Show DISCOURSE rf rr pret fret dont dout d nt Jed jedediah edlah M X grant graut Ti bernacle tabernacle sov nor 2 isoe isze berot D BY MY GEO D WATT 1 I 1 abw alays ys ape regret ret yet that circumstances shoud 1 n i sr ir to call C f ifa ira ra our Pre president aident remarks like a w ut of those he ads v da moved upon to make this loo aioo i oo 00 bu is it ich loll ii circumstances do occur 4 0 e s in izilar ilar liar ri re aris larks must be made 1 V an indi il I 1 have been ard and am very pry c a ii ia ilon to the imiri i atton atlon row low i the plat s their situation is very disi r n ard arid aid alveral s viral have died in br wil wll leys les tes r i y si had died before the brethren I 1 c ci d J r reach rach ach tl in n and a few more died du during 1 b hirs firs give five d i after they met them the r 1 ilg 0 c r ii iu had ec e cc urit ered cod cold and storms aid alfi jinn jine v ry stori y diy daiy d i which bich caused nearly c fc th i rj rd of the eiel eee lei hi its that ila lla had ad h ippen ipp ened cd I 1 they bad had ii na heinous or contagious di dibeasi seass s b ston storia 3 cime came and theair the air ain was very ver ser c e i i as a m r of course some who were fa ei with h tott toil and anxiety cf of the johir n v ik i k und and r the he inclemency of the el 1 ril rii I y were wera vi era ere fu fir i h id hd d by those hat that returned to maith ties ines c clothing lothing i and food they w V net not entina v dettl destitute tite of provisions pro when hen oe t r ii lin in i n te to is 11 met inet them their rations it t I 1 ci tik c itin were wera w r more than those of the i re pa rea ea 3 in a 1 nce ance of th n when mt nit olt hy hoy bad hid ni illy lily 40 pounds of sea bread breidi bu tt r last rations rio s of flour had hud been dealt 0 0 the 4 he eve i g 5 previous 11 r willies willes c lany ipaty was met with on the vy ta r crossi crossl of sweet water but the wh va re of the ox trains and the hand e company in rear of br wilie wuie aro arc yet un h X w to us X e bave have nox some sone teams out ont to ne rae th hm m a A sine were only prepared mithi with I 1 a v daa dja da a for fir ye ie for ardinas it will bet bei be he tic iry for an fn i ie e teams to RJ go to their relief relle w v i iraln irain erlin a 1 hav to sus an tin the animals i a at y v serit sat t or they will alil de d e I 1 h 1 id been cold encil e anh tuh h to freeze OT av tie tte ite swei water V iter I 1 me tion oti this tint thit voli ou aulty know h v th stood in that r i i and a 11 i animals ati ar ail mals mais h id been frozen frozell to de a 0 it i is a w i r where i here thy th y are and thy th thy y ar uto cco ece cil cli ally lally i the cod cold and s ow was 4 e r one foot fi lla ep p and as tb thy thy y went east it ar tr e red to g ow deel de er e it i s made this morning as a md mj pr of coi cot ri s would wohld only ony oay be treas treasured dred ared up by those who had in in them the spirit of life W have pers ns Ps that have haie so much m icil death 11 in herl beri that do not know the counsels that rp re given viven to th thy immigrating 0 ratin saints that i do n v klov giov k low tle tie tle te r of the avise advise contained nt tyl hi gner gheral al er les of the presidency cy of the cou ju ch h but I 1 do to not suppose that tile the thinking in part of the community anticipated any cen ar a being placed upon the first presidency of f this h s church in consequence of the sabers of the people now upon the pl plains airis stil stul IP e isa is a certain class of people whose brains nev new r reach above the calves cabes of their legs and the they 1 7 naver never will know any thing about the gene ral p r ircy licy of te vie church about what is written briten wr iten ittin wh d is desired counseled or ask asked ed for in i elation t hand band handcart cart companies I 1 have said nd no I 1 say if i again that they should start liy iry tr t girst fist fi gist st of T J y and then they can travel IL ic a i ely rely acc abc r i 5 their strength and feelings fee linge they can cai ther thet bave have may june july ruly and A au u rma xua iq for the ac a of their journey ta y coald cc ild iid rc ro travel so 60 leisurely this year from the fact that tbt there were no grain depots depota on the tte route rol roi they had to hurry lest allor fhyr ir rations should fail were grain deposit d at convenient points on th the e route thel thee trip is I 1 in n every sense of the word a fr fea tea a ble blo one fr fir hairn carts for without that adv antie antte artie e the present vear year ear has proved the ft ty of the undertaking th grand difficulty with a portion of our ammira im mira ion this year ilas lias has been in starting starling in the he forepart of september instead of the girs first of M iy ay but even cen then it is worse with ox teams than with hand carts for if the cattle lai cal gal dal oh ha people have no facilities for transport il ija rr ther tents bedding clothing and provi e 0 o r q unless I 1 have diu din erent feelings to what hat I 1 now have I 1 should never wish to see a train leave tho tha missouri river anter after the middle middie of june or after the first day of july at the late latest t until we mi con establish grain depots on the route for I 1 do not consider any train