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Show KKAL KaTATF-KCTbut there Is a need for the - Literary "Notes. 'S TELEQKAHS of hytaking of precautions in the way rublishrd Xktil'J, Sunday Sxeepted,' The fourth volhme f of "Appleton's And sanitary measures. ' The hot gienic AT .J OUR O'CLOCK, fBlography" Cre:4 Bal sun pouring down upon the heaps of The Queen Arrives at Berlin,' Where Cyclopaedia of American be republished iwill lea' Jiea f rubbish and garbage which bate been about May 1st. It will contain, artia r Cordial Greeting Marf RINTEO AND "VBLISHCD BY THE 4 ' - accumulating during the winter, oa cles Jobs f byJuatice Bradley j ,. Awaits, Her. shall, Prof. Henry Copoee on General ea, A1U7 flB ft draws out of them poisonous ' exudaa? n DESERET .NEWS COMPANY. tions a faOam McdeUan, Rev. O. B. Frotbingbam on which float About In the Atmosnil "Mi D. C. President Theodore Parker, on James Monroe, Rev. George R. phere, endangering the health of hu- Admirers of John Ii. Make i Big rti, Beat Sir Edward Pakenham, man beings. It ought not to bY necesGlelgoerea. Deraoastratloa TJpoa CHARLES W. fESROSE. EDITOR. John Wendelt Oliver Holmeson I)r. sary to urge a civilized community to His Arrlvaf . Lothroo Motlev. General Bradley T.AUD clean up its back yards, but there reon GeneraT James lonrJohnsoa 'i ' 1 ASS. mains the unpleasant and unh ealthf al u street. President William Y. Johnston i April 34, Tnndr, t nit i on General J. 8. Marmaduke. Prof AYHOLESILE . 1W . RETAIL .DEALERS Gov. Hill, Comldiio Let the Ca Ul-U- a 4 facmaTirthlscltric)ImAnyTear GharlerEnot"TTQfTtir-oirrleTT-IMM.lfipfcrrxti? areas have been neglected. Longfellow. T)r. Francis" Parkmas didscy Alone, StrikesT IiOOK TO THE FUTURE. into each nostril and - l jfpareele u appbed cent The preservation of the public health JlcCrca, HcYwood & Co. at drortsi ; IT' on Maraula de Montcalm. Whltel'ricS acreW.. , . fWm. is a 'tf UwjRei: .higher i auction of government N4Ph0psnd Not Ion? since' we treated at some than the on kusDa Charlea James Warner die; preservation ot the public cne aniciescon Lowell. Amongtore-athere should be no hesitancy MeyTebAe.Jtteportagegardl sell James Jfr edi peace,and trie was of the product reflection in article " ' Gooree-Peabodd 104 lm by Geo. m RtiAGKSMITH. AFrLY-- jVX the laws which relate to v. . lnaf Emperor Freder Paulding and Queensware70i3na and'Qlassware, upon tho situation that has prevailed thisenforcing Bat means, d ana maai- Street.. Soath Grant wusont i James jamea tJi w..Fim effecmore I ! Ick's OonditlQn subject. , la this TZ community for borne son and James uns, oy irroi. jonn than any nt to Buy a Home or Farm? if are nearly you FUke.. There vignettes, trr to time. .jjvrs-latiofealties I tive for WArdUsJhff dlseifo, DRIVK WKLfU riroi. Hosiery, Ladies Misses1 and unudren's ' - be exercised by aee of to Fail aot 4o may ,ieiebrated tlctares provided arrw bylaw, H including bot. The ; views! .therein EST) QUAUTYr l'i ruriz, and EuWer .Goods,' ,J ' churcheaaad other public buildings, By Telegraph totleNxwf J ; Shoes, Boots,Alt? received the nqualiaed approval or . statues and monuments, birthplaces, Influences seem abroad to be Exciting of Lonef Street' ellow. teef bartraits anrl txn ..' many thinking people, and no direct or Hats, Caps and Clothing, la the air iThese should be resisted. Monroe, Madison, Mcdennan. : Sir steamer C April 8i.-rBoston, intelligent attempt has been jmade, so It, Is ueorge worre, lroi. vV j '" 8pt. Draper anticipated, that there eloaie loaded with, Job. L4 Sullivan, Jokn.Macdonald, ; Wall Papers and Decorations, ' iar as we are aware, to relate Its prop- will begenerally Pea bod y, Gblel J ostice marsna h , w u- A great "rush, pf tourists here in by Hall early this , morning. ,11am Penn, and. oom Pedro u. Km ositions and conclusions eren by those be a greet passed ftlPAZJSSTA'TJfi 'A Mrs. Sullivan, the champion's legal rwrnr fit lirazii. two aaaixionai vol 7 '':, y'y Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums, who, from selaeb considerations, do tills summer, and that it will ' r season for excursions,- - Amusements wife. Intends to set herself right before nmes. to be Issued during i,tbe present not desire to ee them prevail j the world, i She IS endeavoring to. e yea&,WUl eompieie..;Kiis most jmpor;'.,' Waited. W hlle it adds nothing to the Intrinsic And pleasure. Sjrfal turmoil should cure a warrant for the big fellow's ar- lani national woi.,r.D ;. A CCOMMODAtlONS FOE IIOBBB 1WB be ' all to desire avoided attain who by on on his rest force of truttv the arrival, Immediately hare It endorsed a : b)ck or Oefore WuymK. ba(CKT by tta Bionth wUnin .rA t ; peaceful old age. charge of improper relations with An (l In (he