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Show NpM, Juab County, Utah Thursday, May 30, 1963 27jc CimcO'IVcttifi Temple Rifes Unite Kiwanis Club Honors Young Couple J. Manti L. D. S. Temple rites joined In marriage Miss Josephine Shurtliff and Richard R. Sudweeks. The cermony on Saturday, May 23 was performed by President A. Bent Peterson of the Manti Temple. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester N. Shurtliff of Overton, Nevada. A wedding dinner was enjoyed following the ceremony at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sudweeks in Nephi. An open house held at the Fourth Ward Hall the same evening also honored the couple. For the wedding festivities, the bride wore a floor length gown of white satin and carried a bridal bouquet of pink and white carnations. The bride was attended by her sisters, and Galen Gadd acted as best man. Scheduled June 7th H. Levan Local, Social News S. Graduates Graduating young men of the Juab High School were honor cred by the Kiwanis Club of Nephi at a luncheon held at Ray's Cafe on May 22. Robert L. Hall, president of the Kiwanis Club, had the meeting in charge. The boys were asked to Introduce themselves, give their parents names and to tell of their plans following high school graduation. of Many them reported plans for military duty, followed by vocational school or college work. All seemed interested in further education. Darwin Woodbury, basketball coach of Snow College. Mr. Woodbury urged the young men to get the best education they could afford, but to decide what they could be happy with. He pointed out the necessity of developing the right personality to go with what they were doing. Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Juab County will hold their SALE ON FISHING TACKLE June convention on Friday, Flat 65c; Casta bubbles June 7 at the Juab Stake each orfish, s $3.00 dozen at House. Nephi Store, Variety Meeting will begin at 10 a.m Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackman to celebrate her birthday were Mr. and Mr Henry Peterson of fountain Green, Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jensen of Salt Lake City and Jack Engle of Fort Ord. Mr. Engle is spend- ing a two weeks furlough at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jackman. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Price and children and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Neilsen and Boyd Todd of Salt Lake City visited on Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Neilsen. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bowers and family of Lehi spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Sadie Bowers. and Mrs. Burl Morley and daughter of Altamont were Mr. Saturday overnight visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clair CotLlard. Eleceion of officers was held the regular meeting of the Chicken Creek Camp of the at Howard llephi Social Hems n; Gil-lispi- Mr. and Mrs. Nell Kay and Ira Croft of Azalya, Oregon baby of Murray are spending is visiting with his nieces and this week visiting In Nephi their husbands: Mr. and Mrs. with Mrs. Neldon Worthingand Mr, with Mona in and Douglas Brown and Mr. and! ton; Mrs. Albert Kay. Mrs. John V. Garrett. Jones of Ioka. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sorensen last week were Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson of Centerfield on Thursday night; Mrs. Ronald Reach of Greenrivcr and Mrs. James L. Painter and children ot Nephi on Friday; Mr .and Mrs. Ernest Sorensen of Magna; Lavon and Jerry Criteh-le- y of Provo on Saturday; and Mr. and Mrs. Keo Sorensen and children of Orem on Sunday. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Taylor were their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belliston and family of Provo. your pharmacist Mrs. Berwick Guest at HES THE FRIENDLY Recent Club Party MAN WHO'S BEHIND On Monday evening. May 20. Mrs. J. W. Berwick was honored at a farewell paorty given by the Ladies Literary Club at the home of Mrs. W. W. Mrs. Berwick Stephenson. and her family are making their home in Bordentown, New Jersey. An impressive tribute to Mrs. Berwicks activities as a Daughters of the Utah Pioneers on Thursday, May 16. Those elected were: Captain, Mary Jane Winter; first vice with luncheon at noon. All Florene Taylor; secmembers of the various camps WEDDING GIFT LIST at captain, vice ond captain, Olive Poul-seare urged to attend. Robert Hall Pharmacy. secretary and treasurer, club woman was given by