Show deuino SATS aies S tile latter da day democrats made quite ullo fill an effort to rot got up sonio some yesterday in order to do honor borne to the california and oilier diller delegations that went on cu route to chicago they employed the ibo ogden oily city baud in lead tile tho local gut herlog of tho the I 1 on the ibo march to tho depot at tile 1 bubul I n d begun to play ui al teaty and und 11 I 1 atoo and the coleton utcy moved ed off d down no j off I 1 to there acro ore just nonoi lie eai JQ ia lice hue by count even gentiles and twelve Mern cormons mormons ions the odon Ogdon jona mou alo luft loft on tile tho special for ill tho a colvet con vou lion in fire ev falls AJ bobe U H IV V kinith alternate L I 1 IV V 0 0 liell alvay bulwash and judge juda milun silt salt train pulled into t tho if 0 union octal depot hearing tile tho salt sail lake I dhe dol asat agail lao a ame seventy ol alve strong including women and children and worn were created with sweet air a ina of frow rou tho the city band but clear rent rani atmosphere 3 tt I 1 jo train pulled out bavins baving on board t abo 0 birdon suit lako lake dud idaho idabo belog loans tho the idaho people having passed through in tho the morning tit salt bait lako lake latend fing to tko ako the ibo some train with the utah Lat pay dutot tile tho of tho the california train was nt at p in ill tidd and as it gilded in aloo on oil the gave a faint chour and tho the local coal democrat for ur tho the first took courage und gave a faint yell the delegation la Is nindo up no as follows delegates Dc legats A B butler chairman stephen bf bito IV V W fuels james Col colphin Colp nin A 11 better th anfus L thomp a on oa line hun cloy W taylor IL D stephens i W V J mcgeo F J 31 offitt L IV buck jeremiah Joron ilah F sullivan joseph clarke L A thomas p V birry george S pulton patton jesse jeso D carr henry W patton IV IV phillips M J secretary Altro nates john jobo Brya braoo oo L lawrence rence arx A re bear bouts louts R A Beo belmo iner u uon ca 1 li H harris on joho jobo D goodwll dr E armstrong Arma tronc A fjones F jones M J paul shorter R P doolan donlan col A andrews andrew r v M mille I 1 L 0 J 5 C kays james if nus euell seli br T young E r EL uon mon U M F karpoy colonel john P irish ape and colonel english wore word with ina pirty party only two of tho the nevada dele antion were along colonel hardesty and general R H dark clark the c limb democracy loft tour four mission arias to go co with the california party A 0 norrell borrell N apostle A T bla roeder nod find Char charlo losi learose Pe arose lie boo U fred J kloack klebel went along with tho the train as a for tho the A of of I 1 it of 0 tho the liddice lidice and of oc allon alio if liebeg wore tho the tuscarora badges IT with till pride showing shelving that they understood the situation perfectly the chachas wore decorated with flags at tho the front cor ulars urs find the banners on the ibo cal C I 1 fornia democracy national con convention v tariff reform A reporter lor encountered mr phillips of the ibe california delegation und and to the inquiry who is your delegation for replied bearo solid for cleveland we aro are oot not instructed but no man inao could havo have got on the ibo do doles leation atlon who was wad not understood to bit be fit folby ny and and squarely aqua roly fur cleveland mr arlu to lo ogden bad been made smoothly and without special lo la willing they bad a u reception ut at truckee Truc koc fi drum theta tho the was oa the califor ala train general clarke ciarko or ot nevada ovada pa ad re to the ibo or 00 people referring to the silver question and aad predict luc log the iho buc buccaran caras of the ticket headed by the nominee aad at chicago caso 1114 ad d ease was sit an typical cur car jocob nod quite a amount 0 loud calls calla wore ore made tor for white puttee pulton und find john P itah at tuu the close mr bourgo ration patton of lot los angeles re rc floor dondld ded briefly but bui eloquently find and predicted that the convention would not re alt in u factional figlus falls us or did tho ihu minneapolis convention they wanted reform in tho the administration and plodded pledged the votes of california fur for that abu gra tarla reformer that alao of strong caracost con dictions vict loDa ions mid aid of 0 moral cotaco grover cleveland ot of now at the ro caLlon of the numo name of grover there was gl civco v n the first real reail 0 of ileo abo a occasion but buc tile cheers were suf flain rally emphatic coshow to show that california nevada e va dis said find etab abo great silver states slates are heartily in favor avor of the nano who shown all olioun oli Oth iun ts IN tho loan enemy of silver the iho enemy bucay of the ibo western in the y colonel IV L P payton books brielly of the bright prospect ia ut of the cooling colonel SOLD P irish to to ro iterated calls ue he was greeted created with grout applause and lu in his bis silvery tones toned talked of the coming battle to tho lite utah question quest lou be bd said lie ballad bat utah would huou ut oil bitted as a and pledged tile party to the admission of if it should bo be placed to in power in november nod utah would bo be admitted with prow halo along as that would forever give religious roH Rions liberty to the people of utah and protect thorn thom in n iho enjoyment of their cal cow if rights obese tb e dan be thra wanta called forth a lancet bultot of wild d athu blaauw from the audience assembled at al 8 9 the pulled out to tho the of oc music and 9 ton fow cheers trout from tho the |