May number of from I imc, vniw ww" MMirn ! sources, ! tit unexpected MM SALT LAJi& COUNTY. whom be with me has freely predicted that, wKhIn the beenLivingstone, nranasin there will Jbe a remaikable lit isfew Is a cause of satisfaction to next two the past im-r- t during traveling a of residents of dlscussioa months, many qutstUontALtiLal Us advocates whs (hate no thought And Acknowledging as bis wife. the Celebrated Sole Agent Sot4 Utah Dortance to every American citizen. this and other towns and cities in Utah years Ciiv. brave beyond the, welfare !of the'peo-pl- e, wiH have have Two Tears GXOD 8TJlSWtaOaiMAXi passed argcetthe 'The- Kaeferer Be4tr. opportunities to make small nonce men oi unioam wue crowuj A wmwu-boat U m when euchlcolncldencee appear. a qniet niuo 'doHhUubA A UKXJ TAnarWrtotsv methods.' he tU.-TacSvoola and no fortunes, 55??t .ff: 1 ron lu6b.aiik Jnr twi aorderwd byf aImr by speculative . We have before us an expression In April mornmg'r Bbrux, , line from the editor; of the: Omaha feverish pursuit of wealth Is one of the bulletin says: The Eutperor Vassedr-f- t 'i '. I ... vtr t - .;a ?u I i . .ii" nor, any single State faanaced, a law AND World. We formed a aUttht acquaint-anc- e most potent .of those agencies' which very good nighty His feter Is quite'ln loftKinir to me Tire n.n A I II I I I I' V ' the health undermine without The norriUeCteed of currenee condition creating the i i and its ixi with the gentleman while he was general ; significant i sl ; ' Kiinviif4. ixi Vtkst rii&s'eojrDr- have settled tlsea a SO - on a visit to this specific 'symptoms .which) cad be somewhat better. f?rr.-'- t people seem to- - ana HoaTot ltilion,B?e bvfeagittroth city and could not help treated OI sense not twir be saieiy secuniy should with s access, sad : Y being impressed with tie evidences of " ' :"Y.A", ranted' by the eftmmstvaew.r J)ttria Y ' .. 1 '. Y 'si, two years the4jatehlsta. have "bis native ability... The city la which Avoided,summer yY f these 1 shall prove to be a hot If the Jagpsox villa, Fla., April 24. Re- not hoen Kill. Mecretiv. steaitaiiv. iaey be resides has been one of the most have spread ttteirpeeAloQiS doctrines,conform one, at habits, fever Plant personal of TJKy, pursuits yellow ports and diligently f nrmcd breaches oi their oaneiui ur' persistently boomed towns the wave has" yet struck. This and surroundings to that condition. prove to ba exaggerated. The idtnease der, And lnid their fastwiw S failure nit m tA .nrevasSi taaether fact aids force to his observations Eat light, nealtnf ul And nutritloAs undoubtedly- etuted there ail last in i " v - i i z - sstend cabin oa are avoid high living. Keep in summer, but In a mild form; The vil- Thelf and leaders food, a of as he that upon subject character, i x,Ckt8irod "ti a popnlatioa of 300. Since They are fanatics? wltwraws-r-whas ex but the and of toxicants stomach, lage 1 must ot jarcnaea nov MAKE A 8JPJXOIALTT OIT has bad ample opportunities to conaaneerouaotase &uh wwiuyui-October there have been 00 cases- most1 Manv last soi I of mind. If out the the AJIaiHMAAAASaavA I citement MAT I amt wi sin! ; them of t . onAellee 12 All sider it Id its variegated phases and reof illness and only deatis.; wllilnato die iobvJ L AAVBk .WtCA.1 bavemoVed away: mUnldBanflare sults. The If orld thus treats upon an cial and. business world around: 70 accli mater persons nave counted the cos SrS K HerrlTn.on measures outside Are the They and tory. a, whirls, being. pasitloa, 'energetic -Atof vaomt Orojnpd, . important aspect of this topic t' will fire the nUnes.th.toydng JfrBi5Sl& disease. , Jlmailf:( ' SAAmwti swe?p of the' maelstrom. To retain Adopted to stamp" out knA Anrti .... even U tney themselves i ,iz1Mii PrnruiH. to our. jtcxtfk anioJa-Cities, " 'Boomi' seem to b very Una things health beasa you should keep" temperate, are lswlved in the iMmBoaiVQiau-itn- i while they last but t'aey almost lnvarl- wioktu3toritjfV.ro tutax 9e i wCala , Theaweew Arrtve,At BerIlw-;;,';- ; cool. and clean this article ther lnitAlvploMiWA;OilurBSVpow,Tewo keep an keep evil two little; dwelt ably prodace) 0. BxRLur,- ApTU 24. Queen Victoria these men will be brought to light. I jkx f 6H The moupon alien landlordism. x ne ment a boom is well started all sorts fumBer of Bayers Arrived: At Cuarlottenburg at & o'clock Their scheroeA.wia be.laid oare ;.dicwith terse and .powerful --TllBAJRE., author; and conditions of people who live in IS PREACniNO "liABORV" 1ARB Crowa The SAW: this morning. Empress, cause scenes describes tbatwlll ... V. tion own their houses sell out at what ap. t. to- throb andManch many Crown Princess of Baxe: manra-heaI 1 pears like big advance on the xcosf A ccKiorxs question has arisen in New Prince and received we are her at the depot. a face. wile shows US that and after puttiog their money into the Meinlngen whose bidden Join the great army or renters. Tora; City recently. 