Mrs. Edna Sherwood; chaplin, Anna Frank Greenhalgh. Mrs. BerSherwood; historian, Lillie is a pats vice president registrar, Viola Shep- wick past president of the Lad herd; custodian of relics, Leah and ies Literary Club of Nephi. She ; Bosh; chorister, Dulcie lesson leader, Leora D, also has been active in the distand state conventions of Christensen; parliamentarian, rict Bessie President the Utah Federation of WoPaystrup. Edra Morgan conducted the mens clubs. Mrs. Stephenson expressed meeting and the lesson, a continuation of the discussion on the feelings of all the members Pioneer .Midwives, was given by when she wished Mrs. Berwick happiness in her new home Anna Shepherd. and community. Delicious refreshments were Mrs. Zella Martin of Scipio KEN and Mr. and Mrs. Ferrin An- served by the officers to the derson of Salt Lake City visit- guest of honor, Mrs. Berwick, IN ed with Mr. and Mrs. Erin Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. Greenn halgh, Mrs. William Bailey, Poulsen and Mr. and Mrs. LURES -Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mrs.. Wood on Saturday. Leo Christensen, Mrs. James Martin Paulsen of Logan H. Stephens, Mrs. A. V. Gadd, LINE, spent the week end with his Mrs. G. R. Judd, Miss Mabel parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erin Sperry, Mrs. John E. RobertFor-sey- THAT COUNTER Whether your druggist is presiding over the candy counter or over the counter, he is helpful, interested. pre-cripti- e; Fran-com- HAS OUTSTANDING VALUES FISHING SUPPLIES POLES - REELS ETC CAMPING EQUIPMENT AT ITS BEST TENTS - SLEEPING BAGS - GAS STOVES - LANTERNS, ETC KEN'S STORE -- 48 North ARMY-NAV- Y Main "THE STORE WITH THE 'KINFOLK' PRICES ns FOOT-LOOS- E Opera star Gianna dAngclo really stcr her in Bristol, as she leaves her shoes behind r Ru-lo- Poulsen. son, Mrs. T. W. Allred, Mrs. Mrs. James H. and Mrs. Homer Shep- Harry Foote, Marvin Anderson, Mrs. Eagar, herd and family of Spanish Mrs. Lester B. Belliston, Mrs. Mr. Fork were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Shepherd. Mrs. Edna Sherwood returned home Thursday after visiting in Salt Lake City and Lrndon with her family. She was honored on her birthday anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brown in Lindon. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spencer Mr. and of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Paul Mellor of Lehi, Mr. and Mrs Bemell Sherwood and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowers of American Fork, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Foote and Mr. and Mrs. Why U.S. Savings Bonds make such good gifts for your grandchildren A. H. Latimer, Mrs. Joseph H. Bedson Jr., and two guests, Mrs. James A. Begley and Mrs. W. L. Jack Wrigh, Mrs. FOR USED APPLIANCES SALE Twin Tub Dexter; Used Maytag washer; Rebuilt at RCA Whirlpool Washer Jacks Appliance, Nephi STRICTLY FRESH Some say that todays big shots are really little shots that keep on shooting. c Heres a sure way to solve your downtown problem parking buy a parked car. They build cars to go hun- dreds of miles an hour, but youll be lucky if you can crawl along in city traffic. (or children or nieces or nephews ) The U.S. Savings Bond you give to a loved one carries two important messages with it. First it says that heres a gift that will grow in value and some day go toward college tuition or a home or keep on growing as a nest egg for. the future. Even more important, it says to a grandchild or niece: Heres a gift that makes you a saver. That helps you take your place among a nation of savers. That starts you off on the road to financial strength which is really the strength of your country. And while your gift is growing, the dollars are working hard for freedom in a world where the enemies of freedom grow tougher and more deter- mined every day. Few other gifts accomplish as much as Savings Bonds. Why not start giving them today? (If youre a grandfather several times, youll probably be most interested in the $25 variety which sells for $18.75 at any bank.) Quick facta about U.S. Savings You get for every $3 at You can get your money Your Bonds are- replaced lost, destroyed, or stolen. - Bonds maturity anytima free if Keep freedom in your future with I U.S. SAVINGS BONDS ru rx it nd nrtetrtrM. (flirt. . . iksmt Otrrrmnd fvf ftr IMi aiwre ddrtrtitmt Cnneil Tkt riu frwwnr tT (Wf eeerMe after a jet flight from Rome. She had just completed a personal appearance tour of South Africa. Pags Thre Tickets - - 5(K Single; s2.00 family |