Show tl is imas OGRESS PROGRESS rR PRESIDENT OF YOUNG AND COMPANY SALT creek cazem joan JOAB co april 22 1863 5 I 1 editon editor or 07 THE NEWS DEAR SIR SIRI As yeu you youngs airty party on a traveling tour to our mountain dixie axie left hig big residence in salt lake ci cl y at 8 am of the dinst we arav ed at american fork at 3 pm on that th at day where a hearty welcome was extended by all ail a I 1 the citizens after caring for our oar teams and partaking of the bounties so amply provided the company company and citizens repaired to the de meeting house bouse so appropriately situated inthe in the centre of the village where the assembly was ivas addressed by crests bigham young and heber G C kimball elder loi renzo snow bisho bishop S oker and L 0 little lutle 1 field Much aluch god good instruction instruction was imparted and a good spirit prevailed we were hospitably entertained for the night and after breakfasting in the morning went on our way passed through pleasant grove arid and provo and stopped at springville Spring ville for dinner where everything was prepared for our reception by our enterprising old and trustworthy friend bishop aaron johnson and the people generally on being b seated at the long table EO so abundantly spread in bishop johnsona Johns onti inhospitable house we were all delighted t at the presentation of dishes of the r savoy avoy trout which had bad that morning been beta taken from the crystal waters of the stream that flows down from the adjacent mountains through h the centre of that pleasant town these trout found this ing tha the season of high water last spring causing the waters from utah lake lawe to flow into it carry earning ing alo g a Buffi sufficient clent number of fishes which have since multiplied to a great extent they are caught weighing from two to three pou rou pounds rles ries and I 1 need not labor to impress you with the fact that they were a decided lux cry rhe he the bell ran calling the people together at the meeting house bouse where they were instructed ted in the principles of 0 our holy rell reil religion ion by residents Pesi dents young and kimball and aider mider elder Lor lorenzo elizo snow after meeting we moved on passing through spanish fork and arrived at payson where the president and hla hia party were received and entertained with gla gia gladness duess at 5 fe tie ti tle e people assembled in tle tte the theatre hall where president delivered a discourse replete with the most valuable instructions which if they could be carried out i in this territory by the capitalist and the man of limited resources ten years would not pass away before our citizens would abound in wealth to a degree truly wonderful and public improvements would our condition en cn every hand band the next morning after breakfast the company roaz roat pan moved on slowly over a rather heavy road rendered so by the rain which had fallen during the night but passing summit creek creel bix six cifes distant the roads began to improve J and our long train of carriages carni carri ages agea and baggage i 1 wa wagons ons rolled down the southern slope of the j dummit 11 in double quick time and aa an we passi d into juab valley we viewed the distant herds ot cattle in every feeding upon iha iba green grass which early spring had here already abundantly resuscitated soon we arrived opposite mount blount nebo said to be the iii highest heat hest or of the wasatch range which towered upon our left penetrating the fleecy clouds that played so fantastically fantastic dlly around its dizzy pressing Pt essing onward at half balf past 2 pui pid we drew up tip in front of bishop bryants abryants Cr Br yanta new frame two story residence in salt creek where every attention and kininess was shown by himself and the catiz ns at aa 3 lock the pies ples dent deit and his party arty were received into the theatre hall ball w where aa re was spread two lengthy tables with all the luxuries wh ch ih the country could afford on which we feasted with mith zest an excellent band discoursing sweet music the while at ata 5 we a as 3 ambled for meeting when presidents tg young elders lorenzo snow john tay lor and geo A smith addressed the congre centre gation and truly we e had bad a refresh li g time j and felt ourselves ours oars elves elved much benefited by the in I 1 given at 8 p pm ro we asi asi 1 1 aein sein bumbled bled again in the hall when a lively and I 1 social dance was inaugurated which is now i progressing with zes zest hilarity and in good order while I 1 write I 1 thu mr editor you have a brief summary cf of our gur three days da s travel from our be bet 1 loved city which has placed ninety five miles mites between us baard and ard the loved ones at home I 1 would not omit to mention that on approaching the settlements through chiou gh which we have I 1 passed the pres president dent and hig hia party have been met by companies comp amea of escorts with flaga flags and bands banda of music and everywhere la Is be lie greeted with the smile of true welcome trul truly truly I 1 is us he a a father and a benefactor to the people j long may he and his hn worthy c counselors live 1 to enjoy enjoy the blessings rf cf gods people ones the residents presidents party consists of about one hundred persons ten of whom are ladies and n d twenty five carriages and baggage wagons wa thus far no accident has happened we have hape ae met perhaps oie ohe hundred and fifty or red teams en eh route for florence to tid assist in emigrating the poor saints sai Sal rits lits their teams were ip u axce lent condition I 1 did not i bee eee but few oxen among them but wb what would atwould have made very good rood beef most of the wag ona one were drawn by five yoke of oxen the wagons on being of the best beat chicago build if the div give five hundred wagons which are going to cross the plains this season and the cattle were stretched in close order they would occupy a length of road measuring ten tan miles so it is computed many of the wagons are loaded wih cotton grown groan last season in our southern settlements it is design designed pd for the eastern market let me here also state that from the best information we could glan gloan at springville Spring ville spanish fork and payson here there were three indians killed and three wounded in the recent fi fight ht took place at the mouth of spanish il fork pork kanyon no more in the morning we moved on to sanpete San pete in a few days hence you may receive further details of the successive incidents which will attend our travel for the present prevent adieu yours L 0 ad P S ml morning orning dinst 7 As it to damper down conr spirits a little it is snowing bno sno it ie is the general central opinion that if the snow enow which haa baa fallen this