safe in start i ig late br dr brigham has invariably advised early starla ear s and ard aid he hp gave pave his reasons for tor ao so doing this ta uru urn rain ralz pg 01 a J d I 1 do not wish to reiterate th 01 I 1 wish to s sei see e h hrop 3 e nabo are directly engaged in currying cirr ying L out th h epe operations rations of gather gathering ilig t the e gal gai to correctly coro corn acty understand the advice given and th system P louled for the gathering gat berin and wuey they lly liy und urd 1 I alid wid that and carry it out as pla e I 1 anid arid e c by br brigham our grafin gratin grai n will he e fre fee f ee from the sad results of unan maeme but for persons who are I 1 ig lor rt tnt of f the r P clai ecial cial causes and agents in pay ay aas arif t ing ina irsael action aelion sion tion to at once blame the hij bil b il is is th of or nonsense sc thou though iel lel pep pe e in ill all ages have been leen prone to censure the r leader in in times of special distress when arck Ps s and grasshoppers devour when famine was wasps wasek P q and when snows storms and accidents occur it is natural in that portion of the com inual mu jr y th thit it lack the gift of the holy ghost to m r aar nar against the thel leader of the people ay wi i S dats cinta what is the practical result of that irm or miria eteh it shuts lt d down n the gate be taff 1 0 01 t and heaven between voa you and the aai aul A n 0 1 v and you cannot get the spirit of god fil rile Armur ings and rebellions of ancient israel prevented alases from leading them to the land of cana gana a so soon as they had to endure n jure dure li hardship they began to murmur against diases and tup result goda waal iyan lord lori wound not bob i give gite them his spirit spin the same has been the result in in this dispensation in the lays ilas of joseph if a woman happened to put on her stocking wrong side gutshe out she would blame the Pr prophet Prop ophel hei and if a man min ha happened ripened to tie his shoestring in a hard instead of bow knot he was angry with the for not having inspiration eno enough tigh to have p so dire an event the brans brams of or that th it class cliss I 1 s 0 of f people never reach above the calves blits of t hl heir ir legs I 1 like to see the people have a little hard bird sense like the milr nil I 1 like tike kf tr to see are ahm understand the pi pin cepl s of the HIP son sn of god G id with wilh regard t tb this is people I 1 know that they are arc the best PC 1 ie on the earth but bilt there is more or lebs leas c loy hoy arrion arilon amoia thein lipin hab we hase hate ha the savior said that the kingdom king doil doii of heaven is like unto a net thao thai gat hereth all birds of fihe fib fi gib b and I 1 believe lit flint pat pir ble f hota holds good g loti 1011 in our dav vv h b n rd to ahr of file he people that tint are ca c mso mst m ht by v the hp gospo caspi I 1 ot of the son sn of god through til ill oila lle ile tile lie practical preach ilg i g of the elders I 1 believe belleve this tiu flu from front observing in the he unwise manings and doings of some who profess to be sin saints ts I 1 lam iam am aware li t illo h worm wory wo 11 becat becar f we re ire natall not all ali str sir etly alivn r mir lir n ii i an ill lil haagine hn agine aa as a matt r of f c in 0 o that tl it c e are fe bursting b to kinces pieces up ilet P and will ill lil q sav AV that is ii what ba t we w e like ilke kp we til tow vou ou that hit if you let the mormons cormons Mor mons alo 1101 je e they tiley would woud all burst to pieces we e can by taking an unrighteous course burst bi ourselves to pieces but the cannot bur abuisi st us s to pieces if we do to right that is 13 certain for they tried it when heri hert there were but eight or ten in in the church and when there were a few h adred and nhen wilen there were a few thousand and arid they were unable to burst the chinch now how they flatter themselves that we shall burst bust under the weight of our own coli coi duct but I 1 will tell you that we are after the tilt evil doers d eri ern if the disbo bishope and teachers will go to work together v ith every officer in the church WP we can soon find out those who are not disposed to do and let their names be written down and let iet le the offense offence nce nee and place of resi resl residence be written a against 11 ainest tile the name that we may mav know aiho llo tio vio are livin living in sin where they live he and arid wh uha t their otheir of fences are I 1 w thit A great many people are full of sympathy and ird vet yet they talk of the celestial law that they are going to keep and abide but let me tell you yon ou that if you yon violetc violate that law you must meet tile the penalty how many have we got heie here that would sympathize with those wa who to are arc claty id of or biedling bie dking their covenants and thereby parta partake ke of their crimes I 1 believe it to be a corent 0 doctrine that th tha is is more or less implicated implicit ed the president ei joined it on the high priests to expose those they knew to have committed r to be committing evil and cind if they iid ild lid did not hereafter hebeart mer ter the sin would be x upon pon I 1 their heads let the whole people take warning and arid let e very every man