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Show HE I. NO. 49. VOL. SPANISH FORK, UTAH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1902. E WARNER, UTAH STATE NEWS. tad Bastdeaoe Just oath of Oty Square. A jt, ff. Ofloa Fort, I SLATER. ij.H. hyslcian & F. CWi Stern, Fort Drug PtiM Surgeon, at Offloo THOMAS, PUBLIC NOTARY ish Fork Drag Go. A full lino of Drun Medlclnoa. Chomioua, Fane and.Tollot Artl! olea, Perfumery. Toilet Soaps, Sponge, Brushes. Physicians Preacrlp. Comtiona Carofoll pounded. CUE. pitlih Fork, SAIEY. w, jOMveysnoer and Notary Publlo. I 0mc-OOran Lewi' Store Utah. isiih Fork, ver lqiisoq. 4iclclsoq ri Doi't Ktxr STONES. HEAD Wx Sxu. Tbxh, That's All. THOMAS iORENZO FAhHIOJABLK One block north of Bank, - pukh Fork, Utah. UHODSON, ORGAN 1ANO AND per ltssou of 1 hour. Stu-Hours from 10 till erery day except Sunday. 60c. t residence. dock -- JENSEN, t t ARS kail of Spanish Fork Coop. Woods. iTcd I (Iomoo of Will Boyaok Btabloo) eed, Sale & Transfer STABLES. hek Meets all Trains lik Fork, Utah. A. J. Pedersen. Blickimith & Wheal wright First-clas- Material s alwaya an land' jOppenlte Bank, i. H. hpaebk Fork. BROWN, Uvory ?QQd Stoblo. lack Meets all Trains It. 'niona No. cuk UkFork, n la General Merchandise, Flour, Grain and Produce. lecturers of ALLIED POWERS DESIRE TO SETTLE VENEZUELAN SQUABBLE. an experimental dry farm in Sanpeta county. The Primary association, of Lehi, at their bazar last week took In near, lavltatloa to tha Pre.ld.Qt to Aet a. Arbitrator Wag Mode After Con.nl. ly $250. tetloa Between Great Britain The schools at South Dountlful hare And Germany. been closed, and all public gatherings (topped, on account of scarlet fever. President Roosevelt has proposed to On the pay days, the 10th and ISth, the allied powers that the Venezuelan the Utah Sugar company paid out over dispute be submitted to the arbitration $180,000 for beets and labor at Lehi. of The Hague tribunal. The powers A movement has been started among have replied with a counter proposal the business men of Ogden for mu- that President Roosevelt himself artual protection against shoplifters and bitrate the issues. A statement made in Berlin says: "The Invipetty thieves. The first case of smallpox in Wood's tation to President Roosevelt to act as Cross developed last week. The pa- arbitrator was made after a thorough tient contracted the disease while vis- consultation between Germany and Great Britain. An understanding has iting In another town. been reached by the two powers on The two negro women accused of the reservations attached to the offer murdering Daniel Ryan, a miner, in and the German note will agree with Salt Lake City, have confessed to placthe English note on all essential ing morphine in his beer. points. The exodus of sheep from Ephraim It is believed in Washington that and vicinity for feeding on the desert President Roosevelts answer to the has begun, several carloads being sent proposal made by the allied powers to the desert pasture last week. that he arbitrate the Venezuelan isNels Otterson, who was shot through sues, has been received In London. The the lungs by the city marshal of Lob! strictest secrecy with regard to every two weeks ago, has thoroughly recov- phase of the negotiations is preserved, ered from the effects of the wound. however, and it is Impossible to make The smallpox epidemic is gradually a definite staement, but such indicagaining more ground in Provo, de- tions as are obtainable point to Presiofspite the strict quarantine regulations dent Roosevelts acceptance ot the and the vigorous efforts of the physi- fice of arbitrator. cians to check it Colorado Mas Belli Hli Hud to M edict The single men and married men of InitltatOe Moroii held a lively rabbit hunt It is announced that Arthur JenTuesday of last week. The former nings of Florence, Colo., aged 27, ha were the losers and were obliged te negotiated with an eastern medical ingive their opponents a dance and sup- stitute for the purchase of his head, per. Jennings is a freak of nature, having It now develops that Daniel Ryan, a head twice the normal size. The