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Show V I NEWS SUMMARY. SAILORS' TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE Afloat for Tliraa Uhjti The bad weather spoiled the presidents outing In Virginia. The snowstorm In western Nebraska Is the worst known In years. Four hundred thousand people In Finland are In need of food. Eighteen gypsies were last week frozen to death near Blazeny, Hungary. announcement places the Italian claims agalnBt Venezuela A semi-officia- l at- - 12,000,000. Eight hundred pouches of Christmas mail were destroyed by fire near Pceksvllle, N. Y. The czar has granted amnesty to the students who were banished for rioting on his "name day." were killed, their Six children mother fatally wounded by explosion of a gas tank at Fort Lee, N. J. Governor Bliss will not permit the McGovern-Corbet- t fight, which was to have been held in Detroit next month. The house committee on commerce bas reported favorably the bill requiring safety appliances for coupling cars. n President Palma hns sent the treaty to the senate, with a message urging that early action be Cuban-America- taken. The Internal revenue commissioner renders decision that dealers In soft drinks must pay special tax for liquor dealers. . Colombian newspapers continue til worded articles publish violently of the allies tothe attitude against ward Venezuela. Unofficial advices have reached Washington that China Intends to pay the next installment of the Boxer Indemnity in silver. The report that Don Carlos proposes to abdicate his claim to the Spanish throne In favor of his son, Don Jaime, Is pronounced untrue. It has been learned in Rome that one' of the allies at present contemplates submitting the Venezuelan difficulty to The Hague court. German railroad receipts for the month of November amounted to $24, 800,000, an incrense of $1, 002,700 over the same period of last year, John Best, aged 28, became suddenly insane at La Pore, Mich., and killed a friend, wounded his mother and sister and then took his own life. The taking of testimony In the argument for a now trial for Albert T. Patrick of New York, convicted of the murder of William Marsh Rice, bas concluded. Consequent on the continued rainfall very great damage has been done, and thirty-threpersons were drowned at Taniis, a village In the Cape Bon district, Africa. It Is said that Lord Curzon, during the coming coronation durbar, will Bit throne. The upon King Solomon's royal chair of that monarch is said to have recently been found. . The Kentucky court of appeals has granted James Howard a new trial Howard, who Is under sentence of life Imprisonment for the Goebel murder, has already been tried twice. According to advices from Hungary, e persons were frozen to death during the last three days. Wolves are devastating the sheep folds, and have devoured three shepe lxty-thre- herds. The round house of the Pennsylvania road at Powellton avenue station. West Philadelphia, collapsed, burying fifty men tn the ruins. No one was killed, but all were more or less Injured. The Cass county (N. D.) legislative delegation of twelve members enthusiastically resolved to support L. P. Hanna for United States senator. H a banker and nephew of Senator liana of Ohio. 1 The postoffice safe at Oranvlllo, O., was dynumltcd by two or more men, who escaped In a stolen rig. Postmas- ter Austin declines to say how much the men secured, but It is believed to be a large amount In Angelos .efforts are being made by the general office clerks of the Santa Fe system to form a union. There are about 150 freight clerks, handlers and checkers in the employ of the Santa Fe road there. George Darling, a prisoner in the I.eadville. Colo., Jail, charged with latent to kill, tried to escape by sawing the bars at the rear of the Jail with an improvised saw made out of the steel taken from the soles of hts shoes. The Mierlff detected the attempt, and. secreting himself In one of the cells for six hours, caught Darling In the act The Humberts are being well treated In Madrid prison. They are permitted to have their meals sent In from a neighboring restaurant They alt occupy separate cells, are carefully watched, and are not allowed to receive visitor. The round up of lulrorcs in flint province, Luzon, is proceeding. A large force of conctahulnry Is tn the field, tnd the Manila police are with It. They have cordoned the north