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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH the chief gnijMriert. Sirs. 51. and Dr. A. Z. Tanrer cap-;jj j rst j r.;es and Mrs. I E. f u .on an j Rotert iWrkin were the i r' i i, nt. the booby prizes. M yiuith R ft for Shan.ko, ' r gun. t yy ;j fcSsjst ia trail- Items taker! from The uf . mently purchased by years ago, dated. June li, the L.l tn Ran, hir.g company to its . ran. h I I'liAnercial club met Tuesday Hr The agiution wtah has bwn ram. ecr..:,g t0 eon.ider the stale road pant in Dans county f.,r the putt r "t on. The general sentiment of th luefc? un '.tu i lab was to the effect that it was high sxhoxd has at Lst a XKr time to talk of a coand the school will U i building n rn, nt r,ad through The ville on a spot that county while ri um in tbe outlying distrurts were center o' , ' r su, h d.re n,-of roads sufficiently school population of the vy other produce. V f 'HU school buildir g will be i.K.ud at t! cl i ih, the president to mtrutted south edge of Kajsv:l!e ,;y um .,n .n itation to the state read property acquired M, n n .... ri to meet in laiyton at a Reeves, Wilcox, lajtou Urnt. , t t .t , otixenient to them, that Mrs. Susannah Burt.r 1,- . T ." a I'l.n might present their every way desirable, U i ? ;,H i the Bamberger Klein,, fc.j J1 proposed right of wax ,,f t"n, arming ton K Power & light Ka.lisx (i oh was entertained at ru,r. from Salt Lake Cit of Mr. Georg. na Holt Fri-- ' Th,. ,u g her birthday. The nuW. h. eight and .. - vxeie high and sightly atid oxtrik i tastefully decorated in !' i 'lot. A de!u ious dinner valley farms and the (Irxa: a!t Lk, . rxed Tho.e Morton, Sterling present were the j.,.n of Mr an' ' KKia Hess, Zilliah Man-- , Mrs. John Morton, ar, i Mi.k I,, W G Potter. Irta Bourne, Smith, daughter of Mr. an i Mt, ' i se.-nel Smith, were married m the te ns, Alice Edmonds ani Vue 'tella and Inez Potter pie at Salt laihe toda Th, R au Y From the Reflex of Ten Years Ago LAYTON d I flflaeaw of wxA. r.f.x uNumf. ctjcioo -f U rarjpsi. W14 n. Oiwia 6hort x u- L b- i. W. T - Scoffitld Ka Mcepted the Adam A Son .tor. Id Kotins, daughter ef Mr. and Dan Solhvac to the Salt Lake , ivfii frn ome land of the Steven SelTndwntemplate. build- - raong th 1921 of the Uwireiwtj of JjJtirg clas. . Whiteside receive j!.in economic. t degree r U Whitesides, principal of the r.vilie Junior high school, has gone attend um-Ws wheretheheL.wdl C. A. school at PT Kr Urion left last with two carload of beef for Omaha, Nebraska, where to d.ipos o t them. West Layton ward entertained v Hortense Green at her home evening. Mis. Green will June 18, for a Wednesday. next u.v, eastern .tatea, ibxssiob to the 1 farewell dance will be held for u Hortense Green Friday evening the Latona hall. The White City Jchestra' of Ogden will furnish the crowd ia expected. bum end a large West Layton M. L A. girla shower ned at a miscellaneou T. kiss Susie Egbert at her home evening. Mis Egbert will be tSSd to Ove Inkier f Salt Lake Salt Lake tem-pjext Wednesday in the jy Kay i en-ta- ta k, East Layton M. L A. girl entat a miscellaneou ihower Scoff leld at her home Morn Mr. for Mr. Scoffield ww Tuesday evening. presented with a iplendid dinner et. he evening wa spent in games, f by a delicious luncheon. )tr. and Mr. E. G. King will