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Show j j jJ 3 - f - Athtri ' 7 , i V, $ ' iitin J" i, r , i - ip.J...' .- ,- It'j.j' M- r h v. 7. , f , 7 '''j I l 4?" k Z J r ? , !,; n's4 Ifl! . ' m' tj tfi hr f, , i s t i , t ' s- , , . 'i, i'll J9 fr 4 1 i J - V r jtoj :, Miw ; Women , Get Busy; America Needs You (Bell Sj ndicate four 1 has frt the he . WNU Service ) Pattern 2P37 contain a transfer patti rn of a la bv 19'a Inch pictuie, illustration of studies, color chart, materials required Send your order to' h, gnomes camp sec-jsk- a lu,e Bruce Harcourt chief, replacing Joe Hale don hill. Janice who knows while visiting the jut j,s who run the , Samp sifters, l,e Mes her asleep in a mV peh v 111, the secretary, he had on janue whom ork Impulsively , w Ntw He de-1- , B murrv Paxton. no place for a woman, Grant, his assistant, Insists ,et a pood secretary in the janiee t( 11s Bruce her story, ted to Bruce. Hale i altrai 11 lie suffers a stroke .jdlj 1! le t leave as scheduled ihi some dictation to the story. go with jde nbie goiiih (sight of Bruce, Fnclose tern No Name Address come, Miss Trent, I now have no r as Feel like a jour tune. to bring up a chair for he doct irs wont let me Tv ep rants' Mrs Hale to see the Samp girls Seized this jutes ago get an outline made for to my will. Not that I east intention of passing Ive had a tap on the 5S explanation left same sense of uncasi-haseized her as she e cab n, Janice thought, e eom.ng from that pipe e mantel9 Had Mrs Hale fifteen minutes? Would eep hot that long9 If she Hale himself ay and ove, who had put it there9 ted a paper. Here is the Jum of what I want to dic-- . look as though you could cret, Miss Trent. Beauti-- : as a rule are dumb; Ill gold nuggets youre an I kiss your hands in hat his d Jr heard that caressing too, she told herself, er little twist of her lips ted to impress her with a Jiendliness, not in the man-- d Paxton should he ap-- r Sne responded in her i m sice. tary is supposed to be a lot a person when taking Mr Hale. Ready. i to remain indifferent to eg of the codicil she was "g, but it was startling. 3lop' Plop! Plop! Plop! e sounds came from Jivtisi.' VOTWl lore deJ visa.: mm, mi li Suotr a HO n e Small revelatory cat meant but one thing. ' string of beads. So, Mrs. at home Listening. What og idea? as that9 imagination or did Hale That nitwit dog of upset her work-bask- las Mil- - -- -- steady. Hith 1'ave Tce your dictation, Mr. left important work were we? I remember He pulled a thick roll coat pocket. Peeled off a bill Take this. Ive no our t.rre fuse. Thank you, no. be I material at once and r you to look over "t, aren't you9 Id thought bie deserted bridegroom "e Jcu were, but, we need 7 s,ci ed 3 P-- Su- t -r bus v J at him as rubber band on her idilv back that you mind ' which she closed her relieved her tnlri( bid led eab x She bester 1re told me at do you mean by cent 11 that you were is at the nstar't Janice stared she twisted her-- e vented the remainder T on him. ls 11 of yours why it my business, avagely and pulled open - e stood m the one arm was her toy bat 1 breaking rules, to the office, desperate. Ii-hPs- , clenched her frail coming hm She knew she was eating too much! Things looked so good she kept right on. And then GAS Stomach and intestines inflated like a balloon, and breathing an effort. If a spell of CONSTIPATION caused this, bhould have been handy. It is an effective blend of 6 carminatives and 3 laxatives for DOUBLE action. Gas is quickly relieved, and gentle bowel action follows surprisingly fast. Your druggist has AD- -l ERIKA. I Hale said, bo you ran away from marriage. Kiss and run type, yes? hands as though with all her being hung below it Where w as the In-she wci e holding back a Hood of in taking the cat9 emotion Tubby Gr int told me Janices breath came unevenly, that you and he weie to t the wide, full truusirs swished about tomorrow, wue to scout out a place her feet, the strap of one parchon the river from wh.ch to start ment kid sandal snapped He had the load toward the new bridge passed the Waffle Shop without beThat after that you would fly to the To the kennels9 They ing noticed city Take me Im fed-uon mywire back of the office Surely self, on everything in this terrible someone there would sie him What wilderness I havent left our cabin was the idea He didn't for more than an our since J es intend hekidnapirs did' He did! break-dowmy nerves are on edge Her shout of protest cracked in If I go I can get some things he her dry throat for all the world as needs Marv San p promised to look though she were shrieking for help after him Why not take Mrs Trent in a nightmare as a struggling, tout is if Ai gus of Hundred kicking, spitting black ball was flung Eves will let her go with terrific force into the yard Her voice, her wistful ps. her where a dozen or more slant eyed, m sty eves set off fiery huskies were yipping of anger in Janice's mind Harcourt and yelping and rollicking They stiffened to