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Show 'MvSUs- q- The Kureka (Utah) Report pr Pape Two alniHlion of thc miliei Utah to the hill the of a in ill,, I filmy i h on Febniaiy 22. in valley M't t leliielll S. pursuit of the Indians. Kurly Kliriilf J.-- r SHORE "I Wall IT vu lust mini I.-- I, Jk-St- In pioneer mol lung of I hr 2.Jid they ! Hi" IiNHRiwllu1 t mil AM'iIIht miksi- - t:irlr Mur.Miiill L Ihi- - THE EUREKA REPORTER THING ( .luhii:.i,n mil Colonel l','t,'i1 Provo and nl Hu Militia t l,n-ov- ruuMsm'.i) utt.ki.y at ki'ukka, utah day of lead, required for great scarcity list'd m the muzzle-I- , hnlli'ls to he when In the rifles. a, mg herd-lll- g Sliadrai k l.uiit of Nephi was he sheep III the Tint U'onlull, of top finiiKl shining Isuilder I he groiiml when in future year Silver City was limit. That propas Hie Silerly was later known ver I'aik. Sample wen taken to Nephi and a wagon was brought over the truckles waste to the with top of the ridge and loaded had A blacksmith shop lieen started at Nephi by John Adams, who hail recently arrived from England, ami the load was taken to Ins simp to he moulded into bullets. The metal was placed in the forge ami melted, hut the hlarksmith hail much difficulty in making Hie bullets, owing to the handle of the metal. Subsequently it was learned that the boulders wen silver. it to his home this stone and The peculiar-lookin- g in Iayson. rock excited the curiosity of his neighlKirs ami led to the discovery of the Sunbeam mine on Meeeinhcr 15. 1 Ht!t. and the organization the Tintie Mining District on the same liate. His neighlsirs made up a party of five to drive to Tintic. Camp was mailt near the Tanner rattle ranch. A heavy wind ami snow storm raged in the hills that night. Next lay when the blizzard was over two of the men mounted the horses ami startl'd out to prospect Failure to discover mineral discouraged them anl they decided to go home. That night they eauiHHi at Kuliy Hollow. The next morning milder weather tin. light hack their mirage and '. and E. M. FOR SAM: eph Hvde. S. T. Wor. two friends Heck Tin names of who were m.l in Hie party, Moroni motoi: srooTKi: Ul A,,.! fonditliili. ( all Hillingsiy and L. T. Wlutnel. were, 'sii added to the nut ice. Tim same lay a mining district I.AItlJE Hmg and l.,ii!it-- i ,, 'r' i riea iiml pie .s , jj,. was organized ami named in honor was ,,, orrhiiiii. (ieiiola (I finer Tint if. H. H Minin' milleleeleil lernlder nf the new Pay si m. J.--i ilThe prospectors district. ing to hollies spend to their LOST lumed They told their the holidays. fneiid.-- i and hv the fust year sev(III KEI I E I'a.M' Helh" is pruili-,,,. eral parties of prospectors reached ease, and "From the district. Hefiil'e the end of rlauiw John" on the liin k ui January. 1870, a numls'i1 of earliest were located. Among the is valued as a several Mr. Burke died Iasi properties discovered were pnxluc-er- s. which became substantial liis wife is very anxniu.-- i hi-the ease returned tu her namely, the Hlack Dragon. :a Mammoth, ('ansa and Eureka I elii-iri- , wriit In tain. wlii'if hy ramped itv Conover fur tin- - night (Vl-ii- '-l Printed by I lii'ii wi'iil to Suit take MV I" SM I'oiiKiill (Invcrnor Young TOI.IIMM ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY Till HIM4I t til'll Wellt " '''lill Utah Si'Kincvii.i.i., Valley where it wa- - divided Marshall ' two part, oni'to th-mi'I'-i-- North Editor' Note: Ihie tu llu- nnm-In- t Johnson ai'ttli'-mi'inutter February 10, 1848, at the going "Entered as aecond-claa- a of request In n'prliil I hr I uii'h-ami ten mini Act of March 3, 1878. of Mali anil Tlnlle Valley, poet office at Eureka, Utah, under the the South In llie AiijiisI II, (ii'orgi' 1'arriah going tu H'liirli uiM-arii- l as amp known 10i: Kurt. afterward r IVr IV r I issue of llie Eureka Report-eVar, $100; t.py, Subscription In A (Kiiucf, nnihT llie enillon of "Nlinn Kloyil. The inen at the South tart Hill. IIakkison Conover $II Thing," II U bring reprinted Hii WANTED Editor and Manager learned that, th' Indians were work was soon week again Development A parrampeii alaiut a mil' away. Mrs. Ueli.k Com'ky started on the Sunbeam and other SCI UK IE Teacher wan', Reporter ty wa aenl to arrest the Iii'hans. ore was being produced ami men Folks. Rerkoii we all should 2 or 4 room iiimlrm ti they when they wen El Donew to the