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Show sum vmw: t Mitel PFfesi-Wtu- ii - tf.cr; KJI hffcWK. c-- w, 1 !..-- . Et-fii'- - . 4.. V anyriif r.M ftfp'jUMlMiffi. S&t Fsxmw 1a StutJwni isb tUt . -r.- Qpnt at XSttuanalif r .3 ri-.r FHOFE&slOSAL. Wm.T, Re i d, PROBATE ATTORNEY LAND AU USDS 'TT Good a Duuentie Pwsjiffb! for of Trobuie business promptly at- tootled to, and titles wcured to "Land .under the various entries Utah. f Office, Court House, Manti, dent ii Presi- 1892. -- V- - Wilkes & 6badwick, AGENTS IAND AND r' utah. Balt i.ake city, ; C.S.WILKES. AfUfit IS H- LAID OFFICE IIILDIHI- - 8- - Land Agent for : WASHINGTON - & Attorney Obtains Patents Mineral Lands. Agricultural and BAILEY, ijjAXI) AllOHXEY, Balt 8. l.uid - OfllM. . Attritultul. iiblulni patcnU lor Min.ralLMiil. Oovrwvonitouco 22T.cuy Olid andluturuKlIoB given. N. K. Reid, Attz-nt-Lav- V ii ut Hoiine. .st C' bfficp Vrc Co., Utah. tjta.it. at Law. Atty. aud Counselor ?;v PLEASANT, Jirr 'VS! UTAH. Office on Main Street. lSOL. bPRAOVE , A Notary Attereey-at-La-w Tublic-i- ? a specialty. collections aonth ol Paoplei a -- - 0w litork Bloro, Utah. Ifiti. lit MATTHEWS, AND C0LSSEL0H AT LAW, rtriT$tfEY WAiHiaaTOR, o. fO'&Mrort. -- a land and Mining Cases. L :LriMroiD, HISFBID Drs.Hosford- LtatSicians nd nn' - SU11GE0XS. OTAa a Eye. Kir. Nose artThioat BpieiiHy if hosforo Bmldea, Two ' Blocks UalL jtJktfCIty Block art a ka f-- wT xTt HOSFORft-O- ne ot Ite B&YI80H, M.D. rsicuw and Surgeon, r: f?T.PLHJSAXT, Utah. V'.JT; of diseases manner. Diseases A SSkiUli-'- l gecultat Infernal es receive attenuon. special C. 1. WEST, Surgeon, hytinan Snipped to dmrulUr (Pram oar Xcgulir Corraipsrteatd Wasuincton, D. C. Dee. L 1890. The quiet opening of the session of Congress today is generally recognised as the calm which always precedes n storm, and no aeoslon ever gave adranea lndieatlona of being more Interesting and stormy than the short session of the Fifty-firs- t Congress, which was rapped to order in both Boost and Sonata at noon today. The reading of the Presidents message was tbs only business traiuaewd in either House today, and for the time ben ing It la the exclusive tople of eonrersa-liowherever yon go. Republicans consider it an extraordinarily abls, patriotic and statee manlike document, while dun octal deuouuue it as n political stomp speech. Its real status u to lie found between those extremis. It Is, like all uf Mr. Harrison public ntter-auurwell prepared It extremely would be difficult for auyoue to aay hat hs does in more choice long urge; aud It contains no more partisan politics tliau doxene of similar meaeagee from other President have eontained. It certainly hae already naultad In giving Mr. Hsrrlaou n much higher rating among the members of hie party In Congress than he has heretofore had. and It also proves him to be the possessor of more moral courage, or (as tha boys pat It or writ, than he baa been sand credited wlth having; and already aome of his close friends are saying that It will give him n ranomlnauou In 1863. 1 doiPt exactly see it In that light, hat stranger thing have happened. Under ordinary el reams tanees n President Is always renominated by his party. Tha question la whether the republican managers wilt consider recent events ordinary elrenmstancee", which Is, to ear tbs least, doubtful. The republican quorum did not materialise In tba Honao today, and are predemocrats many dicting that It will not, except by fits and lerke during tha session; hot the republican whips" eay they will have within 48 hoars and that it In hers until Marsh 4, next, and it looks aa though they were correct. The party hae too ranch at stake this winter fur lta members of tha Monas to absent themselves and It isn't likely that any considerable number of them will do so though It la hinted that aome of them will exact considerable patronage from the administration as