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Show THE HMS-NEW- The Times-New- NEPH1. UTAH S, s Published every Friday by The Times News Publishing Company The Safety Zone , DENNIS WOOD A. B. GIBSON Mrs. Alfred Lunt, came over from JVIanti the latter part of the week and J1.00 $2.00 OUR RYE PROBLEM A Bank Account Is A Safety Zone Dollars deposited in this bank draws interest at 4 per cent per annum. They are safe A small account serdollars- - busy dollars. ves as an incentive to save. to t en 3e Builds Wisely Who Builds Well" w, lion et in TO IJUHJ) WELL Pr. USE Nephi Plaster They are now sena an signatures photographs by telegraph, but, shucks they've been send m' flowers that way ever so long I .n' HAS NO EQUAL. The Largest aad Purest Nstaral Deposit of Gypsum Lb The World JTKPHI I'LABTEU AND MFG. COMPANY HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CATAItRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it rid your system 01 aiarrn or ueainass caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con- sluts of an Ointment which Qulcklv Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, and the- Internal Medicine, a Tonic, whic h acts through the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, thus restoring normal condi tions. Sold by drufjiriRts for over 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Gone to the Country that in the Drug Business quality should and does count more than any- will visit with relatives here for a few weks. You have been walking in the sunny fields of prosperity. Life seems secure. Youth and strength are careless and forgetful. You have spent money as you have earned it. Suddenly a flood of hard luck comes rolling towards you. Will you be overwhelmed by it? According to County Agent Smith, the eradication of rye from the wheat fields of this valley is one of the big community problems. Buyers this year are extremely cautions about making prices on wheat containing any amount of rye. Experienced millers can handle wheat con taining 3 to 5 per cent of rye but that it goes into the feed class. Foryign buyers feel that they have a right to discritnminate heavily wheat containing more that 2 per cent. Our experiment station has demon strated that it is possible to eradicate rye, and it can be done on a large scale everywhere if some methods are followed: 1st, dont plant rye. Get seed free from rye for A number of farmers planting. have cleaned up their fields this season apd clean seed can easily be obtained. 2nd, Keep the fallow clean. Above all do not let rye seed on flallow land. 3rd, Rogue the fields just before the wheat heads out. At this time the rye shows up several inches above the wheat and can easily be seen and pulled out. If rogueing cannot be done at this period the rye should be pulled later carried out and burned so that no fresh seed will be distributed. On a recent trip through the valley we noticed a striking example of good farming and poor farming, with only the roadway between the two farms. On one side was a magnific-an- t stand of wheat, absolutely free of rye and on the other side of the road the opposite. This latter place had plenty of everything and it was difficult to tell from looking at the field, whether the owner was trying to produce a crop of wheat, weeds, or rye. thing else. Mrs. J. F. Jones of Salt Lake City visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman, and Mrs. W. J. Allen. We know that RED CROSS PRODUCTS are the best quality merchandise manufactured and knowing this stock them exclusively. RED CROSS products are thoroughly' . sterilized and packed in sterile packages and are iree from crms. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Horton, of Pocatello, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Horton, and Miss Darlene Horton, of Santaquin; Mr. and Mrs. Mar-li- n Morton, of Payson, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. George Horton, Mrs. Colman Greenwell, Miss Mildred Horton, and Mr. Earl Horton, of Eureke, Utah, were guests Tuesday at a family dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs Otis Horton, in this city. When in need of Cotton, Gauze' Bandages, etc., specify RED CROSS merchandise and accept no other, and just remember, when you specify RED CROSS PRODUCTS, it is necessary, to also specify NEPHI DRUG CO. GROWERS MEETING All wheat growers are urged to attend a meeting at the Nephi Commercial club rooms at 8:30 p. m. Saturday August 1st. The meeting Is call ed to discuss the so called hedging system of marketing wheat. T. C. Winn, former Mayor of Nephi, ripw AMI EAT representing Nephi Drug Company wheat affiliated the WE ARE HERE TO SERVE will explain the "Hedging growers, system". , Johnson & Johnson knew that qualthe respect of all purchascommanded ity ers of Cotton, Gauze, Bandages, Adhesive Plasters, etc., and placed their produce on the market under the brand of RED CROSS products. Miss Ruth Beagley entertained the Brapuloy Beehive Girls Wednesday evening, The time was spent In planning the work for the month. Dainty refreshments were served to the folMrs. Harry Beagley, Olive lowing: Warner, Eva Linton, Ethel Jarrett, Evelyn Brough, Lapriel Day, Deora Golden, Gladys Golden, and the hostesses' Blanch Worthinglon and Ruth Beagley, Geo. D. Haymond, Owner Torporcer Helps Horns by p. m. 6 One bay horse, age 7 years, brand ed ... placed vertical on right thigh. One brown horse, age 8 years, branded E. 1. on left shoulder. J. H. Gunderson Poundkeeper, Levan, Utah. IX THE DISTRICT COURT OF JUAB COUNTY, UTAH $M: ''';) Your Conversation BONNEVILLE LUMBER CO, a poration, Plaintiff, Cor- vs III il When tiie Spanish writer Cer- vantes was wearied of the fantastic chivalry of his day he wrote "Don Quixote" as a protest against exaggeration. "Don Quixote," among his other exploits, attacked a windmill