flock to thankful tn luive had men like but ished. Call 108. naiiohai AOviimiNG iirtiUNTAnvi began Hut teat wax Col ('iuiiivit mid his lira vs men H resisted and Chief rado. The railroad had not yet three and one also aqi.aw i i'iilury back, In discover a place killed, been built to this section, so the NC RIAL I Indians were killed. NATIONAL E D TO was hauled by horses or ox like Tinlic Valley ami a tnwn like or four other ore wa Posse aun of the (Irnrgr Cai Utah Klin ka hi which In live and team as cIlTljoN along the west side of Some Marshall killed. Wont wa seal to N.A.S to lirale such days as Silver Jiihilcc. Johnwin the point. lake shipping at the north settlement nf the "Cat her up I lie is hauled to forrine. north of and he rame with Ins men. hut traditions, the Salt take, and shipped over up Hreat past. gatlirrI TOM Kl SEATTLE the Indian OHCAOO Pacific railmad to Hut her up In pamphlets. Kill her during the night Southern the MANCISCO IAN other shipami California; Nevada up the records I liiit hiv sn essen-tia- l Colonel Conover anl a large fur the fulness of our history, made to the smelter wen ments Tmtii1 for surely our people have no nuiiitier nf hia min pursued at Pueblo. Colorado, and some of on Febrti-ar- y reason In lie ashamed but every and hi brave all dav the ore was sent to Swansea. 2k. Hints, and ai night fall leasmi In lie proud uf I heir (;liir-inn- s Wales for treatment. and a ul the canyon eilge passed POSSIBLE NEW TAX traditions. on the edge Covernor .lohn la'e of Mary-l.iud- . camped for the night You are wiser today than you of Tintic Valley. White men had 1894. wen ami before not this yesterday if you realize that boon explored valley has sugis a deail loss if you Something new in the form of taxation wa "Tinlic it named then Valley." experience I'TAII an of Wisconsell cannot so it for more Hum came F. On second the Jensen, day. they gested by Raymond cost. Existing documents serin tu III- - close to the Indians in the lower automothat who suggests sin's highway commission, in ate that Kiancisei Vrsqurs dr end of Tintic valley that the In'uriiiiadn, the Spanish explorer, dian fled and left the cattle bile driver be taxed for accidents in proportion to the sent out an expedition of twelve The snow was very deep and blame attached to the driver. men under Captain Carcia tapes the weather extremely cold, and suele Cardenas in 1540, which This is a tax that everybody should be g!ad to sue apthe party frequently found cattle ceded in reaching the Colorado Mantling in the now frozen stiff, for dcci" taxed drivers are careless river at a Minl now within the tate in the day of March 1. 1856. plied. If those who are f.nd state of flail the men found theiiiselvc on the dents, they would either learn to drive carefully or Hut more extended exploration of the desert, where they another search was determined undertaking. an automobile an expensive was eondiicleil hv two Franciscan edge driving saw seventy-fiv- e head of thr stol- - iiin. William Harris ami Joseph n Ikim-I(.Aanlanasin 1 Hyde started out on horse back. 1. What is more, says Mr. Jensen, the State would give friars, Kraneiseo ami Silvestre Valez de him a Presently they saw a rock from with had mgiiez Conover taken for instruction and dodging who on the 2!tli of July, trusty guide named Ieanitrh. who which the snow had been blown. svery aid arid encouragement 177l. left Santa Ke with seven informed them tliHt I he Sevier A fragment broken from the top the tax." others to discover a direct route to Itiver was nnlv six miles south, revealed mineral. Forthwith they Monterey on the coast of Alta so the march to Hie river wa staked out a claim, and. as the Tin California. party eniiie in taken up anil eanip for the night bright sunlight was glistening on AN EDUCATED MAN sight of Utah lake on the 23 rd of was ma I e on the liver. The next the hills the claim was named A ugust Sunbeam. morning thirty head of horses "The Almost half a century later in were This incident occured December We call the attention of our readers to a statement found, hut no Indian. The r, 1 Itrnl-geHIM of 25, James New York the winter parly moved up the river north- 18. 