Show i 4 I 1 HOSPITAL REPORT I 1 tm mim i on january this year tile stockholders of the park city miners hospital held their annual meeting at which the doport of secretary john T leahy leaby was read tre the same same showing v very ery gratifying results for the year 1912 the report follows to the stockholders of park city miners hospital hospitals 1 I 1 herewith beg to submit for your consideration we the report of your secretary for the jeaa of 1912 in addition to the financial standing of the institution the re part contains the number of patients treated both in m hospital and doctors offices i the board of directors with ati th e hearty operation cooperation co 0 or j the tha nurses and doctors have hav guided the park city miners hospital through gh a very successful year the mortgage that has been hanging over the hospital has h as been paid off and a number of improvements have been added tc our institution our treasury at this time is is im rin a very healthy condit condition itin and every thin tiling points forward to a very vary bright futujma for the park city miners ilos from the different etc for 1912 silver king coalition daly west calv judge silver siler ki king ne con williams leasing co utah ore sampling co thompson quiney quincy daiv mining co 0 little bell mining co daly judge contract E L talbot abt 2400 P L williams lease L P contract crowther lease 2800 east ontario 2800 grasselli Clien chemical lical co 1900 new york bonanza american exploration co mines operating co ontario silver co jaa mcalwee Aleff ivee and son utah coal and supply H B J beggs mill kimbau kimball bros C J moore lease wm win carson lease welsh driscoll and buck total hospital dues received at office for private treatment etc receipts from grand ball miscellaneous receipts total receipts from mines private treatment grand ball and other sources jan 1 1912 bal on hand for january for february i for march for april for mut may for june for july for august for S for october for november for december total disbursements for the year as follows for Janu january axy for february for march alarca for april for may for juno june for july for august I 1 for september for october for november for december total total paid for sala salaries aies and services for thel year 1912 doctors salaries narses salary SeCre secretary twy salary janitor salary bourd seT services vices total total paid for supplies etc light and coal mis alim supplies kitchen supplies drug drugs s and supplies total 5 seven shares of stock purchased at 10 per share balance paid on cortage interest paid on cortage 2500 total paid for tock stock r and mortgage totals salaries aud and services 4 2 supplies and etc 8 paying mortgage and burcl basing stock grand total cash cah on band jan jam 1 1912 deposited in in 1912 total for 1912 bal on hand jan 1 1913 note miscellaneous disbursements consist of laundry X ray supplies water filter bed linen and supplies repairs on lj hospital plumbing etc the following statement shows the number of patients treaca treat ed different mines also private patients treated at hospital I 1 during the year 1912 silver king 68 daly west 37 fj taly aly judge 27 silver king con 1 new york 3 little bell 1 thompson quincy 1 utah ore sampling co 3 minos mines operating co 1 invite subscribers 5 private patients 45 bc bern rn 3 total i i otal treated in hospital for year 1912 discharged vied died 8 sumber number in hosp hospital il ya jan n 1 1912 7 number in hospital li jan 1 1913 7 doctors calls at hospital for year 1912 as follows li di A A browning dr AV J bardsley di E P lecompte total the following statement shows tire the number of patients treated in doctors offices dr br A A browning dr E P lecompte dr IV J bardsley total treated in doctors offices 1912 from the different mines as follows silver kins king col daly west judge abin mines es operating prating Op co 27 silver king corn 7 little bell 5 P r L williams ccase le aise 4 utah ore sampling co 13 mcalwee and sons 6 new york bonansa bonanca Bon ansa 4 american exploration co 4 kimball bros 4 U utah tali coal co 2 east ontario 1 private subscriptions 23 21 total number of stockholders on january 1st ast this year thre here were forty two stockholders 1 holding stock in the institution a aggregating r elatin shares outside oi of the park city miners U union i in this organization organisation aaion owns 2 shares a total of sli shares jares leaving 1608 shares in the treasury bad accounts there are thirty three pel sons some of them able to liquidate owing the hospital 1 I 1 in ill amounts am omits ranging from down to some of hese accounts date back eight years during secretary leaphys urra term of office indebtedness for rendered amounts to due from eight persons making the total amount due 1116 the hospital li from discharged patients with even half this amount collected the hospital materially ladd add to its equipment say in the purchase or ol au an hospital ambulance or come some other equally necessary adjunct new board the new management who will ivill conduct the affairs of tile park city miners hospital for tho the year 1913 is composed of the gentlemen W T quran quinn president jolia T leahy vice president frank towey secretary dan devaney treas aier u ter who with martini martin kelly dan cunningham Cunning hiam and martin me gumn guinn constitute the board of directors roc tors the popular institution D is in com competent t hands and in the future as in ali the past it will meet every requirement demanded of it |