leave CalifSunday for a ix week trip to ornia. They will drive to Oakland, CaL, where they will visit with Mr. and Mr. Spencer D. Adam and will then visit the other coast citie. They will return home the week of July 24, vW the Oakland ball team comes to Salt Lake City. The ertained ed Mr. and West Point i : purchased n, tf d nJtlJr William L 1 sj ft. i UiVrVeast f e or v'-i-ori i. u-- if &wd e H. Mr. J. E. Thurgood of announce the engagement Louisa, to Syvil Bishop and Mr. Erhard Scoffield. The marriage will tab place in the Salt Lake temple Wednesday, June 25. The young couple viH Bake their home in Salt Lake ef their daughter, J, Scoffield, eon of July 15. The Layton chapter bf the Service Star Legion met at the home of Mr. Orsoa Layton last week and elected th following officer fof lhe ensuing year: President, Mr. Ruth Layton; 1st vice president, Mr. J. E. Stevenson; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Adah Sandall; 3rd vice president, Mr. Mate) Jones; 4th vice president, Mrs. Elizabeth Green; 6th vice president, Mn. Laura Layton; secretary and tmasrer, Mrs. Msry Ramsey; histo-raCity after . - one-ha- Mr!. Wdtam Wad J o?. ( ke C.n, I't.iM, ,f Too, P. n, and spec fa atiunrTsTfetr is g with her ster. Mra. 1. n. m. Index, June d . in tre ffie f state lba i Corrmt 'h is ,1 - 4 get e t.urk. for a few dots 1 lit ph tt tuH pa k !y Lake Vy. Cth, and th ei ,.1 s o,, Mr. and Mrs. Waiu.e lh'ur- c w i b .n g trie resuifa I. g the ' ir e of the Ifuieaa xf Pal :c Roads, iiij t .. k n re h, re. Fi!dju.r aie vsitsrg Th- - idove p.ans and j av niefit, U t iiicii laUn Ocdt r. Ctah. Herald t'laia rtU.iT.xd home fron ' j RaiUx.d, e u.xatiom, inay le obtaimd at th Da, .s e oi.i.ty. Feu, r Ptoo Tuesday where he ha U,n t d Pre.n t No. 5.1. i State R..., i t xoarus-io- n rliioi oa tea.h.r g in the bus. tic as department X.f $ i.ud ad lit tonal ia-- 1. Ay of the 11 Y. lh i ii'ati-i- i may !. aturu from th 5!i.s Mary M.l.aid spent a f, a 1 ito.f !oke City, ng.reer at m a!t Lake week as gu ?t Irish. of friends. 1 roe riaht to rejx. t any or all bid Mrs. Avery Woodruff is atten ! rg s fe.xrvtd. t'a.'.n xr irt.fied check Sihmd sumrmr at the state univer.,t f r f i.asi oil made p.ajable to Utah 5'r. a Mr. Carl lies. and Mr. aal 'tale Road Commission must a'cora-- 1 Mr. Ijoahert and son wete guest, a' ea ll bid a evident of good t h tries Holt home Sunda. th aith anj a guarantee that if Mr. Edna l !ak Kmk.xn U ft Patavxardid th, cotitiaxt. the biddx-- wiU I)!. ur j for Chi ago to join tier ha.t an 1 he 1x1 gth ef load to le .; ihe iot'tiax--- t and give bond a ltd. I, t j , wh ' is attervduig suiunur sxhmd Here d , r ,isi roved is 4 11 n.iles a i ti.c lx i'l.red. eriixipa! .Urn. of wxrk an j mv "TTE 1 RO VD COMMISSION. iMsttlv a fiows B .I'Ll 1, rrxta l!,tK ON G PLrLRSON, IMRROMVG Cl E KK1F1 D td., varl', for concrete trje, s he W oxhIs lYxss tanmng hairmao. uhu vris lornix-tf t R D C. MKWS, HOW is tiik.ig nuptovements in iis Cnwr pavei't, Ct type d. aal t ms of tda, k ft rd t that wiii purdt in the foix Krgmeer, a! Oil June fr, i aiiioi g the famous eu annero . t'a m and 4 4 p ,j'are Vxri- - ti'i.m, First r r pvdl Last ) ubltx'utnii Jat.x 1, i.d4. of I ah. Grading table., a largx n-a- -- J 1 c--f ds i 1 Mi.. Iaiui.se Moon. We.