boundary of he city to prevent the bandits from entering. Almost Crz(i In Small Boat Being When RMcutd Almost crazed from their sufferings, frost-bitteand helpless, ten men In a boat were picked up by the schooner Manhasset forty-fiv- e miles off Highland light, says a Boston dispatch. Then for the first time it was learned that the schooners Frank A. Palmer and Louise B. Crary had been In collision, and that they had been sunk off Thatchers island on Wednesday evening. The survivors were landed in Boston Monday. Of the twenty-on- e men who made up the two crews, six were carried down when the vessels sank, four died during the terrible three days drift in Massachusetts bay, and another became Insane and Jumped overboard. Most of the small boats were smashed and some of the men were killed by the collision, but others of both crews launched the long boat of the Palmer, Into which clambered the captains of both vessels and thirteen others. There was not a moment for storing food and water In the boat and the rowers had propelled It only a short distance from the schooners when the Palmer went down. Three minutes later the Crary disWithout food and water, appeared. drenched to the skin, spray freezing to their garments because of the bitter cold, the fifteen survivors underwent sufferings Indescribable. Four men of the Crary on Friday lay down In the bow of the boat and died. Eleven remained up till Saturday night and Franz Banta went Insane uder the delusion that his mother beckoned to him and he walked Into the sea. The others were powerless to restrain him. Shortly after this, the two captains decided that the bodies of the four dead men should be consigned to the deep, and. bending over them, Captain Potter of the Crary repeated as much of the burial service as liec ould remember. Then the strongest of the survivors put the bodies overboard, In the three days and a half that the men were afloat, their boat drifted steadily off shore, until at 8 o'clock miles Sunday morning it was forty-fiv- e off Highland light. There the lookout on the fishing schooner Manhasset caught a glimpse of the boat, and within half an hour the ten men were In the cabin of the schooner. BOARDINO HOUSE DYNAMITED WILL POWERS Tlw VENEZUELAN TROUBLE WILL RESETTLED BV UNCLE BAM. Minister Bnwxn Will In All Probability be Selected to Mettle tli I'ontroverey eud Further Trouble le Not Expected. Secretary Hay has received partial of responses from the governments 3reat Britain, Germany and Italy rejecting the proposal to arbitrate the Venezuelan difficulties. Great Britain a favorable to arbitration with proper lafeguards; Germany accepts arbitra-doin principle, but finds a multitude if small adjustments to be made before entering Into the agreement; Italy, as the Junior partner of the declares that she Is favorable to irbitration, but will be bound prob-ibl- y by the action of the senior par-lieTo secure these results the American embassies at London, Berlin ind Rome have been working energetically to carry out the Instructions of Secretary Hay to ascertain how the roposal would he received. As far as England is concerned, the safeguards eferred to are believed to relate to be question of guarantee, which Is till of difficulty. The German position presents the freatest difficulties, for not only does t Involve a demand for apologies vhlch are extremely repugnant to Venezuela, hut also presents so many mints requiring adjustment that It Is ivldent that many days or porhaps veeks must elapse before the adjust-pen- t d can bo effected and the case for arbitration. And the danger f the delay in the face of a blockade ghlch seriously cripples neutral com-nerand Invites hostile collisions with the Venezuelans cannot be Tho efforts of the United States, therefore, must be directed hastening Germanys action on n al-'le- s. pre-lare- over-intimate- Ihe arbitration proposal The Italian position Is, of course, of ess concern than that of the other The Italian ambassador at lilies. Washington has been extremely moderate and considerate, giving Secre-tar- y Hay the Impression that he le well disposed to second any effort of die United States to terminate the present dangerous situation. The French government has served notice that without abating her claims, the payment for which have been arranged, she also claims the right to have tho claims of French citizens, which have arisen since