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Show EXPONENT WOMAN'S 3 GO and Woman's Business Journal. Also in looking over the tax list we find in Am. Fork precinct one hundred and nineteen.Women who own property to the am o a n t of six ty:eiglit thousand dollura on "which" they pay taxes, this is taxation and no representation. Praying that women rwill never quit nor get weary in the suffrage cause until they are both heard and possess ihe greatest boon ever given to humanity the ballot. , Yours for suffrage. Tribune. -- Women's- to whom she was njch attached and for whom ' she had the tenderest sympathy. Coluhin, Hannah S. Lapisii-President- THE . v WOWS v She was always a faithful wife and mother; Edited and published weekly at Washington seeking every opportunity to promote the hapIjKWICK UOLBY. , V. U, by piness and comfort of the family of her husi iai I MIC, w I. Vu a jai. vJUUSVIIJUIUnS, TlVO band, ever their true nurse in sickness, affliction weeksjfojMOjcents, and trials, watching over them with all the Woman's The Journal, of Boston, and the Woman's Tricare and anxiety of a true mother and wife, of bune, Washington, D. C will be sent to one address for $3.00 per year. ready and willing at all time3 to sacrifice her own' comfort for their benefit. Together with her husband, she entertained, their friends anil neighbors in the most hospitable manner. Sister Allred will be greatly missed as a representative woman in Sanpete Stake, having Keeps on Hand been in the habit of traveling and meeting nnnns and trimminhs. fanpv with the sisters in the various localities for the nnpqs AND NOTIONS, BOOKS ARTICLES last ten or eleven years; but she has gone from AND STATIONERY, EQUIour midst, andwe will see her dear face no more POISE WAISTS, ETC. Dress Making in all its tranche?, lUlllincry, Iatos in our assemblies; but let us, my sisters, emu ffyles, lints and Ilonnets cleaned and late her noble example that we may be pre Feathers curled, etc. Stamplnff cloito to order. But covered while you wait. Kurial Suits n Sjeclalty" tons pared to dwell with her and the many loved KT PHWXSO UTI I STIS TZJZT" ones who haver1 passed behind thovaiI.rrRest 1NO. OO III. Three doors west of Theatre. in peace, dear sister, and may we. meet again where there shall be no more sad partings. M. A. P. Hyde. ilivi , OBITUARIES. WtlEELOCK. DALLIN MARIAN Dear Sister Wells: ; is with feelings of the deepest It sympathy that I communicate to you the deathof our beloved sister, Mrs. Marian Dalljn Wheelife-otlieJ 3 th of iL; March after a.liogering illness of eight weeks, which she bore with patient resignation. She wa3 a loving and affectionate wile and' tender mother, and was gifted with many noble and redeeming qualities, bister Wheelock was the 4ockr-wha-deparlLdLh- i3 daUgllter OI XUUIU3 nuu iiumta juramu, itj Monmouthshire, England, born in Newport embraced the gospel in She 1831. May 27th, her girlhood and emigrated to Utah, iu 1852. Her devotion to the cause of truth has been manifested in her daily life. She was an earnest worker in whatever she engaged in, and her los3 will bs greatfy felt. ; rrnnva ollQ - WHO fl 'fl4ltllAll fl II I diligent teacher in "the Sunday School where her labors will be greatly missed. During the last five years she was president of the Primary Associafion of the South Ward, Mt. Pleasant, but in Aug, 1891, sent in her resignation on account of failing health. She never was happier than when laboring . J : OI 'f. wiwweiu m mo 'mong'tne highest esieem by not only the children of ISlt. Pleasant, but by a host gf iriends who . knew her throughout the lerntory. : She had the love of all ghe knew and if she had an enemy we knew it not. Her aged husbaud has the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community, as also her bereaved children. The funeral was largely attended by a host oi sympathizing ineaas ana relatives. , . 1 4 . .. .. 1.-- I 1, yoain'-oi-iou.