 3Iemorial Day Programs Patriotic nt n Committees which will lead In Salt Lake’s 'city-wid- e bobby campaign to be conducted throughout the week beginning June 8 were announced Sunday The Salt Lake Recreational " ‘ council Is sponsor Miss Charlotte Stewart superintendent of girls’ physical education for the city schools hesds the general committee with the following members: B S Hinckley executive secretary of the eseret gymnasium Oscar A Kirkham executive seer tary of the Young Men’s Mutual ImRobert W provement association Richardson of tha Deseret gymnasium and Dr J T Worlton assistant city superintendent of schools Tha campaign will feature an exhibit of hobbies of all varieties which will be shown In the Deseret gymnasium to foster constructive leisure time activities Group visits also will be made to places of choice hobby interest Including the Charles N Strevell collection dhe Daughters of Utah Pioneers’ collection and other exhibits at the state capitol the L D S bureau of information exhibits the University of Utah archeological and din ossur museum the Auerbach collection art exhibits and store and other exhibits Special Fsram tA specialized hobby forum will be conducted each day for the entire week beginning Friday June 8 In a central place The general committee will act with Committees appointed by the Deseret gymnasium and the Young Ladies’ and Young Men’s Mutual Improvement associations in hobcoordinating a community-wid- e - Heart-Ailme- at Reno Likens Roosevelt’s Policies T o Fascist Administration EarlyMemories S ON w oman Churchman Tells ' OFFICIAL DIES " Following months when even he-- ’ roic efforts on the part of all con-- cerned seemed to develop no action on either the Deer creek of the Utah lake diking units of the Salt Lake " basin reclamation project develop-- t - ments started with a bang Friday and bid fair to be carried forward with ’pven Increased momentum this week and for many weeks to come Inasmuch as an essential part of the Utah lake diking plan a! present is that water be ao stored in the lake next year as to reduce exaporation losses by 70000 to 05000 sere-fee- t adding that much to the supply for Irrigation of the farms of Salt Lake and northern Utah counties action Is Action wss urged by E B required ' Debler In charge of investigations for the federal bureau of reclamation on his visit here Saturday American LeOfficial Ne Interference the Insisted end Inter Debler Mr Women to Be Hon ests represented at the meeting Sat- - gion ored Salt Lake urday agreed the diking project should not must not and shall not be allowed to Interfere with the Deer creek reservoir projecthM to carry Mrs William Henry Blester Jr pot the real solution of the water supply Philadelphia Pa national president problem in this valley “We eecept the government’s urge" of the American Legion auxiliary said Governor Henry H Blood Sun- - will be a visitbr in f byproject day “not as a criticism but as a Salt Lake next SatThe publicity committee includes spur to continued and strenuoua 1 urday and Sunday Mrs A J West Mrs Claude L Mrs MarghariU Sarfatti famous Italian authoress and Jonrnallst Mrs Bleatar will fort" Shields J G King George Waters ' f Rome Italy photographed with Fortunsto Anselmo Italian consul for meet with officers In accordance with a motion passed A J Southwick Mrs Curtis Clawson by the project executive committee of the women’s Mrs M H Hills Miss Johanna H tab In Salt Lake They attended the special L D S tabernacle choir program Sunday forenoon Friday the governor expects to name auxiliary to Salt Sprague and John D Spencer Monday a committee ol four op five Lake post No 2 The committee for hobby promopersons who shall devote practically Saturday and will tion through the schools includes A be honored at a their entire time as the 'represent Hagen Mrs J Roy Wilson Ralph tive of all the interests Involved to joint luncheon of V Backman Mrs A R Curtis and t- rthe progress at the greatest speed the legion post and Dr Worlton consistent with protection of each on Its auxiliary SunThe recreational organizations' both tho Deer Creek and the diking day at 1 p m In committee includes Alice Oakes Bronhounits Both tho high line eervice or tha Newhouse son Miss Emily Lynch Ray Forsberg tho Deer creek unit