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Show The Tooele Transcript Friday, August Inilc Job . . . 31, 1962 Eajrlos Elevate Fav Gillette At Convention and banding studies, trapping and numerous game forage projects. UNDFR TERMS of the Act. all projects are carried out initially bv the State fish and game defor partment. Reimbursement the Federal share un to hut not Ogden Bay Waterfowl Area To Observe 25lh Birllulay The first nrnict to he carried out in the United States under prrv;s:p-v- j o' (hf Federal Aid hill was the esMhlishmont of the now Ogden Rev Bird Rrfoge known ns the CV'dn Rnv Waterfowl V",i"',mBnt Area, near Hoooer Utah I.ATF.R ff.DF.RM. AtD nr0-jer- s have been resoonsihle for establishment of the Pub'ic Locomotive Shooting Grounds, F.arm;neon Bav. and Timnie Springs Waterfowl exrise federal representing Areas taxes on firearms and ammuni-- t At present. Utah has a number on paid hv sportsmen, have been redistributed to the fifty of othr projects being carried Sams as well as the territories on under the Pittman - Robertof Guam, Puerto Rico and the son aet Thev include intensive research projects on such game Virgin Islands for use in wild- birds and animals as Gamhel fe restoration protects. quail, antelope, moose, and falo, together with waterfowl The Act, providing for Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration becomes 25 years old Sundav Sent 2 The law provides for federal funds to State supplement monies in carrying out wildlife restoration projects and was sinned into law on Sept. 2, 1937, by the then President of the U S. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. SINCE PASSAGE hv Coneress more than 219 million dollars, Pittman-Robertso- Tooele County Sheriff Fay Gillette, long time member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles was elected an officer in the Grand Erie, recently. Mr. Gillette attended the Inconvention ternational Eagle in Pittsburg, Penn. held Aug. While there, he was elected Inside Guard, an international office in the Grand Eri. He drove to Pittsburg with his wife Reeda. They took their time and enjoyed the trip which took four days each way. 4 eligible. Sheriff Gillette haS no competition. He also serves a State Trustee and Is shown with John R. Giblon. local MacFar-lan- e. Eagles President and Willard At the Wth annual InINSIDE GUARD ternational Grand Airie EaRles convention, in Pittsburgh, Alig. 1 to 4, County Sheriff Fay Gillette was elected Grand Worthy Inside Guard. Out of thousands Miss Vicki Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Phillips, has returned from a lengthy vacation in California. She visited in Oxnard Beach with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Townsend, and at Lcs Posas Country Club, Camarillo, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Talley. Her aunt, Mrs. Ed Wallace, of Lompoc, came down to Oxnard to see her. MISS CINDY KALLIOS HAS RETURNED from a visit with her mother, Mrs. Emily Clayton, of Dixon, California, and with relatives and friends in Benicia. She also enjoyed several days Phone 8822711 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hereim, former Tooele residents, anu children, Mark, Jane and Karl, are enroute to their home in St. Louis, Missouri, after spending a few days here early this week. Prior to their arrival in Tooele they attended the Golden WedI. A. ding Anniversary of Mrs. Hereims parents, Mr. and Mrs. when visitors were who of Colorado, frequent Blake, LaPorte, the Hereims lived here. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dobson and son, Johnny, spent their vacation in Elko and in Burley, Idaho, where they were guests of Mr. Dobson's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Larson. and MR. HENRY HODGSON IS VISITING his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bauer. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Puro and son Steve, of Edgewood, Maryland, were in Tooele Monday after spending a week at Dugway with their daughter, Elaine, who attends Utah State University. y Dr. and Mrs. A. Jay DeLaMare have returned from a fishtrip to Encinada, California, where they went deep-se- a ing. They report a very good catch of barracuda, bonita and halibut. