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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY iYardmaster Gives Final Survivor to Two Assailants Called by Death EDUCATIONAL BILL FROM BEING PASSED LORENZO . Walter gchnakenOurg, YOUNG. the thought that la pretty apparent from the legislative record at his bill. The measure, he Bays, waa framed after conferences with the then head of' the two leading; educational Institutions, and of the then state superintendent of publlo Instruction. The latter hs slnoe become the head of the state university. Had the measure In Its essence been Inimical to the interests of any of the echola or colleges of Utah, it I Inconceivable that It would have received, unanimous support of both house and senate. Anyone who has ever seen the etate legislature in ac1 tion will realise that. Yet It did receive the unanimous vote in both M. Darn' house. Senator Georgemeasure the peelsl te The Trlbuo. negative vole on the second time It waa "placed on final . BIIKIJ.EY, Idaho, March passage" In the senate waa attribute-blBobieskl Young, It year of age, In all probability, to the fact that the final survivor of the band of Mor- the lislatlve conferee had rejected n pioneers whch entered the Salt the ttlan that the state board Of oailon should also function as tKSTj.nl 1M7, under the valley iuty state ooeTd el euueauunat cwraun-tlo- leadership of BrigIt,ham Young, died home at bis In coorthis olty today. Mr. A state board fit educational two Young was about 7 year ot age when dination could have done one of the pioneer band arrive in Salt Lake. things. If it hadIn followed theItcourse could the law. outlined for It Mr. Young was borrffat Nauveo, have saved money for the taxpayer and after his arrive! In Sa.lt of Utah, or H could have decided, nt. there until ha wis It veara with considerable weight of author. ohe resided wnen n removed to Payson age, Ity. that whatever duplication, tf any, tsier mane ma home for aome now exists la entirely necessary and ana time at St. Cleorge. He had been in the interest of the MM and the a resident of Shelley about elevea taxpayers. board years. HWa oarents The bill to create the statewaa were TLranxn T. and at of educational coordination, Persia GodHll'Younar. Me la survived ' It pTogreaa by ten children and many grand- some times during aa through the legislature referred Ittowas cnuuren. an "adminlatration measure. not, ,in the same aena that tha bllto of to create the state department tate responsibility rests, not with the ex nd the finance and purchase ecutlve offloer of the state, but with Of were, of registration the department le legislators themselves. The Quin-ne- y to be real aed that, It course. bill waa In accord with tha cenwhether a. bill la an administration tral of much of the legislameasure, so called, or not, the final tion thought of the lilt session. It aimed to eliminate duplication In slat effort, to the end that the taxpayers' money might he saved without impairment of efficiency In the essential ol state government. It was the "Irony of fate" and an on Interesting sldeltarht processes uiai me aeieot wnicn cause the foundering of the bill waa not to be connected with the essential principles of the measure. The section defining the ourooee end obiect of the board wss amended In the house, Sugar-cure- d and was acceptable to tha sonata in that form at all times. Bection i of, the bill, aa It waa written (Incorrectlyhowever, and on. (he statute books, appear barthere in tb form in which the mea- are wr emended by the senata. It reai 'The board of educational coordination I hereby created to carry out the purpose sad enforce the nrovl. alone of this act, and the atato board ot education la hereby constituted ax officio the hoard of educational This aectlon took the place of I and I of the bill that house, and those sections ware reinstated by tb conferee, and final Blue Label, . ly accepiea ny ootn house with only the one dissenting vote'. pint bottle . The bill,- - therefore, which waa actually passed by both houses, though It waa not aigned by any of the Skaggs, finest whose signatures are required before It may become law. should hava lbs. quality, read: "Section I The board of educational 8-l- b. coordination la hereby areated to pail carry out the purposes and snforce Snow White . M . ioe provisions or this act. ma state superintendent of Instruction shall bs an- - ex public officio member of the board. I ne board of resents of the Uni versity of Utah ehall on or before the Slat day of March, 1M, appoint one member of the faculty of the University of Utah to ha a mamhar of the board. The board of trustees of tha Aerl. cultural ooUege of Utah shall on or before the list day of March. 