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Show Thm Trmcnloa, Utah LEADER Thursday, November 29. 1962 Holiday Guests PORTAGE Of Relatives Visit In Portage For Holiday by Bin. 1rgH Harris Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Devere Harris were: Mr. and Mrs. DeLos Gibbs of Salt Lake City, Mr, and Mrs. Don Gibbs, MaLad; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Maughn, "WellsviUe; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cobia, Logan and families, Robert C Harris and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hyrum Gibbs, Port age. Mrs. Wendell C. Hall and daughter Brenda were Ogden visitors Friday. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. LeeRoy Pet tingill and children, Paula and LARGE MOVES OR SMALL.. m Jeffrey left .Friday for their home in Sells, Ariz., after spending the past three weeks with Mrs. Pettln gill's parents Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hams Mr. and Mrs. Clive Garn of Fielding and Mr. and Mrs Roland Hall and family of Bountiful were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Coombs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Allen and family spent Thanksgiv ing Day at a family reunion In Clarkston. Lorenzo E. Hoskins who received treatment at the Val ley Hospital in Tremonton for several days last week is re cuperating at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Afton Pierson in Plymouth. His wife is also Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashby of New Plymouth, Ida., visited with Mrs. Ashbs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Roderick Friday evening on their way home from Provo, Utah. Dinner Guests PACKING CALL C. R. Johnson TRANSFER CO. Logan Brigham City PA SK Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harris were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Madsen and family of Pleas-antview, Ida., and Mr. and Mrs. LeeRoy Pettineill and family. Other guests during the evening were Mr. ana Mrs. Lee Fuhriman and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Con Hansen of Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hawks spent Thanksgiving Day with their daughter, Mrs. Kent Lee and family in Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Callister and son Shawn of Logan were weekend guests of Mrs. Cal DON'T LOOK HOW 11 YOUR FAMILY RECORD PLAN STUDIO .. by Mrs. Wayne Fryer Mrs. Kenneth Germer was hostess to members of the Friendly Circle Club at her home, Wednesday night. Mrs. Edward Meeker and Mrs. Winford Barrus were welcomed Into the club. Dinner was served by Mrs. Germer, Mrs. Floyd Gardner, Mrs. Charles Norr and Mrs. Wayne Fryer. Mr. and Mrs- - Walter Sud bury were busy greeting friends in town, Monday. They came from Salt Lake City to attend the funeral services for Marvin Dustman. Mrs. Rupert Blackham re turned home this week after medical care in the Valley 7-22- 1 iii f-'- " DUKE PETERS r""' THIS BIG ONE'S IN THE LOW-PRIC- FIELD E CHRYSLER Ijfft The field is about the last place a traditionalist would expect to find Dodge. The Dodge name has been associated with the medium-pric- e boys since Hector was a pup. But the fact remains: the '63 Dodge Is priced down with good old cars "F" and "C". Now, you can stay with a low price and get a lot more car. The, ' name proves it: Dodgel You get the comfort Dodge is famous for. You get a smooth torsion-ba- r ride; experts call It best in the business. You get a V8 loaded for bear. famous 6 with the muscle of conventional V8's.) If that Isn't the (Or, two turn to other the green with envy, how's this for a clincher? Every enough 1QM nlHno la harlioH hv Jt rAtnltitinnarv naui mila uiarranfu tft a Mtarial mi aartirantMa aa 1MI tan kai Urn aivaM a avajrla auk tow MflnrM Ootff. Daarar! Wktwt miNkI rapacamanl a- raaarr anrwat cram tor rawHrai aara ar aaor tor t nan ar W.ooo Ma, mmm etrma at: aa fta ant ara aack, iMad and intaraai aarta; traMrrttnafl cm antf tatamat an (atcraant awnaat ckrfcaj; arajra aauaMar. arfara abaft anftwaal a- - Charm School And Personal Development Class Scheduled "By spending a little time with herself every morning in selecting the- proper clothes and putting on the correct make-u- p any woman can win admiring looks." That was the comment Monday from Marie Antoi nette of Darrell's College of Beauty in Salt Lake City iwho will conduct the Charm School and Personality Development class being sponsored by the Evening Education Program of the Box Elder county school district to be held at at the Bear River high school starting next Wednesday eve ning, December 5, at 1 o'clock in the homemaking department. The beauty expert explain ed that they would stress the golden rules of glamor in this class. The rules are to strive for good posture and physical condition, achieve grace in motion, achieve grace in repose, make the most of your face and hair dress to suit your face and figure, learn low-pri- but was able to return to work this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Udy and family were in Magna Sunday to get Mrs. Edith Atkinson, mother of Mrs. Udy, who had been visiting her sister for the past two weeks. When they took her to her home in Samaria, Ida., it was of great shock to learn that part of her home had burned Sunday Her morning. daughters, Mrs. Ray Udy and Mrs,' Vernon Lamb and a sister, Mrs. Jay Hess have been up to Samaria during the week helping her clean up and salvage what was not burned and badly damaged by smoke. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Nish Let's Talk to speak in a voice, and develop new ed lovli-ne- ss and charm by learning to focus attention on your best features. Some of the lectures to Box Elder county women will contour make-uemphasize Miss Antoinette said. Duke Peters also from the Darrell College of Beauty who will assist with the clasg will illustrate on charts as well as demonstrate on guests from the group how to apply make-uThe ideal is to apply make-u- p with such a deft touch that there is no mask-lin- e to hide behind. It should be impossible to tell that a lady is wearing makeup at all. And yet she can look better than she ever did fin lit ( For Your - naraitwl. an raai artiaal atani a to Datta CartiM Car Cart acMtoaa. FIELD IN THE CARS LIKE CF A FUU LOW-PRIC- E aaanap ar.na.rj a. naaa aaa aaaa aanrtwa" at (aaaaaata Manak I I And 40 North Tremoni Street Do you have a discount catalog that sells watches, diamonds, appliances, tires, TV's, radios, etc? You do? That's fine. So do thousands of other people. I had ten isent to me this year. Let's talk about the watches found in these catalogs, for that is my" business. Watches by the names of Benrus, Clinton, Waltham, Helbros, Hampton, etc., are found only in discount catalogs or discount houses. WHY? Jewelers won't handle them because these watches have blown wholesale prices when up prices and are "reduced' to you at know from experience. I RETAIL PRICES. This are you actually paying fur-nitur- p. e, so-call- This Is What I Guarantee before. . .. If you must order these watches, and think that you are getting such a terrific value, bring me the order number and brand and I will order the same watch for you at 10 below their wholesale cost. If I fail to do so, I'll pay you the 10 cost for your trouble. You must pay in advance for the watch, and we cannot guarantee it. It must be sent back to the factory if any defects show during the guaranteed period of one year. The first session next Wednesday evening will be an introductory class and beauty show, free to all, at which time those interested may register for the course. so-call- Palmer's Og- - NORTHERN STORE JEWELRY AND MEN'S WEAR FURNITURE'S - WIDE REDUCTION SALE STILL ITS PROGRESS ( NEEDS ( Phone Tremonton, Utah TEL. AL 7-68- S I D. C. Brough j ( Free Estimates ) REDUCED! l'l-Scilfc1 SiS S5l BUY A NEW ONE! iTT? S our unDeuevable low price sPrices j U to lOl iOT dJ jlSN 13! S'l TABLE LAMPS V2 ( PRICE GOOD SELECTION ( I Huge Assortment ) ( V ( VASES Regular $2.00 iSlSte LJ5!?LSLi xWI WESTINGHOUSE E3 ) J ) I REFRIGERATOR ( 13 2)C iJ Ml j I P-Zf- e' ' ( I $i ( OCCASIONAL CHAIRS cu. ft. Auto Defrost $400 Value ) 0NLY2a(S(l)00Ht - While They Last! 81 EVERYTHING Don't Recover Your THROW RUGS ') - BIG SAVINGS III EVERY DEPARTMENT WALLPAPER AL COUNTY FARM SERVICE, INC. ) PAINT gas-savi- (anradint tail cann). raar nM ana WATCHES p, ( A J Try Leader Classifieds m MARIE ANTOINETTE in Logan. Received Medical Care Drex Hess received medical care at the Valley Hospital during the past week. He suffered from food poisining Mf AL Call Mildred Bunnell Rep. Deseret Travel Bureau' Mr. and Mrs. Jessie 72 INTRODUCING as you spend NEW YEARS IS ALOHALAND Join your friends for a wonderful two weeks tour leaving after Xmas. Elmer Mahnke family of Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hadley and daughter of Thanksgiving dinner with his Earl family. are enjoying a trip to CaliMr. and Mrs Oleen Joseph-so- n fornia to visit Mr. and Mrs. honored members of their Appointment Keith Burn ham and their family at a pre Thanksgiving family. dinner at their home Sunday. Those present were Mrs. Maud Call, Mrs. Stella Jones, Mr. Leo Williams and son Roger of Malad, Ida., and Emily FROM DBDGEIL" Josephson from Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Udy and Mrs. Jane Hess spent Monday evening at Brigham City visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Wa Hess of Lewlston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Silvester of Riverside and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hess of Deweyville visited during the week DON'T LET THE NAME PLATE FOOL YOU... with Mrs. Jane Hess. Mrs. Stanley Peterson of West Covina, Calif., who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oleen Josephson, spent Tuesday with her sister Emily PHONE AL THE DEPENDABLES New Members Conley Rena Gorody of Wilmington, N. C, Miss Diane Costello of Powell Wyo, the Lyle Hansen family of Tremonton, the Boy Home For Thanksgiving C. Harrison's Studio I ...... - Deweyville Qui) Welcomes Two Sandy Beaches Whispering Palms Beckon Blue Skies Christensen family were guests at the home of Mrs. John Barfuss for dinner. Thanksgiving included Miss Other, guests Relatives Visit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ault were at the home of Mr. and PLYMOUTH Mrs. Duett ILoveland in Brig ham City. There were 23 family members present for visited Joseph Heusser in dinner, Thursday. Sunday, Mr. by Lavon Nish den Friday afternoon. and Mrs. Darrel Loveland and Too Late For Last Week Hazel Ransom Mrs. and Judy of Brigham visited the Aults. The Dee Williams family Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bowen were happy to have their and children of Kearns were son Greg home. He has been at the Clarence Fryer home in the Dee Hospital the past several days last week. They month suffering from Polio. were dinner guests, Thurs Friends and relatives were day, at the home of Mr, and happy that he was improved Mrs. Evan Sorenson in enough to be home to have LEFT WEEK DEWEYVILLE hospital. TO HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN FOR CHRISTMAS For daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Ward and other relatives. Mrs. Priscilla Maisie returned to her home in Ogden after spending the past three weeks with relatives here. there. STOACf ONLY lister's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Morris. Resume Studies j. C. Gibbs took his grandson, Dale Thomas to Provo Sunday evening to resume his studies at BYU after spend ing the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Thomas. Hia brother Stanley Thomas accompanied , them. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Con ley spent the past week in Idaho Falls visiting with their I Mrs. Barfuss The E EHJ ' - FiJMITME TREMONTON o |