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Show SAM VOli. V IA, ylt THE EVENING NEWS. ttW rarart Sunday.) Wp imh .108 00 re noauii,. it. 'i THE DESERET NEWS: SEMI -- WEEKLY. Tumi Kr lb ftewil-Weeki- yi 4 0l oa rear.. , t&TWW ii no 50 . . tuoutl e. ia is iNEWS: WEEKLY. iiESKKET ber Mrs. Heldsberj, to Robert West, and lUld daughter, over night at the CoamoolltOD. This D.m. aha tarted for the Petal a ma boat, bat, fludicg aba bai orrottn aomathioar. rot out of the carriaca and ran un sUIra to fetch it, when aha fell down In the ball and died inatantly, of heart dUeaae. Bha waa about alxty yearaof Age. olnce the amaah up In atocka on the a larze number of oar eltl- exchange, Uena axe maklcr inTcaUiallon into mlnlnr companies than for aoma tlm before. Crokera who bare been aceaa-tomed to carry atocka for caetomara on 20 per cent, are without exceDtlona compelled to discontinue that branch of the baalneaa, owlojc to heayj loaaea by purcoaaea znaae on oruera rrooi cnt tomera who did not come to time, and oanxi wiu not Joan on Lock at anv rave on very exceptional caaea. fljrar, Kdlth O'Qormaa, the "tacaped nun," now Mjle kiM 01 I fr lii f r 13 Weekly .,. oat " EUROPEAN. Rwlif-Al- m Clln la The Times thla morn. London. 11. Iceaaya the Americana have not Tat acquired the true atylo of rowIn,4and nop tney will learn It and then nut Eogllih oarsmen t) a aarerer teat than v i .i.y I., mt oh r ranoiaco. I1 M yeterJay. in tbe commona Gladstone atAtd C2 1, CA5 iOS, Oaaartl Batiaera that In tbe Dresant condition nf tha Alabama negotiations, the mala point waa Arat the proposition made by GranTllle to the United Btatea for a DoetDonemeul t am jui nama cmci tbe UnTa board for eight months. of II of vaa for the liarnal 0borne considered GranTilla'a simI Joo rrtaMo. T'ckKlU it. proposition bumHlatlne and undigni fied. Gladstone defended it as honor BINDING AND PAPER RULING able to both parties. Disraeli stronely oppoaea me proposition ror a postpone. menu particularly while a heated D re aCOKGE Q. CANNON, sidential contest was In progress In the KIMTC R A PU EIJs K Kli uniiw mate, ana believed tbe rollcv or ine gorernment would end in die astrous disgrace. There wm an aozrv debate In Loth ...u..l.,b- Wn al oa walcB tbalr bouaea of Parliament on Qranvllla'a ('..Mit.to adjourn the Geneva , propoattlon .ka ui taU utam Ot lhlf board of arbttrators.and a declaration by ari urey, in tbt Lords, that England r oagnt to withdraw from the treaty on leaa the Indirect clalma were withdrawn, waa reeetvea wiin load cheers. ot or tb r !a4 b bl t.f--rrln- nodrln4iu KSTIR.1 W CANADA. Ont, 4.to Tbe royal Brookville, steamer was DISPATCHES. EASTERN imia, lal will hum, " aaS Ddaeara Heme X T O 11 ooa too cioa D.n-rrmH- 0 It be The Dsmocratlo promises to be thsUrrtst held here for xninj jein. HecJficki, who positively declined at jMtf rJay, it is undarstood haa row, the orjnl rtqneet of tbe liberal Rspnb-lieaaa- ef Indiana and the Demoerate, foosaoted to accept tbe nomination for oTrnor. The Indications are that the coovsattoa will endorse the Cincinnati ii.Qveatlon, and that none but Oreeley tmocrat will be elected to Baltimore, although Uiare will be strong oppoalllon (alt. Tss liberal Ittpablicane bald a omttof