1121, appoint one member of the faculty of the Agricultural college of Utah to oe a memoer of the board. "The governor of tha atata nt TTtah shall on or before the Slst day of March, 4921, appoint four member of the board. The term of office of me memoer appointed by the gov i ernor, commencing with the flrt day of April in the year In which they are appointed, shall b four year, and until the appointment and qualification of their respectiva successor. except that the member first appointed by the governor (hall be divided Into twd classes of two members each, and the terms of office of the ' m . said classes so first appointed shall be respectively two and four year, and nntll their successors are apr Small pointed and qualified, and their successors in office shall continue so cans . divided Into two classes of two member each, so that the terms of office of two membere shall expire every second year, provided, however, that no appointee by the governor to the board ahall be a memoer of the faculty or alumni of any atata educational Institution, or a member of the hoard of regents of the University of Utah or a member of the board of trustees of the-- Agricultural college of Utah. , "Revtlon 3 The atata superintendent of public Instruction shall be Strictly fresh, rye chairman of the board. The board large ranch, 2 doz. ahall choose one of its member to be secretary of the board." EaaenUaJy the difference between the two version Is not very There is every probability thatgreat. th . . . . men selected by the board of regents aim ine uoaru 01 trustees woum nave been the respective presidents of the :e cans, two. Institutions. Thene two men are already members of the state board . of education, ex officio, and the state superintendent of public instruction is ex omcio cnairman or the atata board of education. Inatead ot having four members appointedof by the governor, the state board education has six, appointed biennially in palre for terms EMA'LL BEEF, CHOICE BUMP PORK, LOIN The only restrictions placed on the governor In hts appointment to tha BOAS-TOAST state board of education are contained Per pound Per pound in the following sentence: . . . "In making euch appointments the governor is to be influenced only by of merit and fitness, consideration PORK, BEEF, SIRLOIN 9K and the appointments ahall be made STEAK wttnoui reierence to residence, STEAK Per lb. .. . I Be cuoatlon. party affiliation or sea" Per pound . . .. . If he knew that the membere ot the state ooara or eaucation were also BRISKET to be membere of the state b.umi BEEF, gfi HAMS, SWEET SUGAR educational coordination, the goverBoil Per pound nor's task of selection might be made CURED Whole or somewhat more difficult, but In any event the greatest of care Is demand. half, per pound ed at all time in the selection of FRESH "GROUND HAM. Kr.- A ,U t,lKt ' unpin tarn iiivi.iwBURGER AND SAUSAGE STREAKED SALT PORK late ooara or eaucation. ' state-support- i -- tax-pay- Lo-ren- e, n. y, BnCOfJ 15c POUND We are offering to our early morning Bacon shoppers, until noon, for 15 cents a pound. Don't fail to take advantage of our other morning gains, they are wonderful savins gs. Saturday Unusual Bargains Until Noon Catsup 25c 85c , Gutter 2 re $1.00 . Sep Cnreii Bacon K!1:?.':... ttirl. SMierPCTkROaSta Beef Pot Roast '.r" 15c 8c a 12c 13c Some Other Saving Prices Milk'.. . . 10c r. Lemons .v.'-SK- 5c 19c eiwT Oranges . . . C Cf 10c Jello . . . . Pineapple . . 33c 5k In Our Markets six-ye- 20fi .. 18c .. SHOULDER 4JB ' .. .. ..... JJ ... rTwo pounds. . J17 State 40 B. Main 65 E. 2nd So. . . . .. 