tha price of their constant attendance upon the session of the Boose; but this U only an unvouehad for rumor. One of the queer aspects of the political situation ls that the democrats all talk aa though the Fanners Alliance movement ls to remit in tha certain election of a democratic President In 1893. It la already evident that when the democratic Hones comae In, an la to be made to captors the votes of that organization by adopting number of the measnreo to which the Alliance is pledged. It is, of coarse, too early to eay whether this movement on the part of the democrats la sincere or hat effect it will have upon the next national contest According to republican authority the democrats bars been honoring before they got out of tha woods on tha apporlo tiin tfor0iun tionment question, by saying that they BiMNinliy. dtw coaid offset any gains the republicans Utoh. ffiqjjiia, Sevier County, could possibly make under the new by redistrleting the apportionment States In which they control tha legislatures, of whleh there happens to bo an unusually large number just now. The republicans say that they will prevent this by adding a paragraph to the apportionment bill prohibiting any partisan redistrleting or gerrymandering byatate leglslatnrea. There Is lota or talk among democrats of defeating tha passage of tha apportionment bill at this session but It ls the veriest moonshine. Don any sensible person tor a moment suppose that tha republicans, while in control of both Bouses of Conto S FFJRST-CLASWORKM gress. are going ofto allow ihemselreato be be auehnrM oat the advantage passing an apportionment TIUTMEIT HMMTEEI. gained Ifby so, he will find nlmeelf mistaken. The passage of an apportion' and EriiBtni, utail ment bill la ou of the certain Uni of (ho session, la fact It to abunt the only legislation that to certain. The Ptmaler General in LI auuukl report strongly reconimondd Lis postal sell rin r; he also x that ou 20 telegraph cent postage to desirable, but imsuiii, a lot of Agates to show that Lemluks it lv oaglit nut to be given the cuiim It would create a forgo utuui-i- ' f TLto In the postal revenues. sui v, CIS Rrcuuieitt to getting to to was 'A. taoceot turd agalust chrptnutty; it postage until the public demand became tor the politicians, aod so It will be in the rnd with one cent letter V." pmtasR-t- ho people will have IL ..... The democrats have suddenly die what has been all ap'IniLeuihiig JewWy House of covered,to other close political along observers, 'ntog&All Orders firm the Sou h parent of sceelon extra the that an illRoicive Prompt Attm Congreta in the spring will bo n very and yet ft for undesirable them, Your Watch to nu thing Wfcny to almost certain to bo made necessary by time lost at tha prwant semlon In political controversies, whleh under the !Y0. cirramstancN will bo almost uuavoid aide. InfUnu-ii- t - Ilw.J.B' STACEY DENTIST. . ius Jensen. pei-pl- deci-l.di- y ." Fifty-secon- d Si,J --- UTAH. fiJTACE Cleanliness It has In Bnttoe-Makln- g- probably never been claimed to In the toast degree Tuning'' & Friday of cadi week that godliness essential to tha making of good batter; id ) 'M Stapes leave but It twin virtue, cleanliness, to cerfufHev for Thistle at a. m. tha very foundation for n rood tainly i ArtWwat Thistle at 1 :00 p. m. grade of that article. Much to said rethe manner of setting the milk, fWT ) Wednesday ami Saturday garding of tho beet style of churns, the breeds of :'rj!p RVoB lfliistle for Fairvieiv ot 9 rows employed, the proper degree of arriving at 5 p m. ainl connects grsM.latiou, etc. While such matters are Important to the making of good tbc.tha'tll.ricas.iut Singe. nnMton U umJc irilh the. l & !. but.:.--, thiy are all of no avail without elrouiiiieea. By good butter to not Rf.jfoThiiitte meant simply batter that to not stroni or fret from any distinctly unpleaaan taste.