Show OBITUARY NOTES YDIA LYDIA I LAURETTA LEWIS lydia lauretta lewis departed this life on february nary 22 1895 at ai oxford idaho after afier a short abort but bat severe illness ot 01 being sick only eight days deceased was born at oxford idaho J july U 1 10 1866 she was the wife of wm A bowis lewis who is left with three small children dren to 10 mourn their sad loss lose she was a L pure and loving wife aikins and indulgent mother and a faithful latter day saint sue was an aa earnest worker in the womans comans relief belief society of the oxford ward being its secretary which society 0 ile ly passed appropriate resolutions on the h occasion other lamented demise communicated SARAH LOUISA ALLEN SANDY CITY utah march 12 1895 sister sarah louisa allen alien of this place departed this life march 9 1895 she was the beloved daughter ot of james and sarah ann allen alien and was born in lehi utah ulah county on the day of ocoler Oc ober 1873 1878 she died an she had lived a true latter day saint in the hope of a glorious resurrection surrounded by her loving lather father and mother slaters sisters and brother and friends the funeral bor services were held in the ward house at sandy on march 11 1895 1893 and were largely attended the ho house us e being entirely too small to accommodate the people elders angus M cannon and E holman spoke of the many virtues of the deceased and advised the family to live so HO that they could claim her when she oame came forth in the first resurrection the coffin was beautiful being all white and was also beautifully decorated with out flowers six young ladies acted as pall pallbearer bearers the family feel to thank all who have kindly rendered them any assistance communicated HANS NIELSON MONROE utah march 18 1895 hans nielson tuft passed away very iv quietly betly about 8 on the evening of I 1 february 25 1895 at the good old age of 87 years yearn 5 months and 12 days he was born in vile denmark september 18 1807 married annie thompson in the year 1841 she bore unto him nine children seven boys and two girls he was b baptized ap sized a member of the church ot of jesus christ of latter day saints september 1852 in denmark his wife died in 1862 he emigrated to utah in 1863 locating first in gunnison Oun nison sanpete county Utah where he received the office of high priest later he be moved to maytie tie d and joined the united order and from here moved to monroe in the year 1877 he has a wife yet living whom he married in 1864 lie he died in full faith of the gospel funeral services were hold held in the ward meetie aeeti mee tiu ic house on oia thursday february 28 1895 the speakers all referred to his noble character he was always ready to contribute to the cause in which he was engaged brother tuft also did a great deal of work for his bis dead relatives and friends communicated DAVID MUSTARD ARTON bannock march 18 1895 elder david mustard departed parted da this life on friday evening march 3 isirah at at his residence of bronchitis on the lungs after afier a short illness deceased was a native of blairgowrie Blair gowrie perthshire Perth shire scotland and was born july 6 1819 he was therefore nearly 76 years ot of age he embraced the gospel on the ot of august 1848 emigrated to this country in 1850 and from that time until the day ot of his death he was a day me he was a pioneer in every sense of the word and honorably filled two missions to soot scot land he was among those called to go and settle st george and while there he labord seven and a half years in the temple tor for the living and the dead he was also with the brethren in the echo canyon called so you see he did not live entirely for self he leaves a wife and lauy many friends to mourn his loss we held funeral services over the remains on sunday the and then laid him to rest real until the resurrection of the i last WM H WILLIAM WALLACE HAWS COLONIA PACHECO chihuahua mexico march 9 1895 1 I regret exceedingly to be under the necessity of informing you of another unexpected death in our little colony in which we are bereft of a valuable worker and faithful follow fellow laborer that of elder william wallace haws who departed this life at 8 p in on the ath anit of pneumonia after one weeks illness he was born in wayne county illinois U S february 18 1835 and was the son of gil gilbert bert and hannah haws he was baptized by apostle erastus snow in salt lake city N november vember 1848 he locadd at provo in the spring of 1849 helped to build the birot old fort fon on provo river and was put on military duty when 14 years ot age he served in the ahe fi fight with the indians when joseph higbee was killed and several others wounded was made captain of a company of infantry and sent to echo canyon to meet john tons army in 1857 helped to build the fortifications fortification and was eventually oom corn a major he was a member rf the provo police force for twenty yeara he was ordained a teacher in issa priest september 1856 1855 and a seventy january slat 1860 on his birthday he waa ordained a high priest by elder john henry smith at this set battlement tl he filled a short lm in 1871 to the united states and labored chiefly in illinois among his relative he moved from provo in 1879 to arizona in r response to a call for volunteers and located on the mogollon fountai mountains n a tn in december 1882 he moved to the gila river where he lived two years when he ha moved to mexico in company with twelve others arriving at casas grand on february letb 1885 elder george lake laka of colonis dublan is now the only ona ale left of this twelve remaining now in max ico he farmed for the mexicans can d durin lu ri n g that summer suo imer and removed in december of the same year to colonia juarez tn the spring of 1887 he removed to colonis pacheco being beine the among early set in the corrales basin As a pioneer he was a success being a man of remarkable physical and endurance the funeral services were hold held at 2 p m on IV friday the ath dinst I 1 in a the th meeting house when comforting and in tive remarks were made by pat pain arch henry lunt and bishop jesse X W smith jr his hia son george 14 raw hawa expressed his hia thankfulness to the saints sainte for their heir kindness to his father and frai ly during daring his sickness there was wai A attendance at his large funeral it and nd m heavenly spirit prevailed he was wa buried under the shade ado of the majestro majest maat Ao pines of the sierra madras in the colony cemetery the grave being dedicated br elder henry henra lunt he leaves a largo carml by family having been the father of children eighteen of whom survive him y he was grandfather to thirty eight ahu ohu dren thirty three 0 of f whom are living who with a host of friends mourn his t loss LUNT |