1869. The men who comprised the easterly a trapper, discovered by Robert Hoppock, professor of education, and came out at Nephi the party and whose names apSalt take while Necking the with the stock. pear on the location notice were University, with the advice that they read what the man (Ircal S. II. Moore, William Harris. Jos soiirei' of Hie Hear river. Many white record of is first the This followed hi lead, notably men in Tintie valley. says and think it out. triipHr "An educated man is a man who knows where to find William II. Ashley, in 1825. ilefore the Mines John C. FreIn 184,'t I the deeade tie tween lHk' facts . . . when and if he needs them; he is not a walking mont with (lenrral Kit Canton ami three andMiring 1K7U, before the wealth of the Salt the information." other (treat of useless explored Tintic hill was known. Tintic encyclopedia in a rublier Isiat. as a grazing The professor was somewhat vexed with some examin- take Probate and ami hi valley was famed With Hrigham Young ami cattle for spot sheep, as the ation questions in geography which could not be answerec little liand of Mormon followers flats were covered with a luxurGuardianship Notices who entered the Croat Salt take ious blue examination It of the tall in land. grass. the students Obviously, by many Consult County Clerk or the Valley July 24. 1847. begins the was agrowth numlN'r of years later that of a settlement and civiliza- the related to information as to certain facts, previously se- story Respective Signers for out. crowded brush it sage tion! The of Cuadalupe. further InfonnaUon lected by the writer of the test, but not necessarily indica- Feb. 2, ISIS,treaty eeiied Pi the United Moisture was more alnindant unit to tie found were flowing springs tive of any basic intelligence or advanced education ex- Stales the vast western territory in llomansville canyon, the site of which included I'lali. ami at numerous spots in NOTH F. TO CREDITORS cept insofar as they disclose a good memory. tarlv in IH41I the Mormon com- Kureka. IManiond ami in Tintic valley. Professor as was in state to Estate of taiichie (Jillis. the The examination organized munity geography, according With the passing of tile years, the of Ikwret with Hrigham Young ceased. and has and tile the that reason changed, high why vegetation colleges Happock, "suggests a Covernor. Iieseret then com- flower will gardens and grass plots withCreditors to present claims schools do not teach more geography taught by geography prised not only the present state have been vouchers the undersigned hv brush replaced sage of ftali. hut all of Arizona and anti turn hie weeds. This at on lTtah Eureka. or before the but value to is a little of so teachers change geography Nevada, together with parts of has lieen caused anyone by New Mexico, Colorado. Wyoming teacher." since large hands of was especially California. Application have entered the valley. This being good sense, in our opinion, we cast our am! made to Congress to admit it tut sheep The first man to take advantage a slate of Territory, and on the vote for the views of Educator Hoppock. of this meadow was John Honne. Terriof 1850. the !tli Septemlier, of ft ah then comprising the who like the immortal Mantel, thirtory Ciiim'IiimIihi. Nut Concussion The present war has renewed state and portions of Ne- sted for adventure on the edge of "Was your huslmnd hurt when present some of the oldies, one of which vada. Colorado ami Wyoming, was the frontier. Honne took (xissession I happened to reiiienilier. Two he was hit hv the ear. Liza?" established under an At t of Con- of a sot a few miles from where "Yes, niii'am. lie suffered from gress. which provided that it Miamoiii! was later built, where a ladies were talking about their sons in Korea: "Mike writes he's conclusion of the hrniu." should lie uduiitted as a state, with spring, known as Ik tone Spring. "You mean concussion. I.iza." or without Ic.lhMcd fiiith He cm timbers been in the hospital, hut is get slavery, as the consticonclusion. He's tution wliat- "No, ma'am the time of adting around with a jeep at adopted deail." and limit a log cabin, tiathrnng a ever that Is." mission preserilied. liand of horses, he took them to the less The land Hepuhliean party til 'll,! ,i.i u'lii: nmii ilil Hi llllll Him J:il,lIMllTMII!MMie8HIMnill'ia new ranch. This region. lHing an I icmocratic i the violently party in the national platforms and in attractive sot. was the haunt of attacked Hint opasei Hu- icmnnnts of Tintie s hand. Congress The Indians rcscntixl tin