this morning and elected Geo. W. Julian as candidate fur congress torn lbs State at large. WasHisoTox, It. A 'large number f ptomlant Dmocrats, representing Virj'.aia, Texas, Indiana, New York, Arkacsaa and Kentucky held meeting last evening In the and reaolved In the event oahouet f tha Baltimore convention eodoralng lis Cacinoatl nominees, that they voaUtazi ttr ns to call another conven- a sad fut a Dsmociatio ticket for Pm(ot tad vicePresIdsnt in the 0!L Thry eeUbllshed their Indianapolis, with Colonel Unoia, aKiu f'-- head-(safrsn- at fof, chairman. It. The district IUSArous, and In caucus 'ted dslegatee to Baltimore, all and Brown. In the r.rra Greeley to-nig- ht fa-flfl- U - : 4 idh?ffl7i;whre -'w ois onafaoree is in much good work to be seems rin sx9zzr. " " "uu tlZl w"er" jfo walU impatiently done, On the "" ' r -- r- T BANKERS iu nf Haute dlsUlct caucaa, a motion icUiituts Voorhres for Dowllog, as 'gate from the Htete at large, waa by a vote of 78 to 91. Geo. W. Jaliataald, in the Liberal Republican 'ucua that he would be glad If t'ie l)mocrata would take him as one f their standa d bearers, TcriKa, Kas., 11 The Kansas 8 ate to-da- y, btaiocra'io eenvsntion met here aad elected delgtee to the Baltimore to-d- ay Amerlfaai I Europe. Year bv vear the Americana will learn better what ia tbe true method of Their enjoying a European tonr. wives and daughters will learn that a be made to trip across the AtUntlo caneven a dress than delights higher yield or the ability to dealgned by Worth bay ellka atofnai r prioe. -Aieanwnue toe Innaenee experience i becoming perceptible la the tone of American society and the current of American public opinion. The ig norance of a certain portion or the British public In regard to continental It counterpart until EuropeIn found notions entertained lately the absurdAmerican about all by the average as Excellent European. things the system most respects, it la la me in education of adopted or the United states, schools public their method of imparting historical and geographiczl information area hardly calculated to give me pupil correct Idea or the relative Importance of the past and preaent nations of the world iss uniuu ine no noyeoi to m men, ana very have often, highly successful men, with very little more Bnowieage oi iuo wuitu tney outside of the Union than rot at school. To hundreds or Amerito cans It haa been a gennlne surprisenatfind European cities hatter paved, ter cleaned, better governed altogether at than anything they bad kiown of home. To find that the subjects were not apparently Qieen Victoria less free by reason or meir suojeeuuu,a and that people might live unaer on their minas monarchy and speak freely aa they public question a come would In New York, unquestionor ably to many Americana Inathe light new revelation. ocowm Journal. T . ' ' I ' , to scociatsoB 4 . MABHD.HJJFIF KTEtt TflK TKNfH I.VY At'KIf. OK, Oost Ouaiitv or FARGO .& WELLS, urricx halt utxa crrr Neat, OAs Oomfavt, Main 8L, June 1,1872. i ate hereby notified that the E Public expre m SI : ;o:ifr-- f ! . CO., CJai,1 1 OFFICE J Ii2 : a. B ,TL arlee ete. 3 GEO. E. C9ttBESFOHtKST3: to-da- y. ur of workmen.