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Show HELPER Hie JOURNA1 (Utah) PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, JULY, BENNETT PROTESTS by Nmiyy llnxf a wonderful SOCIEDAD MEXICANA The Sociedad Mexicana Cuauh temoc of iHelper held a 4th of July outing under the direction of Philip Montez and Francisco Vega. Members contributed soda, ice cream and sandwiches. Parti-pati"with the member, and friends were Colt League players who played a game that day. ir one'a Immune and our and Mrs Ernest Essman and daughter Shirley spsnt 2 weeks Mr PRETTY AND PRACTICAL set out to design nn item whose major aauut would Le its practicality. One look will show you that we succeeded in this regard. This flexible tote bag is the perfect place in which to stuff all the odds and ends that are absolute necessities for beachgoers you know towels, sun tan oil, make up, and the like. But the finished turned out to product have another outstanding asset as well. It's great looking and it's fish net effect makes it the perfect casual complement for all We . r m 1 your sports . outfits. OF CHANGE PACE It's construction and appearance make it a refreshing change paco for the needleworker who spent most of the winter' fashioning more conventional items for her home and wardrobe. The body is crocheted in a basic, simple stitch, with the bottom made firm by the use of a plastic plate. Make the drawstrings in the same or contrasting shade whichever you prefer and top them o .7 with decorative corks. This item is a perfect examplu of the great variety available to today's needlecrafters. Almost nylhiir; for the home or the wardrobe be it as traditional as a ilovely cuily, or as "avant garde" as this "way out" tote bag tan be made quickly and economically by the talented lady who knits and crochets. For easy to follow directions for this week '3 novelty item, just send a stamped, envelope to the ..needlework editor of this newspaper. Ask for leaflet No. 1215. t ' d Boat Registration Up For "rlLSS iMr and in vu iu-uu- u, .Boating Division of toe Stow ..rlc and jRecreation a t the vacationing in Seattle World's Fair, and taking in points of interest at Portland, Ore., and thru-oCalifornia. They return, j j j ut ed home Monday. and Mrs Leland Barrett of returned home Tuesday after a week's stay here sharing visiting time with their daughter Mr and Mrs Alden Christensen and family, and with a son, Mr and 'Mrs Keith Williams and family. Mr Provo, Recent visitors here for two weeks were Caren and Phylis Vignetto of Salt !Lake, who en- Joyed their stay with their father and aunt, Bert Vignetto and Mrs Bertha OTBerto. i ' ; j Local families who attended the Bextram family reunion at Palmara Park last weekend were the Km Carrs. Paul Youngs, the John Baysingers and Mrs Joe Carr and family who are visiting here from Syracuse, iN.Y. Also attending were the Waldo Gales. Mrs Estella Gale Mrs Pearl Gardner and Marilyn. Visiting here last week with the Eaquinta girls and brother Carl .were Mr and Mrs Sam Ea- quinta and daughter of Burbank, Calif. En Route heme they will visit in Las Vegas with brothers Joe and Louis and families. 'Mrs J. A. Greener spent last week in Salt Lake visiting with her mother, Mrs E. A. Smith and with son Darrell and his family. She returned home Saturday, bringing her another for a visit here. The past, with its gilt, with its Mrs Bonnie Pagano attended hipocrisy and its hollowness, its church and visited relatives in (lying conventionality, and its Salt Lake Sunday. pitiful cowardice, shall lie behind us like a museum H. Ibsen PASTRYETTES CUTJB H The (Pastryertes cluib met Last week we worked on books home of leader IMarilyn Gardner. Las week we worked on our book and recipe files. This wieek we went to the kitchen and prepared whole wheat bread. We had one guest this wsek. 1k Old 1imvc 4-- "Of course money doesn't grow on trees. The Bible told us long a tro it's a root." Mrs Francis Greenhalgh left W. S. Tomerlin of Saturday with her sister Mrs the Orchid Shop here, who have Vallee Hitchcock of Tacoma, MARGARINE CONSUMPTION vacation in Wash, who has been been on a visiting here Enough margarine was eaten visiting Ntattra are back for the past month. The sisters the jdb again. While in Texas will make their home together in in the UJS. in 1961 to circle the earth six times with Tomerlin attended special Tacoma. 1962 Season IBoating registration BACK TOMERLEN1S MRS YOUNG HOSTESS Mrs Paul Young acted as the hostess to the Thimble Club last Thursday night, Inviting Mrs Joe Carr as her special guest. All the ladies present enjoyed sewing, chatting, and the tasty luncheon served by the hostess. ng for your vacation mood. companion Utah (Mrs two-wee-ks liTexas yZ-o- one-pou- Com nd PROTECTS 100,000 JJSJJS 4-- W Condon irecl LltS ' ;" Mt! He! mC Nt! Mrfwrf PROPERTY Nt! ME!-- FREE Smator Wallace F. Bennett (R While an apartment or house Utah) has asked the Defense De- can be left for a weekend pleaspartment for a detailed report on ure jaunt without too many prea rumored purchase of 100,000 cautionary measures, wise home-make- rs will take special pains truclir from Japan. 