morning bad remained on the ground and no not melted BO so fast up to this time it would have measured six inches in depth and it Is still falling failing fast it is warm however and not accompanied by aih bix h wind which will ren der derit it more tolerable to the traveler tra veer it will do much good to the crop crops as it is quite dr dry 7 in this section which will inspire us iliner ants to endure it with patience J L 0 L FOREIGN POSTAGE great SALT laue LAKE arty april 1863 EDITOR NEWS in consequence of the post office department having cavino t to account to foreign governments in specia le or its equivalent balances for I 1 of postage dhe due to foreign post office departments on unpaid letters on and after the first day of may alay next gold and silver coin will be required for the payment of postage on letters arriving here unpaid from the follow following ing places great britain and ireland france prussia a Ilam llam hamburg burz burx bremen br emen and be belgium ilium i the post office department hab has however concluded to accept legal tender notes with the augmentation of tie the tle premium on gold at par in this country where the difference between i gold and legal tenders is so uncertain the postmasters in utah territory we presume will be safer and the people also in paying simply the amount in coin T B 11 FT EINHOUSE postmaster PUBLIC READING ROOM we are requested to announce that the reading room at the seventies council hall ia Is inow now open to the public three days in the I 1 week viz mondays thursdays and saturdays fro from m 9 to 12 am and from 1 to 6 pm saturday oc of each week Ss Is reserved for ladies ladles j and country visitors who may feel disposed to spend spena a le leisure laure tsure hour in tea iea leading dIng the directors dite Dire clora inform ua us that they are now receiving regularly from both east and west copies of all the lest newspapers maga maZa magazines and reviews that are published shed on this conti ent en and ard and they are daily expecting copies of e ome some of the leading journals of europe LATEST FROM THE PARTY by persons from the south we have been informed I 1 that in consequence of the prevailing snowstorm snow storm on thursday last president young 0 and company remained at nephi and did not proceed on to sanpete county till friday morning arwe As we were locking up last evening of we received a communication from j our correspondent dated at manti on sunday morning the from which we learn that the president and company went from nephi to north bend lend on friday passing through fountain green and moroni and from thence I 1 via mount pleasant springtown Spring town and eph ephraim raim to manti mant on saturday on sunday the party would return to two meetings would se le held after which they would return to manti that evening on monday thy thoy would proceed to ganison Gu nison and from thence to fillmore on tuesday fine FIRE AT denven denver 1 I 1 here was an extensive fire in denver Denvert city ity C T tp on the morning of the 1911 igli dinst destroying most of the business part of the town the particulars have hare not been received aa as no papers from that territory have hare come to band since that unfortunate occurrence dera drra departures postmaster ter stenhouse Sten bouse boose and IV S godbe oe of this city were among the passengers by the eastern stagecoach stage coach i left yesterday morning for the stated states immigration MOVEMENTS for several days daya past the city has bis presented a nry dey livey hey stirring 1 appearance as teams have hat e been almost constantly passing through the streets sheets arriving arrivi nw from the country and passing in out to their several places of 0 rendezvous preparatory to organizing companies the consisting of about fity wagons cach each under their re respective spec tive captaine captains as previously arranged and soon as the organization ball shall be com completed plated will move more orf off in order one oae one ote company after another for florence nebraska territory for the purpose of bringing the poor door saints across the plains who are immigrating 11 to the valle valie valleys y 9 of the mountains the present summer the whole number of teams designed for tor that service this year was over five I 1 lun dred jred but we are not in possession of the requisite ibl lei tein in for masion to enable us to tate state 8 definitely how bow many have been fitted up and are or will soon be in motion tor for the missouri river in compliance with the on but we believe that they will exceed the number called for and deemed necessary for the immigration the captains of the companies are john rohn I 1 I 1 W woolley john Murdock Horton DHa ghr Ight peter william B preston thomas rf ricks lc ks rosel rosei hyde john F sanders sander S D white and D D mcarthur most of the teams which we have seen have bave lave been gaoa ones principally composed of ot young thrifty cattle in good order well adapted for the journey the wagons also are of a superior kind and the entire outfit so far aa as we have seen and heard beard from every qu quarter uter h hab has las been rendered complete by the Bs bishops shop who have had the I 1 of the whole matter bishop hunter and his counselors state unequivocally that the teams wagons and every thing C provided for the trip are decidedly better than those sent last year and that the outwitting outfitting out fitting b arran arrangements cements have hat e been attended with less difficulty and expense than heretofore indicating that the gathering ot of the poor is not an impoverishing operation some of the teams from the north went up the weber river and many from the boul soul south bouth th went by way of the gos a og the co companies will all be organized and inspected before they take up the line of march a report of which we expect to receive in time tine for next issue A writer in thebo theTo the journal of baye saye there are more specimens of the poor devil in california than in any other state in the I 1 union it is a popular delusion that powder on a ladys face has the same game effect as in the barrel of a musket assists her to go off whom the gods would destroy thy they first make mad and the example is a good one for our imitation imia imi tion if it you jou would demolish an opponent in argument first nat n at make mako him aim as mad ahyou as you can A Mc michigan bLigan so laler soldier tt nuo ho was accused ne cugel 0 of stealing a rebels goose skid stid baid slid B aid kid he found the bird ird hissing at the american fla flag and arrested it for treason an editor edito r out west wants to know whales to become of the women it if muslin goes up much higher our devil thinks the result will be that tbell turn out to be a poor shiftless set |