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bennett and children, Sandy and Susan, vacationed in Las Vegas and Tucson last week. MRS. TOM WILLIAMS, THE FORMER Shirley Sigman, of Harvey, Illinois, is here with her two daughters, Deborah and Shirley, for an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sigman. Miss Betty Reed and Mrs. Florence Reed and son, Danny, of Grantsville, spent several days at Battle Mountain, Nevada, last week visiting Mrs. Reeds brother, Mr. Ray Thomas. Miss Phyllis Antrim, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Antrim, former residents of Tooele, spent several days here recently as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wassom and family. During her visit. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson entertained Miss Antrim and the Wassoms at dinner and the group enjoyed a longdistance call to the Antrims at their home in Attica, Kansas. UPON LEAVING TOOELE, Miss Antrim, who has been attending summer school at the University of Utah, went to Colorado Springs to meet her family and return home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Allred are spending a few days in Las Vegas. Mrs. Margaret Jones of Spring City spent last week in Tooele as houseguest of Mrs. Faye Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Moyes and daughters, Stephanie and Jeannine, spent their vacation in California, visiting Oakland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Disneyland and San Diego. MRS. BERNIECE FRAZIER AND SONS, R. C., Kent, and Cleve, former residents of ooele, are here from Phoenif visiting Mrs. Fraziers mother, Mrs. Clarence Morgan, and her sisMr. and Mrs. Eugene Lohnes. ter, and brother-in-laThey will be joined the first part of Sept, by Miss Linda Frazier, who is completing a course in cosmetology in Phoenix, and will return to their home in time for the start of school in Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Russell and Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wassom and family spent several days recently vacationing in San Diego and Oceanside, California, and Tia Juana, Mexico. Jeep Patrols and that is to provide service for those who need it without cost to the person or persons receiving the assistance. In the near future the Tooele County Sheriffs Jeep Patrol will into a communication by radio system that will put it in contact with all other patrols within the area. In the event of a search or mission requiring the services of other units they will be able to communicate with all involved. work The third annual convention of the Utah State Search and Rescue Association was held in Cedar City, Utah, on Aug. 17, 18, and 19. Members from the Tooele County Sheriffs Jeep Patrol in attendance were Commander and Mrs. Glen Murray, Doctor and Mrs. Rex Stutznegger, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ericson, Mr. and Mrs. George Cochrane and Mr. and Mrs. James Winchester. Mac Budge of Price was elected to the office of State Commander, Theron Wood of Woods first vice commander Cross, and Paul Strong was elected as second vice commander. THE IRON COUNTY Sheriffs Jeep Patrol of Cedar City hosted convention guests during the three days. Friday evening, the guests were treated to an outdoor barbeque and dance and on Saturday, they received a box lunch and the ladies were taken on a tour of Cedar Breaks. Then Saturday evening the innaugural banquet was held in the cafeteria of the College of Southern Utah. Saturday, after the election of officers, all visiting members of the Jeep Patrols paraded up 1st East and down Mam Street. This was a colorful sight, will all of the vehicles of different patrols tin the patrol colors. After the parade the next event was a hill climbing contest for the vehicles. First Place was taken by ten-da- The most important fashions for the new season have arrived coat and suit departments. new styles our dress, in Sept. 7 thru 16 The new refreshing tantalizing drink you can get at Brigham City. ONE OF THE MAJOR items discussed at the meeting was the plans for th spar-- h in San Juan County for the missing air- craft and pilots in that area. The combined Jeep Patrols of the State are gom" to make a three day search of the area in an to locate th downed n'anes. The search will be over Labor Present plans Dav weekend. call for about 125 vehicles search- ing in the area. Tooele County Patrol will be present at this search. Since the planes have been reported mis- sing, the Iron County Patrol has spent more than 2.000 hours look- ing for the airrraft. ALL OF THE TIME and money for fuel and tires