- - dent, before leaving the city.told a prominent member of the eeoate foreign ha no iotentlonof lrT trea'y to fall. ao-iniolf- at Wahington.hM,r;eitb.Utr d.' a similar partmeut a.rr4-"- n. DavlJ IvoM.'rrfTnapieaait rn Fir sen ta TttE IARQE4r KEEPS FURPillTAIRE ' L.I 1i Ahd i. et. " "Will SeU Cheap. rrm SALTS. CISSSALIX S. wounds, sorea, M. LohnI Price Done at the d202 BANK - BErrfTAD OF Utt'E. ' V A KIUICPA.TRI - K, Attornejs. FIR9T WB3T, and ly - Drug Store, J- Li Mm : States, or.ESE.f 4 BANK - . WESTErtN DISPATCHES. f8ti; , litSflrJ SSfiSaJ11 0m . . .iiae n"0 rnv tha BnTPoee or j..nrnia or a dot try -- ' v ir na& "j to rid. two hundred mllea ln twsWj TWO Btory XwUHaW i k far tnsm "tired tng y A i '"mTT!-e-rooms, B. U UA21FSklL 1BUUAIV VI UaryavUI w-- ,of NeraJa Clle. ar &ra last evening, en rouit for -y m a aja JUlngaborse$oharTrTie4 waj nn of a-- Hloctt en tea premlsae, Urra rfoad Depot. . A ti "7 i. 1 1 'J.l Oi.l A rr , aoenti disstfasswinr p. nnn, u j, UOHCEPATHIC PRACTITIOHER a jmru-.u- WLselock y-u- ury Je E. JOHNSON, 8T.OEORaK.wTAM. k.nr wiHuiau mew .. che, ruy will, earnestly denounee naxter Park was .Vi. i? m. , 2: Frail. I Xmt ' VMS fiadeev r, Qlae fiouUk fjtroet.' ,7- .-' SJ . awarf ST OF IOS 51 e . JAB3i:s TOW.tSRND, I " ;., r Proprietor. be i . w ' - MOUNTAIN RECIONf ; nOOMS TTlTHOIt WITH- Tin attti ADDITIONAL Tman d3 . . : JJCJPBOTEKEJf TS, I; i for city. sTa., BROTHERS, WAXaoX MAJTUJriCrrURERS aft! MOvt Complete Stock or - ' - t ; ' THE TERRITORY. IW lre And a One Car llroatl of Ilackniaiiu Wagons, Wliloli tUey offer ..x ... but quality of al very LOW r.i- - i CONCORD prices.: 1" CTTT 5IAKKEX. HARNESS. n w IJAHFfETT. watch.. vii-KO- : 33 ua O3 O jEl. cceasf.lly aecotn. Ubliehmcat, wberel mat toaeemyold men la. tnkor, ani rt li.nowja made by tbe grade MtlBi plfehcd AUERtOAV 7VATCII C3.: OJ" WlWHAki Tata Vatcitls m I ta the moat substantial rcsnner. oa the raos. approved prlae lH,ia ; It haa eomVnes all lb raoaot laoproTeraents.fhlen the by nelricAl rejulator. a ne mieM be .ly corrected. .It racii C and y a entirely re is crraf y 4J on U ran mvai a'ety.- we tr VrH,n4 EN VK. without any ti,TRETilK 'I .KOE?r-IW eonadanUy , waitoTcr. efanjtmaat ttils w!4'a'ro the trad and trie publle rae-ui7..- n3 aBir.VvaToHFOTaftfWCBlii Tin. fall trale-ra.- -k 1 W:V li: enrve on tbe pSate ol 1 ' AiiEftlJAN WATJCn' CO.. WALT HA if, MAS." an -- - , CRECESXSTv tU alatlneUvaty Watsh. as tae caEKTEST-Skaon t For ae by all laadlnj Jswelsrs. v APPIiEXON, rll i i-- wl lm , , Qsnsral Asenta, ,:t rt. z.: ' 1 BonJ-sK. Y.. L frr tbe Beasoa at vthe bans et (J2i.CC) Toonjr, attwenty-noiuui ia auraoca. nonravoacs. t At tbe same place, at five - SSXC) doUars m eo anoav Ap4y te au . 9 ALSO, HOIlE-r.UD- , CANDIES Balalaa, byslera, E STata, ria-a- aavrdlaea, SaJaaow. and i JTancy . OroerlM - Staple j. n.- JOELGon, "xAxr tar'- - sEUillSpSE, r r - waii:? 'jfcjuj ifjaniactuTer of ; 6F .THEATRE, EAST Salt JLjxUo City. TERMS : paPer Day. Beard, wittiest rewnaa, tie Per Week - Proprietor. A27SU TynTTE AlfD RED PineeF Eiiamber! x atrsro - ' " AT 'THE -- - All Kind of Lumber, Doors. , . jt.i Half Block Booth 4K latli, " , ... ssssasnnv" ' "; . EXonltUngiis lEtATxte," r - .xwtsi. 