and woman in israel understand under stand that the i n dignani n n of the almighty rests upon n hat that person who fails fais to expose iniquity ini quit and arid let the wrath of god be upon any an officer of the church that knows of abomination unless he comes out and makes known that abomination I 1 believe this ought to be for we want the evil deeds ot of every person exposed we want to feel after the people anil ami hunt them up and we want the wrath of brigham and tile the wrath of heber lieber and the wrath of all the men and women on earth that are right and the wrath of joseph and the wrath of michael and the tile wrath of raphael and tile the wrath of the lord jesus christ and the wrath of almighty god and of all the gods in in eternity to burn 01 against those that will sin and we want the it indignation nd ignation and fire of the almighty to sweep through the land like th locusts of egypt until every nauseous vied that grows aloia among the saints of god is is destroyed st r d ize words rl are arc said to be light and windy but I 1 I 1 tell you that talking these things forc fore foreshadow shadows s what will be literally and realf really I 1 would be giad glad lad iad when I 1 speak to the people that the lord orf ort would let his holy spirit accompany my words for I 1 do not want w ant my words to go alone 1 we ve have to speak to this people often and when we talk to them like a man reading off a sermon that is is written it takes but little effect when words go to the people alone they are not profited by them instead of all the people being desirous and anxious as they should their god and practise what hat they know to be right many are arc all the time longing for some fantastical doctrine for something to gratify their vain ima lma imaginations I 1 gi nations if you ou w wish ish to feast on the hordof word of god and feel its realities oil must practise the revelations of jesus christ you must advance and do the will cf of god and then you ou will be biest bleat I 1 am aware aw are as the thac president said this morning that it is of no use talking about the holy ghost the power of god the gifton gift of god or the light of the til mighty almighty resting on this people until they become morally reform reformed od some people eople laugh t at and deride sectarian religion V I 1 never was a sectarian I 1 have been in in this church frem from my boyhood boy boj hood but in in the region where I 1 sectarian morality in malit kaill y exceed exceeds f in some respects the morality of or many who call their thern seit seli ea litter dav day da saints some here bere k p thir c ir children ch iren iron too dirty for admission into a r t sc sh schol hol hoi bul a where I 1 was wis raised an and in some homkes houses the towels look as though they had passed noahs ark or had beem been used by some of the inhabitants of sodom and gomorrah Gio ard the knives and forks have the tile appearance of haag been rusting ever since adam was driven from the garden of eden eilen I 1 want vant to see tho the peacie wake up and reform forsake all their cau chi habits and aad everything that is dark loathsome and impure I 1 want to see them eschew all dirt and filth fiah and degradation and cease prof profaning aning ahing the sabbath and the name of the lord god of israel I 1 want to see them become at least as moral and temperate as any people eople in the gentile world is as we c call cali it r 1 tell you that the gentiles would be al locked shocked at the filth and arid dirt of some of the sons and arid daughters of israel and feel offended ended ded to associate with thern I 1 mean that of the gentiles that are pure in in their moral habits I 1 I 1 I 1 want to see the people repent as the president 1 said this morning and make a reform i tion in in their lives in their doings and in in keep ing their thein houses farms and ard e very every hins hinc bins they have clean and tidy lye jve talk about our boys bos being smarter than their fathers how many of or our b bays ys are 1 cin ing trades are learning to be farmers or I 1 I 1 to arid arld any useful occupation how I 1 many boys have we vie that are trustworthy and as good is As their weir fathers were at the same age I 1 know that our boys are britko anekt and active full of energy life and power but ut many of the parents do not teach their children as they fiig they ih expect the schoolmaster to teach leach their but what hat can cin the schoolmaster teach them when the parents teach them nothing at home and take no interest in what they are learn learning hig dt at school schoon we talk taik about daughters ri their mothers how many daughters have we that know how low to spin make butter keep hairs and flies rings and legs on one plate and the butter on the tile other make good cheese knit their own stock stockings ilys ills and make good hasty pudding pr mush how many of them can make their own bonnets and dresses 9 hov ho v many know how hoti to use fine needier and coarse needles and every kind of needles many diany parents need to reform let the fathers teach their sons how to work the art of chopping and hauling wood of breaking up the ground and of raising grain cattle shee sheep P hogs etc and let the mothers set their daughters to work and let very every c every |