- - But butter whleh hse the sweet, delicious flavor, that brings to one's mind risiona of rich meadows, clover blnesome and golden cowslip. In Thera to a rich, delicate flavor to pun, errant that will be transhirC vIBrml Ferrhrron Horwa. untainted muted 1 the butter if no foreign odor or rubstance to Introduced. And it HandliegHorwfta pwinllj. should ho known by every person msk- UBI.' ij.ms.su. WJiGjgf W1BL.W I' jk Jlp. ,.'-IsA- i.tK OLSON, Salt Lake Items- Firalat Paycan. - ills, iicraM, we robbed lu the srehvrov on Commercial street near the Utah Hard ware aud Stove Company's rises loti night The Marshall arrested two men oil suspicion. At the meeting of the Ktevetth wilder held lout evening ft wus decided to fight the ectioul tax, eveu to the supreme court of the United States, If reetMuy, Other wards will also follow suit. A Mon Ths funeral services ovsr the remains of John Cuunington will be held at hto lat residence. So. 474, corner of Fifth aud West Temple street, at 11 6eloek a. m. All friends ars klciiy to attend. Last evening a alga la front of the Western llry Goods company's stare, In thallooperAc Kldredge block, folk fire water aud Died without being scalded? fromau electric light wire and an milk-rooIs your poorly ventilated? alarm was turned In. The firemen were to food with strong odors, such as fish, on tbs iron in a remarkably abort time vegtablea, aud meat placed In the same but their services were not needed. room with the milk? The air was full of rumors toe? g In order to make good butter, all t tha effect that definite order these details must bo Htrictly received for the troops gt the to. If they are not It to ini possible to hod hern fort to move in the dlreetloo of, Pius eenre sweet, butler, such Kidge early this morniug. There! were as many oueuniere are willing to pay eeveial uf the boys from the fort oii the an extra pries to obtaiu. Many a street and those who wera applied to (armor's family would eujoy an lucres heard nothing In refereuro tp a in corns If. instead of producing an had move in addition to what the public alIndifferent grade of butter, selling it at fort was slo the grocery at the market rate, they ready kuowa. The with, but no oue there knows took tha pains to make a fine quality whleh would realize for them a better aught of the orders. There to hardlyre-a possibility that the troops will be price. ( We once had two neighbors on whom moved this winter. farms tho daily buslius was a promiLast night a deputy marshall came nent feature. The butter from oue down from Ogden, bringing with him a farm was wild to eity customers at forty who had James cents a pound the year around; the Klsouernauitd to oue Burke,tor houseyear butter from the other was sold at the breaking. Tne officer took the penitenvillage grocery, the prim sump time tiary wagon, but while ou ths way the falling as low os fifteen cents a pouud. prisoner slipped lde handcuffs, aud Tha faculties for making butter were when the wsgou reached the drive he about equal on both places, tha number jumped out under cover of the darkness of cowa kept about tho same; yet lb In- and fscsptd. 11 1 a msu about & fset come front oue farm far exceeded that 8 Inches in height, wiighiiig about 123 from the other. Tha difference lay in with fair compt.xiuo, blue eyes these point: On one farm the most pounds, and brown hair, and mice front teeth scrupulous fsstldiousncN wss observed filled with gold. In every detail of the Deo. XL ) On the other these little matters were Charles V. Howard, of Kvanstoa, a not considered of sufficient importance to bother" with. It was a pet phrase brakentanou the Union Pacific, was with the people ou this place that- - they killed near Devil's Gate, Wednesday lie was thrown butweea a couldnt bother with any of those morning, minor matters in life, which are the couple of box ears, and woe not discoveruntil he had been reduced to an al. things that