'Ajlawj of Con Prises Jlenry aid his sls&rs1, the Prin treadingMi s0lcano. .bank, build Few because the boom makes gress prohibits the ImportatioA into cesses Victoria Sophie and Margaret, fires may at any ,raement breakcPnt Aid . real estate high. The purchasers are this country of any person under a Sir Edward Malet, British embassador .arakAlm ttv Jin laroes noon the largely outside Investors aud the Berlin, the Duke of Butland and the- ptACOO ol any kind. at U that hundreds of ttroesands of contract coun' and the Burgomaster, is a prominent army officer, l' .;. 4 mad in dollars here tie westten-is- The' offlcers of the church ot the Holy cil of Berlin were alsomunicipal right preseet. Toe author in well Is who known military literary, to Uipr 2oti between Queen Victoria and and social annually paid circles, and many win re nants ana spent not in the west bybut in Trinity, in the city named, apparently greetings were ui the uermany rjoyai iamiiy New York, Boston sad Philadelphia. unable ; to suit themselves in .this wArm. The Crowp Prince conducted cognize the writings of one whose pen Y 'Mooms bring a great deal of mosey ln- -, country with pulpit talent, made as the Queen to an open carriage, drawn is aspowerfsl'asaia sword. a to to engagement with Rev. E. Walpoie by four horses, which she entered And, Y city for a time, but they are cause a steady drain outward forapt years Warren of England to be their pastor with the Empress beside her. . was hAve. received from .Mrs, C.F. We after. The way to wealth is to sell driven to the caatle- -' Crowds of peo- Peibm, ot 3S.Unlon, $quare, a copy of k. okATotrt, W; t. cioiiaAi'coiiriinr.' goods, not homes. Then the long run The reverend gentleman arrived la ple lined the route and "number of her new serial first the will on our be side." , j profits r of our September last, and began his pastoral publication entitled "Merchants , ;. ;, CHKXBBD JCHmUSIASTICAXXY ' ?V: Second Century." It is elegantly illus Ja A TTTJ m I'M -- J tt ; The truth So tersely set forts. In Tthe labors.V I'tiV-.gJL 1 ? OXa-A-J trated with-' the: portraits oi some en-oi A disagreement has' arisen regarding as the carriage passed. The Queen af-- 1 foregoing quotation is of general ap. '1.7 ' most succesBfei merchants to the a Our visit ' Our magnificent line ot 8urabs In aU the newest shades and the best shoruy Emperor 1 Taid ve made Vaudevilles of the engagement Copopknt arrival at the castle. The doe- - gaged in the various lines of trade, and The? JCepreseatati plication and, will fit the situation in the validity in the United States. We guarantee tnesewe wUl sell Asaenca, - - ibis Vt feared that the meeting would ex embodies - graphic sketches, 1 of their ';'ij tt'Hi'tt SentMower it will eny- -l wit. nim and 44. U now sought to hare tors any other store will sell. At this price city as giove-tk-e than an ad. probably npset lives and achievements. It a want Emperor andwere five of where. To the result at large may be it annulled on the ground that it was cite the yards and upwards. quantities in work and supplies fears but their mirable groundless. him, Greater the-laail Gimer Tiolatiow Jn of as made hare previously shown, against Turn Emoeror seemed rather omnttr commercial literature that hitherto has Larpt addd, the ultimate disaster to a large class contract labor The matter haa been after the Interview and bis tempera hfn nnfllled. It is reallr a publication THAU"' feVEh. at a i ., worta Check Drees uooas .. v. it is receiving, ' 1II- Lot ..1 '. .. . . of French I of thoe who dispose or ,their homes. argued In courtone party holding the ture was normal.. .if; of merit and deserves.aa a. .ta , Unvrae sn KaaHflff Rl first GaztU The number German North The referring recognition. ; They - ia turn. oi ll yard. exchange the basis of genuine position just indlcAted,while the other to the visit ot the Queen of England prompt WYRnm.!. nWlMAH R CIIH gives the portraits, together witb aBEAT ARTISTS and other sketches, of such wealth, the ownership of the domestic insists that preach leg Is not "labor" says Her Majesty will be welcomed oy of Eumlnamsnec T)ress Goods, In the best Spring Shades at6 cents i and men as W. W. Corcoran, Peter Cooper, rom Haa Franciaeo, wbare they rrrect: population of Germany, hearth, tor hat which is' subject to In the sense in which the term is used the whole f all by tae inhabitants of Berlin, Joan Roach, David V. Acker, Wm. A. a!m.'iflcent IIaVoI Freca q'biuii. the Tiry' Utest fMr.SflWnd'Sottlll flayed tHe Most Bucceaatuli jan,melt into thin alr.so to speak, by neees-- :t in the Concessional statute. The above Wilson G. Hnnt, with veneration and sympathy so Justly Pond, W. 8trong court of the the drains upon dresses, At very AttrACtlve question due one who has for .so many years John C. Moss, Frederick Batterneld. upon it that the original opinion , sarj icforbeaauiolsnaipef . transaction has 10 at v j been fitnot Tut Sale 6t 'i has rendered, and seats, O. A. the others, day, ruled , yet asl created, JenningsJ; by j man Prioea i.OO. 7oc We,2ic. - w,- A FKIXSDLT BI1TS ' . .. It Is A work which every young ik ful breezes ot financial changes that City and uoonvy reneranj, .w,.;nu...