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Show I THE WEEKLY REFLEX, KAYSVILLE, UTAH' Save 9Kc. By Buying The Password SWEDEN GUT OFF Ever Reliable BECOMES GENERAL OVERSEER OF ALL SUPPLY DEPARTMENTS IN FIELD OF INDUSTRY. GERMAN President Wilson Announces Reorganization of the War Industries Board, Epected That Teutons Will Hold lands Both as a Threat and a Potential Pawn in Futjre Dealings With Scandinavians. - It Being Proposed to Eliminate Competition With Allies. Washington. Reorganization of the war industrials hoard, with Bernard M. Baruch of New York as chairman and with vastly increased powers to. control the output of American Industry during the war, vuh announced March f, hy l resident Wilson. Final determination of nil questions of priority in deliveries to any depart meat of the United States government and to the allies Is invested in the hoard, and it is charged with and anticipating the needs of any qf these, creating or improving fa duties for production and advising us to prices. Much of the power is given to the diuirniun, with the hoard acting in an advisory capacity, and lie, the president says, should act as the general eye of all supply departments In the Held of Industry." Through the Ixmrd it is proposed to eliminate nil eomitltion for supplies between the various departments and "the allies, thus meeting, In a measure at least, the demand in congress for centralization of power. There were suggestions that the action now announced was one of the steps contemplated by tlie president when he sent to the senate the hill now pending to enlarge his powers for reorganizing und government agencies, and that the delay in bringing the measure to a vote caused him to proceed without waiting for legislation. If the bill Is pussed It will be' possible to make more sjieciftc wmif of the HUthorlty'now glveu the Industries hoard. RUSSIANS MAY YET FiGHT. Reported That War PartyWlll Move Capital and Defend Country,. Loudon. It Is said that a section of the ilolslievlkl Is In no wise pleased with the surrender of Nikolai Jeidne, the Bolshevlkl premier, and Is Inclined to Join tiie Left Social revolutionaries. The war party. It Is said, advises that the l'etrogmd government Institutions he removed Into the Interior of Russia. from where they ran continue the tight against the (Jertnuns. It suggested that the congress of the councils, called to meet at Moscow March 12, to consider the ratification of the jieace treaty, will he made the pretext for evacuating IVtrogrud under the excuse that It is necessary for the government departments to utteiul the congress. .i I 1 SECRETARY OF DEPARTMENT OF ' LABOR ORDERS ROUND-UAGITATORS. OF OCCUPATION OF THE ALAND I BLANDS. BOTTLES UP BOTHNIAN GULF. P ANTI-WA- . Washington. A general roundup of alien disturbers in the Pacific North- The Oeniinns have the 'occupation of the Aland Islands, which mean to Sweden what The Helgoland means to Germuny. (Sermans huve begun occupation of these strategically highly lmMrtunt Isles, with the object of holding them both ns a threat and a potential pawn In their future dealings with the most powerful of the Scandinavian kingdoms. Occupation by a foreign power of the Aland Isles means tin virtual bottling up of the B'ltlmlun gulf, aud thereby the cutting off of the two northern thirds of Swedens east coast. At this particular season, tin menace to Sweden is doubly great, because of the Ice connection. The largest Island lies less than twenty-fivmiles from the Swedish coust aud only seventy-on- e miles from Stockholm, the kingdom's capital. At the same time, It Is pointed out, the Germans by seizing these Islands, complete their strangle hold upon the hottle-uRussian tleet In the Gulf of Finland and their control of Finland Itself. Rescue" of the Finns from the Red guards Is given by Berlin ns the reason for the seizure, which Germany asserts In a note to Sweden, will only be "provisional." The Finns themselves, the note declares, urgently appealed for this rescue." Sweden, In a highly diplomatic note to the powers, dock not commit herself as opposing (be German action, hut iMilnts out that certain Important objections and dangers have been emphasized to the Berlin government in reply to the German announcement. Germanys announced plan to restore order" In Finland spells added menace to Petrograds Hank, and to Russias access to the White sea as well since Hie German northward dash across Finland to Archangel Is regarded here as entirely likely to he part of tiie program. Meanwhile Russia and Germany are Rt peaee hut only technically. ' The Russian delegation ut Brest Lltovsk has signed the German conditions, though In doing so, announced that It was surrender by extortion by the force of arms. Krylenko has ordered the Red guards to cease fighting, hut to remain at the front. Germany has hulted her operations In Russia, but continues' her military movements against Finland and In the Ukraine. 