the adjustment above spoken of, considered by the Joint tribunal which will adjust the Venezuelan debts on a basis of equality with those of the other nations. This contention Is strongly resisted by some of the allied powers, and Is one of the points which is likely to lead to the consummation of much time, and which must be disposed of before a final arrangement can be made to arbitrate the case. Fourteen Ocmpnnta of tho Building nave a M Irani ton Kcaji. Unknown parties attempted to dynamite a Slavish- boarding house at Springfield, Pa., Monday evening. Ths building was partially wrecked, but the fourteen occupants escaped unhurt The men are employed at the American glue works, and It is alleged that the motive that Inspired the throwing of the dynamite was revenge, a number of the foreigners having taken places of other workmen at lower II of IrUti Colonel I In Danger. wages. On October 20 the big plant of the company was destroyed by fire, The grand jury summned to conentailing a loss of fioo.ono, and on the following Friday a smaller plant sider the Indictment of Colonel Arthur which had been opened after the de- I ynch, member of parliament for Gal-rastruction of the large factory, was who was arrested June 11 on tho burned. The fires are believed to charge of high treason In connection have been of Incendiary origin, and the same perpetrators are suspected of vlth the part he took In the South African war, where he Is alleged to being responsible for the explosion. lave commanded the Irish brigade, WILD RUN OF AN ENGINE. las returned a true hill against the Machinery BmnH ltamnafbl and lefendant The lord chief justice Baron Alverstone, in charging the Twa Wrack Raaalt. A helper engine on the Monon road tury, remarked that It was elxty-twgot beyond control Monday, made two fears since a grand Jury had to deal with such a charge, which was tho wild runs between ConnersvIUe and highest crime known In law. Colonel Liberty, Ind., wrecked two freight Lynchs trial at the bar la expected to trains, demolished four engines, killed begin Jan. 20. two men and Injured two others. EnKill Thre Ma. Antonio Tadaol, an Italian aged IT, gineer Callahan of the helper ran to College Grove, helping a freight He who, on July 4 last, shot John Trayer, was to take the siding east of Liberty. 'Id ward Harman and Samuel Sltzel, a When he reached the switch and atyoung man who had assaulted him tempted to reverse, part of the machinwould not ery respond, and the engine after having tried te pick a fight with got beyond his control Near Liberty him, while he waa playing a street it collided with a freight. In some way piano, and all three of whom subs the helper reversed and started back, died, wee acquitted In court running through Liberty at the rate quently of seventy miles en hour. It dashed at Reading Ta., Friday. Tadoal claimed Into another freight, which was being that he killed the three men to save hauled by two engines. hie own life. o Wyoming Saloon Ralrimt hv lUn-IIA special from Red Ixwlge. Mont., says: J. D. Prim's saloon In Cody. Wyo., was looted by bandits at about 2:30 o'clock. The proprietor was obliged to walk behind the bar at the point of a gun and remain a passive spectator of the scene, blit he was mnde 400 poorer, Details that reached Red Imdge are rather meager. The first news came In a message to Sheriff Potter. He waa given a falrlv rood description of the men who did the Job. and was asked to keep a sharp lookout for them. Ilngun In llMl.ni Mctlcn, Advices from Mazntlnn. on the western const of Mexico, where a disease imposed to be the bubonic plague has broken out. show that there were three deaths on Snturdny, and nine on Sunday from the malady. A pest house has been established and quarantine regulations are being rigidly enforced. Weather conditions along the west coast are favorable to the spreading of the plague. The governor of the state of Sinaloa la working to prevent tha plague spreading. SNUB FOR MONROE DOCTRINE ARBITRATE. In (jltUBttOP. crit-clse- d after-dinne- PEACE PLANS PROGRESSING- ttt. The AngloUernmn Lopez Baralt, Venezuelan minister of foreign affairs, has transmitted to United States Minister Bowen a document signed by President Castro as constitutional president of the republic, and countersigned by himself a minister of foreign affairs, in which Mr. Bowen is recognized as the only representative of Venezuela in