---. -i " r. read witb and business in might, ' orn engaged ww pnrcaaaa week a Clearance Sale of CurUlns thla 14 our to of are liable mother strike them at any moAnd tbqi who ba aiaE. BACH our Sta and one tutereata merchants H SICK wlUj In patrona that respect and ovfr The BlLLi DISPOSED CfJBB rost every, GOVKBNOB season's last Kood?, from perfect thaak-tnlly All German SroAt, men generally can take pleas ' fiC M. f. roir Stare have. Frea eampiea moonl wita.-an.hearts will oor " ; ".. jobs; itwocik, ment. An unincumbered portion of e 1. Fifty eaiablea n. They m im as ewn OF. tooa .uiis the a and a tbincatytoken la of . Queen's styles xtiimc accept f DvJ- ttaua'a Um Hll., Cnrt wtthoal LnnnMi ", ' f' the earth to which a person has a clear I1' offer impertor facJUJe. to ttort denrni Cents oa tne ioiiar. i 0 tit: for the late ot oar ure la keeping tn tneir norariss. fall ; rtmoni nmpiee u tna w , ren sympatuy deep' title is not ordinarily subject to such Uxlcss Governor Hill, of Mew York,' reigning noose, toe iact ini saw coma IUUioaaaa. aad jmprovea DigeOoa. oly of elapoautf ai weir vrooonji nnKm . n a ai wh itw whitk iuhiub. t a r ' eeata Uovel In name form, purpose and one fqjr. dese. sick bed of our beloved Em, ds ; contingencies and is a continuous shall be able to make a defensive to theAnd sold At 25c. . TVe Invite;, Them: tp njually TurklBh towels' at n.'C.plecet Lot . of personally shares the deep method is The ifovelttt, Alden's new peror Ii jr source of comfort and profit. Without ' i ai ' x.n i ia tt a.i ii before the committee ol the affliction and the great Anxiety with weeklv magazine ot American fiction. !' ana showing ita cause aaaaaew rv it no family rests upon a substantial state senate wlilc.h 1 now. AND '' worthiest the to she we at year Ate jillled today.- May give It naderUkes nUFMESS aacaafi investigat .which i ' " sold at 10c. i T.inim Towfttllri'ir. own home, bv one who was Ii ' bsis.ii at tKC. a.iper yard, usually f.. comfort and, hope, tictlon that American' authors can be I be enabled to .. i. 1 1 i I IC I . . I ; rri I i.-ln n. nanil t Hold 111 00. Mmh moetl Treated I deal by ing him, which it seems; hardly possi and when she bring authors to ON from Germany tempted produce. Foreign THEM I fw.r. iirLii.- - 1 departs PUCE UUII ! ai arreat barcaVn. waually sold a alfo tha no lea pecmuiu whdoihw. intiu. ble he will be able to make, his chances, to take witb ber.aa ii sentimental not assurance the ,t is admitted. not that It Uof Mad tiac m nnuivoiv h withdrawn alter this ricrr 1 . r r . v. . w Vsi t HMmVu thranoitl.. r il,. UTACCITHB j ASO j BOtf- - as a rival of O rover Cleveland for the sympathy she-- baa displayed will al- talk about lastieo to Anrfa anthpr, than anadr.da uu of olliara. . ' I.f.i-r ii ! nk a lot nt odds and ends o lt ai... n,,, dnhnorat t.hia i . remembrance but is bold, , practical action. It Is Mat b ppUcatko. . s v parueoian ways be kept in grateful Democratic nomination for beAuUfA Jp Towels less than cost. .... Jn PAOSL Ji. 41 West slat t, Xe Hack torm, snd bAndy Damasks here. season's last eerttlalj , ..,,! BAYBfliiliD. may be regarded as having fallen in au mecuanicat dress, exceuept, In toricef salted weil low noa and SPKC1ALB AUG AIMS I JI HOSIERY AND FABRIC GOODS. titles, I r appears that Pere Ilr Aclothe,; xtj far below zaro. The dispatches or the Will' UU1 ;?r. Oev. .,;,! sil.pslsv 5 the wants of meet . to the ail la respects 50 pozen Misses plain Cotton Iloae In asaorted toiora aoa itiaca, ii cently endorsed B ulan er In a ser-- r, last few days, have contained' stAte of la fli-ieBostox, April 14. A JWAAhUgton Intelligent millions ' who ere capablenot w. tAtxos lor Oojianmptton, k: Is good valao anywhere at 80c k. discovery This' aTaoai jr. Blocking ottrs, t. M moo. Dj$ rrSisoivfTfeSi fft thliT exi Bents concefnlhg Mm that are exceed' for fl.oo, .ortcl color, and Black, pairs "the best" It will"5 Doaea Mie.ea BiBbed Liila m ia producing aedclB which dispatch to th4 Herald saysf Cel. J. B. appreciating aokaowledfod by all to bo .imply marrelou. whether