single handed and did battle with its giant arms. "Quixotic"' Is the modern adjective derived from "Quixote" and means the ivpe of person who goes In for hcr absurd actions. Slafmcp of Ownership, Manafrmetif . tin- - Tinirs-NVw- s, immi iilniJM nilnr iiiii I iii George Torporcer, lntieider of the St. Louis Cardinals, has been of great help to Manager Rogers Hornsby this season In keeping that club prominent in the National league pennant race. NOTICE OF SALE OF KSTRAY ANIMALS State of Utah. County of Juab, in the Levan Precinct. I have in my possession the following described estray animals which if not claimed and taken away will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at the estray pound at my residence in Levan on Saturday. Aueust 1st. 1925 at the hour of Published Weekly at Nephi. Utah, for April 1925, State of Vtah, County of Juab, ss. As required by act of of August 24 th. 1912. Congress, Before me a notary public in and for the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared Dennis Wood, who. having been duly sworn according to law. deposes and says that be is the editor of the Times News, anil the following Is to the best of his knowledge and belief a trua stute-inei- rt thence south at a right angle 89 rods and 14 links, more or less, to the south line of the northeast quarter of said section; thence west along the south line of the northeast quarter of said section, 91 rods and 13 links to the place of beginning, containing, 79.93 acres, more or less. Beginning at a point on the south line of the northwest quarter of Raid section 7, said point being 51 rods and 10 links west of the center of said section; thence east along the south line of the north half of said section, 141 rods and 53 links; thence south at a right angle 2 rods and 6 links; thence we.-i- t to a point 23 links south of the point of beginning thence north 23 links to the place of beginning, containing 161 square rods, more or less under the provisions of Title 62. Chapter 1, of the Compiled laws of Utah, 1917, and all laws and statutes supplementary and amendatory there to. to be and appear before the District Court, of the Fifth Judicial District, in and for Juab County, State of Utah, at its Court Room in the County Court House at the' City of Nephi, County of Juab, State of Utah, on the 14th day of September, 192C, at the hour of two o'clock P. M. of said day, and to exhibit then and there the proof of said liens. BONNEVILLE LUMBER COMPANY RAYMOND CAZIER and DAVID CAZIER, Defendants. NOTICE TO LIENHOLDERS. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons holding or claiming liens on the within described premises, Beginning at the southeast corner of the nroth-wequarter of Section 7, Township 13 South Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridan; thehce west the south line of the northwest quarter of said Section, 51 rods and 10 links; thence north at a right angle 74 rods to the center of water ditch; thence northeasterly up the center of said water ditch 2 2 rods, more of less, to the center of a street; thence east parallel with the north line of said SecUon, 38 rods and 19 links, more or less, to the east line of the northwest quarter of said section Plaintiff thence south along said east line 5 Sam Cline. Attorney for Plaintiff rods and 4 l'nks; thence east al a Flr.-- Publication July 24. 1925, rieht angle 91 rods and 18 links; Last Publication Aug 7, 1925. to-w- it: "QUIXOTIC Etc, of 1 MANAGER Sis Months One Year it. We Know J. H. Nicolaides of are guests this Nevada, Glendale, EDITOR week at the homeof Mrs. Wm. Forter. Mr. and Mrs. Subscription I Ottos First National Bank I Local Happenings st -- oT SWIM AT the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for ;he dale shown in the above caption, required by the Act of Congres.i August 24lh. 1912, embodied in Section 411, Postal Laws and Regulations. 3. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers uie: Publisher-Tlmea-New- s Pub. C. Kuiior Dennis Wood.; Business Manager, A. B. Gibson, all of Nephi, Utah. 2. That the owner (if owned by a coiporatioii, lis name and adre;-oust be stated ami also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporal ion, tho names and addresses of the individual owners must bo given. If owned by a firm, company, or other unincorporated concern, Its name and address as well as thoso of each individual member must be given.) Times-NewPublishing Co., Dennis Wood. A. B. Gibson. 3. That the known bondholders. mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding one per cent or more of tolol amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securltes: (If there are none so state) None. DKNNI.H WOOD. Kdltor. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28th day of July, 1 925. W. C. Andrews, Notary Public. Comfission expires Feb. 26th, 1929. Famous Royal Cords leavy and Extra Heavy Service 1 you hear every THE reports about the remarkable service of U. S. Royal Cords indicate how well they are do iig the job. The ir wr Mar..!" i: ARR0WHEA1 where the water is 98 per cent pure and 90 degrees temperature. Bring your parties and picnics lots of shade and best accomodations. Just a nice drive from Nephi on all paved highway. Special rates to large parties. WE CHANGE THE WATER DAILY. s Latcx-freate- Web J Cord construction gives them " quality that up under the hardest f service over all kinds k'ri J i of roads. For heavy service in nil sizes choose the U. S. Royal Cord; (orextra heavy service on larger cars, buses and light trucks the U. S. BuS'Truck Tire; for specially severe service on liht errs the U. S. Royal Or Extra Ili-vin 30 x 3'2 C:inther and 32 x 4 StraiKht Cld 1 y ill IJL v r.?;-.- -- . a 'f'.S'V V'-- - A MM I f- I I v It k Lu u. a. i ires " III"" ' from Judd's Garage UNITED STATES TIRES ARE GOOD nr t c inn tj t? - X. |