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Show I 4 'A j t .? v I - r ctnprjg cTcngi i Shrvrbury, Has., has bad Dsntfc rcif on ' rf ,da 1776. . deaf like shawls Why are Caabxatre & .sr-- rs ' The best exthsafes give Nebraska I child rea between five and (Nr 41,039 s old. 'tteenty-ouayearThe jaaag Hdr who thought the take her voice clearer by atrain lag it jnada a great mistake. e thon-rand- " Five , hundred and twenty-fivnx hundred trains leave- - London in the course of csd year. for divorce Were en la 1631 in tered Middlesex, Hass.; in 184lt 14 in 1852, 41 ; in 1851, 76 ; and in 1871, tf. A 201. A t t 3 I :rw I TOBACCO, ! 4 i ; 1 li': bXtr eye O .: '' L . - , i, t .:! !. o 't 1. iA. k yr 4 3 4 n 4 r'-.i.- herself ladt advertises a teacher for P if ft tnoru- - ttcation. PIANO if - 6A.K f ' r m t f ' - - uyA li' 'g, n 1 r IAOcelcX I A I f . f 4 ji f ' . .'S ' ! Vi - (tiV.M V- - A V4W'r ? ti ? ' iO It , . Li iv ZSZztHm'' 2 ft .1 l0J i$ oi A JM r C;.: 1 ..t !, t JfiiijL' t - I . ? (Jcpjt, ur C Ua.i-(Xi- iI 11 -- HA VINO I a; R U ft UO. IJO fi R25IDRNT PARTNRR8 IN j. I ' J u I r,. itsa as g6udd,ly remiti(3p.l ' ."T.00- B- riow lv h,ihat K to V- - oTjii: and buggy completely around -A- I FB sale, C ASH! MONTANA FAST FREIGHT ECLIPSE 1ST 1ST 3E3 STEAM SAWMILL, , utahJ HELENA corinne, t. p Sca"t m AHD DEER LODGE ja r-c- - f V' and Continue During I 'the Season. and Lengths. ATTENTION 5- i i OF 1x1 ! 1-4- Jf t 1 ? ALSO- ' " 0 aJor(; -, Corinne rrxiI3tov - lil. ..vvrti Cs BuildcrtxsiUJipd itto their AdvccztGjj io T7i6 MONTANA 8 TO., ( L !,,'3 i.t A Si 4 ,,U. iii A F. F AND E. LINE- - UTAH, I (nCfaU d I mi i t. t'hA.l Alt f q. TdraaS hcanau. llouco Furctohiag Goods!! OMllVO--J E rnyUtf DmUoimw, E. Q. MACLAY, . C A. BROADWATKR CARZCLL A CTERX. IturUngtsm IraaJMb, OVB BLAND .il ddpnn f'i a:;d XCtnilUj , mas C0ACET3 Crtas and , .v, XTszZizzSsat ALh'GAOTEn: ' I , k ' X hr fimet wU totl mn. cf Cs I 1 I 1 - J 0 t 10 . . SHOE COaSTC3J , V .IP8-,. TO , . t Gecd Steel DotlF Xlac ; t .4"; 1 LODGE. oSLCHA ADD myXdtr M. THI A oomnuE, -- i t X2' . i If ! ) , EKPGESS - ... errao, rW85iW , ' V .72 ij , , LIFJE, . t fc. id il&CiAr Cs , i i CO. ppriet y yifg ' tmt t. r ' .i- - 'U 4 v Ki i 'll ff (no j GfHER GYEn "t feiagrrf&. j1 tf V I niii J's Aft) J tzstn catrsss daily latEetai, 4 ; OPHIB CITY, UTAH. I , EAST CANTON, nratnun btaos noma. InELEHA I r1 'VV t't3 , HOTEL, " bitLlf VoIId, FcnjaG, Coo Enpraca n ' ' v f : United Ctoies .ls5, s Cs will be as C&asp ; Car ' Aftei4iaafCL,--rW3rc- i MADE FOR TUB DZUVERT Fralhts to AW iswf vs WttUMAi WlUakenma jl . WARE, Dmrmttmra MONTANA 4 jed-S- tainsi at reasonable prieea. Oentlasasoly and coorteoue Attendants. ,f w. DURE, Prambr. ' , jel8-t- f ' The Shortest and moat Desirable Ronts to OSMtNVS ? HELENA, i i St t'f.v CHANDALIER6, PLATED I COUNCIL BLUFFS TO CmCAGO 'mi 4 vihguiia city, Corral tor Freighters. iCCOiCDATIois W TC3 ISOH - ! TO J CONTRACTS or JTontX, m mom JSeaaanatle PIONEER TWO EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY CORINNE. 