they be cor Tomllnaon, 600 Omaha? Democrat, stoop to compete with theguuer-netraordiaary statemetat'lronr-thtor pnlptt editor and taato, to the feet.' paira Cottin dyerSpure nose, spUced plaaaaat ; was that he favored Ceasaertsmvor the ial tlon OI tne leosauooai periuuiwais in rector not they are 'ot a character to bas kept Gbvernor David B," HHPs libraries. aotalcken. does E BROS which a at 00 $1 year, Terms, tvmifha, Oolda. iioft adies Brilliant Lisle lioe. In Black, TsnsVsad assorted colors, M Kci one man power. This expression o( destroy his chances of p3llticai prename at the head of bis ; editorial ratn it will rive over 2.500 bases, equal eaaaaiuof Conanmption. ' oreunmw, I vroap, would sell as essUy at 4S cents. 'this oms commotion in ferment.7 .. Amer . the fere caused stocking . . ordinary Pkins'ln the cW.t haa ytren unireraal , column for some time as bis candidate to from eight totwelTexae '' 1 Lot of Ladies' Berlin Ulovea. at 10c, worth 3 rents. stones wiu J.trtm Dr. Botaako's Ccnrh raad Gafernor UUlisth? only man who for the presidency, Last nixat, baring ican dollar novels, the church in the shape ol a demon-- 7 1 Let bf lAdics' BrilHknt lisle Gloves, nt 5c., wrth 00 ...t' O4 M ea. Z. liv a arc one at a, time t lm. ia aald at 40 ceaU Brilliant Llle and Taffela Mlk Ulovea. at 60 c. ; Ihese ' stxatlon from who has bensarloti3ly regarded as a prob- - just returned front Albany, where he follow ofsuccessively, ' ,''2 '. weriaold at 56c., 1.C0 and l.S5j the greatest bargain we ahaU offer onovestand I : 'U.rt lengtn .tttms eisg "... rt..,. .ordinary xour long conterencefwlth Governor novel were present, but the interruption Able contestant acalast President oad A he '. "in thiB lino durine the season. to emu wee. in jrom ibis managing completea 'Tlaeir-' ldiea't-UkMHtaiUltl, to .telegraphed ovary V111co,0.tS5citb," B,,tt w,s s ClevelanjJL forthD3niQ9Atlc presi-- i editor wui 4.. 100 loxn iTh ..was promptly auppreaaad. It one.- story aoe s nos picasa,next. same downjuu BarRalBi. 60 ! Urea aell to at For cental have long to wait for the The real reason why the ex -- monk dentlal : nomination, but the latter's Governor told biio, be says, that be not 1IAIX STRKBTT don't ii9, was not only not a eaadidate bat that a tn cent subscription (if you should indulge In a polUico-rtligi- o w path seems to have been effectually fee? you-wi' at ail fl o,l ew wish to anterior would- - willingly, neaa tne 100a short .lenfrths of Hamburg Kmbroiaery. 01 wuicn we piaBOTmw;, speech in the shape of a ser- - cleared, so far as rivalry from the pres- receive the first chapters of every story I l.taiiiintr. whrs 1 thall continue 'to tot . :n 1. . yards " I m.1 nf Imiwtrtjitiona kail : conls f Lonis,' ; pdWlabW aanngtnv twk ?(!;; jmu serve iny pnstomers with , I mon. lis foUVtttf iilfiVfi Ift- - eniGdfernrfofTfirwfrork !$?Jr?c 1 r.tirfM nrkto u Innnrlntr. It llf... C.. Jl.JO. Il iU, tl.OU. tl.wv IIIU tlS", m . nnnulrinuc y, ii a then otaerAeparate ; (Jmk.-. and rill be found 4). J iJiUlt was! boldtalKWs cip rent. y S33i over ot reduction per i wio laKyurnl A . anU T HU I I0IU1I0, copy or ' win pe onerea at reoocoa fm for ot A lot reat rioancings Baby I1 large bargains. .. rVseffi on reanest. r oat jpop. ' i - I .... . x.m v.r Ibis week only. v. mm aw it '. ALu ,, .Tina in 393 Fearj St.. New, AGENCIES. A larto lo of Colored EmbroWertaa will So offorod during tae wees vEitnsina Bepuouviauo ui B. Alden, publisher. cniCAGOj Apru but we hare .an overatock, i are 122T.-yseason's tht. ofiM these : : ct goods, t ihaa eBakLsts r. OBox ' . this congressional-distrinaa York; ne thethtrer r- - Y ssau toe prevaumg the goods must be Bold. snd ' , Carpeted for aaleJ Carpet Weavina-.aa- A Lino ! HATE of Oriental Lace Flonnctngs from B enta upwards. Advcrtisixq agencies have bscoms A mornlnc selected t Mayor Koche and sentiment, but there was a bos Bags nato permanenratid-Apparentias the India venef iblS Swett Leonard delegates blsf"sang. 'Isr.f.akin oi women in finance and U N DIRWIARi) lA D I E 8' JUMMIH Uo'nrlsh in this tional ' convention1. These deleratss. business, there Is the young girl living Is Utble to mi mistake r""enemn 211 8.. First East Street. , at eo., We.,. .65 aad c I Ml.ll bargains. 