has been born by the members of the Patrol. This is the nrimary aim of the Bags & Gloves Winter Coats - MATINiES - and I Sot., Sopt. Sun., Sopt. 9 Wod, Sopt. 12 Eii., Sopt. 14 Sat., Sopt. IS Sun., Sept. 16 . Chips house paint:; an extra-thicextra-- : i; :tough film of beauty and protection: on your home. Seals surface against:' ;:weather deterioration, for extra: j: years of life. 1 2 3 S 1 1 S p.m. 30 p.m. 00 p.m. 00 p.m. : : and S p.m. and 3 p.m. Bennett'sJ LBaHBllBMUB OUTSIDE GaL (slightly high lor dark colors) and matching Itrim $045 A Qt. 1 ENAMEL ! PRICES WED. MAT. SEE YOUR NEAREST DRDERXBYlMAIttNOW) Broadway : (house paint - $3.25 - $2.75 - $2.25 $2.75 - $2.50 - $1.75 FAMILY Or An Oil Base ijPurePamt and Fair Admission $3.75 : cai. masonry Sand stamped, envelope with remittance fa Box 16004, Salt lalto City Dennetts Dealer Look lor the Bennett's Sign v England's S Paint St 29 E- - Wallnaner Vine 882-365- S 9 PENNEY'S th - I.C. m m9 m&Y OMTil DACK-TO-SCHO- OL DUYS! BUY! ONE-TIM- E SPECIAL BUY! ONLY 155 Hi . . . I'm OWEN Sew it tonight, wear Weve stacks of fine quality cotton per- wool - nylon, ! Colorwool-Orlo- n acrylic blends! Special! FORD FALCON : DRESS LENGTHS ful all - wools, and For A Real Good Deal On A New :j COTTON SKIRT LENGTHS it tomorrow MILLER length, wide 56-6- 166 cales, cause bolt ! low-pric- ed be- theyre off the Fabulous prints, solids! 4 A. each Or An A-- I : SPECIAL! USED CAR See Me at Bonneville Motors 278 North Main Sl ; 882-057- 2 SPECIAL! BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS! NO s ladies and childrens clothing 6 60th half-size- Xew, Exclusive Advances In Color TV Performance! Seamless "Thong'' $2.00 pair Stockings Our summer Sale of Dresses Continues . . Deluxe Cabinetry to IS Anniversary SPECIAL! MENS FALL SPORT SHIRTS rich Acrilan knits ! fine, combed cottons! all machine washable! l33 sleeve cottons in plaids, prints 'n solids! All tailored with Long regular sport shirt collars! All machine wash! Stock up! YOUR VERY OWN MCGEE'S CLOSET 1 66 pll Cram it full pers tight! fodorol tax ... it zip. Made-to-la- st of sample fabrics, Vachette vinyl. Resistswater, scuffs, stains. 15" across. K i. in Genuine Veneers and Hardwood Solids! ALL BELTS $1.00 to $1.50 DEPENDABILITY! See Our Bargain Table Our Zanith Trainad Service Technicians of tha handcrafted Zenith millions ot Zanith TV racaivartl 7 Soutk JWa liftl PRINTED CIRCUITS we carry Remember 1 PAINTS that leaves Pricai Include Tox Fried Chicken Hamburgers Ham St Cheese on a hard roll That Popular Comer for wood or 755 . 4jVjvivers Rain Cdats U ACRYLIC NIGHTLY AT 8:30 p.m. and . New Exterior ZENITH of . WATER BASE . . . HANDCRAFTED' Fall Hats . CHOOSE EITHER A Gordon's Furniture now! exciting collection . I See these And see our New for Fall .'Vs . ' IbENNETTSI : to our & I I HOUSE A perfect companion Utah Ave. f house.: G. fA The Arctic Circle Af v WORLD FAMOUS CE ef-fn- rf , UTAH STATE FAIR WHAT IS IT? & -- Bennett's Paints I SPARKLE Fish for l; IX Circle A Jeep Patrol Gathers At Cedar City ...XT your I Headquarters s I Talking About camping at Lake Berreyesa. son-in-la- FASHION FIRSTS Everyones yi England's Man-aeeme- en-ro- ute Eagles State President. Hither and Yon By Bet9y McAllister VISITS RELATIVES David Clapper, of Honolulu, is visiting here with relatives and is house guest of his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. William Soderborg. Davis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James K. Clapper. His mother is the former V'erna Adamson of this city. He has recently completed an assignment with the U.S. Army at Fort Ord and is to Ft. Belvoir, Va., for his next tour of duty. exceeding 75 per cent of the pro-vject cost, is then made. A similar program for rcstorti;.., t;nn of fish has been carried ouf through the 1950 Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, or DingeII-ult- t Johnson Act. Complete Salet know tha greatar TV chassis proved In and Service of Zenith COLOR TV Gordon's Furniture Co. Count on Penney's for a sensational selection ... all priced Penney low! Like acrylic knits with surface interest, fashioned collars or fine, combed cottons in a variety of neat prints, colorful ginghams and new-loo- k solids ! Prefer long sleeves? Get them in the vponlar button front models ! Stock up now pullovers? Choose Acrilan ! rfji Open Fridays Till 9 p.m. Rtmember, you can etiargo it at Pnneyf Closed Monday Labor Day i |