rigidity as they regardsmded indulgently Men were pulp, mere pulp, in the hands of a soft, ed the motionless black heap A purryp little woman like that, the trimly built Siberian broke the spell with a joyous yelp He nosed the girl told herself furiously. If Miss Tient will come Care stunned cat, tossed it. A husky with baleful yellow eyes caught it, to go air trotting. Miss Trent9 sent it whirling back Like a shutFly ! Janice throttled her imaginatlecock it flew from dog to dog to an tion, attested fervently. and of barks love accompaniment it Id Then it's a date Be sure youre growls For a split second Janice hesitatready on time The plane starts the minute the sun pokes its rim above ed as imagination projected a picture of herself being torn to ribthe horizon, passengers or no pasbons. The kidnaper had vanished. sengers With eager assurance of a prompt Then she fumbled frantically at the gate They would kill Blot Where appearance Millicent Hale departed And by the way, said Bruce, was the trick latch She had it. She of the excited Ill suggest that you go slow with dashed into the midst the black cat tormentors, caught Jimmy Chester in the air, held it high as the dogs A little demon of contrariness took sprang for her. Gleeful yelps deepShe thoughtpossession of Janice She ened to menacing growls fully nibbled the end of her founTwo or tain pen, as she looked up with in- backed toward the gate three huskies, she couldnt tell how genuous eyes I'm surprised that you dont in- many, sneaked behind her. Her heart pounded in her throat She clude Tubby Grant in the taboo know much about dog psyTubby's immune. Hes working didnt to prove to a girl back home that he chology, but she knew enough not to run. can make good. Jimmys different Claws ripped at her dahlia jacket, Janice indulged in a delicately at her satin trousers. She lost a He is fascinating regretful sigh parchment sandal The slim gray even if his eyes are tragically old Harcourt left his desk, loomed Siberian carried it oft, worrying it Attractive' Jimmy's a as he went She backed cautiousover her over and over, soothingcorking engineer, but hes pulp ly, saying where girls are concerned The war ly Nice boys! Down! Down! left his eyes old and his temperaHir lips were too stiff to voice You might ment slightly twisted The husky with the baleas safely play vv,th high explosives command toward her m a stalked ful glare someHe's the type who would do sullen l.fting in spaslips thing desperate if he got the wrong modic snarls Suddenly he reared slant H.s gold flecked eyes were on a with hers, his wrinkled nose level on the Squatted cobbler-fashiobared yellowed fangs. Sneering at cot bid in her cabin Janice regarded her, was he Would she ever get outherself in the roughly framed mirside that fence Miss Martha would fashioned ror above a dressing-tabl- e sav, ' There's a gate in every wall, from a packing-boThere was in this one if my dear She barely breathed as she met she could only make it. The wolf-do- g the mirrored eves Who was that was leaping girl really9 What was she9 Did the cat' Good God' Drop Diop she heisclf know what lay deep in the cat' At him, Tong' her mind9 What profundities of pasJanice was conscious of a tawny sion and sorrow, love and hate smolflashing by her, of the impact shape dered within her visible body9 She of bodies, of a yelp of pain, before had come north in quest of a dif- an arm was flung about her shoulferent self, a fearless self Had she ders She looked up into eyes blazfound it9 ing in a face, livid, lined Bruce! Dishes were rattling in the Waffle Of course Hadnt he appeared at the exact psychical moment to pick Shop. That meant that supper preparations were going forward She'd up her black slipper? She still Miss clutched the cat as he drew her better slip into her gown Martha would be sending a tray in- outside the gate She looked over her shoulder to the living-rooshortly. The Samp sisters would not permit her Tong, his brush hanging straight, to step foot m the Shop when the fangs bared, beautiful head lowered, men were eat'ng there. glared at the dogs cringing away wood-bofrom him. She controlled a shiver. Kadyama was filling the she could hear in the living-room- , Come on him shuffling back and forth ReguShe looked up at Bruce Harcourt One could tell whose fingers bit into her arm lar as clock-worthe time by his coming and going. "I'm going as fast as I can witn Sardonic. one sandal This ground isn't a trotA curious character She avoided him when Taciturn ting park. she could She glanced down at her What was that sound9 Coat half foot, regarded increduShe Something run- lously her shredded pajamas off, she listened. ning round and round like mad Blot laughed, sobbed, laughed again. having a fit9 Stop it' You'll have hysterics in She thrust her arm back into the a moment satin sleeve, dashed through the Her voice caught treacherously in passage, stopped on the threshold of the midst of indignant denial. WithOverturned chairs