tha matter of effecting a settlement of the present difficulty. According to the terms of this document, Mr. Bowen may act without restriction, add he la to use all means posible to protect the Interests of Venezuela. The state department at Washington has bees notified of the transmission of this in strument to Mr. Bowen. Events al Caracas are dependent upon the through the state department, ol tho answers of the governments of Great Britain, Germany and Italy to the proposal of arbitration advanced by Venezuela. Should they be favorable, the Venezuelan government strongly desires that a conference ol the ambassadors of Great Britain, Germany and Italy to the Untied States be held In Washington, and that Mr, Bowen leave La Guayra December 23 for the United States on board the steamer Caracas, which Is due to reach New York December 29. Mr. Bowen will meet the ambassadors In Washington. No meeting to discuss terma of settlement Is to be held on Vene-zuelan soil The Many LIvm la Dm(w. steamer Modoc, belonging to the Marltlmca, collided with the French cruiser La Aouche Trevtlle as ahe was leaving Toulon, France, In a storm. She grounded on the rocks at the Mourillon arsenal, and now lies In a dangerous position. On board the Modoc are the malls, 223 passengers for the East Indies and a number of sailors intended for the French war hips on the China station. Messageriea Tows IlMlrnjrad al . Killed nd In 150 natives, mostly children, were killed by the earthquake which destroyed the town of Andijan, Russian Central Asia, Tuesday. In addition, 300 natives and seventeen soldiers were Injured, and 9.(m0 bouses of natives and 130 Russian residences were persona died. Tflrtarstalifr I mi la Murder. George Letrhncr shot and killed William Hayden In Odd Fellows' hall It Como, Colo., Friday, Lerhner Immediately gave himself up to Town Marshal Dunbar. The killing Is said io have been the result of a trivial luarrel Mr. Hayden waa about 40 tears of age and a professional pool tlnyer. He was well kr.on In all the mining camps in the west. George lechner Is a son of George W. Lech-Ictho well known pioneer mining aian of Park county. The son has been rngnged tn mining tn the Silver llllls district for many years. Waa In I la. 1rlr at Caaal nacr.loa. A well dresaed woman 19 years old, The new received at Colon, Colomgiving her mime as Mrs. W. C. Haxel bia, that the Colombian charge d'afof Covington, Ky., a taken to the faires at Washington, Scnor Uerrsa, city hospital In Indlanapolla In an un- tad conferred with Secretary llay on conscious condition front morphine December 16, for the purpose of fixing ml wounds In her wrist, infilcted with '.he prlco of the canal concession, and a pair of ,.;.e died at 9 cf the treaty Icing the o'clock. She Mrs. Clarence Hazel, to submit to congress before ready who flguted In the papers throughout nirl-tm- u day, has been favorably the central states last week because of on the Isthmus. It hae lusptred the efforta to kill herself In Ijitonla ronfldenre whore certain misgivings hotel In Covington. Ky. Mr. Hazel u to the final sclectlona of the Pancame to Indianapoll Friday. ama route bad previously existed. r, Mr. Window' Roothlnr For children teeihtn, xoficn, tne flnmmauuu, sllxyx pain, cuna wind col . ter who ns to I1 I I where l und?' Ration Par their of the .jng as; handshake," and a "Sants Was t'tirrrj Into Marring Point of a llrrolrrr. n sr nes, fusion, ovf froi ids ed built a a dioi s wande magician." :ues of r, conti rai les, jnoun ,1 A Freakish Tree. the At Shlllfried, near Matsen, & holit,, d desola resort much patronized by the Via es may Nev nese, there Is a tree which hat th most singular characteristic of pn la Howe lng horizontally over the ledge ol i Idle ye' inhabl deep hollow. The tree Is about tn years old and two years since, at a, ea, anti result of a landslip, it fell into Its pr exist oi ent position, with its branches upset Id coars' and downward, and so has grows tut since, flowering and leafing Jbst u the position were natural k Rather i r fungi Ireland ato. F r, the fi ato cbo as mine ' 1815 stz overwh Its relie of a th faraln e ole pop is. tnd thi tinct v ;mediat the cc intry o is the i :d unfor rent, for emigre ich has At the ntury t irre rive Ttain li Indii upo j'Uon o d, and ast small 1001 It Is with thankfulness I write that Lydia DA11 Mrs-- Phnc inkhams Vegetable Compound has been of the