-Poin- -- I . Mrs. Maud Ririe, daughtr of 11, .h op and Mrs. David E U, ton. of accompanied t her l:!le,h.ld. arrived from her honu- in Ra.Mnor.i Canada, this morning to ,Mt wuh lu - 4 . extends congratulations d - r ' i I Cook. j-.- i.-.-rrt 5 . bl.i'ohtr. a nusieni grader, togefhxrj W li oi. . id. Table othx-exjuij luelit 1. b g installed so that the season . n mo l'gin txmxrr,w r x NnilCE TO CON 1 K A CTO US of Ctah, Of fixe of State Road C o in ..ion. Salt Lake City, Utah. s a'ed bids will be meived by the S.,tx Road Coninussion, of Itah, t, parents, relatrxes ar.d friend. Master Kenneth Sheffi, Id, s..n .f Mr. and Mrs, II. J. Sheff.dd, Jr, entertained a number of h boy ami gir! schoolmates at a party on hi l',:h birthday, which came on Monday of this week. It was a jollv time the youngster! had at the Sheffield home There were eats m abundame ami games galore. Master Kenneth had the honor of graduating from the Mh grade in the public schools before his 15th birthday. He will enter the new Central high school this fail. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox on Thursday, June 11. a sou Mother and son are doing weil. The state engineer has approved the claim of the Davis and Welter Counties Canal company to additional water from the Welter river. In ad 'dition to the prior claim of the company by which they are allowed to fill their reservoir to the hundred foot mark they will be allowed to take all the water they can get after allowing 250 second feet for other parties It is now probable that the canal company will raisd its dam at the reservoir an additional 25 feet, doubling the present capacity of the reservoir whicn is about 14,000 acre feet. Layton The Davis county cannery opened its pet season Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ilarrod entertained a number of friends in honor of Mr. and 51 n. Fred Major. Cards Round T rip Summer Excursion I j F 31 eS via Union Pacific System Daily May 15th to September 15th September 30th BealJOT of n Tke wk. To POINTS E5VST To POINTS WEST Daily May 22nd to Know the. CONVINIENT SHELF DOOR MtJ tkmm m mImmi itam- - ' zzvrzx llifeeMll i ! to to. rflw 4 hot V -- Cooking Limits October 31st Routes Stopovers-Divers- e f FAMOUS SPEED UNITS pawMiUioo wbii, Hoepotat , c Vtuyat arf lit Iferife 4 am W 1 Wo f4 Ptr ,l ir. I SrVSn.n?Uk Jt XI rr b 3'A history maker MAKES OLD EYES Th Worlds Lugo v Producer of Quality Automobile Still on the Job and roinz Strong daw of Material, 1.R8 Workmanship, Price to all the best post orders receive attention, and C" possible re-SS- k! VENDER LIKE NEW a history maker the STUDEBAKER Light-Si- x fine six cylinder car under 3,000 pounds at a price. with car A followers, imitators and adapters by the score but with no rival in quality, popularity or sales volume. It is st31 the Leader! A car built to fulfill the ideal of producing the greatest automobile value in the $1,000 field the car which started the stampede from fours to sixes. 