Show Eleven Architects II Entered in Competition Competition Com Corn petition Three Prizes Given By Helen Orr The ball ban room in the accepted plans for the Union Building will willbe willbe be fifteen per cent larger than that of the Hotel Utah according to Ashton and Evans winners of first place in n the contest Other winners according to Douglas 0 O. Woodruff head of Union Union Union Un Un- ion building campaign were Young and Hanson Pope and Burton Leonard and Neel- Neel son Members 1 of the jury which passed passed passed pass pass- ed on the pictures were as follows follows fol fol- fol- fol f lows ws- ws Thom Thomas ThomasR s R R. R Kimball iaU ex dent of the American Institute of Architects from Omaha Nebraska ka President George Thomas Thom s re- re Continued on page 3 Ashton Evans Win Union Building Contest Continued from Page 1 of the University Richard A A. Hart alumni representative representative sen- sen Ellis W. W Barker stud ex-stud student ex-student nt representative and Mrs Edith J. J Linford woman representative Public exhibition of the winning drawings in the contest will be held in the ladys lady's parl parlor r of the Hotel Utah for a week beginning on February 13 stated Mr V Woodruff This will be continued during the following week on the campus Ashton a and d Evans will proc proceed ed edwith f II with their work on the drawings It is hoped according to Mr Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Wood Wood- ruff that work on the building will be under way by May Mayor or June The new building will carry the spirit of club activities Ashton and Evans write in the description which accompanies the plans The following student activities s are tobe to be be housed student social life st student student stu stu- dent service and student business The ground floor will take care of the student service in that it will include a cafeteria in which students may be seated at onetime onetime one onetime time private dining rooms kit kitch kitchen h. h en storage rooms roams commercial lunch room and tonsorial parlors On the first floor will floor will be the ball ballroom ballroom j room mens men's and ladys lady's lounges loggia game trophy billiard committee committee com com- and reading rooms The lounges will both open off onto terr terraces ces in the back of the build build- ing The top floor will be bAe devoted to student business life It will in in- elude the student government offices offices offices of of- of- of publication athletic council dramatic and committee rooms roams Inthe In Inthe Inthe the center will be a lecture room room in which can be seated The competition for plans was open to any Utah practicing archi archi- Other firms finns entered in the contest w were re Joseph Nelson Woolley Woolley Wool Wool- ley and E Evans ans Anderson and Cannon and Fetzer |