25a Three Groups today for a view of the smart sport coats that have - been grouped for easy Come V n. , ..J . Per pound........,.,.,. I5e Horn;, Sofur Boos S31 1. Mais Demand 'Foley llls. Foley PHI, a diuretic etlmuhtnt for the kidneys, have brought relief to com kidney thousands of sufferer disorders caused through the Improver of these organ. Foley fllla working will prompuy iiusn me aianeya, uiere- by removing injurious, waste matter. K. No. IS. Mrs. O. C. Alexander. Montrose, Mo., slates; "I received the package of Foley Fills, and have been benefited by their ue." ereatly Schramm-JohnsoDrugs. (Adv.) . n. , ritES AND RECTAL TROUBLE cured without operation. I. K. Par sons. M. D.. 411 Cent. Bank Building. (Advertisement.) THE att..,i. $1975 $25oo Perhaps YOU have use for Long Distanc that, you have not realised at a cost well within your means?. . i ine Rlackffutt Ifr,,..,.,. down from the county (eat to give the degree work and a full attendance of local Woodmen turned out for the Many expressions of delight have been made that-- , this shop should have again stocked millinery. venlng festivities, Bute Deputy Paul Smith of Twin Falls was here to assist In the adoption of this lsrs-- rlaaa. anrf Htot. . Lecturer klnaev v. ,h. sembly an Impressive and Instructive talk on various feature of the ... ft DtaiM The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. A, L. CLARK, Salt Lake City bright hats at nl. Aa4 AS j I Mint er ' Q HEALTH iitTjooUVota- -4 hree " ce Polity - Oa Syeteaa Carrversal Seislee) 1 Following the Initiation Af tha n.ar member a social hour and r.fr..h. ments were enjoyed by let men who " had gathered for the occasion. Today we feature if Aberdeen camp No, 17121, M. W. of r& A., now boasting of sventy-o- n memnew spring ber and five mm annmv. datea, who are to be initiated at the $5.00. next regular session. Is the largest fraternal organisation In the community, and, having; set Its goal at 100, will continue to solicit memhera unlit that goal Is reached. The camn meet In the evenlnrs of tha regularly I and fourth Mnnriara nt hard and firm.' While not the' month thero has. been about sixty-thre- e month In the Odd Fellow hall. ..rl, becomesource of lime, the dried vegefactories opened up in Idaho and only tables ar well at the top of any list Utah and many other contemDlated. lime, and this fact, and whereas, farmers, banker, merfeaturing food too. must be taken Into account by chant and others are not familiar one who seek to weigh the advan- with the actual existing condition of of cheese the and any group Industry, which is this: disadvantage tage "For some time the production ha of foods. ! na w been the greatest in the trust very enougn that heavy, Finally, been said to Indicate the need lor history of the business, and the past accurate Information. - Tor clear-eye- d year more cheese has been produced for experience infoodvaluea than tne public naa been able to con Judgment,common 11 wo are iu sume, which has resulted In the accu ana for of cheese in cold storage, reap the fullest benefit from the use mulation which at this time consists of twenty-t01 a omer au ciassee of this irom million rounds, more cheese foodstuffs! 1 Stuart Winifred by Gibb) In cold storage than- - a year ago, and . fOOOSMCIAUST whereas, many public organizations (Copyright, 1524, by the MeClure. are THE STORY OF DRIED VEGI. enraged In promoting additional Newspaper oynaicaue. TABLES. plants; therefore, be it That we cutlon public "Resolved. To say that a nerann Mnaa iint organisation and the public against know beans" haa long been a popular of the cheese inextension a further method of applying a term of opprodustry at this time, which must re brium, but in very truth there ar in a still sult greater overproduction large numbers who actually do not and eventually , disaster; and be It know beans a they and their brother further legumes should b known bv those "Resolved. That the secretary of o ars Interested in tha formula. thta association le Instructed to give tlon of reasonable and affantlva Idaho, March M. POCATELIAJ, resolution publicity." this dietaries. tn True, we have alwavs been more nr The following resolution calling the overBIRTHS ANNOUNCED. less familiar with the fact that beans attention ofof the cheesetoIndustry In developing "fumlah." to n nut !.v.i l,ATTOX. March 4. Mr. and Mm. at a Irvln passed yeaterdsy Creamannounce the arrival of flclon. "the maximum of sensation Idaho was Kendall of the lntermountain tor tne minimum of cost," but. never- meeting a daughter at their home this association, composed of butter of Mr. and Mr. Fred theless, not many of ni taka tha ery and mornlnjr. cheese manufacturers of Idaho, Brown the arrival of a on at their legume or d.rled vegetable quite ao and ana wasningion: Montana Utah. as valuable their home last evening. seriously properties Whereas, in me psai deserve. The everyday and familiar memhera of the legume family are lentil, dried or spin pes ana navy ana lima beans Of later year