Show TnE SALT 'LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING JULY 0 193L JOINT ADVISORY PARADE BOARD STUDIES TO US FEATURE ID WATER BONDS v 1 Committee Defers Action After Perusal of Trea eurer’s Payment Plan fe-'-- CITY CUTS rLANT BID v M'' sand DolIarsLcssTlian i Asked lor Murray Job Plans of amortising the $3000000 water bond Issue were discussed by the Joint water advisory committee recomWednesday but no definite was made to the city The committee at the suggestion Of Chairman William R Wallace dein Thurs- cided to meet again at 3 p commerce of consider the matter Parley "White City Treasurer submitted his proposal which calls for retiring of the bonds over a period of 34 years beginning ten years hence Under this plan the additional $160000 revenue which will be raised annually through the 33 A vision per cent Increase In water rates would be used for paying $80000 In- of the terest on the bond Issue meeting additional operating expense and parade making necessary Improvements and system expansions In the water The committee wass apparently plan Is pracagreed that Mr White business standtical and sound from a as point but there was some queion to how far the committee should go 8ome members suggested that Inasmuch as the committee's object they was to meet an emergency should stop with the financing of the of the emergency program regardless merit of the plan proposed by the New day at the chamber further to John D secretary the Utah Trails Pioneer of C PLANS C M and Landmarks association examines an iron box placed f as a marker many years ago Camp Prepares for Dediat General John C Fre-- l cation Trainers Degin mont's camp site near Prom-- j dose Order Drill ontory point The box willf be replaced by a monument 202 T J Vi: 3 of entries $30-00- jays the in dian maiden and Indian brave They are left to right O V Harris Miss Mu riel Harris and Edgar M Harris pioneer west! One the Covered Wagon representing atrapjer In Utah Invites WARNING SAVES SPUR OUTLOOK Air Pioneers FIVE FROM FIRE To Big Fete Truck Driver Two Contracts Indicate BUILDING JOBS Hitch-Hike- rs Auto of Skids as Dust Blinds-Drive- r OPEN PROBE Machine Slides in Gravel Overturns Car of Passing Autoist Struck on Bumper! a Donna Galt 18 daughter! and Mrs Hamilton T Galt 713 Third avenue was killed at 11 p m Wednesday when an automobile In which she was riding skidded In loose gravel and overturned on the of Mlsa Mr Saltalr highway The girl was pronounced dead on arrival at the emergency- hospital According to reports to police she was riding westbound in a sedan with two youths and three other girls of the same age when Frank Fox 16 539 Third avenue driver of the car became blinded by dust when an automobile passed his machine three miles east of Saltalr Girl Fell Through Door Opened Because of Dust Fox attempted to stop the automobile but was unable to avoid akid-dlacross the road overturning lit the middle of the highway Miss Galt fell through the right-hadoor which had been opened In an attempt to clear of the dust Wayne King 10 of 1122 East Fifth South street said he had attempted to open a window In the car but grasped a door handle Instead and the door flew open It was at this point he said that the automobile struck the loose gravel and Miss Galt tumbled from the car as It overturned on Its side Swerving Car Touched Ills Bumper Says Autolst R H' Holmes of Ogden Who v X ng nd and 10 a m The students were assigned to reg ular athletic classes Wednesday Every youth must participate In some sport be It baseball basketball track boxing wrestling volleyball or hik- Utahns Mark Fremont Camp on Shore of Lake and his sixteen assistants report the city treasurer Just as students are swinging Into the rouAppear Upward Trend Says Get Airmail Pilots First Fsvor Fulfilling Member tine with a pleasing alacrity and Blaze House ' Official Salt Sweeps Terms of Bank Contract Bids to Covered eagerness Reserve officers snapped Into the King and The contract calling for delivery brought Miss Galt Wagon Days routine of their two weeks’ course of $1300000 of the bonds to the banks Alton Robinson 16 of 609 Seventh Flames were sweeping through the Wednesday with the engineers the avenue to the emergency hospital Improvement in building conditand brokerage firms which advanced told police that the swerving automothat sum to the city prior to the ions In Utah Wyoming and Nevada While three friends of the pioneer tiny frame farmhouse to the beds of Infantry the quartermaster corps discussed and representatives bond election was The contribution of General John C Fremont pathfinder and bile touched the bumper on the left-ha- nd was reported Wednesday by Mark west a trapper an Indian maiden five persons sleeping soundly when and the air serviceafternoon was on recommendation the explorer to the all joining In the while no formal side of his machine as he drove development