1EIMIS -- R. STETTIN1US Year In PrikOrir Camp Dodge, Iowa. Demetrius a national army private from Duluth, Minn., was sentenced to fifteen hour.' new demands compared with those of Februury 21 is the following: To detach the regions of Knrnband, Kars aud Rutouiu from Russlun territory on the pretext of .the rignt. of peoples to The new territorial claims upon Russia are apparently advanced In the Interest of Turkey. Batoum, a strongly fortified seaport on the Bluek sen const, In Transcaucasia, about twenty miles north of the border of Turkish An.ienla, was one of the cities ceded by Turkey To "Russia after the war of 1877-7Kars, also In Transcuucnsln, 10T miles northeast of Krzeroum, In Turkish Armenia, has been In dispute between Turks and the Russians for nearly a century and finally was ceded to Russia at the same time as was Batoum. The other region mentioned probably Is that of Kurahagh, Transcaucasia, lying to the east of the Kars region and north of the Persian border. h 8. Advocates ENSIGN LESS MEATLESS MEALS. Increased Meat Production Allows Readjustment of Food Program. ' Washington. Temporary susixmsion of the meatless meal and ofLhe special restrictions against tiie use of pork on Saturday was announced by the food administration Sunday night as a readjustment of its food conservation pipgram. Increased meat production and ithe necessity for still greater saving In wheat. It was declared, make this change advisable. The suspension Is made effective for an Indefinite period, and It pfobably will last for three months or longer. Since all restrictions on consumj-tio- n of mutton and lamb had been lifted previously, the now asks the public for the time being to deny itself in meats only beef und pork on one day a week. Increased meat consumption, food administration officials belleverwtll of itself curtail the use of wheat, and for the present there is no intention to add to the restrictions already in force againslilie use of flour. tion PASSENGER SERVICE CURTAILED. rck-- .CkicagxAgsmV-Strike-- . See if the fonts Quick, sonny I havi got out I dont know hat yu fatherll say If Theyre-amoins ng viy-tabl- ! Sonny ran off and came back beaming. Yes, mother, theyre out lie cried. 33ut theyre 7Just going in again are all wiping their feet on the onion bed! ! FRECKLES tke lias to (Ut Rid ef Tbeie Ugly Spoil Theres no longer the (lightest need ot New 1 feeling aehamed of your frecklea. as the prescription othlne double strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othme double trength from your druggist, and apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than on ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear , complexion. he sure to ask for the double strength othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of money back If it falls to remove freckles Adv. With Corks In' Them. Passengers on water wagons this year are advised to keep a sharp lookout for hostile periscopes. Bine and Worried! Blue, people worried, half-sic- k should find out the cause of their troubles. Often it is merely faulty kidney action, which allows the blood to get loaded up with poisons that irritate the nerves. Backache, headaches, dizziness and annoying bladder troubles are added proofs that the kidneys need help. Use Doans Kidney Pills. Thousands thank them for relief from just such troubles. A Utah Case Mrs. E. A. Danger- - fwy field,' 644 Iverson Ct., nrtsrtTrib i Star Balt Lake CttTT Utah, says: My kidneys became very weak and I had such awful backaches I could get hardly around to do any- - tSi' was I finally thing. laid up. The nurse who was taking care of me told me how Doane Kidney Pills had helped her and I used them. . They regulated my kidneys