'iUMl Stock taken to ranch in eackaed .field, by the Lar RAILROAD LINE ' it. .jui t ! WITHOUT Ian FOJf,PWB, Deals in Renaa and Cattle af aU Rinds f V psy; 6 isccuri River , , CUTLERY, ! t ON fFeah, fJEFJ TRUnti LIHE 5 ,ca- - C. DUCHINEAU, 4PropV. Have j . Eheisherc before TilK CHINA (iTiAreW ARTi STAGE Cs EXPRESS LIHE ? UTAH, jlQUEENSWARE, .i ' , . Wholesale ncMl CIcteil Crater la Salinburyo .9 ' - FSCK to Helena! j ' - 1 Gang Plows . Pacific Stable, RAND AT ALL TIMES, THE ham Caddis and Carriage Horae, Bug- sadiall kinds o vehicles. gir. la the town. The bast tara-.- ut CALICO PALL ETERY EVENING AT on Montana street. Kuroka Saloon Rowers, t ' JelStf CORINNE, Chlcag. V; . Warehouse near the Depot, ' (ur or m nu aomj nicsT wines, Licit one AnuAiu. FARM MACHINERY. HA ? (t . CORINNE, AGENTSWANTED. Drinlco only 25 cento Each And all kinds of the best and latest improved DOORO, - 4 'S , Iloatana Otrest, fOM. 183 Lake St., a,; .r i m Free Dance ! ! Reapers, Threshing Machine, Snlhy Rakes, Grain Drills, Plows, " CORNELL, WARD A COMINGS, and Reapers, SflY-RalU-ng D. CONWAY, In two Report end munplc of work taining both kind of stitche on tlio mmo piece Chicago, Ourilncton t mil. by my2-d3- Send for tit -, Conatantly oe hand a full supply of Utah. FAMILY end 1m liable to rip than It mmo la the Lock 8tltdi.itmnpr Jndgec Bejwrt of the Trial con- nv2d4m-wl- T - - tSP Farlionlar attention paid to order piBBS IE) V 5 WINDOWS,' Track-- . d& & The Chanplon of 1S3 fint premium Of ' myfidtf SEWING MACHINE. TUX CELEBRATED . .. me TXXIRD OILCOX Utah. ) .A Forwarded to all parts of Corinno, Idaho. a Full 8tock of . FROM OflceattheSteaia Hill, north of f : ; 5 ffisl LOWE, .... i:f v it. with saeh Consignsncnt ' UTAH, Goods. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SIZJES AND LENGTHS! ZSio- I a and Invite them to give call before Purchasing. .k Wagon Covert, all alxra Wagon Dow, ThinUe Skein, Wagon Woods, Wagrn and Carriage tlatertal OF I BOUGH AND PLANED LUMBER, E CALL PARTICULAR 03b V. beat materials, and are known all through the. Went as the beat and moat reliable wagon made, and are WARKAIfTED IN EVERY RESPECT. ; w .. P ROS PE C T. IMaris Pacbages r jj Oar ES. l L. MONTANA DTREET, ns ..S Bend Shipping XLeeclpts telTOH , of BETWEEN WOVE TO ND FIFTH, Alwaya on hand and for sale at reasonable pries. These wagon are thoroughly made, ot the very .t . 7 -0- P. ShuttlerV; Chicago Wagons Also nuRClSCO. ' Goods A. -- - A FULL STOCK OF . 5s a . All 6iaea " FREIGHT,. HUflT mtiE 1 -0- or Corinne, Mo-wm- n KIN3DS OJP ALL , B UILDING MA TERIAL On: and After April ID, 1871, ; I , - , FOR SALE r FENCING, E YER y Constantly on Hand. , DEPOT - PICKS, Implements. 7 aud AT THIS LOWEST CASK PRICES. OO SONS, Prop s. t QOCIian OIPPDClO, LOUTOAN Ci LOUTIIA b. &? rraadway T. T. .: --AN15- - LEAVE WILL C3D 17 AGON MOULDINGS, QTTYTXTP OlLiXl VJ, I SHINGLES, nUGH KIRKENDALL, , Pr.pri.tor, I TTachlnJcn Crcct, Ilka PISE AND REDW00D : I & co. n n. KELTON, UTAH TERB1T0BT, CHICAGO. Ok -0-- 0 I W. orctiants, - wu nrairel. c..cs POBtT DUO VS is, Omni Its sent to inds of lntrumens c ,w, 1 A TTareroomsi . LVM. FINISniNO REDWOOD AND LTTMBBB.I D-iur- 6D Oregon Pino Flooring tiul . I I' .. TRUCKEE, GEORGE EXPRESS