Show MONDAY ’MORNING JUNE 10 1933 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Clark Tells Youth Church Praised Deputy Scout Executive Outlines tfour-PoiFor Boys’ Work Programior 25 Years To War on Evil EL A Work ) nt -- Reviewed b by Church Heads £ i ’ Combined Sessions Held by Mutual and Prl " mary Groups fostering ears of ths L D 8 church of tha greatest epochs of this section of thq country Dr George J‘ Fisher New York City deputy chief executive Boy Scouts of America told persons attending the Sunday morning session of the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement association In Barratt halL Ths mooting waa marked by tho formal acceptance by th M L A of tho Explorer scout movement announced recently by the national acout oouncll The program amjed to car for the needs of older boys In scouting succeeds the Vanguard movement Initiated among L D a church acouta in 1928 Church Lauded "The L D & church ” Dr Fisher said "has shown In tha west that through scouting it can reach out end into tho Uvos of more boys than ha been tho ease in any other part of tho country" Ho -- commended - the- - Vanguard scout program which hs explained had been organised hy the church with the consent and approval of the national scout council Referring to ths Explorer scout movement he said "You have evolved this program under a dlf ferent name How generous of you to take this name even though your name XVanguard scouts) now has (Coattsued from Pmm Onol lx on piriU may be kept eternally young" lie asserted The speaker discussed the New TeaUment definition of eternal life—to know the Lord— and the Apostle Paul’ admonition to chtr lah virtue knowledge temperance patience Oodllneae brotherly kind tieaa and charity citing these as the fundamental approach to youth training "God bleat our youth and all of hi to koep our eyoa on Christ tha ene perfect being to know whom la eternal life be asked fervently Opportunity te Serve President Clark said that in the entire system of the L D 8 church from Primary to the grave a person is given opportunity both to serve and to obey and to direct and rule h”msrtd cltl — makes -- Benshtp- a basis for developing 1DS be found under which-ea- few other eystemi : He urged the K 1 A and Prl- mary leaders if they were to luc--' ceed not to tsko thomsolvea too ierlously "There klwaya la eome-on-e else who can do tho Job as good or better than ws can Wo must - cultivate tho ability te koep sweet and good natured and keep our per- spective" ' Spirituality he said le a quality which must bs carried Into ettlipn ship Every office In church or state ho asserted should b re garded as a sacred trust r Werknd Together Superintendent Bowen pointed ut that as a youth In Idaho hit father had arranged work which would throw him and hts ton to gether rather than let him "alt on tho sunny aids of a hay stack and whlttla sticks with Idle boys" "It takes wintsr to mako men he asserted ' i "Today unless ws provide things for our boys and girls to do wo art failing In our duty" Dr Fisher paid tho L D S Church had mads more progress with tho scouting program In tho West than any similar group had made anywhers la tho world "If all America had done as well as this church has dons in this stats how much farther shtad would ho the youth of tha land" ha said Work Ahead The icout head pointed out that larger more noble mors cultural and more spiritual Ufa in America may be worked out with the old of the Increased leisure time available noble traditions" "Tho noble spirit and beautiful faith shown by tho I D 8 church and Its willingness to accept ths new name with the national organisation is a story which will not react to your dlsadvsn-tags- " ho asserted Beads Message Dr Fisher read a telegram from ’ i -- today A balance sheet of human achievements was drawa up by Dr Fisher He described great msn who stood out In the past eentury then asked who could be picked as outstanding leaders today "In these times of oura wo have been too busy making money to develop leaders such ae we had last century" he said Children Forgotten In tho earn way he asserted that In building ths great city of New York children had been forgotten except when they became a menace to tho health or welfare of tho scouting In America have been devoted