In the end insure suc- ed most unrecognizable mass, 11a was cess to oues operations. years uf age. Hto wife g In the entire process tweuty-flv- s at Evanston. , to eompooed of on detail after another; and tha parson who has not tha lncllns-t- o Ths residence of A. L. Williams, at observe these In hto dairy opera- Xo. 215 West tions may wry safely count on nto bat- bv a burglar Fifth South, wu catered early yesterday morning. ter business being a fallure. When the Tho thief entered tha rear window aud spirit, that anything to good enough to going to the kitchen door unlocked it. ell, pervades ons'e operations In tha and then passed Into tha bedroom ocdairy then to euro to result a striking cupied by W. B. Stocks. The burglar difference In the profits from what then Mr. Btoeks1 pants from under hto would be had the work been done In the jerked and pillow rushing to the door made hto MkMsa. Barm, right mj.Xdiie escape In the darkness, carrying away 40 In cash and also taking a with him hat which wu hanging in tha halL ; NEW YORK LETTER- - fife'. s-- For.-month- i tit . The students society of the Latter-da- y Salnte college will be held a uraal In tba fioclal hail, this evening at 730 o'clock. On that occasion a lectors will be delivered by Klder John Nichols m. Hto. subject will be: Religious uod He proposes to Betentide Prophecy how that what scientists arc now predicting regarding tba tutors an merely repetitions of prophetic enunciations delivered by Joseph Smith over fifty yearnago. H 8ong by Mtoe Lixze All are Invited to attend. J .J. Walton, Chairman. rrl .Con Marine as the Navel Academy at Annspolla doe to tho Navy. There are a number of ship owners In tha Chamber of Commerce who ars able and willing to undertake tha manage ment of the ship. and they will very likely bs riven a chance. If this to done, tb achool will be made n state charge under Ihe nominal control of State Superintendent of Education, Draper. The bojra will then be Mleetef from the whole state, instead of the In tho same '&udie.T a m Sf Price Paid for OifttW ,V. i fiW 'looVfi, if i" , Tk'ft" WbO'tvdb" 'fiYQbThdb Produce of all , WMkfl, OlYathVlRq Obta, I : ea. 4 E. C. COFFIN HARDWARE CC. Kinds. CENTRE ST., sails gass oxanr, wxaa. PROVO. i .Cracker Factory, SALT ZaAKE CITY Bailer A Wallaa, Propriatm, Maaafaatarars of Sc ui. stairs Sun Foundry Machine Shop, Provo Manufacturers. Steam and horae-powik machinery. Olty, va well-d- ri er llnating stove. Combines the Juice of the BtaeFIgsof California, so laxative and aatriturai, with tho medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the bumea system, forming the ONLY PER. FECT REMEDY to act gently yet ffi promptly oa the KIDSET8, lira Ul BOTCH - M THAT Manufacturers of atnam anginal-boiler- i, pumps, brass and iron caa tings, castings for atom fronts, mill work, iron work for jails, md buildinga, wrought bridge and cut iron fencing. Boiler repairing a specialty. All kina of pluming, gna, and team fitting attended to. and dealera in ateam maters, for publio and private mildinga, Devey'a patent tubular ron wheelbarrows for miners and armera. Agent for Leffel Stum Engine and water wheela. Half block wNt of West Coop. P, 0. Box 178. Mam-ucturere- $ XOous Gates Netlee. & Snow, Pro vo City, Utah. Cal. Kiv YouuX1 Lonami Nicl Hansen, Sec. J F. Fimhir, . Tnm Mt. Pleasant Patent Roller! Mlt FtOUfl Msnufsctu Moroni Saow CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, Sam FiANCucot brxly, rraaL DlTK A BVXDIIMU. PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is suing It sad all are delighted witlt it. Ask yoar druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Mum lectured only by the U. ra Dcalxrs In Furniture of 11 kind, Carpel, Baby Carriage. Western Cottage organa, and Kid rodge B. aawing machine. W (uarantMour Hood to b equal to any in tb Territory ud aell at Notice is keMfer utvuu tkal I lunfa-i(ur- t