out warning, Harcourt picked her up the living-room- . waved legs in air as though m ex- m his arms She tried to free herercise of their Daily Dozen Spools self Youre heavy rolled on the floor from the overStop wriggling. A slammed it as turned is enough in I can walk Its absurd to carry door cut a terr.fied "Meow! half me. Blot' Blot had been kidnaped' By Breathing hard, he set her on her Kadyama9 Hadnt Bruce said that feet in the living room of the Samp He closed the door and the natives feared the cat as thev cabin did the Evil Spirit It would break backed up against it His face was the Samp girls heart if anything darkly red as he demanded "Don't you know better than to happened to their pet Could she rescue it run round this camp dressed in She jerked open the door, ran in those things I saw you from the pursuit of a bent, scurrying fgure office window Couldn't believe my hooded m a brilliant Yakutat blaneyes Look at yourself ket The tip of a lashing black tail (TO BE COTIlED) ITS fascinating to see this pic- tuie appear so quickly under your needle all the stitches are easy, you know. air-tro- p I it? ruby-tongue- d n x x k work-bask- Vocabulary of Stutterers Persons who stutter, 80 per cent of whom are males, usually have Jingoism' a vocabulary half again as large as those who are fue of this nervJingoism is a term applied to ous affliction, owing to their use anyone who favors an aggressive of synonyms for words, which, at or bellicose policy in foieign times, they cannot readily In this says Pathfinder. sense, it was first used in England, ' where jingo became a nick4$ ti name for any advocate of Lord MIDDLE-AG- E Beaconsfic Ids action in sending a fleet to Turkish waters to stay 52 C38 old Russias advance in 1878 s, 1 wolf-wal- nt blue bead rolled sound-os- s toe rug and stopped chur. Janice brought sharply into her lip to an exclamation. Tatima! as behind the screen, ave voice broke into her So, you ran away from K.si and run type, yes9 ' blood sang in her ears She managed to keep In coins for Pat- Betted jd sav vau to cents Have Known ,rdervJ what Tubby and about her going a sense of breathlessness ed 01 in the door of the Joe Hale was seated chair mar a window He had ,e been good looking Janiee told her-- t jecentlj first glance, 15 7 Should R VI CHUII Sewlnj Circle Needlerraft Dept San riant isto, ( tlif Minnt St 117 The word was liftt d from the chorus of a music-hal- l favorite of Harold, my husband, uai dnorced and his daughter K as in till t years old which ran as uhrn I nut him. He is fifty now and takes her to dances and night clubs. I lie) that bygone day, follows: come m late, and I hear them laughing in the pantry uilh her boy friends. By KATHLEEN NORRIS answer to fully of the problems women submit to me in these days will be the same. It will be: Get busy. Amer- THE ica needs you. Forget your petty worries and trials, forget slights and suspicions and personal disappointments, and give your entire life to prayer and service. We have to do that now. If we dont we may lose the essential thing that has made us and our world a free We stand in serious danger; there is no room any more for America world Things that seemed actually to wreck your life yesterday, things over which you brooded through restless nights and cried through empty days, must be put aside. Meet domestic changes heroicalNot with martyred resignation ly and reluctant philosophy, but courageously, with imag'nation and humor As expensive foods rise right out of sight, learn to substitute others, and make them appetizing and nourishing After all. the chief ingredient of any meal is love; people may call Mothirs home table" or it a cooking, but it is lov e An one can tell from the taste of a meal whether the cook liked her job or not Every country except our own has its cheap filler" of rice, potatoes, macaroni, oatmeal, cornmcal, with such luxuries as meat, shellfish, cream, roast goose, cal e for the ocHe will not have casional treat to go as far as Caesars soldiers, xho traveled on a pocketful of raw gram, or the galley slaves who were doled out six bananas a day, or the Chinese who can eat a bowl of steaming rice for a hundred meals in succession and find it still sufBut we will have to go ficient part way Thats why my answer to Isabelles letter is perhaps a trifle less sympathetic than it might have Isabelle been a few years ago writes me, in part I am 32, married to a man ten diyears my senior Harold was vorced when I met him; his wife had the custody of a daughter of eight After our first two cloudlessfirst ly happy years together his wife remarried, and sent us tl e child, a spoiled, difficult, unfriendly, delicate httle creature who needed infinite care L.ndd was then 12 Had Speiidl Training. 