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Show First Application Relieves Itchy Skin Rash Also Helps Promote Healing Medicated Zemo quickly relieves itching, irritated skin. Then Zemo helps nature heal and clear red, scaly skin rashes externally caused. For fast relief, get Zemo Ointment or Liquid. ODRINEX contains the most effective reducing aid available without prescription ! One tiny ODRINEX tablet before meals and you want to eat less - down go your calories down goes your weight ! Thousands of women from coast to coast report ODRINEX has helped them lose 5, 10. 20 pounds in a short time - so can you. Get rid of ugly fat. and live longer ! ODRINEX must satisfy or your money will be refunded. No questions asked Sold with this guarantee by leading drug stores. i; BEAVER COUNTY ANNUAL ;j DEMOCRATIC STEAK FRY Saturday, August 10, 1974 , '; '! 7:00 P.M. $1.50 Per Person 1 ! At the Big Rock Recreation Area , 1 1 Bring Your Own Steak and Eating Utensils i ';! LUNT MOTOR CO. : 'i Selling i1 !; DODGE CHRYSLER DODGE TRUCKS . j! ! RANCHO TRAILERS and CAMPERS ! DEPENDABLE USED CARS J I; SEE VEE WADSWORTH . ; Phone 586-6591 or 586-9636 PONY EXPRESS DAYS ELY NEVADA Operated by Ely Elks Lodge No. 1469 FOnTY -sSt HORSE vCvfckSS RACES C- Post Time JlfeSj 1:00 p.m. io races daily AUG. 17, 18 & 24, 25 7 FEATURE RACES 7 PARIMUTUEL BETTING With United Totalizer TOTAL'PURSES $20,000 $400 Minimum . iff-- -zrt$ , i ' f ' 7 i r, n . Judd Dority, laborer in Salt Lake City, Utah. We can handle it.$ffi the Union Pacific railroad people 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Those Times You Suffer Acid Indigestion, Painful Stomach Gas ...this is 'Gasid Indigestion.' Take DI-GEL for Fast Relief. DI-GEL" gives more complete com-plete relief because it does what plain antacids can't. It reduces excess acid. Also contains con-tains Simethicone to get rid of gas. too. Heartburn, gas, bloating bloat-ing 'go fust. Get DI-GEL. ( washing A i mid SMALL -Haed BUSINESS ggB I Will Thev Learn? I fmm win?.., .( LET US FIX YOU UP WITH AN $ It's Hudi Better ' SPBCIAL Slfe I X ' ' ft Safe Than Sorry 'fc . ' h ns!. Find it; fix it; drive in safety. II "' -' f f That's the theory of our U LJD J - l.fj special diagnostic service. We Have A Full Line Of ) Wi We test and tell you. Deci- TUNE-UP PARTS Z i X srf7t (L sions are yours. A Goo Tune Up WU, GWe you 'VU ,,. , Better Mileage - . Mfoy's CHiiOTiH) Ssirvfe "WE TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR CAR" PHONE 387-5566 MIDDLE OF MAIN STREET MILFORD, UTAH In the past few months there has been a number of events which should cause some of the nation's biggest manufacturers to wonder whether they should continue to try and have their cake and eat it, too. In this period something close to a dozen of the nation's blt discount chains have gone Into the bankruptcy courts. This probably proves out the say. ing of Abraham Lincoln about the inability to fool all the people all the time. The discount chain was primarily pri-marily based on two points. One was the merchandising of cheap imported goods, at a long profit. But in order to induce store traffic, it was necessary to "hot shot" familiar American brand items. Unfortunately for them, many American brand manufacturers manu-facturers permitted the discount dis-count chains to "football" their products around, and now they will probably only collect from the bankruptcy proceedings a few cents on the dollar. In the meantime, they have also succeeded in turning into shambles a large segment of the Independent dealer support they once enjoyed. Probably the major reason for the debacle of many of the defaulting de-faulting discount chains is due to inflation overseas, and the devaluation of the American dollar, which cut off the unlim ited supply of cheaply priced foreign goods. Without these long profit items on the imports, and unable un-able to boost prices to a normal level on the American brands which had so long been cut-rated cut-rated to bring in the traffic, the end was inevitable. It Is also unfortunate that many Independent suppliers will be hurt as the cases of these bankrupt discount chains wend their slow way through the courts. But as a poet, or someone once said,- every cloud has a silver lining. Thus, if anybody has learned anything from these debacles, there could be a silver lining: Time alone will tell If this silver lining develops. It is possible pos-sible that in the board rooms of some American brand manufacturers manu-facturers there are some pene. tratlng questions, being asked. In permitting discount chains to "football" their brands, did they not sell their birthright for a mess of pottage? Is not steady, growing dependable market expansion better than a flash in the pan? And if the corporate management manage-ment does not reflect on their past folly in trying to have their cake and eat It too, it seems high time that the stockholder stock-holder should ask some pertinent pertin-ent questions. NOW PLAYING at th F1RI.1AGE THEATRE Bemver, Utah Show Time 8:00 P.M. Wed. thru Fri., Aug. 7-9 BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE Rated PG Sat. tnru Mon., Aug. 10 to 12 SUPER FLY T.N.T. Rated R Coming Tuesday, August 13 "THE CONVERSATION" i National Federation of Independent Business |