who was found dead In an outhouse in price is $1,000 down and an additional Salt Lake City, was drugged by two $1,000 to be paid to bis relatives at the negro women for the purpose of rob- time of his death. When Jennings was bery, and that he died rrom an over- 3 years of age he bad an attack of brain fever. His head at that time dose ef the drug. to grow abnormally, and now began Haxel Young, aged 18, residing Ip a measures thirty-siinches in cirit uhnrb of Salt Lake City, attempted cumference. spine is also Jenningss suicide last week, taking strychnine, he forced and is to walk with affected, because of a quarrel with another cane. a Medical claim tha authogtles member of the family. Prompt medicase to be without a parallel cal aid saved her life. Alma Graves, who was assaulted by Tea Killed la Train Wreck. A. C. Humphries in Salt Lake City Ten persons were killed and twenty-sevesome time ago and badly beaten, has Injured In a collision at Byron, from the hospital, Cal., between the southbound Los Anbeen released sound aB ever physic ally, but with his geles owl train and the Stockton mind a complete wreck. collision, the flyer. It was a rear-enIron county and the southern part engine of the local ploughing its way of the state generally has experienced through the last coach on the owl, one of the most remarkable winters, so which was filled with Fresno people far, that it haB known for many years The passengers who escaped death A good heavy blanket of the beautiful were hurled to the fore part of thg coach, crushed in between the mass of ilea all over the valleys. their sufferings and dangers InA company composed of Utah and debris, a hundredfold by the clouds tensified Colorado capitalists has been organized steam that poured out on ot scalding of for the purpose of the development from them shattered boiler of tha the topper mines In the Henry mountain Stockton engine. the erection of smelters, Irrigation ol Mereaal Score, Aaolhcv Imw. thousands of acres of land In Garfield and Wayne counties, the maintenanc The following dispatch from Mar of a line of steamer on the Colorado coni, dated Glace Bay, N. S., December 21, has been received by the Asriver, and numerous other enterprise solved sociated Press: "I beg to Inform you has Joseph Beck of Chester land for circulation that I have established meadow for the water problem well a wireless sunk has He telegraph communication beof that valley. 18 feet tween Cape Breton, Canada, and Cornon his place, 7x7 feet wide and twelve well wall, England, with complete success. deep. There is now in this raise Beck Mr. Inauguratory messages, including one feet depth of water. which from the governor general of Canada $G0 a pump with the water to minute. King Edward VII, have already been 120 per gallons throws and forwarded to the transmitted Andrew Nilsson, 73 years of 80, kings of England and Italy. A meswas found dead In a small Irrigation sage to the London Times has also canal In North Salt Lake, lost week. been transmitted in the presence of its D. Parkin, M. P. It Is presumed the old man wandered in pedal correspondent, to the canal during the night, fell fliiM tha llr.rt. and was unable to extricate himself, Inch of water After a series of experiments coverbeing drowned, barely an ing a period of more than fifty years, covering bis face. to forwarded W. Pyron Coakley, a well known Petitions have been of Chicago, has Just discovIn congress Utah's representative proadminister local treatment to county, ered that Beaver of from residents Is extension to the heart not the Impossibility the testing against the proposed a In large world's scientists have always held It of tha Sevier reserve to take to be. By means of a fine, hollow golcounty. that In area of public land den needle, seven to eight Inches long, ol man Jamea Waldomar. a young terms "organotone," Dr. about which b ML TleasanL was badly Injured not only has been able to last week Coakley the head and face one night without causing death, heart the rid waa pierce horse which he by having Into It various fluids withto but uncon inject He lay Ing fall with