1 Windows niindji, Shingles, W- - t. r; jonrja. TJ. O. Depot. dSStf . ", cc:.:?Airc7 cal!?c:;:iAsV: tor oasti : Chas. B, SVonr. Beerotary ;- -- Joarw H. ! j : Jtarnrovow. Wesioeaa r ' eeA t Atent, 8 ALT LiXI' CITY .4 &cn O. st. MANN. OmCE. BAKKINO H0C8K Upholstery, Ilalrasses, Groesbeclt Corner, ' HOUXK i , OpposlU th WHITS SALT LAKE VCITYi Withstand it t PURE , T. f A Cnotee Stock of ;- , OKI BLOCK LUMBER; YARD. WALLACI3 eetnrae nnmer thank to ?.t-ilo- a i . oAWDEno a pnATT. : su bJ RespactrnUy cue customers for tbe liberal patronage be stowed npoa bin, and trust by a rlet av- tentloa te basin ess to merit a continuance 01 tneir favors at my con-Unuo- each; wate'a , American Fork XXanyon, by VV" . 3D Travelers by Railroad rVeaeiitly fla t Jtbeir NT by the s- wa'ches completely demoraJied First Benin Street. difJar ot tbe train. To overcome this watcH. door Naat Mrs.'Btenhonae's Millinery Ea-with to ? problem, ficulty haa tob ,'te taiiAHrEr. ..... . em dlOS SPECIAL: NOTICE. a. iiriJ tr tors. :;CfjTLKSt, Propria . ... ..... 4k. FOR SALE t k Street 000 it 1 a Specialty V U0lS!St SHOEING 1M.I Halt a Block Saatla mt THKATaL ai a lr.i af tlie KUxsk TATLOS J. Cs LITTLE, Salt Lake City, May A,lgn.: XU30IDIVIDT3 . ly ortluestsrr'0 AND COLD OATHS si - AMERICAN HOTEL A Select First-Cla- ss TST riT CLDb, J2CL u BOUXK .. -t- TAYLOR'S JIOTEU West' aide SXclIol Street.' . Two Car rrtail? or Jtett Masons, f Co-Oporal- lvo -- .1 THE LEADING HOTEL- - HOT TIMBER ASDlhON WACOX j n HOUSE :? ; MCC-uiioc- ' dUtf SALT LAKE , CITT nrrr .it .' KEP ON IfASD the 'Largest "". In . H other Deeds Large Front Room Added fiKOr,aL, ' - W rW IIO um complimentmaae to COMIKSPOXDESTS: miou euiehed , , f National Park Bank,! Inira his panUIoons, ana asieuuer nu. w. NEW YORK t DonnrU.tAwacn&Co a handle or ivory mua gmta. Trust Cp. SAM FB waa the observed of all otwervers on the folCook. inm-JiT eyes d7fttl avenue; thousands of admiring lowed him wherever he went. He made iu Immense sensation at tbe i Capitol. Doors flaw open at hla ap IaIco & Salt cityv Sccisty iThs Miliial proach, and the crowaa of lobbylats, people vn'gar v Congressmen and other bAlla of and cor And nS eneet el ia awwpw who lonnpa aronnd the made way for him ridors instinctively XTxiitocX aa he approach e l. Wherever ne passOttAXIXWCLY if m7Lv ' " 4 the reerttery. Ikrasc ed tbe air was filled wtlha sweat fra" orriCK ( empof rr tnM and n.rhimt an ancellO amiie Kfr, Alna!n his uXir nf . nearlv teeth: at . i....f CiTf. LAKE UT". SAL wu dressed a la rompaaow, If not kspt In your torsa.at k yoot slaronaats at the sides and curled and partea Be www. tor them. -- 1. - - - Mad n so hind. Washington has rarely 5125,000 Stores taxeugtaoeit Ine Terrttorf ffaldnp Capita? much lovelineai and beauty ana perruaeeaw fmrttnn mm Mr Tt.l.l In hi MHOn ana nmlabed eoeamiaelon. or eoa ,,v. .orealiient; attire exhibited last week. nam eAtaeoua to purebasera. Presicenr. .Vice I less, rn CHI! OasMer. chief-glo- ves ri.. tnxinr Helcless Beasts, UT A " DuRELL, Pres't! HUGH WHITE, W S3areraitF Btawn, ,; GALT LAKE CITY BENJ. Frtee a etc. Collections Hade, Hlnlne; Use alt Late City, Utah. Authorized Capital $500,000. For mum or weakoe la the side. back. reeal, ar other part of tbe system. eats. 11 AND CONVEYAKCER. OFFICE Centre street, Provo Oily, dSOOtf OF I W I a 3i alao MaaaMotarlai tas- - KIODCB BSE rilVK $7.00 each. rtcht to nsa iba aaxaav M -fla. - w n-.t.