and the present tel She will visit nd Robert M Stewart gravity canals chiefly concerned with the Veterans1 -hosChnrch Groups ? the diking units will be recognised pital Sunday ' Arthur Arnesen Dr E E Erickson Mrs Blester of tha Leader committee this — by G Hunt largest women’s patriotic organiza- the Rt Rev Monsignor-' Interested in United States Program of Urges Appointment tion in America Mrs Blester directs vicar general ol the Catholic diocese Italy Greatly "I expect to auggest to that commit- - the vast civic and patriotic program of Salt Lake Eva Lindquist Mrs Recovery Says Mrs Sarfatti Calls on Gover- tee" said the governor “that some-- 1 of the auxlliary’a 360000 members Rebecca Asper and Frank H Eard-leone be appointed immediately to look In 8000 local units She is devoting compose the committee on hobby nor Mayor Church Leader alter the matter of meeting the neces- her efforts to strengthening and ex- promotion through the churches Other of committees are: both of i sary expenses promotion Hobby propanding the organization’! work for ' projects the welfare of disabled veterans and motion through the cluhe Dr D A Many of President Roosevelt’s Innovations in government may “The committee in my opinion dependent families for the mainte- Lyon Mrs Maude Leaver Dr George be ta likened to fascist administration policies believes Mrs ought to take up Immediately the nance of adequate national defense for A Cochran and W Scott Ure- hobby of Rome Sarfatti businessItaly subof work obtaining the necessary adherence to American ideals and In- promotion through Harry The Italian woman known throughout Europe as a brilliant scriptions on both the diking and the stitutions and for betterment of con- L Finch D E Hammond Louis A Mrs Ernest Urien Mrs Dana writer and Intimate friend and associate of Benito Mussolini was Peer creek units ditions of life in American commu- Thody C Mrs and G LaCoste As I see it it will be faced by Blayney nities Salt Lake' visitor for twelve Mrs Biester was elected national hobby forums and directory Mrs legal question as to the need for John K Miss Lucile Francke hours leaving by United Airlines Hardy metropolitan water district law and president at the national convention M Adamson Mns Martha G 1 think this should be answered in the In Chicago last October and will serve J plane for Chicago at 2 p m Sunshortest possible time until the convention in Miami next Smith A J Nord Mrs W H Keate Mrs W C W Dr Adams A “As a fourth line for tmmedlatae en- fall Her election to the presidency Pettit day deavor It should initiate work as came as tha result of more than 12 0 M Woodbury Dr D A Jones Italians and Americans headed by d need on the formation years' activity In auxiliary work dur and J Henry Ehlers Fortunato Anselmo Italian consul of the water users’ associations tor lng which she held offices constantly for Utah welcomed Mrs Sarfatti k each project Increasing In Importance and estabupon her arrival from San Francisco “The matter of obtaining th co- - lished a long record of achievements We at the airport at 1:30 a m Sunday operation ol the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railway company concern The American Italian' Civic league and the league auxiliary together Many Firms Open Booths tag the replacement of the branch line with Mr Anselmo were hosts to toe up Provo canyon has been assigned Show Enters to me and I accept the mandate of distinguished visitor the committee as to that 1 am teleItaly manifests a great Interest in toe States’ program of emergraphing President J & Pyeett today Keener insight Into the troubles genceUnited and hope for an early conference to Reminiscences from the depression Mrs Sarthat of his 25 as world beset the and deeper apyears thresh this matter out r declared adding that her couna minister in Salt Lake were recount- preciation of the beauties and won- fatti had great admiration for Monday at noon the Modernization Cooperation Sought ed by the Venerable William I Bulk ders of this sphere are gained In a trymen Roosevelt and toe Ameri- exposition at Broadway and State "In all these plana we are looking ley archdeacon of the Episcopal trip around tha globe according to President can public street will enter the second week of foe the cooperation of