hare this dor taken up from theianc the fwlawtugdMaibud cattle, which in m- trsv: One four rear wiw nd etaer, with whita spot ob the SMUllof th bark, lira thirds at BED ROCK PRJCEs. tha tall whita, aud rlsht hind la whita up to tha gamble Joint, whh hut llttla whit la tha Wa will pay freight on goods thu laR Ihlnh, forehead. Braudad H O one tbna year old tfeer, bluish solar, with in quantity, at regular white on tha bach, swallow fork lu thu lattaar, purchased hi ear, square crop at with silt lu tha ear, retail price, to railroad points in with a bout all lion tha back Braudad C B Utah, Juab Emery and Sou Peta an tha left hip Tribans, Dre, 7 I( tha abava named aalmsl ora not claimed counties. cost aud of aad advartlalnu touutkrr proven The boys at tha Fort are still under with feeding, paid Hid steer wUi be auld at to orders. Tho suepenN marehlntng public sale an tha lltk dor of December at a corral, Fatrvlew Ssupata County Utah, making some of them grey haired. Chllaru FsynSM Governor Thomas received yesterday of Nov. A, Dated at rslrrtew, thlsMthdiy by wire, an Invitation to attend a bon- D.im. given the National Board of at the Hotel Royal at New Orleans December l(kh by the associate ComEstray Notice. mercial organization of the same eity. I have la my paiaaiilau tha IWlowlas de 'EAGLE ROCK, IDAHO. uimaj, Impounded aaaa aatrajT: John Hxrne, aged 39 a Western Union scribed One roan, yaarUu kalfar with bread DXALXX IN ALL DXSCR1PTIOMS OP Hut-ito November since an, U ea left riba. White la faaa art 23ud, and bis friends are alarmed shout under Musical Iaitmmeute, String ft Trimftlatty, the aquancrep off, aad small bini. Hetoesid to have had a $325 la Ian tar. mings. Best Brant Band Instnunents. split cheek cashed before being lost sight of, If damage and rostt an said aalmsl an An kinds, Orchatrs & Band Music, ot paid within flfieaa days from data of this and leave Foreman Jenutaon of the conMusk and Music Books. be aald cash will to It tha hlRhaal notice, struction department largely hi, credit- bidder, at tha Mount Haaaant aatamy pound, Send for my new Catalogue Just out or. ha a sketch of Ole Bull's Violin at t o'clock, p. f ou tha lh day ot Oaaamhuq A. D.1SB0. it and much good informs-jo- a Dated ut Mourn Plcssut, Soapata fiauaty. Haying la The fires have been lighted one more in for musicians D. V UN A, Nov. T tStb, In the City Railway's ear stores, and the Send mo your orders for what you Nuts Maxim . carmen aud passengers are happy. For f'oandhaapar want in tha Music " a week np to yesterday, ths boys had stoves on the sly, and running the mads some very unique raids at ths Walclies, flna Cold and Rolled Plata Logal Natloe- Union Pacific and Kio Grande Wesleren Jewelry, Cultaiy, Etc., Etc. MotUh Io tho Frpbste .Cant lu art for Ceapeta Square Dealing Fair term Standard, depots for coal and kindllug. Uounty.Dtah Territory. In tha mailer of tba Xatata of Bounins Mr. MantHgue'e TMevse ot drcaoHd 403 Wert Fourth South e.iut, earl yes- Mnduen, Kutlnaof time art piece for provlur will and with nal dsr.impi-Monday, terday mon:f.g 1MW, at 11 wolocK with three or four A. M.,. of aald watches, a p day at tho Court Room of said Boot aud Shoemaker. Fist Class dolb-j- , en l a m..t and rest. The court In Manti dtp, Maputo Oeuaty, Utah cals w re fiifchtezsrd off by a woman's Territory, Custom Work and Repairing don. ad u in bed suJ jelune, Seat! or Mad. rii h'uKii jot. S didn't have aui ration of Call and see Mr. Rrsntxog aa bis gun, l.t.t tbs mica! tr.d iiitelloit'is to hi ni self aud ut Asatlah Smith of latten work is truely firot class in every tlierrop t on Ihe lnliudir tunanientary Just the Jour Risa. VrabaU Dealt. same. ' Th pul:es are in hut pursuit Dated, November It, MW particular. PricN Moderate, and I Straight Grade, Family Prid, XX Family, Farina Grits, Orders Filled on Sliort MT. PLEASANT, A.Marker, mi-si- ng il- -it - - - Nt ' UTAH, nvite attentiou to their large aud varied Aisortmemt Ladies Newmarkets, Jacket and Shawl, MiMMTinfi Children Wraps, Ladies and Misses Merino and Woolen Underwear. dens and Boys Suita, Overcoat HaMu and Capa,. MANTI BOOlS, shoes, smnusuus Store. Music Chi 'eed, Bran and Shorts. 