him. to the slightbefore being out subjecting the patient iclous for some hours est danger. found. Hrhimlt In Bortn Rica, state The biennial report of the The annual report of the commisa decrease In the game warden notes the state sioner of education for Porto Rico, number of deer throughout numBamuel McCune Lindsay, says thst vast to and attributes the cause tlius tbs poorest schools there are as good nuumtatn. ber of sheep in the their feeding as, snd, in some respects, better, than driving the doer from the poorest In the same grade in very places. of the United States, alof the resi- many parts A large mass meeting output of the el every-dawas held at though tho be compared cannot dents of Ogden valley school mentary evpres-iloHuntsville last week to give s hoola of the same best city the with na to the sentiments of the grade In the slates. An Amerniui ,n f the upper valley in r',"l ctHc rail in exists every now el public school building of the proposed The senIn Porto ill o, way through Oitden canyon. road. of the favor in was timent d h st y Harness, Boots Shoos. V JWIN JONK3, Supl. MIk F,rk. to establish n 1 latch & Clock Repairing, 'Blocks ia on foot . ctak. I0 1 1 ISO wetter, Petto III re u Mwobd-elaa- a at Spaalab Fork, Hub. Ael of Coef res at Merck I, 17 E,t,rcd Feb. tl, V TO ARBITRATE. x MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, oti morement ROOSEVELT semi-offici- m4 ABSTRACTER. Ims No. 7, Kalght Blook. F SOTO. Attorney-at-La- Fork Pr PANiSH 4 A resolution granting a franchise to covered against the said city, the re Reed Smoot. Jesse Knight, C. E. covery thereof and the Judgment there George llavercamp and Samuel R. for shall be final as between the said Thurman. city and the said grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators, successor Section 1. Be It resolved by the city or assigns, and conclusive as to the council of Spanish Fora City, that liability of the latter to the former. Section 6. That if this grant, with Reed Smoot, Jesse Knight, C. E. Ixxise, George Havercamp and Samuel R. the terms and conditions herein conThurman, their heirs, executors, ad- tained, be not accepted in writing by ministrators, successors and assigns, said grantees within sixty days afterif have the authority and consent of the the passage of this resolution, or be not commenced within twen is work city council and the permission r months after the passage of hereby granted them, to construct and or if work be not comthis resolution, or a double street track operate single on the streets cars and pleted operated neceswith all the railroad, together s for the hereinbefore named within two and a sary twitches and accommodation of said mad, on the half years after the acceptance of this then this grant and franfollowing streets of said city, namely: resolution, Over and upon Main street, and Ninth chise Bhall become null and void. And North, from Main to Third West, and all rights upon streets or parts of on Fourth North, from Main, east to streets herein granted on which said is not actually constructed and In county road, on the following condi- road ten years after the tions, viz: Such track or tracks to be operation within laid on such grades as are now or may acceptance of this franchise, shall be hereafter be established by the city forfeited to7. the city. Section That whenever the city council. In consideration of this franchise the grantees, their heirs, execu- council shall find it necessary or detors, administrators, successors and sirable, after fifteen years from the date othei assigns aforesaid, are hereby required street hereof, to grant toa any franchise railway company to keep in good repair with the same granted, material and in the same manner as over any of the streets secure to such other company a the streets hereinbefore named are or to connection with any Important center may be paved, the space inside the or terminus, the grantees herein, if retrack or tracks, and a space two feet shull allow earh side of the same, including all quired by the city council, running arrangements over grantees' spaces between double