en- the M'irmoii institution of ot the white man. and Statehood, therefore, was eronelinient Hoone's horses liegan not granted until January 4. lSiHi gradually line day he was Above record from KneyeloH'dia ti disappear notified hv his good neighlmrs to Hritaniiieii move were given Note. The Humiiiguf. ami tacalante but In- refused ti pay any attention ti them. Finally, a hand of parly sent an exploration party Indians down on his swoop, from their camp site, at what is Ronds now i'ayson. to find a pass ranch and leg.m showering ('asulty through the F.ust Tintic Moun- kill-- d at the ranch and Honne wax tains. tint finding no water runAutomobile ning west from these ui'iimtains theAmong other who followed to newly discovered pasture were abandoned tins route Shad I amt nf Nephi, who herded TINTIC a hand of slu- -p in the hills in the EUREKA ELKS BUILDING In Hie early fiftn-- .lames I'umi. early sixties; A lien Tanner of Pay-sothen ii raplain nf Militia, ami in and later by the McIntyre later years a resident of Mam- brothers, merit lv arrived from 1 moth came to Tintie Ynllev from Texas. In Hoiiiiinsvtlle Mat (Sard-tie- r h O II c ) Prnvn hv way of Ruby had a hand ,f sheep ami some He was iirrompaitied by Tin mas .1 others brought m their herds The Patten. They were in of residents of I'ayson. who had iiii Htmrup'iHMtiitiii horses that had lieen stolen hy formed wlial was known as the irvnnrAt-iripN.t-intinrChief Tuttle's band The two men ('-- op herd" and sent them up to went as fat ns (lie west side of Robert W. Steedman u the valley where the Mi Intyre ter there li'ing plenty of good Helen Nielson Krebhs ranch was later lonite.t. tint did glazing and ample snow for water 881 Keith Nielsen not find the Indians nor the hor- Ten or twelve herders the 852 Y vonne Steedman ses. winter there to look afterspent Better meals, because an electric the eat-- 1 585 Keith A. Steedman Me When the eailv freight line was Among these earlv men was i Published in the Eureka I from Salt take City Jenrge S Hast. who brought the 3 established July 6. 13. 20. 27. 1951) i; to Piorlie. Nevada, through the, i! range preserves foods flavorful when was Kmeka ennyon K later! 11 hmlt. Chief Tintie made a vamp on juices. the slope of the mountain at the HICII CALCIUM LIME head of the guirh near llie l.s atioa 1 of the Hlile Hock Mine iCeiiten-- ; HRANI) Easier cooking, because an elecg in.il urekn i It wus the custom JUST INSTALLED ;!urdowntins ha ml of Indians to swoop on the unsuspecting treight-- 1 it tric range oven is automatic. ers and rub them. H NEW FRENCH FRYER on Tinlic llie Mar Path We Specialize in Hiffli ('alcitim Chemical Chief Titlin' and his brother You just slip in the food and Chief Hattest. eneli Ini I a hand of Mills and Smelters Nh nimv waiting lor such as Fried Chicken. Fried llvdrate for who had estahlished warriors, set the dial. themselves in Tintie and Cedar! ;l Rahhit, Fish and Chips. JK Valley, the latter camp being! SI a mile southwest of South Sandwiches Tasty Fort, later known as Camp Floyd j HOME MADE: Moat Iics, Soups and Electric cooking is so economiFERTILIZERS l,LASTERIN(S In 1855 these Indians started oil ii war the path again, stealing cattle! ii r. iin Ctah and Ceilnr valleys. j cal, too only about $2.50 a The conflict started when an! r. J ox was stolen by Tintie from a! u month for the average family 'herd of eattle on the west sole of flab lake north of IVluiiii Point. This herd wus in charge of Ahra-on our intcr-conncctc- d CHIEF CONSOLIDATED MINING system. ham Htm.uiker of (loshen Mur ter-- 1 !t mis attacks were being made on II u the settlers and Federal a Judge B J Drummond, then holding court in Sam Prospector Provo. a Issued warrant for the GHP (HgJE) Salt Lake City 008 Dooly Huildinjr arrest of Chief Tintie, lus brnther Phone 16 Hattest. and others Deputy C. S Eureka, Utah Plant: Saddle, Utah Marshall Thomas S. Johnson came AfflEUi to Provo ami was given the wariffiCT (3SESBSD rant to serve. ,Y posse of men tin lUUUMUUUUUUV it y r I' I lis-ate- ci-l- i . , a hk I I, vice-chairm- oah ! CS2Q39 i'. M . -- Legal Notices j over-grazin- g, i : - GALLOWAY CARL oly-gam- y. INSURANCE o lire o o , O ar-to- teD CMb Aeq - tea (Mni s n: ilow r flDBMfcBhnp H1 1 Chief Brand Lime OTffih I: PROSPECTOR SAM (HIEF ' ; i T-l?o- O (hili i Brite Spot Cafe ) CO. , and Grocery fiO 1 Q32ID gaaanaap 0 G33ID 3 |