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Show . .11 - .CT Let wide. (,..U . J .1 be summarilv as ell traitors, silo immense for the An shot. tatc and a comatose ;nto will be also constructed pulp lapsed recognize It will be 375 feet long and 120 Wsidc. tw friends djfrs. Buchanan feet wide, and will be uncovered. ter Voriisof crimes In addition to all this there will FOUND Ladies collarette En- the is wi,ich ne- - be numerous small buildings, all to the public some quire at Journal office. robbed and assaulted of which gives idea of-- the real proportions faint A GOOD BOAT for, sale proand escaped. of tho enterprise. Excavating for duce at Journal the foundation of the building will office.taken. Enquire Testimonial to Mr. England. probably begin next week, and the WANTED to sell house on First Thettoodpeopbothcjccoinl laying of the track to tho factory street. Easy terms. Enquire WilMr. ward tendered on will also commence about that kinson and Son. ' testimonial splendid time. all Once started, tho work of buildMONEY TO LOAN. $30,000 Wednesday, when practically G iK'r ceut -will the at Stewart, factory bervigorously by " him ing and wltlT meeting house to show a estate force men of him "if List real big pushed, your Seir appreciation of hm labors m will be required.. There will be a you wish it sold. splendid opening for a boardingin thcafter- - house WHY LET INTEREST eat -The reception began keeper at the factory site. ThefcumiVTatf aoes'f w F honor then not desire to board .oinpany to Crofi1Jp op- 0haritabl1 assembled its children men, but terms. Office in Edwards block. m the to any will that superintendent, and later grant privilege of. the ward members adult the FOR SALE dav capable person who may apply for hall. the to repaired it. There will he from 41) to fC cow's. Threi The exercises were most interest hands to hoard for several months, and two gooji inland consistedandof songs, and the company is willing to per- quire Phil 1vans music addresses by mit the.ereetion of a temporary CALL AND examine samples of N. W. Iumball Bishop Anderson, elsewhere- for boarding house on itsground In or- w'ork bef going pie and others. der to accommodate its employees. repairing or engraving at Geo. A. The teachers" of Persons desiring to learn details Butts, maker and jew-- , school through Mr. Kimball, pre- of this proposition can do so by with John cler, Bench, Second St., sented' Mr. England a handsome Mr. (ole. , t9 applying Logani silk umbrella, and later he was The structural steel for " the LOST What would become of substantial presented with . a very it is expected will be defactory, subscribed a by livered here about purse; which was so your family if yon died leaving : ApriLlst . on your home! Think -- his friends in. the ward. work on the foundation will of mortage was a over and this then insure with the tho programme Following necessity have to begiu before long Mntal- Life Insurance Co., the then and dancing splendid supper, in order. to get ready for the superwas taken up and continued until structure. About 200 tons of rock largest and best company in the where you donthave to die the time for leaving. is already on the factory site, and world, to win. Your money with iuterest .was affair admirably more is The entire in every day. rolling back if you live. Your family promanaged and everybody preseut Mr. if tected themselves-' greatly. you die. ,H.,C. Ilansen, Mrs. Lar-enjoyed Inszrj:. field of his Special agent. England will leave for ' Mrs. Elizabeth Lang, the divorStates labor in the South-weste- rn We ATTENTION PLEASE! ced 'wife of Albert Lang, is violent? J ' next Monday want work. Watches, repair ly insane. : Mrs. Laug, it is said, clocksyour and jewelry, anything that short a Halt xLake from returned Smallpox la Providence. needs repair in these lilies. We will time ago, and after arriving here at or of do it Providence, The people right, promptly, and at prices began to show symptoms of insani- to suit. them are of W e need your patronage, number a least quite She seemed harmless, however, ty. the we worked and up .over considerably propose tb please you in when she disrobuntil Wednesday, x small-pothe at t order to secure and keep it. appearance of ed herself and ran " out into Mem C. M. Wendelroe. home of the stark naked. Thinl East of Tithing Ofbers oft that official's family are Street, The city officers were appealed to fice. down with the malady and people and took charge of her oh that in general are averse to going there on Thursday1 night but evening, for their mail, although the place Sheriff Rigby took charge of her I. W. Harper Whiskey is a has been fumigated and tliepatients and Absolom Burris and appointed perfect distillation. It strengthens willed off from the office. II. J. Adams keepers, to guard the you and helps resists cold and of" Proviresidents the of Some wbman until Judge Hart's return disease. Try it. It is better than dence are now getting their mail at from Brigham, when she will be the doctor. The kind 'sold by II. Logan. It is expected that repre examined and committed to the J. DeWitt, Logan, Utah. sentations will be made to the comasylum.' missioners today; of the actual It is not known' whether His condition of things there, and a re Honor S- - At will be here today or net. WELLS. quest made that the office be closed