and rid me of every sign of kidney trouble and the suffering hasnt turned. Ce Doaas at Any Steve, 60e a Beg DOAN FOSTEEACLBURN CO, re- BUFFALO. N.T. one-thir- McAdoo. Scores of trains on competing lines leaving and arriving at terminals about the same time will be eliminated. Unnecessary trains on many western lines are to be taken off and the Director-Gener- " 'for essential freight service. There' is no thought, however, of making a few western lines the principal passenger carries as TMnfeWlilaTOTrnieSSrOfricliris also stated that the reduction in schedules will not result in any serious inconvenience to passengers. Russianarmics.. Missourian Cite Bible on Appeal. St. Louis. A 'quotation from the Bible Deuteronomy, chapter 24, verse V-- ls cited by a St Louis man in his a ppraLfor - exempt ion, w h leh t he district board has undej consideration. This portion says y Whep a man hath takeir-- a trewwtfe Le'shuirhnt go out to war, neither shall he le charged with any business; but lie shall be free at home' for one year- and shall cheer upJils .wife, which be hath taken.81- l - being convicted of desertion. cause. Idahoan Cited for Bravery. Washington. R. L. Nonrse, Jr of Boise, Idaho, a lTinceton student serving, with the American ambulance in France, has been cited by the French government to receive the cross of war for valor in service. Winnemucca Hotel Burned.' Reno, Nev. The Eldorado hotel at Winnemucca, Nev was destroyed by lire Tuesday at a loss of $200,000. Insurance on the building amounted to $70,000. Three persons were injured . by faili.ig walls. Chinese to Farm In Wisconsin. Chicago. Twelve Chinese fanners, the vanguard of a large colony, passed, through Chicago Starch 4, en route to Juneau county, Wis., where they will till a strip of land leased1 through their uttorncy, B. II. ODonnell. Unalnkable Ship to Sail. Stefansson Reported. III. Washington. The unsinkable ship Dawson. Y. T. Word reached here Lucia, loaded and ready to take her FYiday of the Illness of Vllhjalumr chances without convoy against the the explorer, who is winterierman submarines. Is exjiected In of- ing at Hersehel Island. Last reimrt ficial circles to leave the port of New said he had suffered a relapse and York this week. va delirious. Cadet Airplane Victim. Houston Texas. Cadet Clarence J Bremer of the Fourth provisional squadron, Ellington Field, was Instantly killed when the airplane In which lie wus riding us an observer foH'3(lu feet. His home was in Chicago, Ste-farsso- n, -- niTTLE IVER !a PILLS. For Constipation Cartero Little Liver Pills will eet you right over night - Purely Vegetable Small PHI. Small Pose. Small Price Carters Iron Pills Will restore colas lathe fse P those who lack Iron in the blooa, d as most people da pale-face- - Ruling Tn income Tax. Washington. Business men paying salaries of employes who entered the army or nary of serve the government at nominal pay, may deduct the amount In figuring income or excess profits taxes, it has been decided. Chicago. The Cliicago Federation of Labor defeated u resolution for a general strike If Thomas J. Mooney is hanged In California, loyalty to the men in the trenches being given as 'CARTELS al El Paso. Villa followers dynamited the power plant of the National Mines & Smelters company, an American company 'at Magistral. Durango, killed Materino Fmlth, and Perclano Sauceda and burned two ore trucks. years imprisonment at hard labor In the Fort Leuvenworth federal prison, 7 her little boy: Washington. Iussenger train service in the west will be reduced d or more. by rearrangement --of schedules to be announced shortly by We will not be a Monday: "until t(MHx) Ger'free' peoplo Edward R.Sfettfniu one' of 'the strictty This is tha first photograph to reach this state have man in propagandists of J. P, Morgan & partners of the firm thla country of Ensign Krylenko, the Co, hat been appointed surveyor gen- been hanged to telegraph' pies and bolshevik! commander in chief of the shot full of holes." eral of all army purchase. tont,- - Evidently Completed Visit. Mrs. Joynson had begun to hens, while Mr. Joynson cultivated the back garden. One day thm were ominous sounds from the cabbage patch, and Mrs. Joynson exclaim to Scores of Trains on Competing Lines to Be Eliminated. solid P back if it fail. 34 Tablet f or 25c. them. KRYLENKO