largely to promoting "the organisation and laying tha foundation for scouting Albert E Bowen general superintendent of the Young Min’s Mutual Improvement association presided at the meeting and George Albert Smith' a member of tha L tt S church council of the twelvo apostles and a member of the national Boy Scout council t tSctiUv board was chairman' ciation conference Another speaker was Oscar' A Tha first fsatura of ths program asso Dr Fisher said will be caring for Klrkham of Salt Lake City regional executive of region boys "well In their teens” as pro- data and executive vided for In the new senior pro' 12 of the Boy Scouts of ths Y M M L AM gram adopted as ths explorer plan secretary was "Guiding Prinat tho M L A conference earlier whoso subject in Scout Leadership” ciples Silnday Fundamental Principles Covert AH Boy Vision and a definite aim are The second part of ths program would be provision for boys in large fundamental principles of good cities and In rural communities Dr leadership" Mr Klrkham declared Fisher explained the large cltlea The speaker urged o full knowland sparsely settled rural commu- edge of the scout program and nities art the focal points today adequate preparation for leadership because they are the weak points In scouting Ths program also included singin the scout qrgantxation The third feature will be better ing by Vanguard troop 268 of Wll-for- d ward led by Raymond Chrisprovision for underprivileged boys and the fourth wilt be concentration topher and the presentation by Dr Fisher of awards to winners in ths on the reduction of delinquency Dr Fisher whose subject was churchwida tournaments )n archery 'Looking Forward After 29 Years” and model airplane flying held pointed out the first 28 years of Saturday program which probout during the carried be will ably next 25 yeare by tha Bey Scouta of Explorer Movement Form' America was outlined by Dr George Fisher of New York City deputy ally Accepted at Morn-in- g Jchief scout executive of ths national qeuncU Sunday afternoon' beforo a Sessio- nmeeting of scouts and scouteri la tha Assembly hall The meeting in connection- withthe Boy &ceui wsjv-hel- d Development ef-t- he movement In the west under tba L D 8 Mutual Improvement assoA W Threa markers telling tha history of the Lion bouse Brigham Young’s office ind tha Beehive housa were unveiled la Dr James E West chief scout ex' ocutlvo "Tha whole scouting world will bo watching with keen interest tho progrosa of this work and I am well content to place my hopes for success id ths hands of those Madera who have already done such outstanding work in scouting' Per sonal greetings to President Grant and Georgs Albsrt Smith" said ths message referring to sstabllshmsnt of ths Explorer scout program In the M L A program The program was officially accepted for tha M L A by Oscar A Klrkham executive secretary of the Y M M L A Dr Fisher presented a replica of tho ftvo millionth copy of tho Boy Scout manual to Albert B Bowen general Superintendent of the M L A I Dr Frank L West second assistant superintendent of tha Y M M eeremo- - ales Sunday evening In tha top picture Mrs Lucy Grant Cannon (left) and Joseph Don Carlos Young ara unveiling tha plaqns oa tha Lion house Below— Pre- s T t Meat Heber J Grant of tha shursh is shawa speaking at tha earemo-nle- if a V T4tP 4 r Bronze Markers Dedicated On Three Historic Buildings Wheeler Defends Holding Unit Bill Three bronxs markersTelllng the followed by nil peoplt declared J WASHINGTON June I Wh-- On Reuben Clark first couneelor in the eve of a senate vote on the history of the Lion 'house Brlghem the church In dedicatSenator measure controverted Young's formef' office Sod the ing tha Bea preeldency Hlva houaa plaqua OS Wheeler (DH Monk) coauth’ojr of East Bee Hive house’ situated Beenmea Sanctuary "Al Brigham Young paiaal oa the measure declared the public South Tsmpla street asst of ths L D Ilf church gsnsrst office build- and bacomea to Ua n tradition thin utility holding company bill wu corner tha Icana of and ing were dedicated la ceremonies trouble muat become toanxiety ua a sanc- not an "elimination" bill conducted Sunday svsnlng of the bill has been deWa muat coma to it 'for Section A crowd of more than 230 piopls tuary aa ona which waa tha abiding scribed In debate