greatest help te me. My wrork keeps me standing on my feet all day and the hours an lon& Some months ago it didnt seem as though t could stand it I would get so dreadfully tired and my back ached so I wanted to screaa with the pant hen I got home at night I was so worn out I had t o right to bed, and I was terribly blue and downhearted. I was irregfr Urand the flow wan scanty, and I was pale and had no appetite. I told girl fnend who was taking your medicine how I felt, and she said I eught to take it too. So I got a bottle of Lydia E. Plnkliama Vtfj o 1 Y Daa R-i- of G ?. Mr. ?'a old raprietoi i hit u; i the sit and commenced to take it It helped me right J1 'MS fl(K Alter the first few doses menstruation started was fuller than lot and defied some tne. It seemed to lift a load off me. back stopped aching pi Fnlj w No I felt brighter than 1 had for months. I tookMythree bottles in all He wa av an 10 0T. and I go out after work and have a fd v one! I' lme- arn regular and strong and am thankful to changa you for the 1 recommenil . it, an Lydia K. lMnklium's Vegetable Compound irt for ar for I know how hard it is to work you feel so sick. Miss Mamie Keihxs, 653 9th Ave- - New York City. I d he c The fin oino,n should not fail to by tho experiences of the ration women; Just as surely as theyprofit en were cured tho troubles d was merated In their letters, just so certainly willofLydin I'inkhaini li. vegetable toiiipound cure others who suffer from womb two 'il his Inuaminatiou of tho ovaries, kidney troubles. Irregular and daily 0 "tttlo". nervous excitability, and nervous prostrz-bc- 1 wotil :Ul i t,,lilt lt U Ld,a I:" 1inklmm-- s Vegetable twto ily'i b AntJ?iCUP ''omcn a"d dont allow any druggist said SSiin cl.--e In its place. "ai '2Uss Amanda T. Tetterson, IJox 131, cour Atwater, Minn., aJJ Dear Mrs. 1ixkiiam. I hope tbatp unions will publish this testimonial so that it IpJ knew reach others and let them know about p- tnd mbea-I?- . la Cual material lnerease In wonderful medicine. , Before taking Lydia IS. Ilnkliam v egetable Compound I was troubled W1 tho worst kind of fainting spells. Tho would rush to my heaii, was very nervous il always felt tired, had dark circles around ey I have now taken several Indtlc Lydia K. lMnkliums Vegetable tan1 pound and am entirely cured. I had doctors medicine for many years but it no good. Iieaso accept my thanks for this ntf excellent medicine which is able to TVStvhealth to suffering women. X 0t,.,er frmaI modlclno In tho world lg y - tl...a. . 1,1 cases of pneumonia and severe colds among the people of Washington, D. C., I strtibutod to the coal famine, according to a number of physicians. They say that In most of the houses they visit only a fev tf the rci'--- s sr healed. Even In the homes of wealthy furnaces have had to be abandoned. Tho price of bard rosl from the Independent iatur Is $12 a ton. guft at retail has gone up to $8. and Is hard to get t that pries. ! Sun 1 best rt Who h youn intry i Itrom i "T 'iimen t and unqualified endorsement. of cures of female trouM 'lded women refuse to accent anything else ar ut pen neuref idd l1rrrdt;,,0,"aml times for they get what I T loa ry where. Kef use all substitute f lth fnnn ,irulHt other V,c a. rword S5 0 u 0 ,,sn hiiinen. Ljdi li IlAkliam M 4kUit i)Oq Hh-.r- the number of Utile, The J, toria e Tert-Ho,- " Pu Human la Du in huj f Plso Cure tor Consumption i medicine (or cough and colds. N. w, Ocean Grove. N. J.. Feb. 17. iooa last year was t tho young woman believed by the Yaqul Indians and many Mexicans to divine powers. has sued her Indian husband, G. N. Rodriguez. In the courts at Ix Angelos, Cal, for divorce. It U alleged the marriage was forced upon the young woman at the point of s revolver by her Impetuous admirer at Clifton. Arlx., June 22. 1900. A of s n In 1893 It amounted to 1400,060,000. store only J250,000,000. are In successful operation In thirty-eigh- t cities In California. SANTA TERESA WANTS DIVORCE Mh judg ill Poor Effort at Translating The English papers hav lat been having fun with a new o. dwM English and English-Germaary. The best example of . is said to be the translation word "gimcrack." According J, ? ' London Dally Chronicle four ings have been given for thi. . which, when translated back' The handsome English, are: "the bad machine." the ord, 2.000 delroyid. Claims tha1 i ,d r lluu-lr.