Hanging Teutons. idiadelphitt. Howard Heinz, fedcr-nfix'd administrator of Pennsylvania, I UUU-- HiU Cure Cold io 24 hour, trip 3 la p - JBTHLimtiLAV&LRplnLJyLRmeseuL-- . atlve rmrton L. FYenoh in 1912, reported there June, 1913, and graduated with the class of April 20, 1917, Returning to Blackfixt, lie received or dirs to report and sailed soon afterward. At his request he was given trench work. " 5 s, itiirtnirJnTrJrisaT; in ltluckfoot, graduating with the class of 1912, being valedictorian. He was -- Ceta-1- rifuria eo proportionate coat Mr c when you buy Ubet Agitation for the internment of allep members of the Industrial Workers of the World in Washington State has been wklesprpad since labor We must get ready for places before troubles in the logging camp3, which we can get them and keep them. , interfered with tiie governments air-Parlette. craft program, were blamed on the In- Ralph dustrial Workers. Civic organizations Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets are ths and employers urged the establishment little liver pills put up 40 years original of a detention camp at Iugent sound, go. They regulate liver and bowels. A d. to accommodate 8000 men. The department stands ready to The man who blows his own horn of anarchistic Is merely a support the rqund-uagitators by supplying funds to obtain additional quarters if the Seattle staA volume of smoke brings tears to tion proves Inadequate for interning the eyes of every reader. i leave afterwards- .The most serious feature of the Dusso-Turkis- ters. Idaho Officer Slain. ' Washington. Wont bus been received that First Lieutenant Stewart W. Hoover, of Black foot, iduho, met death In F'runce on March 1. lieutenant Hoover was born in Montpelier, The American liner Umatilla, on Its way from this port to the Orient with passengers and freight, is ashore ulMiut seventy miles from Yokohama, Japan, according to word received by the Merchants exchange of this city. Deserter Paris, Americnn troops repulsed a strong German attack Friday morning In the snlient north of Toul. There were many American casualties, one of the killed being a cnptuln who was graduated from West Point In 1917. The raid was a complete failure, three German prisoners remaining 1& American hands. The ground In front of the American trenches was strewn with German dead. A driving wet snow was falling when the Germans opened fire on the Americnn salient with every weapon at their Seventy-sevencommand. heavy Bhells and gas shells fell" in a perfect whirlwind on the American trenches for hulf an The Germans, evidently Blinking that the Americans In this section, having had one taste of gas a few days ago, would fear It now, let loose great quantities of poisonous gas, but the men put on their masks and only a few were effected by It. So intense was the fire that the woods hack of the snlient were shot to pieces. At C oclock the barrage fire lifted on the trenches to the- right of the sulient and Germans numbering 240 came sweeping forward under the protection of their fire. They came forward apparently Intending to make a big haul and Jumped Into what w'as left of the trenches, but there, Instead of the easy time anticipated, found the Americans all ready for battle. One American captain rallied men with rifles and machine guns and went through the American wire entanglements Into No. Mans Land and there waited for the enemy, whom, lie expected to be driven out by Ids comrades in the trenches. lie was rigid, for noon groups of the enemy started back through the wire entanglements. The Americans poured In a deadly fire, hut unfortunately the captain was killed during the fight. He Is the first member of the 1917 class at West Point to lie killed. Brest-Lltovs- k Amrlcalherlkshore. .. -- Repulse Every Attack. Petrograd. In the fear that argument would result In even more onerous terms, the Russian delegation at has accepted all the German peace conditions ancLhna signed an agreement, according to a telegram from the delegates received Sunday ut the Smolney Institute. The demands already have been Increased, they reported. "By reason of the signing of the pence treaty with "Russia," says the official communication from Berlin, military movements In Great Russia have eeused. The message, which was addressed to Premier Lenine and Foreign