And by opponents reat attended ths ceremonies In which of tha deatlnlei of a grant of the meaeurs In committee hear members of tha First presidency Of plnca he declared tngs as intended to ellmlnsM hold-tnpeople" the church made the dedicatory A of tho Idenla of companls trt A five tor Seven perpetuation community la ambodted in tha year period But Wheeler apeak To balance this situation such addresses Young Brigham The marker were erected by the Organisations si ths Y M C A Utah Pioneer Traill and Landmarks Lion houaa aaid David O McKay Ing over A broadcasting system second couneelor in tho flret presi- assertsd and tho Boy Scouts of America Muhad bean organised ho laid Hs association ths Young Msn’a "All that section I really does Is dency of tha church In dedicating and association tual Improvement to attempt to whittle down the Use appealed to tna man of America to tho ImWoman's Mutual ‘In Young share their Increased leisure time undylnt history la recoi and power end complication of “ - In provement association with youth of tho country tha Old walla of tho Lion houao" thesa giant corporations until ths ' Governor1 Otftco ha said Hiss 'Anderson pointed out that "Now M old tt federal’ and stats commission can Speaking concerning the former standi aa a center for years thdaa bs a mach for them although tha church stresses ths office reliving of President Brigham Young events of value of hard work it also rscog-Ufa which built "It doss not destroy holding pionsar lender President — pioneer churrh - alaes tho value of play- - - It does sty to them: Grant of ths church told this stats The Primary association she laid Haber You've mads so much trouble that Simultaneous Act was that the tho gsthsrlng building a to rich affords spirit-tiallopportunity ThS threa markers wars Unveiled If you’re going to gwwmlolng bust closely connected with tbl history both play and work Activi- of Was the church ti- simultaneously stats Ttas Lion houaa ness In this country controlling It ths ties of gathering and dyeing rags monopolies which ths public office and tha territorial marker unveiled wu gov thing by John H and wsavlng them Into carpets and Pres- Taylor of tho first council of tho must bs able to regulate you've got well as office trnor'i u hslng Score of other helpful tasks she to trlnt down the sis and laid are giving children the joy ident Young’s office he tald He seventy of the church Joseph Don and structure Where ths publicpower can of told In and Cnrloe the ths second Impressions oldest Young living -- of service and achievement — fluence of tha building upon him eon of Brigham Young George Q cop with you' Save Pennies -- — -- — when - h wna - a youth-and Morrle eeletsnt superintendent of The Primary head aaid llkewlee meetings with the ' famed tha Y M M L A and Mrs Lucy Hacked Bodies of Two that gratifying Interest is being church leader Grant Cannoh flret counselor in the Ihowa In the children's hospital The tradition which la clustered Y W M L A presidency Chinese Found In NY and 100000 children now are lav- about tho tbrss buildings should b Unveiling the Brigham Young’s ' ' ing pennlea to help other children offie plsqus wsro Joseph Fielding ws - Mrs Fox said ths program being prlyer President Grant presided Smith of the church council of the NEW YORK June were found hacked to given to L D 8 young peopled Is Every available sent la the tab- twelve' apoetlee Colonel Willard Chines "something that would stand out ernacle was filled as the ptslt of Young oldest living Son Of Brig- death today apparently with In any community" Sho expressed the great organ and tho tone of ham Young Albert E Bowen iu batchet and ths owner of a launher happiness In being associated the tabernacle choir Joined In the perlntendent Of tho Y M M I A dry In which their bodies Wtrt With to movement and helping opening hymn "O Ya Mountains and Mrs Ruth May Fox president found suffering from cuts himself disseminata its Ideals was held tat questioning High" Charles Martin soloist and of tho Y W M I A Tbs valusbls heritage L D 8 the choir also sang "That Sweet The Bea Hlv house marker was Ths victims wers Chang Joe 4 church members hsvs received from Story of Old" Other Choir Selec- unveiled by LeRol C Snow of the and his Son Chang Sey SI The pioneer