LINE ! ' 1 " t: jr. my2-dt- fALL ano examine quality and prices before bny- Orders from the country ing elsewhere. and factory on Warerooms filled. promptly - - Corinne. Montana street , - . Air I tchu..'e i nnlirsilion. p- ,take. in us 0- -0 " " - Jthtradcinvurwi entn rme LOW FOll HARNESS CONCORD MADE A SPECIALTY. is- J , uonv7AiiDnxa i steal Merciuutdise, v o -- 0-0 ... Vyi I any Market. former Miss Lane charming mistress of the Executive Mansion. A photographer, in New Orders promptly filled. Purchasers from York, presented her with an album, sudifMontana coming to Corinne, are requested perbly bound, containing forty-twMiss Lane. Jones of views ferent to call and examine Stock and Prices. marked, on seeing it one day, that it book he was the most had ever seen. PRINCIPAL, OFFICCS r 4 e 4 Of the quaint sayings of Father Taylor, many old and some new ones are 226 California Stmet, Ban Francisco. V To a finding their way into print. Sacramento. 37 geeond gtreet, , prayer meeting which had just been told never was too fora Chicago, that repentance late, 45MlclUgan Avenue, sinner blown up in a powder mill could f ,, make his peace with heaven before he Rough Lumber from fell to the earth, Father Taylor said, Do not trust in such a chance, breth- ren ; dont wait for your dying hour be fore you repent; perhaps you will never SIERRA VALLEY CI.EAR SEAbe blown up in a powder mill. SONED SUGAR PINE, Harness -and Saddlery THE CHEAPEST AND BEST On the Pacific Coast. ;, HTSHLU2HNT0, jand 1 at as low figures as cau be laid downhereflroa is told of the while she was the .;: (.:' tl p. hIssSr. SPBllfO - ELLS17GITTU J DPECIAIINDTTCZlIENTa AND offertheTO our Good Rather a good story &. J X , ,. louatCjMCtd, j I H. M. KLLSWOSTIL ) CONSTANTLY ON HAND (b f J ritlTS 111 .. V- - TH(PW! ND- I ; in the opposite direction. A. MAJORS I sj J.MR&C0. 1 A UILDJNG MA TERIAL , ba Stockist Miss-a-Laneo- 1 Manufacturers and Importers Montana Doalorel ridtoeriaTSSfew!?? It'.'' -. 10 p, J '' " - f f oiffis?con': wabb, ' 4 : n-C?r- hliT. ,a I (i p., ( i 'Sisasir.' V- 11 Op, aa 17an7 CtsfiA I Proprietor- - ,r u' ' wrS1- D. W. PARKHtTRST n 1 ec&v 9& f r -- '..I ' f'i I HJUSERYiSaO, An Eastern editor, who doesnt knqw oranciSCO, much about farming any way, suggests Chicago and Ban back, that for gardening, a cast-irowith a hinge on it, would be an improvement on the spiual column now in use. A man stopping his paper wrote t0 xt A A P the editor: I think toulka otient to C H N A ANU J spend ther munny for paypur, my dadda didnt diddant, and every boddy sed he was the intelligentest man in the county, facilities in Trade arc not eqaaUed . . and had the smartest tamwy ol bois that y any other House in the country ever dugged taters A Montreal yoqpg man has written to 4 "a1... f 5 4A ,. ? i, . t in a as persons of ing paper ed deficient and wealth newly acquired t LZJ 1. W(L A i ,,. 'Tsi,.w'4'.s ,4 TRuettEE & comririE AN1 w ... mm, CX.OTC2BO, f i. t ' rr-- vl .. ( u i i ,ul ? .... gteno He: $ " ijct r vP tiavos yyj five-eui- if I ' : rn GBto: c WrWs , mmiiwm d"m o, xr: vy hCl wC - i- I r ( r 1 t3 DAT aw J' r t,- - |