28-1- a t taamamm EMIL I VMSflOBBiMnBiiBRGflS Jj Rubbers, Faadnatora in great variety. I ArcticsA . Hose, Gloves A IjrpiTlIT Mitten. - Satin, Moire, and Velvet Ribbons in all shades inch, all wool Suiting at 60 cents peryard. CasKnerfi from 25 cents to $1.25 per yard. . -- T : - . Moses Thatokxb, rrwt. . Uakxard White, F.R.Si w Oko.AHnow, Sec'y A Trots, (foul Mgr Vic Prest. . P. On BRANTZEC- ck u vu eff-c- to-da- t?tehcr.M stand to tha Merchant , Ths college graduate vindicated Managing Editor: Bo youT a distin guished tale graduate, are you? Applicant- - Ves, i waa champion of the foot bail Managing Editor But what ean you Ohr geada its mada of tka paroat art froahaat do in a newspaper? atartala art are at all tlaiaa gaarwiasd. ean kick posts down Applicant-- 1 Cleanse tt System Effectsally, Late on Wednesday night James Dye aa walking through an alley leading from Commercial street to a Main street saloon when two foot pads ordered him to throw np hto hands. Dye replied by gathering up a brick bat and firing ft at hto assailants, who, seeing that they had a fight on their hands ran off. Mr. Dye Immediately notified tba police, who were soon In hot pursuit, ana yesterday afternoon the officers rounded np five toughs on sueptoluti, Mr. Dye Identified oue of then as one of the holdup and the others were held ' to await developments. Cash Highest London, Dee. 3.--The trial of Mrs. Nellie Pearcey for the murder of Mrs. Hogg, wife of a London porter, aud her clitld, resulted in a sentence of death. Tha murdnr wu committed on October 24, when Mrs. Hogg visited Mrs. I'carey to remonstrata against the latter's lutlmary with Uugg. M (Rernlar CermpoadcBce.) J Kxw York, Dec. 1 1890. After sixteen year of starching and disappointment there to good reason to hope that the long-lo- st Charley Bon bas at last been discovered. s past the detaellvN have bean working on this latest elnaand tbs belief to every day gaining ground that the young man, MeCnrystto, now in Jail In Boston, to none other than the original Charley. It to true Ur. Boss, the tether of Charley, has visited tha young man and declared ha to not his son, bnt thia is not vdry eonclnaiva evidence. There are several reasons why the father should not bo able or wilting at this late day and under these dreumataneN to recognize hto child, and hto opinion to noLtherofors, bo material. Tha fact that the young man bellevN he to Charley Bom ana. that hto alledged mother claims ho to Charley MeCbrystie, while Mr. Bom to sure hto name to Mosher, tends to deepen the mystery and to strenghten too nupielon that he lathe rial Charley, If ha to not Chari Rose, who to ha? robable that Mr. Bon does not wantt rerognizs him, because he finds him a thief Instead of an angaL Mrs. MoCbryatto baa equally good reason for claiming Mm aa her son, because otherwise It would require aa explanation on her part as to warn oho obtained She wss tba wife of Mosher, abductor of Charley Ros, and if this 1 tbs boy sbs was certainly Implicated. However tame and unsentimental this euding of the long search may bs, disinterested persona must believe that this to the true Charley until better proof to the contrary. TEES PlUXllX EXCITEMENT. Tba egeitement concerning 'ths 'question uf Parnell as leadership In Ireland to attracting tha greatest interest In this city, mainly because there are so many people here wlio ars intensely interested in ths welfare of Ireland. They art watching this crisis with grave anxiety, but with scarcely a word of advioe. In tills way they are continuing their policy which ha always been to allow the people In Ireland to direct their