of the west will be recalled by memaround tlje bend rangq to engage In pistol practice made members of the committee ex- Tuttle manager of the Utah branch and an Indian brave ride slowly on bers of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association Fri- east on the highway in an opposite on state the highful- Associated General Contractors of favor In themselves of their pinto ponies during the Covered pressed day when they travel by automobile caravan to the place where direction way near Santa-qul- n Infantry Officers Undergo contract he was forced from America Indications of the upward Wagon Days celebration filling the terms of thedeclared younger he camped in 1843 near Promontory point Approximately thirty theHe said thatwhen a large truck Close Order Drilling that trend are found he said In new Chairman Wallace conthe automobile highway rememwill be on Its of rumbled ‘residents of Salt Lake county swerved In his direction way the'sky and that It the Institutions participating In the struction to be started soon In the pioneers The officers of the 413th Infantry bered 12:30 also Wedat am and forty from Weber county overturned a short distance west on short-terloan did so at the urging three states went through physical training close on men The who the piloted ships will participate In a program at the the road nesday of the committee and city officials drill and topography study durGeorge A Whitmeyer St Sons Co air mall route And now T C orderthe forenoon 5 camp site at 8:30 p m and erect a Police opened an Investigation and Besides the pisand should now receive the bonds at of Ogden submitted the low bid for the first10 continental have ing Inbeen ago of Salt years nearly conIn Syrett the 4 per cent as specified temporary marker which will be re were to question Fox None of the construction of tun employes’ buildi- vited as !j tol practice in the afternoon there ? Lake and two uniguests of honor at the airscoutplaced later by a monument of tract and was stable ng In connection with the Wyoming port dedication management survivors of the crash was on of the morning aced dentified companconcrete bearing bronze Police learned that MissInjured to be studied R J Ashton commenting on the state mental hospital at Evanston and Dora patrolling ing Wednes25 announced was It are ions July now should to tablets received embossed rejoicing that the on Wednesworcl suitably a city according ' The engineers worked probsuggestion Hicks 16 of 387 Fourth avenue and fate sent lem that will The a marker badly 16 sell the entire issue on competitive day by Mr Tuttle The bid was dayIt Is also mobilization of 321 and replace Miss Anna Laura Engar planned to have one of them to save the drilledof simulated mutilated galvanized Iron box mark- Seventh bids emphatically objected to any $63000 avenue also were In the forenoon the during at on the first mall air ships display of lives Bruce Van er placed on an upright many years car but did not report to headquarsuch procedure Ryberg Si Sorensen Inc contract- the For the quartermaster corps re19 Ausdal airport at rest beside one of the his serve ors of Balt Lake submitted the sec- newest officers there was a study of Rivers Give Up Bodies of ago and found at the site recently ters after the accident the trlmotored transports— Declare City Should Elda Van wife 63300 ond lowest bid by John D Giles secretary of the Miss Galt was born May 15 1915 arising out of the moveI Ausdal 18 during the their problems Refrain From Compromise Mr Tuttle expressed the opinion modern "covered wagon”— association The box it Is believed In Scotland and Is survived besides Victims Families ment of troops entire celebration July 24 23 and 26 child s contractor be that said Utah he will firms by Mr Giles once contained an ac- her parents by two sisters Dorothy “The participating conclud Formation training flying i Lorraine and Mrs naon the Services awarded new count Bond Fix Presence oontract of the Assures the and lent money 329th observaexplorations of General 12 and Lorraine 8 “took the chance 45 ed Wednesday for the Olive Limb Fremont who is credited with being to the city in advance of the elec- tional guard armory at Richfield Of Ten Army Airplanes and tion photographic squadrons bids are considered July 20 by j and Bessie Limb the first man to navigate on Great at the airport tion Now that the Issue Is passed whenstats Brigadier General W G Williams Jv i 8 mother and sis- - who are laboring commission the Man Injured When The chairman building will the city should certainly not try to structure Two bereaved Utah families Wed- Salt lake the program committee of the Thursday Starting airport ' iJi ter he will Mrs of Van n cost estimated apbox out The metal was the a of contract" work In the nesday arranged funeral services-fo- r include reconnalsance dug compromise announced Wednesday that he had