until the place i3 free from disease. Physician & Surgeon, COWEN IDENTIFIED. It is said that Postal Inspector Small irf Salt Lake has already ilYIJUH, UTAH Denver, Fell. 27 Mrs. Josephine been notified regarding the matter, the three Unterunhivr, one of Two Block 8 South of Co-oand may take' some action upon women strnc- down by a heavy bchalLoLthe.gQYemment. i blow on-th- e headJast FridaymighL on Capitol bill, died this afternoon FcrcE6icFTr!mrDfrlinttEir Obituary. in St. Josephs hospital. One of Mr. II. 0. Tiller, a well known the others, Mrs. Mary Short, died The third victim, resident of the Frst ward and a re- on Saturday. Miss Emma Johnson, may recover spected citizen of this city,passed her from injuries. away at an early hour on Thursday Albert Cowen, who is charged morning, after a long and wasting with the murder of Mrs. Short, illness. Ilalvor 0. : Tiller, was born on and suspected of being the high-- Nov,. 1 1848, jn Trondjbeni, Nor-wa- wayman who has attacked many lie came to America ir. i872 wbmeirt trth isirjd:: ri u g t audto Logan in 1S80, and- has year, was identified today by Bar- sinceTived L'ereTHe wM an upright tholomw-utv-fwiaH :b f -- Catthr honest citizen and died a faithful Union Pacific car inspect ore, as the Veals ar.d Ecgs. Latin day Saint. Funeral services man whom he-s-a way Miss Annie where will be held in the basement of the from the place tabernacle at noon Sunday. All McAtee was knocked down and friends are invited to be present. seriously, injured on the night of October 4th last. When confronted with Julien ' SUGAR FACTORY NEWS. and Albert Frederick, who says he saw Coweu knock down Mrs. Short, A prominent New York merchant Construction Work To Begin Soon As the prisoner accused them of . lying. and importer of leather goods said, an Dr. II. T. insanity Pershing, our in hearing the other day!' "I Weather Will Permit. specialist, said today that he treat- have traveled all over Europe and ed Coweu for paranoia six years America, ahd I consider the train Through the courtesy of Mr. ago at the county hospital. which leaves Omaha every day at George Cole, a Journal mair was G:00 p.Tnfor Chicago via the shall be shot, yesterday enabled to inspect the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. plans of the new sugar factory. Washington, Feb. 28. A recent These plans give one some definite edition of Filipinas Ante Europa, The crack train of the World. In idea of the real magnitude of the an organ of the Filipino insur- which statement thousands of others project. gents, published at Madrid, cou- - heartily concur. The 3fawThgsbf the' fnmt'and' tain ""aproclainatiori by rear elevations of the main .build- Aguinaldo, under dtc of Novem- - tickets via C. M.&St. P. from ing, which will be 277 feet long her 20, 1900, which sets forth that, Omaha and you wont regret it. And 1 8 feet wide, show that it will inasmuch as. the invaders give; ' L, L. Downing, be as Very handsome structure vheu as a Commercial Agent, , and their j , cruelty pretext for 'Completed, for the, prcscnt,rar. that .wqare an . - iv- - r Want Column irf gstmeii , . rtoplrt the-wardem- must not ne elect your You bowels. -- They are the "safety valves of health. TO-DA- Iftaiv 'uiuiw of Clear your system all impurities by risings Y . . m Thatcher Bros. Banking The Famous Herb Remedy 100 D3Q5 1 PRICE 25 CENTS Utah. . TiutCHEn, L. S. IIlLLtq V D, II ENDRICKS, , James Mack, he-watch R Iter Co. dicectobs: G. V. lx -t- -- Logan. Lincoln Tree, with everu packaye- - . Capital $160000.00 story book about - tlie-&wWit- STEEET, LOGAN. SECOND JZ -- . WARE and TOOLS of every desWe have the largest cription. stock of these goods in Cache Valley and have the reputation for being the cheapest. You are the Judge, call end compare before buying elsewhere. frequently from constipation than all other causes combined. Bros- - Droo Go. II. Moses TiUtcuer, D. II. Peeby, IL J.Taylor, L. K. Mabtiseau, S. W. Ritkb, EIIatcu. . Prompt nnd intelligent attention given to all the interests of our customers. SoleF Agents. - - g Mi lion . the-stree- - post-maste- r. There are good syringes, there are bad syringes, there are some in. between. The. first kind is the only kind that youll find here! Because we buy syringes just. like we buy drugs. Get the best that can be made. Our syringes are made of the best mbber, they wont get hard or crack. We have a splendid line of 2 quart fountain syringes just : to hand." Thtere are all kinds of syringes. t Prices run from $1-0- up. 0 Riter Bros. Drug . Franklin, Preston Co. Logan. Utah, Montpelier, Idaho. & n? M-D- -. M fV M Mt ,11 4i 4 L k p. - -IGPR-UN-E -F- 4 .p 41 T -- i - t 4 . Samples of iFIGPRUNE are distributed in Lbgan nml we y. he-pa- st - aii -- wa-uruiing- everyfaiiF" -- 9 M .ily;wilLtrylheJi.ewfQadbevei'age. . V now being a FIGPRUNEconsists of The Crack Traill of tbe World. the InjCalifornia the ( 54 per cent Fruit - ) (4G per cent Grains -- fig and prune attain degree of perfection and these fruits, combined with selected grains, highest choice scientifically blended, make the best and most nutritious Cereal, Coffee now oil the market. . 4 . .W 4 4I n 4t . These Grocere Sell it: Bateson Union Mercantile Co. Cache Valley Mercantile. AT L. II. g Isaac Smith" John II. Anderson. A. Bnchmiller. 0. K. Grocery Co. 4 4lx & w G. Hayball7 It Sts I J 'ijj' 4 t |