there has been some considerable research on the food value of the sov bean, so that now we may count tha legumes as numbering five. in DasMng. it is but fair to note I! that tha mv ham ha. h..n nWlt,.4.ji and eaten In China for thousand of years To What an neans owe their renti- tatlon tor being a good "meat substi. tute"? I.arrely to the fact that they a r All Five Stores mag rich In protein or terial. Right here, however, I where the average person doe not truly KEE LEY'S WONDERFUL know beans. The Protein of bean Is not. a the scientists express It, comnlete : that la. although nutri tious. It cannot be used to. take the place of meat or milk or esse, ex cept as one member of a carefully lanned mixed diet, wherein Its def iciencies are made uo by other foods. The building material of the sov besn Is far mors nearly "complete" than that of the other legumes. Another interesting point In relation to the dried vegetables Is the fact that they eontsln a definite quantity of the tiny bodies called purine, those elements which form uric acid In the Get There '1 no Candy quite CDellcionslj frestt bodv. This, and the other fact that material of the legume "Candy like Xdalay's is. comDsred to tnat or meat, diffi cult of direst Ion. A dish of beans Bpeclal" habit with MiUt Chocolatee! A oat requires more of the digestion than tAOusands of others! doe a doxsu luscious varieties chop or steak; active exercise In the open is a help Tax a pound to th all In this Special In the digestion of beans. POUND The lexitmes have many attributes. loved ones st horn! your faTOiitasl however, that give them an honorable Eeg. 73c place In nrthe diet. For Instance, they are one tne richest sources or food Suy Early' tron which we know. Seven ounce Limited amount at thl of navy or lima beans will provide Special Price! sufficient iron to meet the dally re aulrement of a man. It ie reason able, however, to suppose that the in dividual will do better to vary the foode from which he makes up hli tron ration. On the Hher hand. and those of us soldiers, camper, who may be temporal-!'farlnr the necessity of obtaining a the maximum or eensation oi rood vaine aa wen for the minimum of expenditure, me take comfort In the thought that thla vitally Imnortant food aelt, the Iron own "tonic, may which Iv Nature be obtained o cheaply. Lentils, h the way, are the rich eat of all the dried vegetables In th's Iron. and this seems a good place for an other aside to the effect that fool Iron la far eoperlor to drug store Iron' It haa heen conclusively nroven that Iron administered as medtctne rather than a an Integra part of the food cannot be depended upon to "makr nor to huild waited tissues blcd' Theft there Is the almost' equally , Important lime, Preventive dentitry call for a diet AND 268 SOUTH MAIN AND WALKER'S STORE rich In lime, so 'that the teeth may f ' Bell System Millinery pa e tart frown J during the past two week, been aa- opecMn Headquarters Fowell tielmons and C. vf.uiuiii, representative, j, campaign aimrici local netted the isation a Claaa nt tnrlvn,... organ.L- ueies lor adoption, thirty-nin- e of were wT,m mutated and became member Wednesday evening, . ... . H.-H- of tha hong Distinct lines Toice-to-voi- 4 , . "ivumwiiiiD nriv. a, v & u w of Idaho, local campaign worksr have! ei Business deals arrlost because type left thi reader cold when personality would have secured the order. Loneliness for absent loved ones continues loneliness, despite letters faithfully sent, when a three minute Long Distance conversation would have been almost aa . good as a visit. sallw.. La Tkat ToIcMo-Toi- Jul , s1495 ABERDEEN, Idaho March 28. A Special adoption session of Ahantaen eamp HoMi, Modern Woodmen of America, held Wednesday sight in the Odd Fallow hail, marked the climax in lorward stride of that organlxa Lion eince IB, tilrth nf I. October, int. at which time the niem- roll contained only seventeen oersnip aamee, In harmony with tha ' almost limitless beyond many pfcpl. Tlmts without number po pie fail to think of distant relatives, business deaK etc, in terms of Long Distance or, thinking, to take advantage of this service on the thferj; that the cost is great Woolen fabrics-plai- ds and plain all pleasing new patterns. See these three special groups Rapidly Growing MlkgttUl No State Lines 'choosing. Modern Woodmen Isii Camp at Aberdeen ts ShonidaPort Roast nativ- Spanish-America- Eliminate Duplication in ' School Units. . Lard East Broadway. e-born Error Stops Creation of Board Designed to My N. L. WILSON. 