own affaire without dictation. Per thia reason It U hard at tbs present time to get au opinion ou the Parnell matter from ilmo best qualified to give one. They are Loldlug bock Id deference to (hues ou Urn ui'uri aide. Whatever may be the uiXiiiuu awivtd at the positlun seems one for tne Irish. Since to ne a d,-La declared against , either one or ii. fi. r mm,! k.. o. - - 11 they CnuUdi. This to the way mattei Mtand now with the ehancr If tne strongly in favor of Gladstone. Nation-lists the Irish nutting to be heldy by voIcn the fellings In Loudon of their friends hsre, I think I am not for from right 'n roving that it will elect a new trader without delay. room training xon sailors. The Mhootobip St. Marys to about to be taken from the control of the City Board of Education and transferred to Aha care of the Chamber of Commerce. This step to to be taken because It to alleged that under ths pment manage' mant, the Mhootobip has been a failure About ISO boys ere provided for on theahlp at an ezpenro to the eity of IS&JWOnycer. 4 a large number of the boys drop out before their terms ars finished, (tba number of graduates last year being only id,) it to thought that tha amount of good dono to not in proportion to tha money spent. The amount of money. The Chamber of Commerro claims that a training ship for tha Merchant Marine to an absolute Morja nroerotiy, and think that tha Hr. houkl La used to BHirh fire.:'.-- : a hail Gi JOBBERS OF Santanood to Death. butler-makin- batter-makin- E. G. COFFINII HARDWARE Utah Supply Cu,, sib-nde- finely-flavore- d lAIUK, I. IIEIEril, 8.1. tow AIM W. The rnterialnment at tha el uich on 'f hack-givinight was an eajuyable one marred uulv by Ilia accident which happened at the clone ot tlie first part. The entertainment ronatoted of a se-t- o of tableaux the tort on representing the ptrabto ten virgins. Ten young ladle ot tho achool dressed in flowiug whit and dre ot them holding candles, represented the virgins and made a very pretty picture, but just as the curtain waa drawn on the first scene the screens behind became Ignited from on of tha candles and a lurid sheet of flame da ed across tha building. Tha dress of Min Jennie Wlmmer wss eanght by the flame and tb aight of this added to the screams of tne girls created a wild plcnto la tho congregation, which eontained a very large number of lad lee and email ehiidran. Nearly everybody started for the door, climbing over seat and bench uak iiig a regular stampede for a lime. eve-mu- nt-n- ut kinds will .. LETTER. e, JERD13ARD lEICKSEN flavors with which they may come in contact, it to not auffii-ieu- t eivu to b fastidiously clean, no food which bus n distinct odor should be placed in the amt room with milk or cream. Many a housewife wonders what it to that eauses a peculiar taste to her butter, or why ft to that her neighbor's fancy price the year brings around, while her own is saerldeed at tha fluctuating market prices. 1 wish to ask this puzzled batter-make- r a few questions, aud if aha ean answer any one In tha affirmative she has at toast one eolation to the bad taste of her hotter; INTERESTING NEWS FROM NEW YORK Don the milk coma from the barn covered with sparks of filth and dirt, dropped during milking, from tho and nnbrtuhed rows? If bo, do yon only strain tha milk through tho coarse tin strainer? Don eour milk Rtisoi to Mere Out the Lug-LoChirky and eedlment aeenmnlate in tho fine earns of tha milk pana or cans?' An Ron Hu Ben Disconrti your milk roseola washed in doubtful st ATTORNEYS, ; ! MANTI CITY, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH, TUESDAY, DECEMBERS, 1890 VOL. VI. - mm tmm iBS . Xews, Dee, l Wet. Ifonmi r, of the Tenth Ward, lost another child from that Orrodful malady diphtheria, yesterday. An opr-- vruiro was issued for the euinaneliug of twenty-fi- t e grand ewe of Amanda lu ths Jurors Olsen, charged with the killing of Frank 1111. In lbs Third District Court this afternoon, Mrs. Barbara Kuuta woe arralrort before Judge Zane on the charge of administering poison to animal belonging to Jeremy and Best. Professor who made an offlrlal analysis of the contents of ths stomachs of the dead animals, wa about to bo pnt on the witnoas stand when the fftwt wcr.t to press, Tliw, Dtr,t. That dreadful disease, diphtheria, reused the death of four of (Tiariw Wests' children In one week, e, man, looking np at the sky this morniug, said: I ean sea greal dept' . f nrd it i!"