Show r CONSIDER CAREFULLY A prime requisite in the quallflca tiont of the successful = canmilzn orator of the present day is thu abilitY total to-tal O tables of statistics and nianlpi late them ro Unit they will proW the ttr 1 11menti lie may bo desirous of pro tcltlng In I u ieno tabits arc at hand hc must jCllow how to construct them to suit his purpose Not many howuvcr teem to possess pos-sess the ability to fill m tiicm In such a manner that thoy cannot be used by entcrpuslng opponents to pmvo entirely en-tirely opposite coneiifclone Tills fact should ho taken into consideration when table after table of Inures are quoted foi the purpose rf Influencing voles The thoughtful citizen will look up tin statistics fur hlmfYlf consider con-sider I tin motlyen of iu orator and f l + 10 < 1 J i nyiiri tie may wish to ennvej i e L m Itlmlv judge for hiimclf omativ ire usvuved by 8t0tpincnN rl LJUi the jilltfnm nud never Rive the I suh1eetIl uiI1r dI51IUqlt1o 1 lrr1I1 n4I 11i > iiJitf III IlpllIt ion Ii I 1 It IIp jIIIS were Wcltslicfl niirr filth than they uro now campaign siicaktis I would hI l moo aarrful in tholr statements the indeiiii < lcni voters more tllIl1lcrOIlS nllllIi1SY con rim inn would result Let every oltlzin analyze for hlmsolf matters presented by thosodeMroii of Infltiencina him and ho may then judge as to fit npre MninvB in the various luldlutlvc biirliii |