-l- Bt Petersburg has undertaken to feed tnd clothe the school children of Finnish parishes, and Pastor Francla has issued an appeal for assistance In thli Fork. He says the conditions today Ire worse than those of 1M7. when lUD.OoO It f Ctro Injured church n, k. fhe Dlrec Tlmt Minister Bowen May Act Without KntrloUon. rrMidcal Four hundred thousand persons are A dispatch from Tashkend. Asiatic reported to be destitute and starving Russia, under date of December 18. Is a result of the crop failure In Fin- aays: Three officials, two soldiers and land. Growth ef Tho turnover of societies la Europe Manager Was Wl9, Chief Devery 0f v has been offered several hut-d large a week to appear tn t show as a "monologue manager wM to make the offer In person. I the fellow would come to , rj; q. answer," growled the lng up Ms vast flat and maklr.'! gestlve movements with hj ,5j ' more Impressive foot e - EARTHQUAKE IN RUSSIA. Flnln4 CnM Dotation amt 1'ol.er.lty Zfold.nl V0IOlD In an Interview published In Denver, Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews, president lecof the Nebraska university, who "Socialism," on tured In that city the course of the administration at Washington on the Venezuelan question. "I feel with most people," said Dr. Andrews, "that the Monroe doctrine has received a fearful snub and our prestige has been lowered. Germany and England have been lying Of low for Just this opportunity. course these nations will say they do not want to acquire territory, and that Is probably true. England did not want territory In India or Egypt, but she has succeeded, despite her careful nurturing of the small monarchies of those countries, and her control is absolute. Both England and Germany have secured footholds in Venezuela, and they have apparently come to stay. It Is a little difficult, of course, to see what Is best for us to do now, but our government ought to have kept its eyes open and the administration should have sent out a warning such as Grover Cleveland Issued under circumstances similar to these which now humiliate us. The fact Is, the upper classe of Great Britain have fawned on us and fooled us. They r speeches have given us and love of full brotherly bursting reciprocity and a mock sentiment touching the tlee of consanguinity. But 1 tell you it was all humbug, and the British heart is as full of hate for us as ever It was, and the entire nation Is ever watching for chances to snub us and bumble us, and would crush us if it could." THOUSANDS STARVING. fwp rll0r ef on tt who have There are plenty of people discouraged, and become depressed because that dry, harking cough They lacgs to them continually. mostly of k&ve taken much medicine, advertised quack sort, nothing ke Dr. August Koenlgfl Hamburg of a then jreast Tea, the discovery oted German physician 60 years ago. a do not say that this will cure disare badly .ass where the lungs to this eased, for It will not, and up ate there Is nothing that will cure inder these conditions; but on the ither hand, if the Jungs are not hard lit the patient should take Dr. August a cup oenlg's Hamburg Breast Tea, ill every night on going to bed, have drink slowly, then every other I' hot rub the throat and top pertlon lght of the lungs with St Jacobs Oil, cover with oil silk, let It remain an hour, then remove. Eat good, plain, noun as Ishing food, live In the open air much as possible. By all means sleep as near out of doors as possible, that Is, windows wide open, except in the Take a cold very severe weather. imsponge bath every morning; then the rub vigorously body mediately with a coarse towel. Take Dr. August Koenigs Hamburg Drops every other One day according to directions. can buy the three remedies for 1.25 of any reliable druggist. Begin the treatment at once and see how much better you will be almost within a week's time. 8as Tt::; ''Tor, m ttt m o.i PETALS Journal I. io. ..ZT mu .It1 t ". M,i r- When Answering ih, eu.,J. Ml.UlfrS, NAril.1.1 U KMlhlt, Oa.lili" VN H ' mwlreu n Irk -t - Mi! ,ltlII liAff luihcorim. ftocCttl to ouMiitilMlitn, ....... .. , I. r W. N. U. Prp, .. ;lii,assays. widen Assay Co. on lM iiMroplM MV0. COLO. tlat 1 ouh in Tiilri ttiUHL All byrup. Uiurt. hv I , Hniite Tssragaaj faUke M tot heg fhnr RELIABLE ............ at( wp m. min ap. rci-lilet- (Ini dip y( nrm. No Salt Lak 5 !hta B d Mention This Taper. " I AdvertlscnMt that furrect to si pENSftj claksawtw Fr ll1 - kaj 1 "king in gr art |