- rm : ROCKY la NATIONAL 1st Soath St.. ' SALT LAKE, 17TAsV.; 1 and Tteaaurer, antnorlaed to refund lthe -da not ui HOARD ballad In $S d geTsmmsnt funds. and ,..i,ujtu to tne toor needa. rTZVZL, and distrtbate - w .w. MAnritiar one I this parting. 7 11. Mr. Dan. axDena " at villi tbe Lab. na als Annie Therl.r !. A eood man v men who have never twelftk of amount dlspaaeJ of. rrom . JOHN SHARP. walUs off ar husband for mwu" utory joined Beixh and Angell' Boctety former cy dai3!torlnv oxalM ts. m,4 tae Prevention or me wun mt J'cme. Neither orvxznAjLi nd otherwise tor? derrs Thiw in. JOHN B. MAIBi. charge. neverthe '"a STOCK UTAH. LcnccSe siroiaiairj a xatti 1m n. Kannfsctarers and Jobber of ; puups Iieael , ... f. t i OPPJOC co;;. ' KTjjzsOTr i ' fire: gikes and susa shael Xee Irans rfn Ptpa rittlaaa. SelUar XXawe, ugA7sleatltaural.X.: j - 7! THE PAtOPKlETOn u now preparing to' build large additions to bis Hotel, whiob, wbec ; . finished, will render it tae j x "1ST salti uhk citr,; seal, QZZ2 CTK BALSAM. ror dimness of Ttsloa, weak or drooping ulcers, aores ring- eyelid, Inaamel eya,old worm, titter cracked or sore I '.pa, haal, Ac, Price I SViaCMCK L. ing on Eepttblican. fct We. SS in- lor, v, XXt ra rr xij Trr1 "".a: ar a- Host ComDlete Establishment . . Saa t rauc:sco. Bank of CaH wow .. Lees A Wallr Chicago, Oook County National Bank.MmM . 8t. Loa's, Haskell Bank -Omaha. 8Ute Bank ot Nebraska- - . o-n- t Ji WHITSET, Altornej. l The blaokamUbs ibre hundred, attack tor the siabt noor syatem FIts cmnlovera have already acceded to their demands. Ten eoacbsmith shops have returned t the ten-hosystem and have plenty S. A JHAWW THIS HOUSE U centrally and piaaaaatiy located, well furnished, and has aeootnmoda .... tlona for ISS enem. SHED 18(57, XVI '.Importer and Dealer in v r t STORE! DI JSTCmr OODK BAlVKEKSe:, Porely Vegetable. Theyoleaat and purifyy the blood, atonaen and bowels, aet power-rallnpoa the Uter, kidneys a t urinary ordlgeatloo gan. Break ap. fevers, ofatreatbea and brlnj tbe roay has health to faces ema ciated. Are tonic, cathartic, stimulant, ana soothe, by removing the cause odlaeae. Aresafe and harmless In all caes waereeatharUoaare reqa'.red, for, either eex, for yoangor old. Try theoa fairly, anl yoa win never use any more Imported ptILs. CITV. BT CO., Warranted to be Better than A. W. WHITE 'the Best Imported, and Give EASrTEMPLE ST., SALT LAKE CITT, Amnio Satisfaction. DEALERS IIM GOLD DUST COIN AND BULLION. BOXR1ET PILLS, LAKE y F D M IT DR E PI 0 EE R aXS tm EXCHANGE ON ALL THE PRIN CIPAL CITIES 'OP THE UNITED STATES & EUROPE. Partlenlnr Attcntlan elycn to Collec tions, and proceed remitted nt enrrent rate f Exebnnsre n day of payment. ST.,. SALT COMMERCIAL : TUB BANK OK UraKKSr, A Saeoeasors to Hoopr, KMrelga MEDICINES! ; TOVNSEND IM FAMILY ' JOHN B. MILNCI?, colls oTioria Great Inducements for C ASH Customers iA Nt.,S.7r at the Kilns I w 11. f B pedal given to Titles, Negotiations, Hales or Lltlgauone In Aiming Malns and lUal Kat&te. CoUeotlons oaade or business done ta any ',5? !ta tTnlted States by AasooJaUoa. nurxopcAn wui save aijt iKriri iii navEHrTuna IT LARS on