? Nero blknessJ Gsurgn Battiy of Uts Walker House bar playrtl a practical Joks on Frank Browning of the Cars liar whleh resulted In Battly s eultor bone bslug broken. It was an unfortunate affair whleh all concerned regretted, Isaae B. Kill has located a claim for mice near Ensign Trek, from which h . hu taken specimen thst shew fre gold.-KA. Darker. Thomas French, (isurg U. A term easy. No. IM. Notloo for Publioatlon. Shop 1 Towscmsarai. railed Xtatoa Land 01Boi,BsH Lakarlly.r.T, OctobHtfi. 1M0 Xallco t tontf Riven that Jasper Rnbert d Kuiviy County, Utahto a, piwbuteJudMa Territory, bat dk-- Hha Inof nla lutantlou behalf of the make tlnal proof for aud and the of tho town of spacflled. occupants uf Lu lands harotuaftar befon-thwill ha made art that uM proofKacalver uf tho U. Land hob. Ratiatcr or OOca at ea!t Lisa City, Utah Territory oa VrlD. Dccvmbcr.A. daUiairtb.dayof iaoda upon which Hid proof is to be D. A N o. ,1111 ip made are as follows IhaNEIl. Beeaaud MR SRMItoa ATptaS aad rlalmvd h tho Kaiary nK.zm acres, of Xoiary and Tarri la, la Hid Utah. Bold ippPcaiif uauiH tba follow of said .... ...wtesra to prove i ho oocupanry lands fur towneit purpnaea, via William O. Xvuaa. tiaoruaCMller aad Lara Prtly, Joaaph Joraciiara. all at Kmcry, la Xmary County, Tac- rttarr ot Utah. nuak D, Hobbs, Besbtar. playact sad Simmons attonqra. IMI block west of Lowry' Store Manti. FIELDING HOUSE Sre-r- y" Notice FolJhH!"- - tt S ill lake City, Utah. IMd, Scvmliw IStli, that tanfotntulWlnf-aaniei- i lva Led lataatM tea of Land wfflee hbv has arttlrr Xntlre to not to make Seal proof la support of hto claim, and tost Mid proof will K made batora tha Probate Indue or, la kla abnacw.tba Uaanty Clark of Ktneiy Couaty. Utah, at Caa tie Bale, daaSlh, Binary Couaty, Utah, aq taaadajr, adl v Vi! NichalM Larson, It X. W. SfO. I? ha North Kilt It nl areiloa II la Tawaablp South of Kauca S Cut the WLowIn wltoeawa to prove lie hi oDi.tiTion rBidne upon find rtinwiwi Bfirtfl Jantft IL rlfi: K, rf mid tint lnl, l 3 Blks From Temple; FIRST-CLAS- S ACCOMMODATIONS large Sayiple Room J. Fielding Prop. MANTI, - - UTAH Sanpete Valley Railway. TIME TABLK, NO. 4. TeUka effset Monday, July 7, 1890. StMiou. ttolag South. going North. dxuctou: Mobm Barnard White, W. W. Barton F. R. Snow, W. B. Preston, M. Snow, G. A. Snow. Thatcbsr, ' - BOlo . for th following woll known good The Old Reliable Cooper Wagon, Moline four spring mountain wagons. Porter road carts. The above are made especially for the Utah trade. McCormick Nichols & ShepardCos mowers, reaper and binders. le "New Vibrator threshing machinery. Scott all steel bqr presses. "Jay Eye See sulkey plows. Case steel beem centre draft plows. "Canton Clipper steel hand and tricycle plows, harrow and Ajax cultivator. Fountain city grain drills. Hoosier press drills. Gorham Combined and independent seeders. , 'a : full-circ- Branch Honssa at 8.L.CITY, OGDEN.LOG AN, MILFORD, UTAH; J,H.CLINGER,Travcling Agt. for Sanpete & Sevier Counties. , Jf Ho. 1, A mLhvh Cbroter. Arrlvva art lmtcb uma 1. t.U ODtspvr, Arrlno loaroa Avrivro Lotto roaBtalnOftaa, nivlrtv, Sjo rtTM.la RtrrolKrtbl. SSI ... Dww Nouht, TioiaoraaMly, (aadty axeepta. 1 AM AfrtVH TValro rtop at stations miritc llgaatoA. Mty whm i OLD RELIAliLtt; coorsa VAanLl thTuil tire prise at torial Fair. In ISSff Jjfiw took 1,019 aoliliinUUldPUo ir |