the officials diocese of Utah at services In hit W Harvey Ross Salt Lake business Mrs Sarfatti who was a guest at its showing with 22000 visitors' for of both Utah and Salt Lake counties honor Sunday evening at St- Peter's man who recently returned from the Newhouse hotel attended L the to assist In putting the project over church where be began his ministry world cruise He was accompanied D S tabernacle the first six days to its credit Sunconcert choir ' It Is hoped tha tas the matter develops The Rev A L Wood pastor of on the voyage by Mr Ross Gradual expansion of its attracday at 8:30 a to later calling upon the eym pathetic Interest of both Utah St Peter's church’ conducted the Mr and Mrs Ross sailed from New Governor JL Blood President Henry as new exhibitors placed distions nd Salt Lake county commissions service with the Rt Rev Arthur York January 4 aboard tha Empress AwW Ivins first counselor to - toe will be enlisted to the extent that if W Moulton bishop of the Episcopal of Britain ona of tha largest vessels first plays together' with completion of S of D the church L presidency necessary and proper they will take diocese of Utah and the Rev A- E to make the world cruise There were and Mayor Lewis Marcus work under way at toe time of the water subscriptions to protect the in- Butcher also taking part approximately 500 passengers aboard Following a sightseeing trip about opening has increased the appeal of terests of their respective citizens for Archdeacon Bulkley has served with a third of that number from the Salt Lake Mrs Sarfatti was the hon- the exposflion to home owners housein the future state this than any other United States Mr and Mrs Ross were ored guest at s luncheon longer given by the of the Episcopal church the only couple aboard from Utah "Personally I do not want to see clergyman and the league auxiliary at holders and others interested in buildthe Duchesne tunnel feature of the He was ordained to the ministry in The Valley of the Kings at Luxor league the chamber of commerce ing reconstruction remodeling decocreek project set aside at this 1908 and to the priesthood on May 20 Egypt and Great Wall of China and Th Italian woman ' is stand- rating and equlping of homes and today 1909 In St Mark’s cathedral by the the Taj Mahal in India were the most ing upon a time That contemplates adding some pedestal than ever business' properties 85000 acre-fee- t to the average annual late Bishop Franklin S Spalding Impressive sights on the Journey Mr before Mrs higher Sarfatti — —— m During the week it Is expected that —sags— Ross declared The voyage included supply of this valley which needs all guests Every privilege has been aj no table addition to the exhibit of a trip acroia India and visits to the the water it can get It was Included N Y conferred upon her sex with the re- building materials will be presented In the original setup presented to the Consulting Engineer Malay peninsula China Japan and sult that women are progressing rapwith toe of completion ' display of toe tha Philippines wars viewed on the idly along’ all lines public works administration last Oc- !To cement manufacturers Special- - feaSpeak Tuesday' Night homeward tober If that water can be brought to Mussolinitrip and his tures of this Opposition from the Colorado river basin at any dlsplay will be ornamenMr Roes waa Impressed with the Ideals has vanished Italy toe tal work such as garden -- fixtures David Cushman Coyle consulting British display of power in the far visitor declared! through reasonable cost it should be done Only isolated cases engineer of New York will be the east end said that the buffer pro- at resistance have been noted in re- sundials bird baths and statuettes: Voices Disappointment Another exhibit supplementing the at a dinner vided speaker cent in meeting she said times Tuesday “We are disappointed this year and by England protecting her model home will be a model at m 830 Hotel at the Asiatic Utah p under Interests' Mrs should Reva Beck Bosone president office suite displays reassure lways will be when we need It most direction of the extension division Americans on neering who toe fear of possible trouble league auxiliary presided at the ground floor of thecompletion la the amount of the supply that