tracks, whore tracks to such other company on the same be constructed, and also that steam power shall not be used except streets where said grantees may have for tho construction of said railroad a double track upon such other com and for the movement of obstructed pany making suitable payment for con and disabled cars thereon, and for the structlng, maintaining and operating clearance of said railroad from any ob- the portion of said grantees' tracks so struction whatsoever whenever elec- used. HEIIER C. JEX. tric or other motive power shall be InMayor. adequate and unequal to the occasion. Dated December 18. A. 1). 1902. And the grantees aforesaid shall M. MICKELSON. Attest: place cars upon said railroad with all City Recorder. for modern necessary improvements comfort of the convenience and pasState of County of Utah, Spansengers, which shall be run thereon ish Fork Utah,ss. City each and every day, as often as the I, M. Mlckelson, recorder in and for public convenience may require, both Fork City. Utah county, stats Spanish not a of et rate ways, exceeding of speed Utah, hereby certify that the foreand miles such under twelve per hour, is a full, true and correct copy going regulations as the city council may "A Resolution Granting a Franchise from time to time prescribe. Provided, of C. E. that the grantees aforesaid shall com- to Reed Smoot, Jesse Knight, Gporge Havercamp, and Samuel ply with the directions of the city R. city counof said cil Thurman," passed by the council in the construction on of Fork the 18th Spanish City con railroad, and in any other matter A. D. 1902. nected with the regulations of the dayIn of December.whereof I have heresame, and that the track or tracks unto testimony affixed my official signature and shall be constructed in the center of corporate seal of Spanish Fork City the street, unless otherwise directed th? 18th day of December, A. D. 1902, this manIn a the and such by city council, M. MICKELSON. (Seal.) ner as shall be approved by the street , City Recorder. supervisor; the track or tracks to be laid and the road be operated so as to cause no unnecessary impediment to tbo common and ordinary use of said 'streets tor all purposes, and that the water courses of said streets shall be left free and unobstructed ; said tracks to be laid on a good foundation, even with the surface of the roadwsy, and on such streets as are or shall hereafter ho paved flat rails DIRECT shall he used, and good and permanent crossings shall be made by the grantees aforesaid at the Intersection of streets and elsewhere wherever the LIRE same shell b necessary, at the discretion of the city council, and under the direction and to the acceptance of the street supervisor. The price of a !) single passage within the corporate limits shall not exceed 6 cents. Beeflon 2. That this franchise is granted for the term of fifty (50) years from the date of the passage of this resolution, and accepted on the fol..ON.. lowing conditions, viz: That if the said grantees, their heirs, executors, KANSAS CITY administrators, successors or assigns) NO shall fall to perform all the stipulations of this resolution, the city council, after sixty days' notice, in writing, and on failure of the part of the said grantees, tlielr heirs, executors, admin- For istrators, successors or assigns, to provide a remedy or to make satisfactory L. L, Down i no, . arrangement therefor, may. by a ma811 Laks City, tilth. herejority vote, declare the privileges A'V. OMAHA,: f. A. NAIM ltrvwi in granted forfeited. . Portion 3. That nothing In this grant shall be so construed as to prevent 6panlsh Fork City, or Its authorized 1 agents, from paving, sewering, laying gas or water mnlns or pipes, altering, repairing or in any manner improving any of the streets mentioned herein, or any other streets of said city, but all such improvements shall be made with as tittle Injury as practicable to aid railroad or the operating thereof. Section 4. That In the construction and operation of said railway, the said grantees, tbelr heirs, executors, adPA C1F1C ClllCA ministrators. successors and assigns