1 had had spec ;d training in the care of children in a psychology course, and I did my best for Linda, amd she loved me Week after week, year after year. I guided and helped her, I have no child of my own Two years ago she went east to a girls college, returning this autumn to be with us She is now a lovely girl of 18 Her father is completely devoted to her She adores him, and they leave me out of their calculations entirely. Recently Harold suggested, kindly enough, that I visit my sister, who has a large family of small children and 10 a ne ghboring town, while he take a little flier in New Linda I have never been to New York I went to stay with Mary York and didies for seven dishes doing weeks until Hamid and Linda came back. trifles If e don't wont to fight, hut by Jingo if WOULD J Ve cannot all be called at A WOMAN'S once for nar services. And ue may not all be able to do u hat u e ti ant to n hen u e are called. But there is something every tvoman in America can do noiv and continue doing throughout the months, or years, we are at uar. She ran make her home a place of comfort and courage. She can manage to cook economical foods and sete inexpensive clothes uith a limited number of materials and enjoy it. II omen no longer need to feel that their only plare is in the home, and they must make the best of it. Many nomen are already ac tive in lolunteer organizations and in defense imlustries. But those uho remain at home for the duration' need not feel left out of it. For the home remains as muth as ei er a u Oman's world.'' IT ue do, ece got the ships, ue' te got the men, we te got the money too. WOMEN HEED If youre THIS ADVICE!! cross, restless, nervous sufier hot Hashes, dizziness caused bv this period In a womans life try Lydia Pink-haVegetable Compound. Made especially for women. Helps to relieve distress due to thus functional disturbance. Thou- sands upon thousands of women report remarkable benefits. Follow label directions. Do You Bake at Home? If you do, send for a grand cook book crammed with recipes for all kinds of breads Value Health and cakes. Its absolutely free. Look to your health! And if you Just drop a postcard with your name and address to Standard have it, praise God and value it Brands Inc., 691 Washington St., next to a good conscience. Izaak yeast-raise- d New York City. Walton. Adv. WANTED RABBIT SKINS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Pelts Hides Furs Rabbit Skins Wool Write or Wire Colorado Animal Company By-Produ- Salt Iake City, Utah 3rd West or their nearest branches located at 463 South OGDEN SPANISH FORK ' Harold, just 50, takes her to dances and night clubs, they come Secret borrows m late, and I hear them laughing Believe me, eviry man has his with her boy friends in the pun'ry secret sorrows, which the world We have a fine coloied general maid whom I have trained to do practically every thing downstams, this h avis me, a healthy woman of less than I 40, with practically nothing to do am niilhir needed nor wanted Linda's mother is dead, the girl has an imomc of her own Thi re is nothing I can do for her Will you please help me to find my place again in my own estimation, for I feel completely at a loss Trouble Seems Imaginary. This would seem an almost purely s imaginary trouble, Isabelle, to of the women in the world today, and you must try to see it now in a different perspective. What other persons can do to us is always of our own choosing; if we choose to rise above slight and stupidity and to find our own avenues of work and service, there is nothing that a dancing husband or daughter can do to hurt LOGAN IIEIJER CITY knows not; and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad. Longfellow. nine-tenth- us Youth will go on dancing, for dancing is v holesome and amusing and But todays youngsters innocent are d incmg with tears in their eyes, change separation, suffering are ahead of them, and although they may win through and they WILL win through to a better, saner, more moderate world, the next halfdozen years are not going tc be a time whin a safe and secure woman of 32 with no child of her own over whom to agonize, need grudge a girl of 18 anything As for your husband, he is being selfish and silly, snatching in a panic at the ldst glow of youth, but Most men go he nas company through this phase Linda will fall in love with a sol- dier, who will either march away leaving her desolate, or who will marry her first and perhaps come stumbling back to be her be'oved care and responsible for the rest She will stop oa cing of her l.fe and Harold w,!l stop dancing, and both will turn to you To you who v ho f keep the hsn e so con ir tb'e cap ihle, are so s irq V' ofe their rook cf corr fort in a shaking a- -d THE SMOKE OF SLOWER -- BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS 28? LESSthe NICOTINE other 4 than the average of largest selling cigarettes tested ... less than any of them... according to Independent scientific tests of the smoke itself t -- In the Nevy. to the Army, to the MaIn the Coast Guard actual sales record in Poet Exchange and Canteens show the favorite cigarette Is CameL rine, THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS world il N I |