University of Utah Mr exposition Coyle’s lec- between Japan and the United States toe luncheon while Mr Anselmo inwould have been available from the ture will Visitors to the exposition accordconclude a series of dinner Upon reaching San Francisco Mr troduced Mrs Sarfatti Joseph J Weber river It is my belief that the that have been sponsored and Mrs Ross motored to their home Cannon editor of the Desert News ing to the management have been original setup was right In the mat- meetings Impressed by the architectural design spoke of his warih friendship for the and solid construction ter of the supply from the Duchesne this season by the extension service in Holladay of the exhibits Italian people and expressed the hope ”1 would like to express my perfor the end of all international mis- including n the model store fronts sonal appreciation for the services of homes model and large enclosures for understanding Hit-Ru- ii the men who have worked to hard exhibits This work is under Richard P Condie accompanied by group nd continuously for this project such direction of toe architectural firm of Mias Becky Almond' presented a vomen as Mayor Louis Marcus and the Ashton it Evans Directly in charge cal program i v city officials H C Goodrich and C for the architects at the exposition C Parsons of the Utah Copper comis Paul Hodgson who has directed pany who have made valuable conMaydaynan Temple Group construction and is responsible for tributions E A Jacob the project the structural- and decorative ensem' Gardner 23 of 810 MaynardGardner allegedly drove away Pay- Visit to Salt Lake ble on the' two floors occupied by the manager P H Mulcahy William Pewithout stopping apparently terson and W W McLaughlin whose Westminster avenue faced ahlt-ruexposition without his knowing erstwhile Dr work pointed the way to an agreeY Hanish of Lelpsic Ger0 Monday night at 7:30 o’clock the drivingcharge Sunday as the ment and the heads of all the canal aftermath of a freak passenger had fallen out of tot many international president of toe series of daily lectures will be reautomobilt car companies and the other enthusiasts Maydaynan Temple association and sumed when Miss ' Carolina' Parry accident shortly before 2 a m in The climax came whert depua group of members of the organiza- will appear in toe exposition audiwho have been present at each meet which two persona were injured ties who had traced the automotion Were Salt Lake visitors lag: torium In a talk on “Beautification of Deputy aherjffa said Gardner bile through its license number en route by motor to Los Sunday the Home"' Added features will be “They have done good work But wae Angeles on State street north and driving information from Jensen for a music and motion pictures convention June 21 Admls they must not take this expression and Twen- went to Gardner’s borne They of appreciation as any excuse to relax between Twenty-firs- t streets Accompanying Dr Hanish were Dr sion to toe lecture as to the exposiSouth said fled Gardner rear shortly tho and Mrs Otto Rauth and Mrs Frelda tion as frpm whole will be free of their efforts They must continue before 2 a m when his automodoor of the house only to be Amman of Lelptic Ivan Percler of charge — — with all the seal they have ahown bile struck r rear of autothe an a a stopped with Paris and others They were France by neighbor in the past" mobile on which Ronald Gee 19 YOUTH ABRESTED shotgun who seized the weapon guests at the Hotel Utah of 1371 Roberta street was makand took after him in tha belief SCHOOL CLUB HIKES J The temple association alms to deFrank Forest 18 was arrested at ing repairs he waa a thief who recently stole velop Individuality through physical Fifth East and South Temple streets Fifty members of tha Wasatch The impact caused the stalled ’ his from automobile education gasoline for Investigation of automobile theft Mountain Panthers West high school car to run over Gee who suffered was Gardner booked the at charges Sunday at 5:30 p m Detechiking club hiked to Bell canyon bruises on his face left hand and TEA SCHEDULED MAY 28 county jail at 3:55 a m and re- -' tive H W Clark end Patrolman A C southeast of Salt Lake Sunday mornwrist The force of the collisioh leased Sunday night on court orTha Utah Woolgrowers association’ Randall reported that Forest was ing They returned in the evening also hurled Gessel Jensen of 1008 der offiThe stats pending hearing and local auxiliaries will give a found to be In possession of an autoOs' non Justesen faculty sponsor and East Twenty-seventSouth street cers mid he previously bed been silver teg Monday May 28 at the mobile stolen early Sunday from Fred Hams club president were in from tho rumble seat of Gard-ner’- a treated the at county hospital for home of Mrs J R Edgheiil 1579 Fred Coleman while it wu parked in ctarge George Unseld of the car to tha ground tho depa lip cut asaertedly suffered In Shermen avenue instead of this week front of Mr Coleman’s home at 738 " Mountain club waa ' : ute said guest toe collision as announced in The Tribune Sunday East Sixth South street of j Italian Writer Consul Hear Choir WEEK DRIVE “ VET AUXILIARY l 1834 IN SL HOBBY US-Reclamati- Bureau Government Urging Gives Momentum toDeer Creek and Lake Dike Projects MAY 21 - Stricken with a heart ailment while en route by automobile to California William M Scott 70 vice president SPECIAL RITES FIXED of the Salt Lake council Boy Scouts of America died' Saturday at Reno Nev relatives in Salt Lake learned early Sunday Organizations to Decoral© Mr Scott who resided at 966 Soldier Graves Vets to Princeton avenue and for 20 years was superintendent of the eervice deHold Stadium Services partment of the Utah Power and Light company left Salt Lake early Saturday morning accompanied by observance Plans for a state-widMrs Scott and their daughter VirOf Memorial day Wednesday May 30 ginia They were on their way to visit Mrs Myrtle Morton In Grass are being made by various patriotic Valley and church groups The death of Mr Scott was unexA series of programs will feature pected as he visited a physician not more than twp weeks ago and was Salt Lake’s observance when patritold he was in splendid condition otic organizations will pay tribute to Mr Scott Is survived by his widow soldier dead" The day also Mrs Nellie T Scott and the followWilliam yt Scott vice president of thp city’s ing children: Mrs Morton Mrs Mary Jthe Salt Lake council Boy Scouts of will be the occasion for special reScott Carey Blair Scott and Virginia America who died unexpectedly membrance of departed civilians Scott the latter three of Salt Lake while en route to California A holiday will be observed generalFour grandchildren also survive ly in Utah with bonks schools most As a young nf&n Mr Scott arrived public offices and business concerns In Salt Lake from Indiana where he closed throughout the day was born July 5 1864 He entered Salt Lake events will include a pro the employ of the Utah Power and gram honoring departed members of Light company as a laborer and rose of toe Republic It the Grand-Armto the position occupied at the time will be held in the University of Utah of his death 11 a m under stadium at For fifteen years Mr Scott was acof the United Veterans’ council tively identified with the Boy Scout Musical numbers and special exermovement cises will be included He was a past grand master In the Held as Part of To Honor Soldiers Independent Order of Odd Fellows Ceremony v and was a member of the safety The various patriotic organizations Convention State of the Salt Lake chamber of of Salt Lake City and county will “ of Order commerce honor the soldier dead with services The body will arrive In Salt Lake m the cemeteries The soldiers’ Wednesday when funeral arrangegraves will be decorated ments will be completed Twenty-eigh- t candidates of the Salt H P Finster secretary of tho Lake Ogden and Carbon county United Veterans’ council announced ’councils of the Knights Of Colum- Sunday that a meeting of toe council bus were giveg an exemplification will be held Wednesday at 8 p m in of the first three degrees of the or- the Newhouse hotel to plan for Meder at a joint initiation Sunday In morial day 'activities Flowers and flags for the decoration of soldiers’ the Eagles’ hall The initiation was part of cere- graves Memorial day will be distribmonies incident to the state conven- uted Most of toe flowers Mr Finster said have been made by patients tion here Sunday and Monday Officers of the Salt Lake council in the Salt Lake Veterans’ hospital exemplified