each QUARTER SECTION, bv UOLLKOK borlit AQUlOULIUHAIi BCnlr, APPlyto CITV, Shortest DEALERS IN EXCIXAXUi:. r Ntw York, SALT it on the Hail lloatl, hy iho ttiaiiy 'part ot the Jltyf on tlie DRAFTS ON EUROPE, AND AL1, THE PRINCIPAL, CITIK3 IN TH K . UNITED STATES. will proceed forthwith to erect their works and will be prepared to furnish Qaa lor eeoaral ns about toe first of November next. Tbose desiring te ate uss m in sir Promptly attended lo. STORES, OPFICES O SWELUXOS EUaat Temple 1.1 HE CIT will do wU to notify the Onaput at the ear-d23tf B. TRACT, Agei. T11EO. ueei poasiDie toat arrangement for meters JOHTJSOrJ'C OAR NUM. reliable Attorney. and ' ay A W. T-- I. First Seen) St., SS Whitney nt Lq Attorney LAKE teKliriBAU. DZ.OCX ! if-.j?- cm to-da- -- fTTCH ATTOrtllEYS-- A XL OFFICE, aUaaUon HAXKF.nS. rOBWACDU, or, ana wheelwrtghta, to tbe number of aeo. Thos. Fitch. SALTLAKB CITT GiS COIffAHT Had for tunr. . E. M. - . dfiisoi ay and ; SALT LAKE CITY, gor-geonsn- rsprvsentatlrea SALT ULKJS CITT, UTAH. Ail kinds of legal buainsas promptly atiendeJ to. ..... (UUtf STo. I.. . iriLM, Caviller. tn-truct- luj Biggs Inana wet chosen dalegatee to BaUt UiUoeatresIdenoe. ad SotitU ar v 12-pen- luunc " ".' ,- - " ATTOKNKT A OOUXBELOR, n- . V " A MtNEK, 800 BUSEISEiS BANK OF DESERET r27 kin.ia tf iitu This Ruk will trannacl A Uergieaa Kilter. uuaukmouly condemning the administbualnc&a, sad at Basking aaaamet coaaelalaU Cures euolers, dlarrbcsa, t ration, nrgtog the unions of all oppo-uMr. Whitelaw Itsld, Mr. Oreelej'e eongrta, f hollos tooihaoh. and m ny oner ItEALS I OOLI AJflt SILVK HOLLof corruption, eodoralng tbe C;n-tna- il week. IO ASD OIIKS. ' am uog man, waa in tbe city last B et. pialfurna and nominee, and rrtee rtrwn wa.i Tel- at tbe tioiei, lie atopped universal Arllogton Uold and Currency Erchanse the deUcatea to Baltimore to and o oa now m. o.u attention by attracted Mnnb Trnafr a separate Democratic ticket and lP AtUntieU nand Pactfle principal the and Ktale-an- d of his person lei tee the of an MUeai'aeatlab.e beauty in pa vote uoanlmously tot endorsing wore a lie hla of UJflasar. apparel. Canada itarKT MevtrAIt maroon colored velvet coat, j aad Nrown. Deposl'a and aeneral bnsmeis so.jeyeo irom e magnificent rur-fle- e for t ever rher oere TAU.4UAS3xla.,ll. The Conser-Here Pastern and ForW a white satin vest, trimmed with aa The moat cerU'n State central committee to-dIndividuals; Chck Aoooaa'a kepi Plnns and tnaMaro. aearalgia. aprmina. blue necktie, lace, and point Uold or Currency. In ctia!td to Baltimore eoaixBcie the delegate ewellinfS, weak or an" joint. pi.fnl r antloQ.ta wuioj , ,, are Immense goia cnaia Ezehanvsoii prlnclp'Uin cities eor le. Umenew, U uueaaes or novws majority of whom ana reu ia neck bis around theCaoaias farnlha gracamuju. to on of tha n Transrcra the loweWt rates, and Telerapa acceptance tie thai require outward apacauto. snow-whit- e shirt bosom, resplend taciBBatl nominees, but will abide the his on ... . .. stones of nof- - II k maslr; try H a a I be healed. a three ent with precious actloo of the ete Loans wade on Bnlllon, paoiic !wnnw. trriee convention. an aool moua cmerniu, Mrchndl.oro'Ar namely Bonds. Local Stock. valu, Dofta, d1., 11. The