forefathers was praleed by tions were "Build Yn More Stately Church historian’s office O Rega elder man’s uncle Mu Tang 7S had Mr Smith M I A and Primary Mansions and "God la Our Ref Card president of the Young Fam- deep outs on both hands A neighworkers art blesasd With an assur- ugs" Albert J Southwtck directed ily association Frank I West sec- bor heard him moaning and called ance of the divinity of tho work in tho choir and Frank W Asper was ond assistant of tho police which they art engaged he aaid ' Y M M I Asuperintendent st ths nrgan console and Mrs Clarissa Tang who eald neither he’nor Clawson of Reed A the Smoot member of tha Kudger president conn' Betsley second counselor in ths his relatives wero tong numbers Council of the twelvo apostles of ell of tha twelva apostles pro presidency of tho Y W M L A told a vagud etory of two msn tho church offered the opening nouncad tha henadlctlon George Albert Smith president whom he could not deicrlbe enterof ths Trails asso- ing his laundry and attacking him ciation presided at tho Ceremonies while hs Slept Police tald they wtr not aatls-flq- d ' The with hit story and questioned jlentral American porcupine la an igila tree climber him further I Ar conducted tha meeting Other spaakars ware Dr Burton K Farnsworth chairman of the M Men committee of the general board and Superintendent Bowen Problems Studied The problem of devising study courses and avenue! of approach in tho actual teaching of M L A classes cannot bs too carefully or tod prayerfully approached tald Me Bowen The teacher who conducts a study period must know not only ths subject matter have the material and method euch as to compel a desire to know he pointed out "As the M L A member gains such composure poise and culture ae he may desire he must also bs taught to turn these accomplishments to good purpose W must cultivate that Inner eerenity born of a conscious unity with the divine “Our work M not well done until virtues have ceased to be abstrac tlona and become part of our dally Mr as wsll as seeking and obtaining divine guidance” Ideals Emphasised Dr Farnsworth emphasised1 Ideals for which M Men and M Msn leaders should strive Only by adherence to full principles of ths church Incan cluding the Word of Wisdom such leaders expect to "look the world in the face" he eald The M Men he eald ehould be a dynamic force lit development of better Hf§i both In the M L A and elsewhere The L D 8 male chorus directed dm VV HVIH' & VIft t 4 wmuu: 16 UIICIEIAIE TAILORS SOUTH VIST TEMPLE “bnhe-lSeeeagesT- ’ I V" "V munication engineering at the Cruft laboratory hat designed an ap-to paratus to aid the desfjo learn speak with normal Intonation The Instrument which records sound frequencies from ssro to cycles per second permits a deaf person to measure the tones of his volet the announcement said and through watching ths fluctua-tinni- L laarn to apeak normally 16-0- old-fashion- is superior to a ed 1916 model tha Difference Between Here I "Protporiza" Senric and Ordinary Methods entire "Prosperixe" cleansing process is comminpleted within ONE machine in just i)5 " and tha stratching This utes pulling prevents cauttd by iifting heavy wet garments from one And clothes ere never submachine to another dean-- ’ jected te ''tumbling1'— used In Ing first te shale out the dust end again aftar cleaning te try and thaka out tha odor THE - Original longs wers Introduced after sn’lntroductory menage was presented hy A child tJni Story of a Boy Who Believed That Nothing Need Discourage Anybody” riven by Dllworth Young concerned annual conference of tho Pri- President Heber J Grant who remary association Sunday morning sponded with brief remarks and la tha tabernacle singing of "O My Father" sad The production was written and “Come Go With Me" directed by Gladys Pratt Young of Lilli T Freut offered the Ogden Matilda W Cahoon was diand Lula Green Richards rector of th children's chorus 4 th beasdictloa CAMBRIDGE Mass Juns 9 UP —Harvard university officials announced today that Frederick V Hunt Instructor In physics and com- methods as a 1935 automobile fresh pure sweet Clothat are tleaned In which will not harm the most dellcatd mete-ria-ls It 1s distilled It’s fire end explosion proof leavas and no fresh elaansing tha raason That's fabrics ''film' en your makes clothes stay dean "Prosperixe" service truly longer and removes all odors including perspiration odors The cleansing is done at low " fluid dust-eatchl- ng for-eac- tom-peratu- to evoid shrinking — Presentation of A Child’s Garden of Song" with a chorus of 1000 Primary association children from Salt Lake county L D B stakes assisted by the Relief Society Singing mothers directed by Mrs Charlotte O Beckett constituted ths concluding session of ths thirty-thir- d - President Clark urged thq M I A leaders also to strive tor clean-line- s "The In body and spirit Savior” hs said "was able to help only oho person at tbs pool of Slloam Ws must strive to put that thing In our hearts and minds that th Master may reach out and cleanse us too Cleanliness U next to Godliness and not far removed" Seventy Beehive girls and a large number of Boy Scouts took part In th pageant Beehive songs and recitation of history of tha movement were glvtn with accompanyA central ing striking tableaus them was th spirit of tha hlvet r Continued on vn) Tones of Deaf Person As suporior to (Xn-T- Thousand Children in Chorus Give Final Act in Primary Conference he eald SERVICE! -- — Device Tempers Speech DRY CLEANING la-g- al 4 - A Marvelous New ta ML Church Leader The Mutual Improvement associations as n part of ths L D S church must not strsss mere negative goodness butmuxt wax upon evil wherever tt Is found declared J Reuben dark Jr first counselor In the first presidency of the L D 8 church Sunday night at the closing session Of ths annual conferenct of ths M L A In the tabernacle The final session also was featured by a pageant presentation of the history and purposes of ths Beehive Girl movement which celebrated the twentieth anniversary of its organisation at ths conference President dark characterised ths church as "ths organised priesthood of God in battle formation Tha church" he continued "is neither school of philosophy nor a system of ethics Ethics are a husk a whited sepulcher" Declared 'Aid He classed the M I A As a helpful aid to the priesthood ths Sunday school and the general authorities of ths church organised as Brigham Young said 40 years “so young peopls might gain ago by Georg H Durham sang Invo- g'testlmony ofhr gospel"-— cation waa by Dr Franklin 8 own opinion” President “In Harris and benediction by George dark-aai- my “every M I A meeting F Richards member of the council should begin With som proper gosof the twelve apoetlee pel theele to Instill the spirit of the Meeting separately in the As gospel and to give a background M W I Y A mem' around which all the other Activsembly hall tha bers In their morning session heard ities be associated” addresses on caring for ths girls As may its purpose in order peculiar “not measuring up by Katl C not to overlap with other church Jensen 'and Ann Nebeker and on activities the M I A should- spethe girls who do "measure up" by cialist on cultural knowledge and Virginia Bmlth former Gleaner on promoting better cltlsenshlp Girl president President dark said These subservice pine were Beekeepers’ jects he 'said are closely associated M Sarah Mte awarded by with the gospel which embraces all Beehive Cannon eommlttee truth chairman 1 to more than 28 Contest Work leaders who havs completsd three "I hope you won’t vgve up your or more years’ continuous servlcs Mrs Ruth May Fox presldsnt contest work because It think the discussed the qualifications of I work in music public speaking and kindred subjects stimulated hae good Madsr been penetrating Into all recesses and is becoming nationally known” “We Bowen continued must be diligent In studying human life” I T Here Negative Goodness Not Enough Say ' four-poi- i "Form-Prastfinish en " 'given hew presses which were designed by clothing man- -' ufacturars and approved by leading dothlng deSimilar praises ara no In wo In many signer of AmerTcaT finest dofhtng'manufacturJniTpUhti”' Clothes-a- rt Guaranteed IntroductoryOHor Onto you hsvo triwef thlt isrvic you will never be' setitfisd with the method' Se" send dress er e suit If you do' fiot agree that it is the finest dry eleenino you neve ever bed there will be absolutely ne charge whatsoever “oid-lathion- Sand A trial article— t eur Cl£A N G JttONMWCftS risk! J5t7 Tl 1 SO IITH EAST ! ( -- |