the first degree officers under toe supervision of toe women’s the Carbon County council gave auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Ralph Kline Wheeler Or- of the second degree and the third de- Wars graves will be decorated dained at Presbyterian gree was exemplified by a selected at Soldiers’ toe City cemetery by Salt Lake group under direction of Judge Roger L McDonough Rites in S L acting district dep- post No 2 American Legion Mt Oliuty and W J Fitzpatrick represen- vet cemetery by Lieutenant Clarence E Allen post No 409 Veterans of tative of the supreme council Ralph Kline Wheeler was ordained Tho Knighthood was conferred on Foreign Wars Wasatch Lawn Burial into the minis tery of the Presbyteri- the candidates by B J Vieta of Help- park by Argonne chapter Disabled an church Sunday morning at ordi- er state deputy of the Knights of American Veterans of toe World War and the eleven outlying cemeteries of Columbus nation services in Salt Lake county by Jordan post Following the Initiation work a American the First PresbyteThe Legion of Midvale buffet supper was served at the rian church Grand Army of toe Republic and the Knights of Columbus clubhouse on United The ceremonies Spanish War Veterans will East South Temple with an open were conducted by decorate toe graves of their departed bouse reception members of toe The candidates and delegates at- members in Salt Lake burial places Salt Lake Presbytended mass and received holy comFart Service Planned tery including the munion Sunday at 8:30 a m in the Services will be conducted at 9 a m Rev Theodore G Cathedral of the Madeleine at toe Fort Douglas Tha Lilley Dr M P Business sessions of the state coun- program will include cemetery a memorial adMcClure Dr H V cil will begin Monday at 10 a m dress by Commissioner H B Lee’ Comin Dr S K in course of which state officers will readings and musical numbers with Hata and toe Rev be elected selections by toe Thirty-eightInfanW H Ensign try band Graves will be decorated Chaplain James I with flowers donated by Wasatch and McBride a memLongfellow school children ber of the Yukon Low mass will be celebrated by to also Presbytery Most Rev James E Kearney D D Mr Wheeler participated bishop of the Salt Lake diocese of toe The Rev Mr Wheeler preached his Catholic church at toe annual Memofirst sermon after his ordination Sunrial day services in Mt Calvery ceme-ter- y day evening at the Westminster Bishop Kearney also wilj speak Presbyterian church the program which will begin at He was graduated from the PrincePatriotic activities as needed at the at ton Theological seminary in New present time were discussed by Mrs 9 a m Jersey at the 122nd commencement Dorothy Houghton of Wichita Kanexercises Prior to going to the sem- sas national president of the Daughinary the Rev Mr Wheeler was an ters of Union Veterans 'of the Civil enlisted man at Fort Douglas War during a short visit in Salt Lake The Rev: Mr Wheeler will take up Headed by Mrs- - True Houston his ministerial duties at Haines Alas- president of Susanna Eaton tent the ka as pastor at the home missionary Salt Lake unit of the organization a ! church He also will give a sermon group of local members greeted Mrs Aaronic priesthood celeweek brated generally throughout the L at the Chilkoot barracks every Sun- Houghton and discussed problems In addition to carrying on a patri- D S church ended Sunday night day night Leaving Salt Lake Tuesday morn- otic educational program the national when addresses were given and proing the Rev Mr Wheeler will visit body sponsors legislative and other grams conducted by members of the with his father at Redondo Beach measures to care for the Civil war Aaronic priesthood in most wards and branches of the chtarch Cal prior to going to Alaska He veterans Mrs Houghton said More than 90000 members of to will sail from Seattle June 9 The organization has approximately 75000 members In 39 states 45 lesser priesthood took part in toe S L Motorigt Arrested members in Salt Lake all lineal de- week’s observance which celebrated scendants of Civil war veterans she toe restoration of the Aaronic priesthood according to L D S belief For Reckless Driving said Mrs Hougton left Sunday night for to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery near Harmony Pennsylvania May Royal H Parkinson 20 was ar- Denver continuing a series of visita- 15 1829 at the hands of John toe rested at Ninth North and Beck streets tions She will take part in the dedion reckless driving charge Sun- cation of the new national headquar Baptist A May 29 the high point in the celebration was day at 7 p m after he allegedly ters building pilgrimage to Clarkston Saturdrove north on Beck street in an day when almost 10000 members of erratic manner Thermometer Registers the priesthood visited the grave of Detective Sergeant D H Clayton Martin Harris one of the three wit81 Degrees 'Salt Lake nesses reported that Parkinson cut into a to the Book of Mormon Servline of north-bouncars in order to i ices were held under direction of the stop at the side of the road ParkSalt Lake continued to experience presiding bishopric of the church inson was released on $4 bail unusually warm weather Sunday commemorating the 151st birthday when toe highest temperature was 81 anniversary of the early leader TO HEAB GARDEN EDITOR degrees The lowest temperature was Leaders of Clubs in the Salt 54 and toe mean of 68 was 10 degrees Plans Lake county farm bureau will meet above normal Buddy Poppy 8 m at in toe Creek Mill Monday p Most of the west similar Sale 3Iade I D S chapel to hear on address on weather conditions reported by V F W The highest temflower growing by Maud Chegwid-de- n perature was recorded at Yuma 102 garden editor ef The Tribune degrees Phoenix end Needles each Plans far the annual Buddy Poppy sale of Lieutenant Clarence E Allen Horn? beautification and floriculture reported a high of 100 degrees have been adopted this year as one Unsettled weather was forecast for poet No 409 Veterans of Foreign ol the principal activities of toe Monday with probably fair condi- Wars next Saturday are being fnembers - under direction of V E Antions Tuesday derson chairman of the sale committee About 150 young women will sell poppies jn toe Salt Lake business district from 8 a m to 4 p m to raise money to eid “ needy veterans end widows and orphans hi to Veterans of Foreign Wars’ national home The sale part of a national money-raisinDr Howard A Kelly famous animals I have no fault to find program has tha indorsement of Pre ident Roosevelt Mr Anderson said gynecologist snd one of the four with members of my profession leading physicians who developed who believe otherwise but toe Officers Arrest Two Johns Hopkins medical school statements of the New Testament and hospital gave on address on ore so definite and their full recOn Closing Law Charge Lite “Gospel According to Si ognition of the Old Testament account is such that I cannot beSunday morning at tha” Bethel Baptist church at the inR O Connor 30 snd J MT Weiss lieve in a different creation - "Sooner or later the Bible acvitation of the Rev H Lyon 28 were arrested by police morals count is always proved to be squad officers st (2:40 a m Sunday Baynes pastor of tha church at 107 East Second South street on a Discussing evolution later Dr right” he asserted Dr Kelly will speak-oKelly who k a lay member of charge of violating the Sunday clostha Episcopal church said: “Noth“Achievamentsof Surgery ing law ing is more obvious that the fact Through the Ages" Tuesday beCaptain J G Smith' at first ordered that this whale world has been fore toe University of Utah stuConnor held fot investigation but adapted to toe use of man through dent body He will leave next consented to his release Sunday forea guiding intelligence and not as for Colo noon on where Weiss furnished $300 bail Granger Friday matter of chance ha was a cowpunchee from 1880 $50 bond Policy reported a small i “Mankind is inconceivably and to 1881 and then go on to Norquantity of liquor was seized Both man Okla where he will adutterly different from 'the anidefendants sre awaiting trial for almals and I do not believe that dress students of toe University leged liquor possession arising out of his body has evolved from lower ofOkalhomo arrests on May 5 at the seme location e K C INITIATES y 28 CANDIDATES com-lhitte- e NEWPASTOR TAKE VOWS ’ -- 1 h Patriotic Body President Pays Salt Lake Visit Priesthood Week Celebratioji Ends w-lt- in d 4-- Famous Physician Holds Evolution Theory Wrong Jm" for |