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Show U. Medical Center Ground Breaking Planned In Spring An exterior view of the new University of Utah Medical Center came off the architect's drawing board this week giving Intremountain residents a clear idea of what the multi-million multi-million dollar Center will look like. A spokesman for the firm of Ashton, Evans and Brazier, project architects, said today: "The Medical Center is designed de-signed to conform with the overall pattern of the University Uni-versity and to blend with the mountains in the background. The exterior is of nice, clean, modern and attractive design. It will definitely be an attraction at-traction on the campus. "At the same time" he said, "it will not be a fancy or costly structure. Instead, it will be a rather plain, (Continued on page 6) - .i with the - present freshman class of the medical school scheduled to be the first graduates grad-uates from the new Center. The Medical Center is needed to replace the medical school's present inadequate facilities. In a recent drive, students in the Colleges of Medicine and Nursing pledged a combined total of $236,550 to the campaign indicating student awareness of the need for the new Center. A committee comprised of public spirited individuals throughout the entire areal 1 is now busy on the Campaign "for funds. Committee chair-man chair-man is Leland B. Flint, Salt Lake City businessman. MEDICAL ((Continued from page 1) highly-functional service unit fitting the budget set for it. It is designed primarily to serve present and future needs of medical education efficiently effi-ciently and economically.". Dr. Phillip B. Price, Dean of the College of Medicine said he was pleased with the exterior of the building and that the center will be both attractive and functional. The Medical Center will house the College of Medicine and Nursing, their facilities and research staffs,- more students than at present, research laboratories, outpatient out-patient clinics, a rehabilitation rehabilita-tion unit, medical library and other facilities necessary to the Colleges of Medicine and Nursing-. A public campaign for $4,010,000 to supplement State and Federal funds for construction con-struction of the Medical Center is underway. Groundbreaking Ground-breaking for the Center is tentatively scheduled for mid-April. mid-April. The project is expected to be ready for use in 1962 |