Struck by Automobile T C Syrett Ausdal $30s000 Mayor John F Bowman City At- proximately air with radio communication be- two men whose lives were taken by pile of rocks by Mr Giles Its conBids also will be submitted by Utah completed plans for policing the field Struck by one of two machines broke the tween tents aides his been and The box had missing be a Syrett torney Shirley P Jones and City contractors will station dedication and There the receiving planes for construction of a new during which collided as he attempted t Mrs waters aroused Van treacherous with down riddled bullets while and door river Treasurer White all expressed them- federal 200 25 they Fort men on the from city Douglas ground Las Vegas Nev building Ausdal first Just as the bedding was The new marker will be of a more crow the Intersection of Eighth South' selves as opposed to any attempt on were bathing new houses Boulder City said policemen 23 deputy sheriffs and 60 In flame Then the rest nature and the assoc- and State streets at 10 p m Wednesthe part of the city to escape from and 28 permanent enveloped Thomas H The mounted of national body Clay guardsmen will be opened Mr Tuttle The bids iation appeals to the public to help day Lewis Seldman 62 of 174 East of the household was roused— to flee the terms of the agreement even July was of while who Bountiful drowned the Williams General said 33 on the federal building that for South street was seriously though a slightly better Interest rate which an appropriation of $262000 field Itself will be kept cleared dur- to the open air but none too soon for swimming in the Green river hear in arousing sentiment against the Eighth when knocked to the paveInjured the dry wood and the paper roof Jensen Tuesday was brought to Salt marring of the marker might be obtained through competia but the bids will ceremonies been that has ing made and public be ment made a deadly pyre tive bidding Lake Wednesday evening delegation' to He was treated It was theSal Lakesitecounty’s opened July 15 for the houses he address system will enable spectators at the emergency on Friday will leave recovered early in the day by state camp on the sidelines to hear said Syrett was burned abiut the Only offor concussion of the brain City Decide to Cut from In front of the Hotel Utah at hospital skull road commission workers hitchficials and those directly connected hands but his companions fracture Power Flan! on Offer Mr Clay was a computer In an 6 a m and will be Joined by the possible and removed toand other Inwith the dedication will be permitted hikers he had given “lifts" escaped Raul G Dominguez has been ap Holy Cross ' without diThe city commission Wednesday to refused In engineering consul on the field ‘ party working on a road Weber county group at the junction juries Lake Salt Mexican injury They pointed hospital of near Balt had the and Jensen decided to offer Murray city $95000 and gone swimming Identities were their highway Press from Associated an vulge completed dispatch Arrangements According to reports to police to care for expenses Incident to reExchange avenue continuing from Seldman Wednesday through Gus P Back-ma- n Fearing that the origin of the blaze Mexico City reported Wednesday He with several other workers In the was struck by the automoof the chamber of was incendiary Mr Van Ausdal said succeeds C M Gaxlola who was river near the Jensen bridge It Is there to the camp Bite moving the Murray municipal powera secretary bile of Asher Moskowltz 224 Orchard to commerce for a bond of $75000 to Thursday that Utah county authori- transferred to Kansas City Mo In believed he sank In a deep hole Nets George Albert Smith president of street plant from its present location it had collided with a after stretched across the stream caught the association will be master of assure the appearance of 10 army ties would be asked to Investigate point farther up Little Cottonwood October 1930 driven by Ed Smith 131 machine the ceremonies body at canyon Murray originally asked the maneuvers site camp planes for during the Dinner was cooked at 3 p m and Mr Dominguez who was formerly Funeral services win be held In Harvard avenue The Moskowltz car $105000 for the work dedication ceremonies There will the fire had died long before the fam stationed in California was traveling north on State street plans to the Bountiful First ward L D S The reduced offer was decided upon be also 10 navy planes but no bond new for his post chapel at 2 p m Friday with Inter and Smith was driving east on Eighth ily retired at 10 p m Mr Van Ausdal leave Mexico City f after City Engineer Harry C Jessen Is required for their attendance here The consulate week a i within South street The Impact Is thought Flames which for a Urns threatereported In the Bountiful cemetery The ment reported that In his opinion the work ned Con-unEllas to have thrown Moskowltz