38c. VeaU, adie.' t Ganis . JersevFitting ' i . ..B amid great enthusiasm, were instructMass.' She conceived nesr CZot UiAtchArActeti-- Jt 1c ltA Irtenduif COuntrjiCi tant.tenf than in any ed Springfield, Bibbed I.' .. Blbrlggan:Jrey-rit. tot l'rtcos. at low Very from to They Underwear Uauze buttermilk the lara-ua luldroa'a Judge candidacy A assortmen support Idea ofuyiag the KOTIC. tk ft Jl DnlAnce.r thela tterjnaj:..weli.re- - other on. the slobs. .The reason for Gresbam. ia aiKicr stood Swett la the ail baonumerated. It This she made aeart Itvintc 'cannot a dairymen SSclah Oo and ft 60c, Sic, SwIbb. Kmbroldorad Bonncts.at c, IKK, this Is that the postilation of America to present Jadtre Oresbam's : name to up every morning into "Dutch cheese," quest that jbe be saved irom cut?. andChildren's lif , . - Jhai Is mere enterprising apwarda,-alagreat bargain. and 'p&TRS aad pihln? in the convention. workia.2 It oat ia attractive form, species i jnenasmp. or 3 year old, uvaacti died, tt to tbe - ,ci t y . ;She soon One- brae HARE. The expression of the Pere wis to business matters than that oi any other . : HOUSE. ALSO A LOT OF- u . KJ it thatnbIs making reaemblmgY and wetched on lerv uugn. w r'v , ; . atradiyforshe the effjet that BjuUnger wai aiming nation. . 803111683 men are net content YX et Is her ramion, 24.-1- 1x6 wesJiby bV rlafriiea and U away not taken Washington, April at a dictatorship and .thaOhe people la this land of blossomed ingenuity to 'A HBsaUsome, moaest young May rt, 1888, WUl be sold at.iHfclock A'm., on elections submitted a report simply thnt at woman, with pluck, courage and wanted a f anctlspary of that charactei. sit still, as many of that class do in pouna. -tne - astray ' r Htvtu r cauea aenee vs. ninth Ixtb i1 Glover, sttttov gumption. ;on? intrri The course of Boulanger Indicates that other aad older lands, and) wait for in the case of Frank a. b 1 if f btttdkeeA ' Missouri.' ?"' It dlstrlcU lh4 Is tfcavexy Impression that heroes customers. 1 They keep plunging ahead eoogresstonalr tsViess. 1 entitled Apru Xephi. : t? the finds Glover, contestee, 1 not wish creates, ue atsirej to im- and opening np new avenues; of trade, the xy 13 II II II Plllflnfl I ?' ?t.CZr'. .y. seat.; y : : 'f'-'..,.i,...., press the French people, with th . idea radiating from the centres where they Hence the field :. , ,V.; 1st STeed of rasista. that he thlnke they do not bare enough are located. DRY GOODS .OEPARTMEHfl; freedom as it Is under, the .constitution for advertising Agencies is wide and alSTILL OAintTi.a BItS OFENlD 41M i4aje, THAT 'WB PnuAALPKli., ApU 2.Tb need cfty:at4lAp; jniJir-, 11a nf de11, of the Ripublic ast staridS,' And,: most Interminable". As a rule they Are ot ready money above the current H 2 I ' I f I I si JIra.'rajy Braaaoa ".1-1 rati;- 1 tf ... S sires it so amended that the .populace conducted on principles of; fair deal penses, which are now paid, with diffi If' 81, tn uuineiq, ixwravARRIVALS HEW The deceased cn.e v V h'iit ltt, may have .more liberty. But Pere lag. Among those who have gained an culty, Is a source of much concern to Of Insertions, Bibbons, parasols, , nasatBce i;e5a. .r.r.r ivucw-rashe Is a in. ia -this who enviable boated'-' of the Ilyaclnthe, regard trague theorist, reputation the general executive a .il" fBTl'' .' j.,ai' Tan Lanes, ; Dress Goods, He, for evidently misapprehended the situation j.'H. Bates, who has been i A the busl- - Knights ol Labor. At a fecial session valid fer wore than" ei, n ' I , .1 SPRING WEAB. t .'I .:' htivv and sustained Boulanger on the ground ness, lor twenty-liv- e Dim Htenw4t.fe)lUCnT J.,., 1S X"'"' yea rs. He was 1 of , the J9dard ftO.000 ffti Apprbpriite waawelcameto .l'J..lilrt'i'i.i.-'rf"land merest listerttyl 1 ti N ' 11 that the prestige of, the people should formerly partner of Ml. S M. Pet- - to stirt A prlntlsg ffld,?but Aside Xlai4, ktJffswaet, - ' vk.rtra I .ulh., .1 tmisn1aiL. Ceaalli sTBtAt'i , ; " . be curtailed by the establishment of A tentfll, who retired soma time since. from browA stone beadqoarterav worLv -- ' ' o,ooo, the only avauaoie property is rilAeTaj nseay at t p. dictatorial regime; TfcJi (n 1873 Mr. Bates established the firm the mprll mine in Ohio. helf'at bofjsutdence. n ' ' iZ-- t i are Jnvit"V At this distance 'it appears to be of Bates & Locke (tfVe latter being JhS TheConnellburgcoaJ , JtJ Friends 1888,' sale of thie has been authoriied .now, and the board expecU to realize enough lIarUrdr Conn.,J(tper. ' presumable that one of tae reasons late Petroleum V. Nasby) and ' aside from his well known- since the death el the latter he con- to get the printing office well under And thereby to lessen an enorrsrsACE At Thatcher, GrahamponVj', proclivities why the French ducts an agency alone. We learn from, way devote so moch of theft' 'spasmodic Mat. Bat is, with whom fife have , bad kged neatly 77 years. He enthusiasm to Boulanger W because 01 pleasant business relations, that 'he however, will do but little to Improve ' I ness. Jamesat"Pace, Doable .prtegs; Ratherford waa born remove t pres-tafromlhis his professed solicitude for the .estab , will tn' Mayst, V DAILY; THE COXDITIOX Ot Tn u pBlllNQ!. 