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Show TO APPEAL TO 1IEAVEH, American Foreign Missionary Societies Concerned. Tbey Courlntle lu Malie Ilia Clear I.nw uhul.Jtfl.ilNiietUI Vrnjtr. New York, May 18. Tbo Geary Kxcluilon act which baa always been fought by tbo churches and missionary toclttlts has given the borne ofllclals uo llltlo concern. Tbe l'rcsbyteilin bond cf missionaries at a uiiellog ytttcrday, In addition to fending n cablegram, orderid Icttert wrlttun to tbo fjur mlulont at that country lu which the lojunctlout to caution and conservative action la enlarged en and adding! "It Items t) us Utslrablo while matters arolnius pensr, that all our mlalonarlea shoulj to In a situation where prompt com. munlcatioii will bv wlblo aud that vliltt to the Intor.or s-iould not be undertaken unlcm tho proper precau tlons aru taken. I am uuthorlied to say that Mr. Dulles is about to send extra lundt to each minion to be available when needed. Tho chief daugerapprohonded la a sudden uprising, upris-ing, at a result ol the falsa reports scattered among the people, who may tale intlon beforu the government can Interfere." Tho Methodist foreign nilsilonary society baa decided to make a Una) ap-leal ap-leal to thu l'resblenl agalntt tho Immediate enforcement of the law. llie apical aa fotmulated aays: "Wo earnestly betv.ech tho I'nsldeiit to uae all means In lilt lower to nioit the utt wishes of theOblnesegoveruiutnt II It bo yet posilblo to secure through diplomatic action such agreement be. twien tho two countries us will tecuru I once and harmony," The following hat alto been luued for distribution: "1 n tblt time of peril to our missionary mission-ary Intertttt In China and of dishonor to tbe fair namo of our couutry It came of unrlghloout and oppretslvu legislation wo deem It of tho utmost Importance that the wholo church look to God for dlvlno guidance and help. Wo thertfiru rocommend that Hun day, May Sth, be otucrved as a day of special praytrthroughout the ojuntry, that our government mty be led to uit and right aotloa In this emergency aud that tilth solution of the petdlng imnstlou niny bo reached aa shall ejve Hie missionary Intererta In China from dliaster and sccuru Juit treatment to the Chlueno lu thla country," |