automoconducted been 2640 lives by at has Mr Syrett who y the safety of Plnecrest Inn and was brought to Salt Lake In a Rivalry could be accomplished for $80000 body since consul the vice street truckbile a transfer East ' Ninth operates acagainst Seldman who was atEmigration canyon summer homes Promises Great Air Show commission state truck road and that an additional $15000 would were line between Cedar City and Salt of Mr Gaxlola brought under control Wednestempting to cross the intersection care for power expenses to the city companied by a brother Richard The historic rivalry between the ing two Lake afternoon of hours day after Van Clay of Bountiful and Hubert during the dismantling of the old fire army and navy is expected to be fighting by & crew of volunteers shown Mitchell Woods Cross and- August in the maneuvering General plant If Murray rejectsto the offer operating of direction under S deputy Williams said and some of the the city will be willing Braggard and Silas Morrell both of complete sheriffs Willard the work Itself “snappiest” trick flying seen in the Recovery of the body of Lyman The commissioners also decided to The outbreak of grass and brush west will be staged Go O Littlefield Magna carpenter who Enlistment of Governor James ask Murray for the use of 135 second-fe- et fire was spotted XLby Deputy Sheriffs O V Harris Salt Lake has en G Schelb :30 E at 12 Holley and was drowned in n Paythe of water which It owns In the J m tered trapper-IndlaHe the Saturday unit of California In promotion Wednesday and by 3 p m they will be garbed as the trapper: Miss Cahoon-Maxfleette river was effected at 9 a m Rolph Jr ditch for a ten-ye- ar p Henry H Blood chairman of the Promotion to the rank of captain Wednesday according to an Asso- of another conference of governors state reported that the fire was under Muriel Harris hts will be period and as long thereafter control daughter road commission will deliver collections Income tax In Federal with done damage was Lieutenant for First authorized little Is as the flow Is not required by Murciated Press dispatch from Boise the Indian maiden and his son Ed- Utah both Individual and planned by Governor George H an address on "National Legislation were Thirty-eight- h corporaby A assisted Special DeputP Brawner They infan A brother John W Littlefield of Dem according to an Associated at the annual gar M Harris will be the brave tion totalled $3426949 during the ray for municipal use of the Wes- ties F J Melkam and 8 0 Woolley Plans try in war department orders retook charge and Press dispatch received Wednesday em Association meeting for the parade on July 24 fiscal of State Road Com- -' 30 according ceived Wednesday at Fort Douglas Oakley Immediately ended June and seven canyon vacationists Agreement for Underground year serLake satisto where Salt from San Francisco missioners In San Francisco July 19 to a special Tribune dispatch Wed- it was announced by Captain Harry will bring it side Pioneer day are progressing The brush fire started on Water Surrey Await Okeh vices will be conducted In the DesGovernor Dern Is in the coast city and 11 K 0 Wright assistant enhill across the canyon from Plnecrest factorily It was reported Wednesday nesday from Washington D O Col- W Caygill post adjutant realso Bowman F John S tentative commit eret under by en route home from the National Ed- gineer for the commission has been Mayor mortuary plans Joseph parade Inn about 250 yards away the deput- tee Harry lections during the preceding twelve Captain Brawner has been sta chairman The body the family was Informed ucation association convention in asked to lead the round table discusported that an agreement between ies said A hurried trip was made months amounted to $3225694 tioned here since 1929 and comloPlans In a was office the city and the federal government for shovels and exes the float the for Boise Los sheriffs the entering Angeles He plans to stop in sion on road construction material flames were Of the tax collected last year mands M company a machine gun by for a survey of underground water smothered cated Tuesday morning but was Sacramento to talk with California’s They were en route to the convenand the heavy parade were discussed at the Hotel by was He and served unit dirt corporations the by in paid previously Utah resources Is ready for signature and timber was saved by the Balt Lake washed from sight by the treacherous governor and characterized the last tion Wednesday by by digging a trench Hotel Wednesday association George O Ober $718433 by Individuals Miscellane- Philippine Islands at Fort Bennlng current of the river before It could two conferences as “eminently suc- Preston G Petersonaccompanied will be submitted to the city commismember of the tlie timber line along taxes at amounted Houston revenue ous Internal Sam and Texas Os Fort was of sion for approval this