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Show i page PAROWAN TIMES, PAROWAN, UTAH, MARCH IS, 1956 2 PAItOWAN TIMES Published and Printed at Parowan, Utah each Thursday Robert D. Mitchell, Publisher Kid's Fishing Areas Are Set Up News From Your Social Security Office Bcnnctt Introduces Amendment ForJ Study Of Federal Meat Grading Plan By Request Sen. Wallace F. Bennett this week asked that the The fish and game code in Sec. of Agriculture make an immediate study of the Federal t TH Social security reports are Utah provides for setting aside MtMrtk UTAH STAIF httSS ASSOCIATION due in April from housewives Meat Grading system, and its effect on the retail market arid areas reserved for use who employ fishing Iron in County of youngsters thirteen years producers. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter in the Post Office domestic workers, according farm the amendment introduced to Utah an The senator old and under that age. of at Parowan, Utah, October 27, 1915, under the Act to Bill Feldhauser at the Richthe Sec. of Agriculture to make the study. In an effort to better full-fi- ll bill, directing field social security office. Congress of March 3, 1879. the purpose of setting Both the producer and the Housewives are required to Subscription Rates $2.50 per year in advance consumer suffer under the ar- own devices." any given water for childmake these reports during Advertising rates upon request standards now out that rens The senator poined being fishing, the Fish and bitrary April on household workers Commission this year used, Sen. Bennett said. lie the system particularly seem, Game cash paid as much as $50 in shuch waters must that Februled emphasized that he was not ed to descriminate against the wages during January, each is be opposed to voluntary Federal pioducers of grass-fethe set This cattle, March. and year under regup ruary, should get their second one grading, but he was concerned such as those in the Western The American Legion Auxfifth quarterly report due ulations in the 1956 angling since the new law covered proclamation. iliary will sponsor the sec- at this time. Children under about the existing standards. states. ten years of age who need a1 which divide meat into sev- ond in a series of immunizhousehold employees without This regulation reads as folThe senator said his amendof to number ation clinics, which will be booster dose of vaccine may eral grades, such as Prime, ment has support of the Amerthe days lows: Areas may be reserved regard held in the court house, on pet it at this clinic. Small pox Choice, Good, etc. He said a ican worked. Reports are sent to for the exclusive use by childNational Cattlemens the District Director of In- ren under thirteen years of Tuesday, March 20 at 9 a.m. vaccinations should be re- study should determine wheth. Association the American 7 accur not the or er Revenue at Salt Lake ternal grading years. Farm Bureau, The Utah CatImmunizations will be giv-- f peated every age and under providing reconsumer reflects prewill There a alely be small City. Utah tlemens Association, n for whooping cough, diphquests for such areas are subferences, or has become an State Department of Agricul-urmaids, of to the fish and game Work cooks, theria, tetnus and small pox. charge for these innoculations mitted Utah Farmers Union elects artificial marketing mechanand department Utah Wool Growers, imd Children who had the first bv housekeepers, gardeners organized as their new ism. innoculation Trade at home and save in a private sportsmens clubs or civic ora month ago, workers other many individual producers of Douglas Simpson of The result of the present cattle and sheep. The study President at closing session household counts toward and said organizannual convention, orYeaTh ganizations retirement system has been confusion in would apply to beef, veal, the third assume the rewill ations Election of officers and ade and the mind of the consumer, lamb and mutton. under payments and of of programs for the lo- survivors insurance if are sponsibility the supervising and an artificial stimulus to they Sen. Bennett indicated that option project. the production of fatter cattle, if the proposal is not passed as cal State and National levels paid at least $50 cash wages sponsoring notsesthe To date, department concluding lighted high hold one employer in a calendar encouraging producers to an amendment to the farm their animals from market bill, it may be introduced as sions of the anual convention quarter. If the household em- - ed that no requests have yet of the Utah Farmers Union at ployee works long enough to been made for setting aside longer in order to fatten tnem a resolution, for separate con. in Hotel Salt Newhouse the childrens fishing areas for the be insured, benefits are payup so they will qualify for a sideration. Lake 1956 season. to certain old City. able in age or higher grade, he said. I would consider buying a new 1956 Ford of death. in Kamas, case survivors Douglas during Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Gilger He pointed out that studies was elected President to sucare March if I could get $ trade-ithe made by proud parents of a 3 pound ceed Jesse S. Tutle, Castle Free booklets explaining the resentative of the Social SeUniversity and curity Administration who will Arizona and the University baby girl born at the Iron Dale; employers obligation allowance on my Douglas Bergcson, Cor- benefits to the employee are be at the Utah State Employof Missouri have shown that County Hospital on Feb. 24. nish was elected Vice