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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 104 " Ark-Flow- ' uiuiuy nidi , aiiKj. il DC cupy To the memory of Elizabeth Dutsen, who departed this life of old age at 'Goshen, Utah ,Co . August after laying upon, ner Dea sultenng with paralysis for one year and ten. months, during which timeJuV daughterSis--te- r e,t ioT. publication furnished the WOMAN 8 lCxluV oi Bennett, Jane, Rowley, Pot, 7 ' Serena E. .Norton, Chicago, IJ1., Flour-'; -Sifter arl Safe. " Mar fttigglv?, Saratov .'fpririg.-;- , V Y., .' "Cooking Attachiucnt1 forJJcatiir-- Stoves ' Emma J. Lawrence, PhiIale!pI4a; Fa., Design for Kug. ' ,: ' IU UJC UCIU1VCU UOprtSCIllCU jifARTHA Sarah L. Hunter, Little Ilyck, Prcst., Sec. ; -- - -- -- ' : "RESOLUTIONS" OF RESPECT. . ' - From the annual report of the New York W.Mi.f.'j WnrL' - ir unnears has during the past, year nearly,in840,000 -, that the several been paMio consignors of'yvork of 'departments, which ,vi;icludft all varieties In work. ami ,.lacp, pajntingaiHlfin'e needle irder' "the department :l,I0O onlcr were re-- '. t.'- -, ' tin society is to ..... " J mnieeuit.-- geurjeuomt-iu . ait i &ustainedbytlie . members- - of the Sugar House Ward, of which iHief R elief- Society .jQflL.e.. was a member. - Utah, Nov. 9, i3S6. MeaIoy, EXTONENTT- EDTTOR -- r some time since our settlement lias been represented in your valuable paper, and it would have afforded me more pleasure to write you now.if I. was not called upon to report the death of one oi the otliccrs ot our Keiier society. I append an obituary and resolutions adopted at our last meeting, The Relief Society and Y. L. M.L A. are in is felt in good working order, and their influence for good : nnr rnmrrfimit v. meetnew orr our work recommenced Our brethren have it for use this winter, ing house with a determination to finish s, visited-uand noticed our present incon and all who have venient and dilapidated house, will 'certainly say, "God bless them!". Our Young Ladies' Association have pre- rind nre vfi fr-- i!rillnri f'immlllci' t.A it, ....... J ti UiL. l;irlmr working zealously to raise means to purchase a Sacrament v'lt is - J set. . TheExi'ONENT reaches us regularly, and we highly appreciate your efforts, and trust that you may be abundant- V'ours irijhecatise pf truth.. . . . Emma. OBITUARY. Sister Hannah Lees Fisher was born near Rush worth, Yorkshire, England, in -- the year 1324, and whs baptized a Saints member of the Church' of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y arid in 1841. She emigrated with her husband came to Kanesville, Iowa. In 1852 they moved to Fillmore, Millard County, Utah."" Seven years later they located at When Meadow to assist in building up the settlement. Fisher was Sister was set the Relief Society organized apart as First Counselor to the President, "which office she held till the time of heriieallL. She hoibecnulinsJor-the-iiK- t year. and was taken to Provo to be treated by Dr I ike, but she grew gradually worse, and passed peacefully away Oct. 4th, when her body was brought home for interment. The funeral services were held in: the school house, which, was very tastefully decorated for the occasion. Our departed sister ha passed through many privations with the Saints, and died in full faith of the Gospel and the hope of a 7glorious resurrection, - She leaves a husband, three children and several grandchildren to mourn her loss. ".. - - ' . . the-famil- , " - - - Mary Loris.y- - Taylor, Committee. Sarah Roiieets. TiPij-a- - - .DiVir' 'U'JSl... 2:r"'335.t Ci-- T US'?' CItV' :.' ." , IT H u l: 1 . 1 1 6 ' SALT L714RE IMPtHLTPJIlS. J LUl 1 JL6 CITT, Utah. ' -- AND JOBBERS OF- - 11 ry b go as, ii ox i o n Si b ro c e n es HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, AND QUEENBWARE, .GLAH- ELEuANl CUT ULACB, .v(h;k:ijltural toolr and imfls. CLOTH AND CLOTHING, 'TORE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Xx Ann Nebeker, Committee. M. A. OCtOBTAl,jm, ' REST. CAltFiU'S Hardy, WALL PAPERS, ALL AND bllADES'AND NJBWERX DESIGNS. ' . . ' X7' . " B - She has suffered, but borne All her sorrows in patience ' Her troubles-an- d trials Have all passed away,-Sfie has won the bright crown, By faith and endurance, Her reward is obtainedher joy is complete. y"' We Varry a "." ;' ' u p t. U. 3. ELD RED GE . - r .. Lrger end more 'complete eck than niij Iiuf filn the' west. VF She has gone to the rest That remains for true hearted; She has gone to her husband, Who long has been waiting .. To clasp her. with joy to his bosom again. ' . i "ESTA11LLSHED; ' " Emma. Curtis, don't feel to mourn For our sister departed, Wre ST E A Til .PHTEH GAS,WATCa erAiire-5- . , ' , CO., , Pumps It"p.ii:v-- ,,n s;u- - iioticr.)rd'T; the country promptly rpon.bv! to. Sister Judith Bellows' departed this life Sept. .30th, i286, at the residence of her sonJohn F. Bellows, Lake Shore