week association The Chief Deputy Sheriff 0 W Carl- president in the was maintained cessful In promoting good will and commission and E C Knowlton A removed be patrol to $38932 His home Is In Chattanooga Tenn survey is to be conducted by the isle maintenance engineer all Tuesday night three special deputies to charge of the meeting understanding” United States geological survey and watenpasted 4 Mr Littlefield who was 40 years area the burned throughout will require two years and old had been swimming slipped the night to any further Hearing on the validity of a power outbreaks Theprevent as he stood on a rock striking his ares burned covered filing on Little Cottonwood creek approximately five acres of ground He sank before companions head right for which were recently pur- tire deputies said could reach him chased by the city from Leland H Mrs Littlefield who was prostratt Kimball was held before State Ened by news of the drowning was reM Bacon George Wednesday gineer She and four ported improving at the capitol Continued dry weather during the children and six brothers and a sisThe filing which Is to be used Jo past week has caused a diminishing PresentaUon of The Tribune ed In December 1928 there bave ter survive of some crops and In a few sections On operating the Murray power plant silver medal for excellence In combeen five such contests each covwhen and if It Is removed to a new of the atata grain Is being cut for will be made Friday aftering a period of six months Mis site is being contested by A O fodder says the weekly weather and petition to Discovery of a ventriloquist to take Nelson has placed first In the last ernoon Miss Hope Nelson Whitemore on the grounds that Mr In leading role in The Tribune-Citfirst of at series of three lec- crop report released Wednesday by daughter of Dr apd Mrs M A contests three with exceptionally Kimball failed to perform the work tures the Recreation department at the University of Utah R&b-b- J Cecil Alter in charge of the local Nelson at exercises in The fantasy scores earned for drawings high necessary to keep the filing In good Felix Levy of Chicago Wednesday weather bureau office "Daddy Warbucks Is proving diffiauditorium The poems and all forms of prose conIrstanding Mr Whitemore who was spoke before an siuciience well to are cult under Miss Charlotte Crops growing according of summer medal will be awarded In recogntributions $18 ' Shady Little Nook represented by T t Lewis and Lynn school students on "The Spirit of rigation but streams are diminish- ition of Miss Nelson’s department director contributions The only other medal as yet per month A Elmer C Jenkins president of the Stewartone modern bumre-loS Richards contended that his filing Jewish has been Miss lower the U ing rapidly Although Xor rent to The Tribune Junior the chilLiterature” suggested awarded by The Tribune Junior Utah League of Building and Loan Only nicely FURNISHED at the same point w'hich was made The lecture cool and In peaceful location was won In June 1930 by Mis desalt with the forms ranges are becoming exceedingly dry dren’s section of The Sunday Wednesday The Associations waa delegated by the Stewart reported1 Hern s real ralue for your rent dosubsequent to the Kimball filing of poetry during livestock must conare of in the part biblical the 18 ventriloquist which Tribune in for the last the dition thegenerallyAdds good llar Marjorie Mellor of Manti tn ‘Turn Houses" Want Ad should be allowed league membership Wednesday to at- Lawyer Furham butplay medieval and modern periods must the Coin speak report g months her work baa appeared The exercises Friday will be en68 tend the annual meeting of the Inof Deacon Captain Spike MarThe second lecture on "Main Currevery week Engineer Takes Case tirely In the hands of members ternational Congress of Building and lines lin’s ents of Jewish Literature" will be Beat This If You Can! Tryouts for these charTribune features The of the of of Touth Under Advisement a Many Knighthood Loan Associations In Philadelphia actersparrot and a sailor Amos and Andy 1928 CHEVROLET truck 11 a m transJunior are contributed by the national children’s organization August New also was appointed Warbucks He Mr Kimball testified that he had given Thursday mission brakes and stake Flophouse Bill will be boys and girls who read the secsponsored by The Tribune in delegate to the centennial conven200 full price body A- condition FAMILY SETS REUNION 2 employed J I Edwards during June m 7 at and congiven From tion p the of which hundreds Miss 174 Nelson Saturday bal holds down the term highLook easy pm tion of 1329 United the States to do the developla and July of S Building in The Tribune auditorium Descendants James R Autos Want Ad CoL 46 tributions received selections are est rank that of knight crusader and Loan league In Philadelphia Aument work City Attorney Shirley of Riverton