'K car witB a s pecixUy designed offset valve motor of re- markable quietness, economy, freedom from vibration and with tenacious resourcefulness of power cm the hills, the straightaway and the pickup! A car comfortable, roomy, very easy to traffic in or parking long lived, low hantg on the road, in costs. The marin first cost and especially low in who wants all the car ket's one best bargain for the man 9 he can get at about $1,000. . A car that is ah investment, not an expense, because it' can be bought on very liberal terms,' sold or traded in at a very high resale value on a market always ready and wait-ing for a used Light Six Studebaker its popularity and dwrunJ as a used car are the most convincing evidence of its goodness as an automobile. THE Cit and Publo nd Denver. AH rfpair Naytvide Back a avary alaatrta taaia wa all ta aar laa aa wail-- k awi aar.l.a, and still the Leader! daily TetWeeU Hie Old Reliable SHOE lkaaafiUlf UTAH POWER &UGHT CO. MmciMMT rvtuc tixvicm v minutes at the King-iS'-v ,CaIl on nearest Rio .i0T detailed fares, train nd reservation. J-- on muat reasonable terms 1 -- good-lookin- Grandma or mother will enjoy every hour of the day if she has the proper Glasses to help her see her work. The expert care which we use in testing the eyes and grinding the lenses makes Old Eyes . likeKew. ENSIGN HERRICK MANUFACTURING 352 Twentj-faart- h St. OPTICIAN Ogdra g, -- up-ke- Sj :i All womaa kaaw tbara la a waa-rf- al aexiaomr at tlma ta aala aa alactrto raaa. It raltaaaa yea at tka aaa la watch tka maal whll, cook In. Tou mar cook aad at tha aama tlma ha 4ala aomaiklng alaa tivit yoa kaew that lactrte raaktnc coat a laaa tbaa aoaklna hr athar atalbodaT Wa hava takaa bill af aar wwi ttima-Mrang aaara avar a parto af a yaar. Tha avaraga waa Q2Kt trains through the Reyai Un cheAii u Bo you know (his? Final return M;rerated Sunday, June 1, 6:00 P- nrnnriil UkS 30 5 ,T,veI P. nu, traversing tlw Colorado Rockies by daylight Two m kualva6partaalt) aJ-w- ait Balance A id'-tr- aa aur Sara M maka a raalltf af tka kltrkaa a tkalr iraaiaa rarfacilaa la aoakary la tka traalaal Sails kt far wtaiai wha rla IkaaNlrei aa tha liihat wklok graaa kae taklaa It ta mra aaail, abtalna arltk aa alaetrlo ranta. baoaasa II la Mrfaatlr aaatralla. It la aaag aa(a, aaavaalaat aa l,aa aa aakaa, aa aat. aa aaaaka, aa fumaa' prwaaata Excur-tick- et 'r SI. New Daylight .PANRAMIC SPECIAL ' (reef. ku ta Navar SPENCER General Paaaenger Afent Salt Lake City D. S. -- OnlySiDown via Denver & Rio Grande ter Railroad to Pacific Coast nation will be on tale daily, May to September 30, inclusive; to east-- C nation. Msy 22 to Septem-- w YU't U!ve Stopover permit- i. 55 1 '1 IU I Saturday of Summer direction. x Consult Local Agents for further details 4mm, Prof. Emil Hansen, land-- 1 gardener front Utah Agricul-m- u college .will be in Davis county viit Individual home grounds and puM grounds with a view of making argmions on the planting of tree nd snrubt. We can handle about ttree public and about 16 ground koine ground. If you want hi serv- let n know t once. Mr. Hnen considered the best In the western wntl7 along his line. He is working 7 county of the state, so he can limited number in each wnty. Request must be lent to W. tkayne immediately, krdured Roandtrip j , Thursday, Friday and week i - Landscape Specialist Is Coming to Davis it , Pl-A- 1 a, Mrs. Louise " 1 - 1 !f S- vtti touring car $1045: o.b. factory JOEL R. PARRISH & SONS, CO. Agts. Woods Cross - phone Bountiful - Centerville 81-R- -4 ep P a a 5 5 TEAR OFF THIS COUPON wad mail to STUDEBAKER, Sowtb Bod, lntrting book, "Motor Yalwcs," whkb you abowld bar. Indian, for e Cal Kom. AdJrooo. c ' azu tLtisiv ' a . . tut 8aw-noj?esBiaswiBJjBiix- " a |