Minister Trotzky, follows: Deliberation Useless. As we anticipated, deliberations bn a treaty of jxmee nre absolutely useless and could only make things worse In comparison with the ultimatum of ' Februnry 21. They might even assume the churucter of leading to the presentation of another ultimatum. In view of this fact and In consequence of the Germuns refusal to ceuse military action until peace Is signed, we have resolved to sign the treaty without discussing Its contents und leave after we have attached our signatures.' We, therefore, have requested a train, expecting to sign and A Pacific Port. 08. Hunt Open Fire During Snowstorm, Using Every Weapon at Their Command, but Gallant Americana Germany. Military Movement Expected to Cease. p EDWARD OF BATTLE. Turkey Wine Former and Disputed Territory In Latest Demands of nouncement made by l)r. John D. Robert sou, health commissioner of Uhicngo. at DEFEAT NO MANS LAND STREWN WITH TEUTON DEAD AS RESULT FEARING MORE ONEROUS TERMS MIGHT BE IMPOSED, RUSS ACCEPT WHAT THEY CAN GET. Find Cause of Mysterious Illness. Uhicngo. The thousands of cases of mysterious Illness which recently puzzled Chicago physicians and health authorities prohahly were caused by eating corn meal manufactured from Eighth Hun War Loan.- 7Amsterdam. The eighth Germu n war loan, to be issued March 28, says a Berlin dispatch, will conis t of . 5 "per "cent" certificates and 4 iier cent treasury bills. Both will be Issued west, Spreading sabotage and unarchy, wus ordered on March 2, by tiie department of labor. AH aliens preaching these doctrines, Secretary Wilson ruled, v liether they be members of the I. W. IV. or not, shall he confined for deportation from the country. An order was issue! by tiie secretary to immigration officers at Seattle to proceed at once in accordance with tiie following ruling: ,1. Thnt we will not hrrest, retain or denort any alien simply for Joining the I. W. IV. 2. That we will arrest and detain, until we can report, any alien, whether member of the I. W. W. or not, who is found advocating or teaching the unlawful destruction of property or advocating or teaching anarchy or the overthrow by force or violence of the government of the United States or of nil fornn of law, or the assassination of public officials, who is In other manner subject to the deportation under the immigration laws, even though he may not commit any overt act. 3. If the quarters at the Seattle station are not ample to take care of ull who may be arrested and detained for deportation under these instructions, the commissioner at Seattle wrill be authorized to secure additional quar- e pro-lame- Will Keep Roads Months. Government control, Wushingtou, and operation of railroads probably months will continue for twenty-on- e after the war. A tentative agreement fixing that time limit was reached by eouferees on the railroad control bill as a compromise for two years, pro-- posed in the house Idll, aud eighteen months in the senate. foe thU 20-34 Some bow 30c for 21 tablet. At any Drug Star 'AtnMeVdnin. . No advaaca in pries Ufum'iL2Sc tor R All Aliens Advocating Anarchy or Sab. otage Will Be Arrested and Sent Out of the Country if Such , Move Is Deemed Advisable. Is- More Land for Farmers. JAPAN MAY ENTER SIBERIA. Omaha. Many thousands of acres of tillable lands will lie added to NeUnited States Has Not Given Conoent braska farms this year by the offer to Such Action. of Nebraska railroads to farmers that regarding all that portion of the right of way exWashington. Exchanges d the situation In "Siberia and the cept that part actually occupied by action there by the Japanese the tracks he cultivated by farmers on are continuing, and apparently have either side of the roads. developed the fact that there Is no difference In principle between Japan French Hit Hard Blow. and the ullies or between the United Iondon. French troops on Monday States and Japan, although the United executed a defying aud successful raid States has not given, and probably on the Verdun front to the east of will not give, formal assent to any op- Meuse, carrying them fur Into tin. Gererations which muy be undertaken. man D ies and netting 1.70 prisoners. 21 CASCARA GomfortBaby WithCuticura Im 2S. OiaiteBertMwdJ,. A BAD COUGH tt ia risky to neglect. Take safeguard your health by to Djnkiog |