will of meet next Parry Children nominating the successmade weekly for publication Each Songs dances readings and musiP Jones testified that the city had and Sunday at the Utah Saturday gust actors will be listed on the proOutdoors Motorcycle for Ford? Is awarded article Swap will cal numbers by Knighthood memThe appointment of a delegate yras ful trade Ford coupe for mopurchased the filing along with the camp in Big Cottonwood canyon for J R Coen of Sterling Colo re definite published gram during performances August PARTY number of “points” At bers will precede the presentation made during In "Motorcyclea" Want Ad a Hotel at other Kimball interest s and had of- their ninth annual reunion the torcycle meeting 3 to 8 cently elected grand exalted ruler the end of six months these points All 63 14o CoL whose family children names have fered Murray the site and $95000 association officials announced Utah at which the members reported on of the B P O E at the convention are totaled and the four contribappeared on the honor roll at any payment of regular dividends for to remove the old or build a new Wednesday In 6eattle will visit Salt Lake utors having the highest scores Home for Business? will time be with Swap hotel special guests $575 approved an advertising camplant on that location 23 are further rewarded by having seats on the stage and several of July all itrlrUy The slate engineer took the case Tour Vacation Will B Incomplete July To Twin Falls and Return decided to enter a float and rooms will trade for homo paign outside Plans for entertaining Mr Coen their names on a these will take part In the proengraved or what have your uniter advisement at the conclusion without a trip to the Grand Teton In the Covered Wagon Days cele10th See Business Jnly his visit which may continue framed honor roll during In that hangs Ad Col 15 gram The entertainment which bration parade Oppb of the hearing From Salt Lake via Oregon'Short National Park and the famous Jack-so- n until after the Covered Wagon Days the office of The Tribune ” starts at 2:30 p m is open to Junior -Jx j Line Tickets good only In coaches The power filing and site were Hole Country Splendid fishing Celebration July are To The win being Sacks $1 Dozen medal sliver Tribune Flour 55-lAll memthe n public Sale Knighthood Oak T W Desk or chair cars limited for return to LARGE tskea over by the city In connection and recreational facilities Bargain made by Harry 8 Joseph exalted a contributor’s name must appear sirs tnd la A- eond Wash bers Tribune Junior contribuSale Price $6230 Regular $108 home destination before midnight the $2090000 water developJACKSON LAKE LODaE ruler of the Balt Lake lodge No 85 of three times upon this honor M“°- roll tors and their parents and friends ARROW PRESS 62 West ment progjaiu 13th Ask local agent for fur2nd South tor iraln'dC0LU3l1O“nJuly PO Moran Wyoming cAdv) ths Elks Since The Tribune Junior start are particularly invited ther details— (Advertisement) (AdvJ Lake 4 Victim Falls Out Open Door to Death POLICE ceremonies which will dedicatory include a retreat parade by the Thirty-eiInfantry with the C M T C students viewing the regulars Following the parade the students will take the oath of allegiance The ‘ program will start at 5 pm1 Wednesday was a stern day for many of the 202 trainees for they were aroused from their slumbers early and there was close order drill throughout the forenoon with more work for the white and blue course students In the afternoon t Forenoon Tea Breaks Rigors of Training However It wasn’t all drilling In the hot sun for the boys enjoyed a forenoon “tea” session Colonel Howard C Price post commander and In charge of the camp joined the lads when the “recreation ration” was served It consisted of cold sweet milk with cookies and doughnuts The dally treat occurs between 9:45 ing Major Henry J Swanson of Pocatello who Is directing the training -- SALTAIRROAD ghth Com- CRASH ON IN Giles The spectacle of young Americans swearing allegiance to the United States will be presented on Thursday afternoon at the formal dedication of the Citizens’ military training canip at Fort Douglas The camp will be dedicated Camp Clarence E Allen In honor of the Salt Lake man who was killed In a World war battle The public Is Invited to attend the Decision Offers Ten Tliou mendation mission GIRL 16 DIES OATHS RITES SET FOR granite-f- DROWNED MEN ' s i atat Mexico Appoints New Consul Here FIGHTERS STOP Lake-Ogd- i CANYON BLAZE Dern Reveals— ga Army-Nav- Plans for New Utah Income Tax Receipts Decrease ld Continued Dry Spell Hurts Crops Rabbi Lectures U - Lieutenant Wins Captaincy Governors’ Meet Road Officials toMeeting T Fantasy Seeks TRIBUNE AWARDS MEDAL FRIDAY TO CONTRIBUTOR Voice Thrower For Character Jewish Topic Tribune-- Telegram Building Loan Men Appoint Delegate w ' at Head of Elks Plans L Visit 11-1- 2 1 -l 4 24-2- -I 1 V |