'ii. ,.u. , H lishmeatof greater . freedom for tht quarters,- 3S Park Kw, jcorner . A member of the board --admttsthat r"T Lj.wi ;:iiniwaya m bibbbb people and a corresponding relaxation Beckfian Street, New York to, 41 Park th.r taamtlr nnnpti monrt 1rr th.l a bwb pay the current expenses treasury of the prerogatives of the government. Row." I .... I. LRUAU- - v a vnt . m fmm ' aa m ,, , j 11. 4! Tf vTtn-- . i iiibbb M hi to the and machinery going keep .1T T-umuj His professed Intention Is to place tht French Kepubllc more in nnlson witL Tne Quarterly returns are far irom be-I- J Lines from PennsylTania. inz satisfactory, and, unless money IS of United States. the that 'But Pert reoeiveBl ht wen .tttia Oatp and Joly I 'TiiLT-! ' la tka mittn of the Estate 4t Satak 'klVlAR T rTSit. I NTT , : fS. ir ! sm, MndovaxaY"CSiarkea. Hyaclatae sestalns the present idol i s I I ttie geuwal offlcaa- will - Tk. Tnbla,'i rWoaUt.i i . . ' Y : ; I tnM Tt.iiahii.tT. ; Bloasbcbo FeaAsylanIa,T f i 1' thefprcs.At France on the ground that he propose XAeuex have to De i urtner reaucea. lJrrAj ill ' Aprfm.isss. i;U' l to establish a coodUidn quite the.: p. penses - of the order are ,now rery Order appointing time and puce for settlet: Wifor 2tere iVewi: illfe'a-MaiiitreeVSa- l the or t Lake City. heavy.- Daring the year 1895-6X-Tnent el ai eBni au w - c - ' ... posite of that. I . f( peUtioa for distnbnlioa. few lines from this pArt der gained nearly K,(KX1 members and Believing y The venerable is not pracIn Endless Variety, Dally Arriving. be Interesting tha total axseBsea were $105,793. Ul would f 'or. Pennsylvania for der the tical. Be dwells In a hazy, heoretica to administration,, present ad to indue am; give I 1836-readers, Ij the order lost 317,400 members ' I T atmosphere, and is probably nnable tc rouyour KKW STOCK the Estate of Sarah l'Xabbs.de NEW ; GOODS f a brief Account Of my ta?ors. j. and the total expenses avcre $191,683, .j. tfatorot settinK baa filed his -catch on to the real status of an existftforth . A rMftd. here' Sti-trosince ! 4 about a atyear "WK "f-- " Age, I US .AASiJM npo, fVt ' : f. . We bad an opportnnit) urlved Lhs silt CO, dnhtfi ing ' SRilILL hsir question. PATEST KeesMtst ki. CteaJlee4.-c fuM vThlch tlms X bave been doing my best ' i1 s "arVbaen-fally-pa ot briefly studying him on the occastor that portion "4 .. Nw YoKii April : 24. PM1 CAsey, of his visit to this city a few yeArs Ago ' .to prove to the people here the truth of said esuu remains to be divided among the band-ba- ll de bas and praying mmh see the I of Nws (be player heirs aajaaecaasea. by champion He is learned, and gives "forth fltfo- The pet wKli llUIt K4v5d Korth jfem'le St. East oroer auow... s tor some of, the brethren Are meeting.! posited a lorfelt of $250, to play James otker bat l flaahes of intellectual " ano oi.aJBwuM" may ''flTflrta 31 South TemnlA SUWost, "r" brifllAncy, bu eatiUed. . vith rough treatment In different a icsnn. the cham Dion M H(w account tho persona City." Titcklv' amoa? Vd has not a great degree ot practical i : tla-t-e. stdd' : H" " " arts of the eon a try, but here the Santa wales for" $10,000 thai -ail noraoas interested a bo taUen Art wifli wtnTSii , , ,. BXABPlt! .y :.alla. V,:'. hV ette-- of ttioiBtohatDaBBAtQfe; HisstJddei people are too indifferent to become aKreea to allow Keenan $1000 foe exk,-- r V. m . if .' . m n s , v all in hearing the truth. penses incurred by bim in coming te scrie-r.. ' shoot on the leading topic in Franc interested 1atsnau r ? ' J STj. of . t'4Hut of the continne to near my Vta Vnrk tn nla tSa irimt.- -' "' if... BA(CEHS'a Ho.fl.W1; r ; will, ho wever, Wm' considerable dowever, whenever' hirm and wherever I They,: estlmony WE0LI AHEiTTLOlTL notoriety. If be like tbtt. Bort Qf lave an opportunity;. I bavs found in 'WTIfrijri then and there to T7aiMHn.lI IlAiUiea and XeiSS aT cclock p ., J.: Jieeramaai Baptist Gatkerla. has al be and wltnithe several intercourse given ah?a4UU people thing, ny why a, agoodmanj ho formerly belonged to the Church, ' Stacmtok. VaI. April 24. The cotn- evidences that he does, he wui emot fne . ? , A" rj.,T. i rentleman ..Id estate: amona: I I I an old IV . AiriiX v, if il i t , ,1 1 annual an of whom, at IMv I I S i oIaca to Select for himself buKly for a seasop. aaid Barah Ji.. TUt8, I t I ii I i 1 1 r . the sand IiI 11 of vhose name Is Moore, was acquainted raitt. eVepboee ir. S7i. OAK'S' Telepnow i kei tho Of tne German Biptista of convention I 837. . No. caw "I'nt; vith Martin Hama. Ii asked bim ahaa w) A OH TTn tfII decided haa acU Mfta. XXldncjm ta, licUhy hy be left the Church. He ssld, (ha i SUAS MdURJS. 