18 rardmaster escaped. Bchnakenburg, who la a American and a Veteran of n the war, encountered the rjoldup men Just a he stepped out of his - automobile to. prepare the way fin- backing his machine Into tha garage. CarrylneT an electric torch In faia hand, he Inlaiulsd to place on a bos where It would light the way Into the Boh oake nouns' waa suddenly Confronted ty a niMked and armed man, who appeared from behind the ear and who ordered him to bold up his hands. Instead of complying, Schnakenbttrg at once charged tha man, aiming; his flashlight at the feUow'e head. At a distance of about three feet, Bchnak-enbur- g aald. the thug shot him, in the groin, and another man, who had appeared from around the machine, hit the wounded man in the face with some blunt Instrument, felling him. The thugs then ran down the alley, way. Ckltlnar for heln. flrhnaken burg aroused a neighbor, wtfo called the police. fichnakenbure; wat taken to the emergency hospital, where hi Injuries Ware dressed. The bullet passed clear through the fleshy part of the leer without breakiA ragged flesh wound ng1 the bone. was made, however, because of the bullet's first striking; a bunch of Irey In the left pocket of the wounded man trousers), wMch flattened the birtlet before It entered the lee;. Several of the key were cllppedain two vj me iorce oi me mmei. 29 1924. H Wrightsplncs at the Oregon bburt Une railroad, waa shot in the thigh and siutpred on. the bead la a battle with two thugs who tried to hold him up as hs arrived home from work shortly after midnight this moraine;. Has Mr. The stale board of, education .coordination, which failed of creatlor lb ty the 1821 )fjrtla.tur, ofalthough 1931 might jmbHshed session la lndicata otherwise, waa aa honest out attempt to ai,d carefully-worke- d rave tha atata of Utah and ha a very considerable amount of Money. It came In response to a de. mand. Insistent In thoae day, aol Insistent alnca. that duplication of .state expenses ba eliminated, so far as Is possible, with the rendition of the earn or equivalent service to toe :'. public djdx aot Wny tha 12I lerUlatur ravin the measure and correct tha legislative error which killed K can at this time only be incased. Whether rlshtly-'O- r wrongly anil perhaps some consideration may ban aucn a to question later mere given waa and la a feeling that aome courses of study and some depart-menare unnecessarily duplicated in the slate's educational machinery, H not la rtah vpopulus atato. there are classes at each of three Institution which In the aggregate would not be beyond the capacity of one Instructor to teach, then why not either release two of the instructor or turn their energies to some other seeded form of service? The simple appears Question But It. raises many others. enough. One doea not puxxle over It Ions; before deciding It would take considerable of the time of men thoroughly familiar with such matter. The bill which almost, but not quite, became law provided for Just such a survey. Former Representative 8. J. Quln-neauthor of the measure, oonnnns MORNINGS-MARC- Warning Against Overproduction of Cheese Issued - The vogue fof Suede is justifierl by its fine appearance and colors. Yon can easily, retain these colors by using Whittemore's Suc'dc "Stick Cleaner. Among the new colors are; Airedale Jack Rabbit Bombay Mandalay.;- - Tanbark lo . .rit.. . and many odiers. WKi tremor cleaners and polishcg ar toad for every kind of footwear, including kid, buck, n Slnoply tea bock, canvas, sMiode or satin abe your dealer the kind of shoo ytm wU tl aid. aad ask for the Whittemor) Jrn Ing for that purpose If h can't supply you writ us. ' SATURDAY SPECIAL A FEW OP THE WH1TTEMORE SHOE POUSH UNB Oil Pasta Shin Polish, Black, Brovm, Oxblood and Roseet. Polish end p arvtu. SuodedcM powder in prtnkic top handaoeaary mm. popular eolorm, Cor all ' smooth leathers, tnclodine aport hoa. Top Notch, white leather inmtng, for white ' buck, nobuck and toade. ' - fjWia """A aShnclean, whit kid dreesinc. GLlt Edge for ladies' and children' i fine black ahose. Quick Whit Lurnid for Canvas Shoes. Alba White, in cake form, for buck and c anvna. CIHiOCOLATES 5 body-bulldl- d ,1 ea' 8uxlollid(a),nneolot. Boatonian Cream In all the 1 I 1 I' "... jC r.-- J mm '(leaner ? ' "-- 1 11 (Iran kmmm CT,Ty ,L.rn-rra- 1 f Whittemore's Shoe Polishes TTaTTV YV ; - ARE SUPERIOR, |