-oi- . M. F. C. Morrison. ELIZABETH ALLRED. In loving remembrance of Sifter Elizabetb Allred,wife of Bishop J. A. All red, and a faithfulJDauiiselQriii thi presidencyLjQLtheKelkf. Snfip.tv of Sanpete btake, associated also with ' Bitter Sarah Peterson, which place she filled honorably until her death; she was ever a wise Counselor. Her demise occurred February 22ud; 18U2, otV pneumonia, at her residence in dpring Citvat the age of 09 years. As a kind neighbor, faithful counselor and a true friend, I regarded her with the utmost love and affection,0 and on my return home after an absence -mAiiflia T art.....nil- - miss hpr- soifitv nrul Ulff..,,. iUUl iuuuviw companionship more than can tell, as she was always one of the first to welcome me whenever I had been absent. flliA.,nivf!iiinsplnr in tlm o:i...lHi.ul Relief Society at Spring City.Sanjete Co.,iu our first S3ciety there many years previous to the Stakes organizatiou,and I mourn her loss most deeply and sincerely though I feel assured she Kas gone to a better world where all 'cafe and suffering is over and the weary are at rest. She has left a host of iriends, for whom. she.. always bad a smile and a kind word, whatever her, own' troubles might be: She never ceased to mourn the loss of her only son, Stephen, who tally killed by the traiSfiPTh hth-- : Station in lDec.1890, more than a year previous to her death, leaving a very numerous family - -- ! ri-u-a, aaidiu TRIBUNE, il'ii P -- , NOTES AND NEWS. Anthonv will attend the an nual meeting of the Michigan E. S. A., to be held at Battle Creek, May 4 and 5. Mis3 Susan B. ' 26,28, 30and32 East 1st SoiithSt, SATjT lake city. - The New York Legislature is flooded with protests against the proposals' to license the social evil. Petitions against it are coming in, the Buffalo Evening JSews says, 'by the thousand and "by the cord. The Leading Retail Cash. Hoiisev The Republican women of Wyoming are talking of the formation of a woman s Republican League with the idea of aiding the party. which "gave statehood toWyoming;and with it presidential suffrage for women. Ex. Sorosis celebrated its twenty-fourt- "OMA'S THE birthday h Sherry s last month. 1 hree hundred. women sat down to breakfast at tables decked with smilax, violets; and roses. The question for ..at discussion was "Women's : evolu- Clubs-the- ir Standard Gauge VESTERN - - tion, their present relations to Women and to society, juid their iuture deyelopment. - RAILWAYI A ..THROUGH THE.. The Woman's Journal remarks that while nearly half the States of the Union have given women school sunrage and have found it harm less, "these school suffrage States are still afraid that the most disastrous results would follow ROCKY MOUNTAINS! muniei pal suffrage." Thi3 seems to be rather a naive admission that the workings of woman suffrage, so far as experimented with, are not at all convincing to the States which make the ' experiment. lioston Daily JournaL Choice otThree-DistincLRouie- s,- AKD THE SCENERY HOST MAGNIFICENT RAILROAD An amusing incident is reported in connection with the recent exhibition of the bust of Louisa M. Alcott, made by Mr. Elwell, the sculptor, whose boast it is that he was one of Mk3 AJcoUVJ displayed with other works of art at a studio reception, two women were observed to pause before a bust of Mary Magdalene and heard to ay,rin tones of disappointmentrthat itdid not come up to their ideal of Miss Alcott. Two Fast Express Trains Daily EACH WAT BETWEEN' OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. ELEGANT RECLINING CHAIR GARS! iTree of Charge. Direct Connections made in Union Depots. TEE MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED RAILWAY ' IN THE WEST. DR.:JtAGGIE C. SHIPP, D. 0. JJODGB, A. E. WELBT, J. H. BENNETT, Will commence herSpring class in Obstetrics and Nursing on Monday May 9, 1892 at her Office 18, S. Main St. MRS. M. E. VAN', If. I)- - HAS REMOVED hefeoffice, from Constitution Building to her. rcsideuce, I67THIRD STREET Office hours, 2 to 4 p.m. TINNERS CAS, WATER &. STEAM '.FITTERS f for RUSISEY'S celebrated LIFTandFOK PUMFS. Pumps Repaired on short notice. Orders trri 43-Ag- ent the country promptly responded to. . EA7D;A-SJ- 2h 3. ZILZ ilw'zC?'" |