'In a letter to Roswell Gilpat-ri- c, to see that all is well before leav Deputy Secretary of Defense, ing for an extended vacation Sen. Bennett said he has been in period if they expect their homes formed that the Department of to be pleasant to come back to. Defense is now considering purDr. Robert F. Prindle, Director chase of the vehicles in connec- of the Lysol Home Health Infortion with the military assistance mation Bureau, suggests the folprogram in Asia. lowing checklist of chores to be The Utah Senator paid the pur attended to on closing up: chase would be part of a conDiscontinue deliveries of milk, mail and tinuing program of purchasing ve hicLw (from Japan in connection newspapers. Ask your neighbors with military aid. He said, "I to keep advertising circulars off understand th3t the rationale be- your porch since any accumulahind this program originally was tion like this is a happy signal that Japan could more easily for prowlers and burglars, If you plan to be gone for produce the less complicated types of trucks required for this more than a month, have your disconnected area. Nevertheless, I am wonder- phone temporarily ing if the domestic automobile land arrange to have someone indusuy was given a full oppor- mowa the lawn, toas that, too, can the tunity to bid on this program. I be giveaway gentry. also wonder if the Defense Dethe vacation address, Give: partment has taken into consid' eration the changing conditions phone number and date of re- in the American automotive in- iturn to: police precinct (if living in a private house), superintend- dustry since the original decision ent tof apartment 'building), to Tt to me ems rp"hrrf. that with both steel and auto close relatives, near neighbors and post office. manufacturing plants being used Leave: house key neighbor or at less than capacity some way case of fire or other in Issuper could be found for America in. emergency; papers, valuables, dustry to produce these trucks." Sen. Bennett has recently been jewelry, silverware in a safety deposit Ibox; potted plants in a criticizing the Navy for purchase few inches of water in the bath of foreign steel to be used in tub. construction of naval vessels. Fol Turn: off all faucets in bathlowing a protest by the Senator, room and kitchen; shut off electhe Defense Department recently unless your tricity directed that steel for three miss home at its issource to remain loaded. freezer ile frigates to be built on the and bs West Coast, should be purchased Empty your refrigerator sure to clean and disinfect it with domestically. a solution of 2 of 'The purchase of trucks abroad Lysol disinfectant tablespoons of gallon per by the (Defense Department has water. Turn down automatic a direct effect uoon the American water heater to low, adjust heatsteel industry, the automobile ining thermostat to SS degrees to dustry and related industries, and save fuel if there should be a I think the 'Department of De- cool spell. Turn off pilot light on fense should pive very careful gas stove. study to any tlan involving such Store: garden furniture, tools, purchases," the Senator said. children's play equipment inside the house or garage. if dust is Cover: furniture per person more margarine than greater hazard thanonly who burglars butter each year. j ' j "When a roan's wrapped up. in himself, he makes a pretty small package." can spot an unoccupied home from Clean; the House, not only to discourage pests, but also to make it nice to come home to; mothproof wollens, including carpet. One more thing: 'be sure to make provision for your pets If they are not accompanying you. It does seem incredible but SPCA reports that each year vacationers callously leave cats and dogs behind to fend for themselves, which most of them are not able to do, having been cared for. Many end up as a public nuisance after having been pampered With all of these pre vacation chores attended to have a good time, free from nagging household worries. dust-wrappe- rs. light-fing-!er- ed MAN or WOMAN BUSINESS A New item. First time 'offered. Start in spare time if satisfied then work full time. .Refilling and coUectinfl money pom bulk machines .in you this area. To qualify must have a car, ref- erence $400 cash to' secure territory and inventory.. . (Deposit secured by written contract.) Devoting a few hours a week to business your end on percentages of collect-Ion- s should net approximately $117 monthly with very good possibility' of taking over full time. Income increasing accordingly. If applicant can qualify financial assistance will be given toy Co. for expansion to full time position with above average Income. Include phone in application. Write Box 1&0, Helper, Ut. tf 44 4-- LET US COVER YOUR HOME CRANE QUALITY Tro-cade- ro iSATTH TOUR MAPS & SCENIC COMPLETE 3-PI- ECE SET DISCOVER UTAH! ALUMINUM SIDING smart, sf on Youth in 1050. "When htive any op? re "time; I eni'iv vhltin? my sister and her pnn sometimes 'family nt .enjoy a rnmo of golf. y on fuel bills. ...Costs ...less than three paint jobs' Pays for itself in a matter of a few community served as a deles''' to ths White House Conferee, T. (bTAMPti shoppers throughout f viOEY FOB n. NOTICE OF SALE OF TRUCKS .. Jf . .City Recorder SS5.00 VALUE . See VESTINGIIOUSE QUICK RECOVERY Water Heater ! only PER SQ. SEE US FGR - at - 37 East Main PRICE, UTATI Phone ME 7-02- 63 $f.95 Outsido Applicators rcnx WELSH MOTOR CREDIT CO, $139.95 REPEAT SPECIAL We Will Not Be Undersold By 14 , LET US ESTIMATE NOW