Presid- - available by writing to the ment office in Cedar Citv on when beef is sold without the The little Miss is still in the ent and Carl A. Salt sodal Larson, in an incubator. hospital security office located March 20. from 10 a.m. to 12 grade being known by the Sec. andipt 159 West 5th North in Lake was noon, and from 1 to 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. (Describe your trade-in- ) housewife tends Hugh Gilger Treas. The resolutions buyer, the adopted a or by contacting t. prefer the Good and Com- are the paternal grandparents, National Farm pol- Name mercial cuts over the Prime and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey icies, public power policies, Address and Choice cuts, because they Dunton of St. George are the schools and education. State maternal grandparents. are leaner. But when the same taxation and numerous other Phone From where I sit cuts are sold with grade desfields of interest to farmers. housewife the ignations, buys Best time of the day to contact me is The resolutions or policy Prime and Choice, thinking I wish to express my sin- statements approved placed they are superior in quality cere thanks to our many the organization on record as: or purity. friends, neighbors and relatSupporting the planned deThe average housewife, as ives for their kindness, sym- velopment of the Colorado these studies indicate, is being pathy and for the beautiful River in the upper basin and I was reading the other day From where I sit, it doesn't mislead by our present grad- floral offerings and for all opposing how a person can get all sorts of matter if ideas private utility conare put out by unservices rendered during the struction of dams in the Hells ing designations. Being things just by dialing a number telephone, through editorials, or aware of the real meaning of illness and death of my hus- Canyon stretch of the Snake on his telephone. in person-- as long as we can take the grades, she usually buys band, Amenzo Topham. CEDAR CITY, UTAH In New York you can get the them or leave them. I River. happen to a grade which she would not time, the weather, or a prayer. like a glass of beer with my supMrs. Eva E. Topham Advocating strengthening In Philadelphia its the stock rehave bought if left up to her . of the preference rights of coper. You may prefer coffee, tea or ports. In Boston a voice tells bird branch water. Well, theres no bodies and public operatives watchers whats to be watched harm in listening to anothers to purchase power from the in the park. opinions ... but if he should try d Government-operatehydroto force them on you, its always Over in Europe, they go furfacilities. electric an Americans privilege to simther. Vienna offers a Urging greater appropriaply hsng up! fairy tale for kids. In Switzertions to the Utah water and land you can get the news in any of three languages. And a couple power board. 06 of places have talking menus Defending tax satus of cofor ef housewives. and desperate condeming operatives forts to impose corporate taxes on such enterprises. Copyright, 1956, United States Brewers Foundation Urging Farmer Union members to take an active part in A HUNDRED COPIES OR A MILLION-- AT political and legislative act ivities and to support candidTHE SAME LOW UNIT COST. NOW IS ates who will advance the programs of the Union but on a basis. THE TIME TO CHECK YOUR OFFICE on National Resolutions were Farm predicat' policies SUPPLIES AND GET OUR ESTIMATE. ed on the program of the Na tional Farmers Union. Some of the major features of this program are: Sale of all farm commodities on the open market with JONES MOTOR COMPANY ANNOUNCES THE APsupply and demand' setting POINTMENT OF LESTER WILLIAMSON AS SALES the market price; Price supREPRESENTATIVE. ASK HIM ABOUT THESE FINE ports at 100 per cent of parity on all farm commodities; Pay- SPECIALS TO BE FOUND AT JONES MOTOR TODAY. ment of price supports direct to farmers through production payments in an amount to the difference between -the price he received on the Club Coupe Radio, Heater-- New Blue Finish Clean open market and full parity price. Limitation of such pay0 ments to not more than Firedome V-gross production. Radio, Heater, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Automatic Trans., Tinted Glass, Airfoam Seats, 9,300 Miles. Save $1,000 (R-Uta- de Immunization Clinic Set March 20, d Utah Farmers Adopt Farmers 5-- Union Policies e, 1 -- .7 FILL OUT THIS FORM AND MAIL old-ag- n ed rep-includ- ed pj-ov- ...Jy Jos Marsh Card Of Thanks Information On The Line" THORLEY MOTOR COMPANY five-minu- te YOU NAME IT WE PRINT IT jje;e non-partis- on Mese fins $647 1951 Mercury 1955 DeSoto $25,-00- 8 Fourteen PHS Students Attending BYU of the Fourteen graduates Parowan High School are now attending the Brigham Young type ffirmt rn.' ' '' c Pas VX3aaS0BBE3BKES3 University, according to of- ficial figures released this week by school authorities. Those now enrolled for the winter quarter from Parowan and Paragonah are: John Benson. Yvonne Benson, Lloyd DeMille, Jennie Duton Hart, Joan Bayles Jer- Clark ome. Mack Lvman. M 'Ivin M 'Mwl Mitci T.'le Fugerm Orto-GaRrnnml r. Poroh'- - Sim kins. Jackie Ward and Garth $2,695 1953 Buick Special Club Coupe $1147 Radio, Heater- - Dynaflow 1941 Plymouth Radio and Heater New' Tires $95 Runs Good 1948 Chrysler Windsor Radio, Heater $195 Automatic Transmission 1 .. ATo-r- h e--a rs i -v is 'Vh'tmv Thorns cp-- v' pf lqct :,vi .Tim thnr Davnpprt 2 1 Cars To Choose From Jones Motor Co. in Salt Lake, md Btty Mitchell 380 SOUTH MAIN family. w'-r- k CEDAR CITY UTAH |