Show H I 1 E BLAKE CHAIRMAN SAN JUAN COUNTY i democratic PARTY editor record your request that I 1 glye give your read lead ers erg an ail outline ot of my views ot of tile the economic future seems to me quite I 1 a large order older considering that most or of tile the brains of the nation have hae been for more than a yeni year cil cud geling their grey matter mattei in nn an effort to say some thing thine that will meet the approval of those close ot of our on i citizens who have been lini hii dest lilt by b the depies depression sion tile the outlook for san juan county the coming year ear Is especially profits ing in ili case the country returns to that normalcy noi malcy which Is so fervently fei vently prayed for by tile the manufacture ri i and distributors of the necessities of 0 life the condition of the soil when tile the heavy snows fell assure our f farmers 1 if f bumper bumpei crops cattle and sheep prices pi ices can hardly help but advance outlet to market over better roads road i than ever eer becore will vw help materially to kl ROOI for fi products pio ducts so hy worry alon thit score dill but tt hether or not a return to normalcy noi malcy or 01 to that much vh shuntel e I 1 prosperity that his has be been en to bh t 01 f 7 two sears e ars Is ii at hand we va mu st coil con confess f legs feiS that we ve cannot cornot told hold out ii 1 grbac leal deal 01 ol hope ope balk P ali 1 reses of moile Il lil letory toiv v ith its ailin vom knoal Uno Aled and humin human betterment following ever every eco economic econom nomIs ls evolution there is 1 amill hope to be acu ecu though the alir of tho present can an no moia wt that eliat br hlll be thin I 1 1 hoe ho e of nf the who ivero eio supposal oseI to imm the ie weal eal or 01 woe oe of the masses it their hands I 1 aeo in tile llie forces tibt have iia p domi 1 noted led abe political and economic ufa life of the void tiring the pau pait genera gioi much tho the same character as the hill kins of old who ho becoming sui felted with tle the bilth produced by bv their aff grew ever epi more moie oppressive in oil cli lot ni ands for more moie and moro more th li until those who i really pally fur n imbed tint that wealth through their toll an and 1 I baars bri rs became so BO burdened thit 1 tl ei coil cond to do no more moie then canie I 1 i the overthrow of the relzine and by i its overthrow a better system stem of livin living I 1 ing was as mide made possible I 1 have im 0 faith thit that history will repeat I 1 itself the pre tent depression jina 1 ten l another lessun to flin ail ii other step eti p upward in tile the education I 1 oe f tile the people that ain i 0 put part of hudnit h annu ty t cm call live dc oil 41 the alio e ahei her that it I 1 this old oil 0 vo o I 1 hlll III r ari na tile the ultimate pInne for which alch I 1 verily believe it was intended by an all jell all see scene anz providence and the lion hon and the limb lamb will I 1 ne ie down to tether ether in ili ind rood good for diniz in tho the eversal organized effort to I 1 relieve and mitigate suffering by those thrown out of employment during dining thir widespread depression depies slon I 1 see i a more lorty loft displayed by b all than past pi st history has ever out hence lopes tint 11 t the title tide will vill turn luin before woodshed hood shed and nd i revolution evolution shall be re soiled to nut dut there me are mum many chanzes to be ba made before bithie we sp can ever fi tint that a a nence ence of the present depression IIII 1111 be fiade just how these changes will be brought about 1 have hae not the lle vision to prophesy nr ophes in fact they will probably hiob ibl be perfecto perfected through slow stamps stag however may I 1 sus eugest arest that the rase nase ot of the people themselves nieles the will ill 11 to do their pirt part by learning to to nick ind lid chose their representative A not from those alio lne have shown them inches n ves to be financially 1 for kiich itch are invariably narl bly scar seeking and 03 18 luc such it can only onh see that which arill make them and theirs tt ears more rooney money NEWY EARS dut choose their representatives from theli their own ranks lanks representatives who they the know to be inherently honest ind and of tile the rights of others such will make few mistakes mistake a detrimental to the welfare of 0 the masses neither will they be apt to be enticed from their objective by b tile the lure of gold the christian era eia was vas born in our pring and bloodshed and anci until it have attained its ile perfection refection ire im the scheme of 0 the world we cannot elpe expect ct to advance without recur recurring rinK suffering of one description lon or another as each step forward Is taken |