SPECIAL PRICE CAR irc1per City is offering for Sale: . One 1919'Ford V8 Pickup Truck. V-One 1952 Ford 8 Dump Truck 1' ton P'Ci for the purchase of these trucks will be accepted at the office of the City Recorder until 5 p.m. Thursday, July 26,, 1962' Bidders may purchase one or both. Joseph Bonacci years. EXCEPTIONAL Complete One-Sto- p ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS Service - Planning - Financing - VALLEY. - Building BUiLDERS " BUILDERS HEADQUARTERS " 42 So. Carbon Ave Phone 637-049- 2 .. Own Your Own , Saved by thousands - PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES MIND OF WORRIES TRUCKS JAPANESE classes to ,bmsh BAKERIErTTES H packages. Consumption of marftoral ' was five times, greater 4-- H on the latest trends in flower garine, inUf 'CI enThe Bakerettes group 110,746 boats have 7? 's, the year than in the during a hike to Rock joyed Elephant toe first been registered as which was before the modOBerto and and a ipicnic lunch on July 13, week;u July ud AJdJnO. ITay. tav. under supervision of Leaders ern processing methods that have h ward, ark Americans h Nevada Marilyn Gardner and Marge (Der boosted (production. on a w of Calif., and, Grants Pass vo?. The event was climaxed eat an average of two pounds "'(parts wen al8a',visited with with the girls " V playing outdoor "With the boating season now Sehiro at night games at the Gardner home Vincent Mrs well undeiway, .we believe we.. wj raus. have most of the boats in Utah BAiKERICTTiB TEA registered. However, there mayl The iBakerettes H club gave be a few still unregistered, and iamount coated in a Tea and program, for their we urge boat owners to get their fees s0 ter ftU mothers on July 16, at the. home .equipment properly registered to came3 to $54,000, Mr Hayward of Leader Marilyn Gardner. The .avoid citations and fines,' Mr j nofced AU tWs money is spent food was prepared and served IHayward said. 'Many new water for tne bmeat of by the (members of the club. , avad-facilities have been made in develaprnent of boating facil- oie curing xn,8 pasi row years iUes and administration of the ANDREINI and boaters are making exien boating laws of the state, with from Page One Continued aive use of thorn," he added. iparicular attention being given to for Jack Dempsey, heavyweight enforcement. boating safety champion of the world. "This increase in boating reg- boxing After ill years at Coal City they istration so far this year is eight moved their business to Helper percent ahead of last year," Mr in 1938 operating a store in the with Hayward said. rock building formerly owned: by the Quilico brothers. After AND PROTECTION LASTING BEAUTY two years he discontinued the Ar Msgr. Dowling business and purchased the Continued trom Page One Club on Main Street. He Lake, remaining there through and his sons operated this busthe year 1861. iness for nine years, selling out On January 1, il52. Reverend to work ior the newly organized Utah Bottling Co. of Price. After GUIDES Dowling returned of to Carbon St. Anth- two years (in 1949) he and his County as Pastor SATISFACTION GUARANTEE ony's Parish. During his admin- two sons started the new firm istration here the parish has Eastern Utah Tobacco Co., sup-lie- rs grown in imemibership and in of notions, supplies and iphysical plant. One outstanding specialties items for firms in the monument of progress in the Carbon area. is the Convent building In 1956 he retired, leaving the parish There's a wonderful world of erectod in 1958-&- 9 and dedicated busniess in the hands of Clede GUARANTEES SATISFACTION and Rudolph. things to sec and do right here August 16. 1959. In 1958, Rev. Dowling was Since retirement the Andreini's in our own beautiful stale and naoTKJd Domestic Prelate with the spend much time keeping up the now S&H Green Stamps make "Guarantee" by Good Housekeeping rank of Monsignor by the late and flower garden, and it easy to plan auto discovery Pope Pius XII. On October 12, yard off as often as postours for a day, a weekend, or of that year he was installed in sible to do some fishing. GUARANTEES SATISFACTION this high office by the Most Rev- Both sons are marrted 'Dolph' longer. erend iB'hoo Duane G. Hunt of lives next door to the folks, and Get free S&H Tour Maps-detai- led the Salt Lak2 Catholic Diocese. Clede lives across the tracks on ON VVEPCO for every part of the The parish which serves the D Street. state, plus handsome souvenir Helper, Spring Glen, Kenilworth, The couple has four grandchilSpring Canyon and Castle Gate dren and three scenic booklets, at service staareas, has about 2,000 members tions where you sec this familiar Horizontal or vertical siding. 7 "home apactivo in the church. "We're going to coast along to S&H Green Stamos sin. Monsisnor Bowling, always the 60th then to 75 th, Eugene proved" colors. Will save up to 30 a year interested in the youth of our remarked at the interview. Tjr5Z 1ie Old im&c JFSS contagious. designers Summertime's contracted this delightfully infectious disease. That'i why the needlecraft accessories that they've dreamed up contain unmistakable reflections of the gay, curefree mood of this happy season. Today's desigrn a perfect example of the spirit we're sneaking of is a crry-al- l heach bag which makes ' CHECK IOti 1&02 19, PURCHASE OF No PRE-VACAT- Price, Utah 1 |