6ui.f 'When Mr. Harris told me he bad seen riannhnra-- . Vi. The COnTSCtlOn .WillUNIIKALTIIFUL WEATI1EB. : tnd converssd with angels, It was oe neia tne first luesuay 'Hkj. ''"i -taua Vrnm lOjfKiil Ul TS.WQ nore than Icoull stand.". Igavekam Qn.fi,. eirHat ttSalt H f !r!p?S-K- " thaa woeks ncceaalyely every ,Bkai.o Ma TAOBOLOGicax extremes,' especial j ome ot ; our tracts and Articles of rersons rpreseniing ,V ' Rowel. fn the - union nsualCl At prior to said S3d eay o Stay) 8i He enquired for the book of Aini. . in the way of excessive heat, are likely ait. A j SMITH. ..- kt.TAB Annual t Covenants.. I him told be tend these . :;i .'..'ia' that could gathering,s;u ' the health of the :ome and read It ... to affect unfavorably i robate . t ."' Jqdge , oral j ee0;Tdie't4i : . any time he wished, ' ioaBn wt it.4ojjr based a. one Prognostications upi h mt, i I could not having populace. ubm apnior only copy, - f t aim J take It to bis borne. Bs.f'.:i,-2- ji , . TtnatToar on this general rale, relative, to the Chili .. f . - .- . . , i Dnwnt&:VrrS i .BAi.g gig ftciw winter which m.mi commenced .The 'here this of health City tb during f a ovemier has aot fally enued yet. public jr.riri::rrrk'-o- .the Prolate occurrence bap 20 ;!: a. sad nvj On Anrll lot the County of 6alt Lake, Coert coming summer, would be to the effect 1 'ver prayins: for the welfare of Zlon, hereby tserufy in temiin your brother tn the Gospel,-- . nimri 1.ithe tamlry Ol Mf.Bftnrf thsTemtnr yetisIitab.de; that U U likely to suff it, as sush warm a I aSl, true About that the feregefiiK fcreet, on . who YamiTOs.'1 :Blgb Batr,: lyes ttraeaod plaafor weather as we have been having. lei three "miles northeast ot. locnmono, aoty af Order aioint3 r -v . . the last three weeks, is almost if noi rS-Vabarah Jg. ". thVfcitaiaor f Hi'tne. Rtnnr rto Cache . County. .cAJb-ye?0b- i Hest Jf4ieine for'Chilarea. Bj enU or Hie In this Worthy locality, unprecedented entirely ,Mr. Ralr; fell lnttf the Thoa.ttaeaaa,pa ajpr oy) Boy, can you direct me to .the I Nearest bank? . the time of the year considered..'. whereoflVhaVe "fief-creek and was drowned. The, . body. ?.55f'wlte t ; X was louna in hor( time Aoout nau a rttfl set ut hand and afflxed There Is no qecatioiMfor excassiv 7 pyl kin fer twenty-f- l cents. r ' I below. tnis aaid The ' seal of cents court, mile Such iweaty-nve sympathize vrpaj? isn't people 'ho uneasiness upon this point.." 186i I ' hat high A. D. J r?ra of in April; the the day with parents calamity great the craACFairiCa-nto spreac favorable is o ' r JOOS O. CUtLEIt, ( state of cslnd but it's bank directors that has befallen Stand sir; d BoyYes, Clerk. Probate d3w ard. 111 CXiaxabers El, If.T of various forms ofdisase, and should what gits high pay. iV. Y. u. EVENING NEWS. be avoided ; Si. y' TO-DAY- . (Lodge-Picken- mm MC SALT s) J&oiATEt Gil-m- an " lite-tMb- vvr a 1 -- j W HMDFACTDEEES mmwm s- H Staple and fancy Groceries,,Dross Goods, Dry Ooods,'Notions, x by-th- e. inPORTEBS, y, 2. B BidwSre," - 171-- 4 .traps, . SS&liEOUT, Tb Co-op.- f Jit., 1, . m y' r 7 , i . ; Tkc-JbueriGa- H t 5"4 ' -- W . - ; CHAMPION MONITOR' ,r CHARTER OAK . ' tv ! for .it-- Le t)rUa-te4oailvaf.Palt h: .' : : QMS, RANGES & HEATERS KlIOVJfcBEti'S T aouorur -- . A e m - " HI.1E MADE and SHOES BOOTS, if.- - 4 M-- . I --. r . re-s- alt anazbw JC'4Mllit,i::- non-residen- BBOS. ! iiain Street. ; ': . ! . - '(.. - , -.- - . - ;!- I . . l"'?' - "; ;,- iMii !; i ;; 1,1 irpSM jt,;t ij5Be4 Y 25 25 Em-pres- a. ; j -- ih?wW " - V . J . I - II" 1 eei: - bio-rraDhl- - Spring Goofls at SpBcial Prices itfiis HALLEN&HMfu irst Prize Ideals. . : r r - rt 1 A o?- ; Not-M.cri- ed - - - (t.ri , ( cre 1 ' ntf .. o- -. t. 1.-.- u....Ah " r ?r. rr : v- i..:. -- ,- - : in vau , twentT-eirhtyoa-t. . V . CR0ffl&.C0, IK ii. ." e Ingly-daoiaKiap-- : in - 1 ' - - .' Newt To . take-HUV- - . ... . : inJtS'MMk 1 .1 n"tt-factore- a u fcnfed--;tHjjnr- idk"thrUreB - ? r tUllTff w - U: r ,". , :z7iert ' ... . T ln" : y HOUSES and LOTS 1 '.tt,'-.ji- iiiiOijrr' . - ; ; j -- com-miti- ee t 'a -- - rli..1 1 ' - , ' iaslsaa'ttA? -- . i , aaaav anan ah' won f f-J- tr . -- XxwT-iA--,li- ...:. - ar au( 1 7 mm eu ..--: . m. 1 Teeiji. -- ' anti-germ- J " 1' -- Caasyalna.'0 1 . SaTBstaVAaflB - u Alexia, 1 . 1 jfwssjBA I.BBBBtaBBBBBSBBBa . 1 itSi JH5 S3) 153 ILa an " SUOESBOEU'SUPPp ! o aaBBjBaBfBBwjBvnajBs-- nCS- - " BMiJ;J , W: Sail , u W J f !'. .. : 1 , . ? bVv - "iA-.V.- -- s - 1 , r . ex-mo- 7, - PnaMt d, 310.", .i l,' ; rWrll thf 'V" ,. -- otr a". 1 i,.--- rh,'ti,...' f" e i .". hma : . T " . . . ... 1 t 1 jIII 1 III i' ni ri ffl t!t:1 f ,;7 i . -- -- tnem-Ogrd- en tco; ' : W in-an- d ! 1-tkU k .;1,fitiiihiit-x--'- i jta.' " " ( tOjJt:s3tlTerv,t - rlana-btav-a- -- "el si ' ? ctli;, Ulowi-?iA-- doed r. nMi I -- In-sig- 1 , -- 1 ' hie; 1 I - v osjJE'tiaircai.- -- -. . |