AND shall at all times conform to such ordiNorth-Wester- n nances, rules and regulations as have been or may hereafter be adonted by ths city council of said city In relation to operating rail roads, street railways, or tramways In KO change of cart. Patftr than said city, and for each violation thereThe Overland any other route. of, shall be liable to a fine In any sum Limited," equipped with Palace less than three hundred dollars. Sleeping Care and Dining Cart, Section 6. That Spanish Fork City mealt a la carle," leave! Salt shall in no way be liable or responsible at 7.00 every morning. Thit for any accident or dan age that may Lake hat Buffet Smoking and Library train occur In the construction or operation Cart ( with barber) and Free Reclining of said railway, by reason of the deChair Cart. The Atlantic Exprest fault or misconduct of sail! ersntees leave t Salt Lake every evening at their heirs, executors, administrators, 6.10 p. m. For tickclt and reservasuccessors or assigns, or their emtion! apply to ticket agentt, or of this ployes : and the acceptance C. A. Walker, Gen. Agent Chigrant shall be deemed an agreement on ty cago R'y, 206 S. of said for themthe the part grantees, Alum St., Sail Lake City. selves snd their heirs, exeputors. administrators. successors and assigns to save the said dtv harmless from and against all liability, tors, costs, ex- or of any nature fmnse of damage, anv such defnult or misconduct. or which may accrue bv reason of any accldert or Injury which may occur In or br reason of the construcunrfiiintf Invent or Imtmtvf) alto fft tion or operation of said rslhvav, and CVFt.IBUE-MMIK- . CnprRIOHTcrUtMt.N to indemnify and repav raid city for Srllil mtMlri, kaUb,crptmlo. SHOUCIIO, snv loss, costa, etpeme ir damage of for fr t'VimlnMk'n And any kind it mnv rmntn by tennon of BOOK O.'l PATENTS snv itreb dcfr'.'lt, misconduct, nceldect or injury; and if no judsi.'.-- t " r Put-t- il dimnnes for nny such default Uwy,rc WASHINGTON, D.C. shall be re ronduct. accident or tnj-'iside-track- b'-el- n STOP Paying Rene twi TOUB MOM. A asatrasd la the Rattoaal 8m sSea fcws AnmUHm 'YH1 entitle yea to a horn or farm 11000 cash, sr pay ott year mortgage, sxd Bay to rotaroad a tha rata of ns 13.00 par Month aa aaoh 11000 with at 8 par east par annum. Apply slthar la parson or by lettor to LCHICAGO Passengers or Freight Direct Route to Chicago CO-UNIO- N Line i' it It in-to- John Christianson, ?. O. Box 71, Spaaltb Fork, Disk, See tjeue. Farms oI mobI aay datlrahlo, aid slty prop-orwith oomfortablo baild or vacant lots, tor aato ly ClUSTlAhBOR, Baal latato A goat, Spanish Fork, Utah. First-cla- ss too JONH ty in. i i Hotel. Charlotte, no toot sanioo to (ho Trovoltaf Trad both la tho Botol aid Livery ksitnooa. t. Commercial Men, Match far Ua Bass 1, V at tho Dapa. L. M. JOHBS, Prop. IDtSANOEV TIKI CARD, Arrival aad Departure of Trains fro Rio Grande Hester Depot No. 7, for Springvllle, Provo, Salt Lake and all points East and West, No, 80, for Springvlllo. Provo, Salt Lake and all points aaad Went, No. 8, for Eureka, Mammoth and Silver City, No. 88, for Eoreka, Mammoth and Silver City, 1 Kt 1 Connections made la ttffden Union Do-p- et with AH Trains of Souther Pacific and Oregon Short Liao. OFFERS CHOICE Of FAST THROUGH EAST OMAHA r TRAINS DAILY. 1ID Thre Distinct Scenic Routeg. Palms Fslae sad Ordiaary Blseptaf Car to Deavor, Onuka, X as sag City, St. Loals aad Cdsage wlthod aka ago. Free Kacltalag Chatr Cart. Foreeasity Coadactod Ixonrtf A Fsrfocf Dials? Car SerrUa For ratoa, folder, eto.. Inquire of , i. K. COO PE K, Tleket Agent, or write , I. A. BKITOB, General Agent. Tsfs'r DephaT, Salt Lake CUy. fTnyr ersiaxs PATENTS saocumwitri mos-NAav- t OBUIKFD Notkoata "laraaura I Li ," POMP Book Mw toMrtataPtMato' EseS soviet A !', TO MTWTS1MUTY A . NaltoMTInataatlaamradL MHlf omtdmM K.a.eMuixs.1rdwl Add T ML WuMaim, 0. A I WM. ROACH,- - Blacksmiihing, Horse Shoeing, Daek of Lewis' Store, Spaalsh Fort. Jox Lumber Company. ad-tlre- st North-Wester- flil if n 1 kiwis: I AND Building. Material. Bailed Hay & Produce. 3 BROOMS Pi fcwfiftiiff L abUIi Fork L'Uh |