Ward. ' The deceased had been failing for some time, and died without a struggle, at seven o'clock p.m. She had her share in the mobbings and drivings of the Saints. Her husband, father of her children," was poisoned, and died from the effects of it, administered by the rmob that came up against the Saints; after which she, with her children, suffered the privations in common with the Saints in those terrible times, remaining true and faithful t6 the Church and kingdom ot God; she has borne many true and faithful testimonies to the restoration of the Gospel; this knowledge was' her "chief Joy by'day and night.. Did considerable work in the St. George Temple, in 1833. She became so Leblc in health that she had to leave, much against her will, having enjoyed her labors so much. On every opportunity she would exhort' all to faithfulness. Her integrity -to the truth and her; many good quali:iesxare worthy of " 1 imitation. She was a member of the Relief Society, and as such was highly respected and esteemed. V TZlD.J.2Tp3gs I'UiH'-i- . " " Dei ids, . A GOOD WOMAN GONE TO ' -- Gibson, Prest., Betsy Bolwink'lp:, Sec. X ... Special to the Ladies. - . y ' B.. Cathiciiine Sjvker, Esther S. Hardy, Counselors,' T 13V Whereas, It has .pleased our Ileaveniy Father to call from our midst one of our respected officers, Hannah Lees Fisher, who, for many years, occupied the position of First Counselor to our President, and . W hereas, In the death of. our respected sister, Meadow " Ward loses one of its earliest settlers and oldest members, and our Relief Society one of its first olficers, and a loving husband and children are called to mourn the loss of a faithful wife and affectionate mother,, therefore be it of our departed Resolved, That we tender sister our sincere sympathy in vtbis hour of their bereave-rncn- t, in the hope that these expressions of respect and condolence may tend to consolethcm when they realize how the labors of their beloved' wife and mother are acknowland associates; edged and appreciated by her ' it farther be and, Resolved, That these Resolutions be spread upon the 'Sarah' .!;.'' ,". . OF RESPECT AD'OI'TED great-grand- - Sweet be her sleep; while her loss we deplore, Thoughts o'f her virtues increase more.arid more; 'Twill, bo long ere the sting ob the parting be o'er GM grant we may meet her on heaven's bright shore, Whee sorrow and parting shall greet us no more. THE "MEADOW KELIEF SOCIETY "NOV..4TH, '1886. RESOLUTIONS , . Whereas, our Heavenly Father has seen fit to remove from this sphere of action our belovedsist.er, Mrs. Mary Dunsten, we feel that we have lost an efficient member of our Society, a kind neighbor and loving sister; anF while we deplore her loss, we cfeel to bow in humble submission to Him who doeth all things well. ; to extend we the That Resolved, sorrowing family our heartfelt sympathy, and trust that they'wilHeel to acknowledge the hand of the Lord in this visitation, that she is not .. lost, but gone before. Resolved, That a copy of these Resolutions be sent to the bereaved family rthat a'copybe-place-d upon tlie minutes-o- f the Society, and that 'orie be sent to the Exponent for .. publication. . CORRESPONDENCE. Mary Johnsen, our beloved Presfdnt, waited upon her with untiring zcabOurxged sister was baptized by Presi" dent Wilford ;yoodruff-in.- i She emigrated to Utah in 1862.. Was the mother of eleven children, grandmother of forty-- and numerous "endured many trials for the sake of the children. Gospel; embraced the law of celestial marriage, and died at the advanc d age.. oL eighty-thre- e yearTlnfuinaithnd h resurrection. of glorious hope We feel to acknowledge the? hand of God in1 relieving her, of her sufferings, in talcing her from this weary world to a . . higher and better one. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with her children .and friends; ami further, be it ' ' '... Resolved, That .these Resolutions--bupoa the record of the R elief Socicfy, and that a copy be "sent to the Exponent, and abo her fa -- The following Resolutions "of "Respect for our beloved sister,-- Mrs. Mary Dunsten, born August 1st, i3 , died September 22nd, 18S6, were, unanimously adopted and ' ,' .19th--1886- - ' . OBITUARY, minutes of the Meadow Relief Society, that a copy hereof Laura 8. Gott, La Grauc,Ohio, Fire Escape'. laryiLHinc, Chicago f!l.t r.uttV: ?fop- Farewell, then, dear sister, We would not recall thee, We know thou art safe in the haven of rest; Thou hast finished thy work, Thou hast fought the good fight, Hencetorth thou wilt dwell With the good and the blest. Emma Curtis. " - AT TEASDEH?S Ibc Will be found - - latest styles and pxoductions in ,:. LACES, POJCHES, EMBRODERIES, FANS, GLOVES, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, COLLARS, TIKS, . '.And 'an DBT elegant assortment of G-OOD- S. Speci;il department for Indies' Mioses'- and . 112, 114, 116, 118 KoaI In-Sho- . Temple Hire ' |