Dimocratlo diamond a magnificent UoLu and cluster Collaterals. ouaioenpipfr Approved ' eoQTentlon met y and paaaed delicate ahade led for depositors. pantaloons aout ruby. Ilia roses 'olariona bitterly denouncing Grant, rerUfloates of Deoosltlasna. latest the In were Medicines Saie, of ashea on call, or at sit payoio ppKnm. the U.h, I4;h and 15:h of faring Htateaand ma Ualied and tightly Sellable strapped Pariaien atyle, any odoinU to tha constitution a over pare' with stitched v . Territories. leather shoes, fraud on the American people, and call- -' patent A BuMlen UKTAIL,. .ALII shloroentaof ' Advance white a wore ilOLK U enadeon He thread. 1 yellow silk I for a atraiiht DemocraUo ticket. silk Ores to New York. Ban Fraooiwso a Knrope to his distin- hat- -a AT Baals-sn- d IL. ev above Dan's old Store Up Stairs, Opposite Well, Fargo A Cow's, ' East Tempi St,, Halt lake Otty.' - U0tr t' OHM It) II TO' WILLi KK PRKPAKKu 1573, oy ia OFFICE te,u per annum, Liu HUCCAN IBIRKID'S. i Id. the. it L'tib, Coaiidlor KIMBALL SLOCK, Imt Soath St. PresHeot marvel-ou- a list kiSu I. dlSlSA flsxIbUIty and power. The amateur i uuieie ia a person to be enoonraged. rWM. JENN1NQ.-J- . I xTen in nis excesses he Js more toler- - Juan BtlAS'". I LITTLE, flSUEMOKZ fl . Te"r Vsport.'.' Ertn I. a Vtaa ! i cashier. in. danolng upon a spider's, web 1" Oeld Int. Colu, Kicj vv oyer Niagara, with another fool opon D1 wuraatf. Celle&re Serlt.. At--. his back cooking pancakes at a portable cooking store, is a less sorry swctacle vLinci'ouj Mfl and Protrri'r ReraitLa than a ?rowd of able-bodi- ed Exlns:e far Sale. loafers -gamoungover me endurance of tired put horaee.and the agony of, mf foolish wy. jnicago j'ott, May 29. Ho much la aald. and ao lltLla umlir. atood rcapecUng the.alaa of nalU.that the Salt Lake Citv. Utah. the length juuowiogBiaicmens, giving from In inohea for each number 3 pen ny to 20 penny, will be Information to many readers: a penny, l inch: 1 ny, if inches; Inches; 0 fJUi8 B.NK has or'nlawK5 a 2 Inches: 8- penny, z inches; 2 Inches; penny. 2 Inches: SAVIGS DEIMUTMEAT 3 Inches: 20 nan n v. xt tnchaa. and will receive depunl a of one dollar uut npwarda on wbtcu iatcrost wiu be ail'wi it rata of wtuoi per cent ''tmotioa. lisaolatloos were adopted Hxaur Btjard, ex goveronr GEORGE. C. DATEO, BAHK: OF DESERET. HOOPER, EUDREDGE & CO. tit." r ",Ton DnrnerEMt Tmnleand First Konih rimx. lvmT ap8AIT UUE CITT, CTA1I. ' jrvcrumj. vve prove ot all manly aport,whIch tendllo make the bomao Irame more itronr nr Xaia TJp Canltal. iro?.ooo more BRIO HAM YOCTNQ. or to exhibit supple-- lsi lSTS. C. to Darnariam. , iE EVEXIXO, ... . FIHST IA1S1L BUI IF mall barned tbe waters The Price of Gas off Grenadier's this Ii edge Afternoon, land. She had a fall load of freight III be lour dollars one thousand cubic feet. Salt Lalio City. per and about 100 paasengera. All escaped See Special Advertisement on Secon Mrs. Dr. Jone. of Montreal. DANlKli M. WEUB. Prealdent. except who lamped overboard and wu drown- P. LALOR BBIBBET, BapwIaUndnl. ed. The lose of the ateamer ia $75,000; CXIOXTELEORAPU LINE the cargo Is a total loss. i itrtupUoo, rH tlf jr J I.-- , 1 r? North Main Bt; &rr. .... , raix 'J rro tours, . v 4.'lfT - - . . . |